literary world

Chapter 70 All of Our Crew Are Talents

Chapter 70 All of Our Crew Are Talents

When Fang Nan led a group of main actors to practice in full swing, Cai Yinong and Yao Zhuangxian, the father of Xianjian, came, followed by the chosen son Hu Ge.

"Director, thank you."

With Cai Yinong on his back, Hu Ge thanked Fang Nan in a low voice, with excitement and gratitude in his eyes, Fang Nan calmly patted his thin shoulders as a sign of encouragement.

"Yao Xian, this is Liu Qianqian, playing the role of Zhao Linger, you have seen the makeup photos, and An Yixuan, Liu Pinyan, Peng Yuyan played Lin Yueru, Anu, and Tang Yu Xiaobao."

Finally, Cai Yinong introduced Fang Nan: "This is Fang Nan's director, the action director of "Sword"."

When shaking hands, Yao Xian exclaimed, "You are so young!"

Fang Nan smiled, and Cai Yinong laughed and said, "The crew of "The Immortal Sword" is all young people from the director to the actors. After the show is released, young people will definitely love to watch it."

Yao Xian smiled and nodded. So far, all the main creators of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" have arrived, and all crew members have entered Hengdian.

The so-called soldiers and horses have not moved, and food and grass go first. Cai Yinong, who was born as the coordinator of the Academy Awards, is playing a trick in the promotion.

May 5th: Taiwan Daewoo Corporation announced that it will cooperate with Tang Tang Film and Television to shoot its popular game "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

May 5th: Tang Tang Film and Television officially admitted that the project of "Legend of Sword and Fairy I" has been established, and the crew is ready to go, and the filming will officially start soon.

May 5th: Photos of Hu Ge and Liu Yifei with make-up appeared on the Tianya Entertainment section, which attracted a lot of scolding. Annoyed, Liu Qianqian ate a steamed bun for dinner on the spot.

May 5: The action director of "Legend of Sword and Fairy One" was revealed to be the culprit of "covering his face and killing", Gao Yuanyuan's lover, in an instant, the slogan "Give me back my goddess, beat Fang Nan" became a clamor The headline of the Tianya entertainment section.

On the night when Fang Nan learned of this incident, Fang Nan stormed into Cai Yinong's room angrily, "You screwed up, you screwed up! Don't make eye contact with me in the future, I'm a director, not an actor!"

After quarreling with Cai Yinong and returning to the room, Fang Nan who was lying on the bed was still very angry.

But this time, he was angry with the netizens on the Internet.

Who are these people?
Back then, when "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" was not released, netizens said that his "covering his face and killing" was love, as sweet as honey!

Now, "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" started its second round of national hits, Gao Yuanyuan became popular and became your goddess in front of the screen, and I, Fang Nan, became a stinky shit.

Become an object to be knocked down!

"I'm worse than Dou E!" Fang Nan fell asleep.

Cai Yinong's stupid operation completely fired up "Sword One", but it was an evil fire. From Fang Nan to the main creative staff, everyone counted. flooded.

June 6: The launch conference of "Legend of Sword and Fairy One" was held in Hengdian as scheduled.

Li Guoli, Fang Nan, Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian, An Yixuan, Liu Pinyan and Peng Yuyan all sat on the stage.

Reporter: "I would like to ask Liu Qianqian, what do you think of the netizen saying that you are too fat to play Zhao Linger?"

Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes, "huh" sneered: "It's none of your business whether I'm fat or not, do you want me to cut bones for a play?"

All the reporters in the audience were dumbfounded. This little girl is too rigid. She doesn't have the burden of being an idol?She doesn't know that we are the media?Who gave her the courage?

Not to mention the reporters, Fang Nan sitting on the stage was stunned, how could he learn to be venomous?

Reporter: "I want to ask Liu Pinyan, what do you think of game fans boycotting the filming of "Legend of Sword and Sword"?"

Liu Pinyan got astigmatism in an instant: "I don't know, I go to the director's uncle's room every day to watch him play gun games. Apart from shooting guns, he doesn't know how to play other games."

Fang Nan's head was full of black lines: "Can you tell me the name of the game? If you shoot or not, the game is called CS!"

All the reporters in the audience were speechless, can you find out the key points!
Reporter: "I want to ask Hu Ge, as a rookie actor, what do you think of game fans' dislike of "Legend of Sword and Sword One"?"

Hu Ge: "I will work hard, I believe the two directors can make this movie well."

Reporters: This is a good boy.

Reporter: "Ask An Yixuan."

An Yixuan: "I trust the director."

The reporter asked Peng Yuyan, Peng Yuyan also said "believe in the director", Fang Nan felt scared, this is to kill him and Li Guoli.

He knew that "Fairy Sword" was scolded as shit by game fans in the early days.

Under the table, Fang Nan bumped Li Guoli's thigh: "Director Li, please say something."

"Tell me." Li Guoli, with a thick beard, said.

Fang Nan asked him, "What are you talking about?"

Li Guoli: "Say whatever you want."

""Legend of Sword and Fairy One" will be the number one fairy tale drama in China, and this record will remain unbroken for 15 years! Every one of you here is a witness!"

Li Guoli was dumbfounded, "This punk boy, let you say that you didn't let you brag!"

Actors Hu Ge, Liu Qianqian and others were all stunned, "In addition to being the best in kung fu, Director Fang is also the number one in bragging rights!"

The on-site media said, "This Lao Shizi's "Sword" crew is full of talents from the director to the actors!"

Cai Yinong was in a hurry, and ran out from the backstage, yelling "This is the end of the launch conference, this is the end", and at the same time hurriedly asked Zhao Zhufa to temporarily add a red envelope with a red ticket. Not sure how to write it.

"What sin did I do to choose such a director and such a group of actors." Cai Yinong stared at the giggling young actors on the stage, feeling extremely unwilling.

No matter how unwilling Cai Yinong was, there was nothing he could do to remedy it. On the second day of the press conference, "Legend of Sword and Fairy One" was officially launched in Hengdian Film and Television City to worship God.

After the producer, producer, producer, and director offered incense one by one, Fang Nan didn't say any fart prayers this time. He prayed three times and put the three sticks of incense into the incense burner to finish.

During "A Chinese Ghost Story", he prayed again and again. During the filming of the crew, nine people were still injured in a row. This time, he simply broke the can.

"Brother Nan, smoke a cigarette, the filming will start later."

After the crew finished worshiping the gods, Hu Ge imitated Zhao Zhu, Ma Dayong, and Huang Ze's calling Fa Baba and ran over to hand Fang Nan a cigarette.


"Director Fang, the camera is ready."


"Director, the lighting is on."


"All props are fine."


Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian: "The actors are ready."


"Director, you can start shooting."

Fang Nan: "Let's hit the board and start shooting."

"The fifth scene of "Legend of Sword and Fairy One", the first scene, start."

Fang Nan, who listened to Chang Ji's Mandarin, raised his eyebrows unconsciously, feeling relieved, but just two seconds after he felt relieved, he saw Hu Ge grabbing Liu Qianqian and running out of the camera.

"Bang" the monitor stand sounded, and Fang Nan stood up "shua", "Hu Ge, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? The teacher in the theater taught you to act like this? He is a formal acting school." Can the students who come out run out of the camera?"

(End of this chapter)

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