literary world

Chapter 77 See You After Years

Chapter 77 See you in ten years
At the end of the quarrel, Cai Yinong entered the box with a camera full of interest, took pictures, and smiled at Mama Liu, "It's nice to be young!"

Fang Nan knew that she was a villain, and had been thinking about Liu Qianqian, a young actress of the new generation, so he didn't tell the truth, and greeted everyone to eat and drink.

Tonight is over, and tomorrow I have to go to hell again.

Cai Yinong, the producer and producer, no matter how kind he is to win over people, he will not still be filmed by the crew for eight hours a day.

Even right now, because of the strong aura of the two of them, the atmosphere in the box became tense. Fang Nan dismissed the dinner party when he saw that the food was about the same.

They went back to their rooms, and Zeng Li made Fang Nan a cup of tea in a considerate manner.

At the wine table just now, everyone else was drinking and red wine, but Fang Nan drank white wine, and An Yixuan made a toast to the director, and Zeng Li saw him drink a whole bottle of white wine.

"What kind of tea is this, why haven't I seen it before?"

Seeing that there was a long vine in the cup, which didn't look like ginseng, Fang Nan put the cup to his mouth down again.

Seeing that Fang Nan frowned, smelling the tea for a while, and looking at the plants in the cup for a while, Zeng Li said dissatisfied: "You can drink it at ease, I can still harm you?"

Sitting on the bed, Fang Nan chuckled and said, "It won't hurt, I'm afraid you'll put something confusing and sleep with me!"

Zeng Li knocked on Fang Nan's head: "What are you talking about, no one would do such a thing!"

"Oh." Fang Nan sighed, "You're so innocent."

He and Zeng Li have known each other for more than two years. From the short contact of more than two years, from Fang Nan's point of view, this woman is very innocent. The existence of a beautiful woman.

From this, it can be concluded that Zeng Li, who was born in a Chinese opera and is crowned with seven golden flowers, has never become popular. It is no wonder that such a person can become popular.

In the 2000s, which one was the best in the entertainment industry was the one who was extremely intelligent and dared to give up his horse.

Sidan Shuangbing doesn't have the aura of "willing to cut the whole body and dare to pull the emperor off the horse", then it can't become Sidan Shuangbing!

Zeng Li said dissatisfied: "You are the one who is pure."

Fang Nan glanced at her and said, "Hey, you're not innocent, so tell me, if a few people at the table tonight choose for you, who would you choose as your friend? Except me of course!"

"If there is you, I will not choose you."

After angering Fang Nan, Zeng Li wrinkled her smooth forehead lightly, "Choose the youngest one, the little girl has a sweet mouth and loves to laugh, it's great to have such a little sister."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Fang Nan, and then saw Fang Nan slightly twitched the corner of his mouth with a disgusted expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Zeng Li pushed Fang Nan and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I still don't believe that you are innocent. If you don't choose a table with so many people, you choose the most powerful one!"

Zeng Li was curious: "Tell me, how amazing is it?"

"Isn't it amazing to have such a sweet mouth? Even a director like me is flattered by her, but I can't do anything about her. Are you serious?"

"She debuted as a group singer, and she also has a song album. She is not a newcomer for a long time, but she is so innocent and cute, and she is not artificial? This little girl is much more capable and powerful than you."

Zeng Li retorted: "People can't be cute from the bottom of their hearts. After all, they are only teenagers? You just think of people as bad!"

Fang Nan rolled his eyes: "You're not very old, so why aren't you cute from the bottom of your heart? Sit outside the crowd every day?"

After finishing speaking, Fang Nan patted Zeng Li's thin shoulder and said with emotion: "Lizi, the entertainment industry is not so easy to mess with!"

"Tch, then I didn't see you avoiding others." Zeng Li said disdainfully.

"Why should I avoid it? People don't like me. I'm using this example to tell you that if you want to get ahead in the entertainment industry, you not only have to think about it, you also have to change your character of not fighting or grabbing. Of course. , we can't agree to something too outrageous."

"If I can't continue, I will go to open a tea shop."

After finishing speaking fiercely, Zeng Li stood up, pointed to the water glass in Fang Nan's hand and said, "Do you want to drink? Don't give it to me!"

"Drink." Fang Nan, who was thirsty, raised his cup and drank it down.

Inspired by Zeng Li, Fang Nan went to wash up in a daze, and then fell asleep with his head covered.

The next day.

The filming of the crew of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" in Hengdian Film and Television City has officially entered a crazy mode.

Among them, Hu Ge is the worst. The company's other drama "Dandelion" is ending. He is the leading role and has to run on both sides.

Fang Nan hinted twice that he should not try too hard, and he dared not say anything more.

And not to mention, he couldn't remember when many things happened, for example, if "Sword of Heaven" was filmed at this time, he couldn't know, it was all done for the first time.

At night, Fang Nan rubbed his forehead and called to Ma Dayong: "The fireworks are ready?"

"It's all set."

Fang Nan stood up with a nod, and said to the actors who had finished their makeup, "Get in your position, get ready to start filming, memorize your lines, it's best to go through them once, everyone is having fun in this part."

This scene at night is the emotional watershed of the drama "Sword of Heaven". After the scene of "see you again in ten years", the rest of the drama is full of tragedy.

"Director, I'm fine!"

After Hu Ge spoke first, Liu Qianqian, An Yixuan, Wang Lujiang, Peng Yuyan, Liu Pinyan, and Deng Limin, who played Elder Shi, either shouted or nodded their heads.

"All departments are ready."

In front of the monitor, Fang Nan yelled through the walkie-talkie, the lights and cameras were all turned on, "Scene recording," Fang Nan said again.

"The 110th scene of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is the first real filming. Let's start."

"I, Li Xiaoyao, will be the number one hero in the world"

"I, Lin Yueru, want to make the Lin Family Fort the largest gang in the world"

"I, Zhao Linger, want to make all the people of Nanzhao Kingdom happy!"

"I, Liu Jinyuan, want it"

"I am Tang Yu"

"My Anu"

After the actor finished speaking, Fang Nan called into the intercom: "Ma Dayong, set off the fireworks!"


In the wilderness, bright fireworks rise from the starry night sky. This thing is actually irrational, but film and television are the products of artistic re-creation, and no one cares about them.

"That's all for today, everyone pack up their things, call it a day and go back to the hotel."

When Fang Nan spoke, the on-site staff got busy, and Hu Ge and others who were free came over, "Brother Nan, can you tell me about the script? It's hard to understand the fate behind it, and we have to shoot tomorrow."

"You should find a screenwriter for such a philosophical question." Fang Nan refused.

The so-called fate in "Sword and Sword One" was probably vague when the screenwriter wrote it, because it was based on the game.

Many people who like this drama in later generations have figured out the Taoism in it, and even their understanding of Taoism.

There are all kinds of unimaginable speculations.

But Fang Nan is a director. According to his director's understanding, this drama does not have so many mysterious things, or what the screenwriter wants to present is not these things.

Whether it's Liu Jinyuan and Caiyi in the front, Jiang Ming and Nv Wan in the back, this drama is actually paving the way for Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er's transsexual relationship to end badly. Several plots are layered on top of each other to attract the audience, right? !
(End of this chapter)

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