Chapter 78

At the end of the filming of "The Immortal Sword", Fang Nan gave Cai Yinong two songs.

One is "Always Quiet" and the other is "Xiaoyaotan". "Xiaoyaotan" only has words.

"How do you count?" It's rare that after reading the lyrics, Cai Yinong didn't think about nothing, and didn't even care if it didn't fit the style of the play.

And Fang Nan is also old-fashioned, "It's Always Quiet" just use it, don't even think about the copyright.

As for "Xiaoyaotan", how much copyright income should be paid for the lyrics.

The popularity of this song is high, but the profit is very low.

The original singer, Hu Ge, was devoted to being an actor. He obviously could sing, and some of his songs were very popular, but he was so hypocritical that he had never even held a concert. Fang Nan felt that he was making a lot of money.

After the deal was over, Cai Yinong brought up the script again, Fang Nan was motivated now, if the company was willing to invest in "The Unknown", it would save him a lot of trouble.

"The company can only come up with 500 million."

Fang Nan's face almost burst into a smile: "Enough, enough."

""Suspicion" costs 300 million yuan." Cai Yinong's slow words poured down on Fang Nan's head like a downpour.

"Alright." After a moment of hesitation, Fang Nan still agreed.

He made a budget of about 500 million for the film "The Unknown". If you really have no money, you can make do with 400 million. Anyway, you don't expect to hire any big-name stars. It will save NG and save film, and the food, drink and housing will be poor. Some, should be enough.

As for the shortfall of 200 million, with 200 million in hand, the rest can be borrowed or loaned, and it can be made up in any way.

Cai Yinong asked again: "How much is your script budget?"

"Around 500 million."

"Give me the script, and I'll make a budget for you. I still have some resources here. Let's see if I can find some more for you."

Fang Nan thought about it for a while, took out the script in the bag and handed it over, but kept the scenes and so on.

Just after all this was done, the phone on the bed rang, and when I picked it up, it turned out to be Lai Qingshui.

Said to ask him for help as a martial arts instructor?How much is the movie about?

"I signed a director contract with Tang Tang Film and Television. I need to talk to the company about the quotation. Director Lai, you can talk to me first. I'll make as few calls as possible to the agent." Putting down the phone, Fang Nan was a little puzzled. Qing Shui's subordinates are full of talents, how could they find him.

As for whether to go or not, that's not the case. Lai Qingshui chose him as the assistant director when filming "The Legend of Heaven and Sword". Although there are reasons for Zeng Li and Huang Weiming.

But it is Lai Qingshui himself who makes the final decision. It is not an exaggeration for this person to say that he has been kind to him. This time, asking him for a small favor is not justified.

Cai Yinong didn't leave all this time, he listened sincerely, and then said, "Can the other party agree to 30?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "Stop talking nonsense, 15 is not bad."

Lai Qingshui is on the left to help, and the one on the right is helping, isn't that obvious?I just don't want to hire people at a high price.

The point is, he also has self-knowledge, how can he be worth so much money.

The work he has really sold so far is "A Chinese Ghost Story".

"A Chinese Ghost Story" is still quite popular. Some time ago, it was re-released across the country, and the ratings in first-tier cities such as Shenzhen and Hangzhou even reached 5%, but it was not enough for him to reach 30.

Another one, he acted as the action director for "Sword of Heaven", and Cai Yinong only paid him 10 yuan for digging and searching. "A Chinese Ghost Story" became popular, and he didn't say anything about raising his salary.

"Okay, I'll wait for the other party's call." After speaking, Cai Yinong talked about the reason why he came to find Fang Nan early in the morning.

"Hurry up on "Sword of Immortal Sword", Dao Li surpassed your progress by several days." Cai Yinong urged.

Talking about the progress of the filming, Fang Nan also had a headache. The second half of the filming was full of mysterious and mysterious lines and bitter scenes, and the performance was very difficult.

A group of young actors in their teens and 20s, you make him laugh, it’s very neat; you make him cry, and make him make painful expressions of dead relatives and friends every day, which is very difficult.

Even the 16-year-old Liu Qianqian has acted in the scene of giving birth. How fast can this progress be?

Following Cai Yinong out of the room, Fang Nan went straight to the actor's car.

"Qiqian, you have a big task today. The producer was urging me to hurry up." After getting into the co-pilot, Fang Nan said to Liu Qianqian who was in the back row.

"I know, I borrowed all of Sister Li's babies."

As Liu Qianqian spoke, she lifted up a 10-month-old child in her arms. Fang Nan couldn't help being startled when she saw it, "Whose is it? Li Yun's?"

Li Yun is a stylist on the production team. He broke up with the man shortly after the child was born, and his family refused to let him in, so he carried the child on his back wherever he went. Since he was a contracted employee of Tangtang Film and Television, Cai Yinong also said hello Fang Nan turned one eye and closed the other.

Liu Qianqian nodded with a smile on her face and said, "Yes, this kid is really fun."

"What if you cry later?" Fang Nan complained.

It didn't take long for Longhua to arrive in Hengdian, and the child was crying halfway. Who could take care of the people in the car?

Liu Qianqian raised her hand and said triumphantly, "Look, I brought a feeding bottle, and this child is very good!"

Fang Nan curled his lips, turned his head and took out a cigarette, thought about the child behind him, put it back, put his hands in his arms and narrowed his eyes.

But after a while, he was woken up by the child's bitter noise.

He looked back, Liu Qianqian and Liu Pinyan in the back row were making grimaces, and the one who stuffed the bottle was busy. They were sweating profusely, and the makeup they put on in the morning was smeared on their faces, like a butterfly, angry. Fang Nan's gums creaked.

The child kept crying, Fang Nan hurriedly asked the driver to stop, and changed cars with the child's mother in the next car, and it was considered clean.

When they arrived at the set, Fang Nan hurriedly asked the makeup artist to touch up the makeup. Along the way, he hoped that Liu Qianqian would be able to shoot the childbirth scene as she thought, if she had more contact with the child.

But soon, Fang Nan gave up.

"Cissy, forget it, let's pull up the curtain, you scream a few times, and I'll take a picture of the distant view." Fang Nan grabbed the sides of the quilt with both hands on the bed, his head was completely hot. It's sweat, said Liu Qianqian, who was still trying to pretend to be in labor pain.

Mama Liu stood beside her without saying a word. She had taught her daughter a few times, but having a baby is beyond imagination.

Liu Qianqian didn't want to give up, so Fang Nan had to take a few shots to extract the essence, and then quickly shouted "pass", and he couldn't help cursing again.


As soon as he finished here, Liu Pinyan wiped his tears and said, "What's the matter? Did you get scolded and cried by Director Li?"

Li Guoli, who was following behind Liu Pinyan, said dissatisfiedly, "Nanzi, you're on the street, don't keep slandering me, you're the one who yells and cries the most in the entire crew."

"Uncle Director, I'm done." Liu Pinyan hugged Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was speechless: "Come on, let's go, why are you crying?"

"I'm going back to Taiwan, and I'll never see you again." Liu Pinyan said aggrievedly.

Li Guoli's crew was all finished, most of the actors left at once, and there were only two protagonists left in the whole crew, and they had to make up shots.

With the addition of Li Guoli as a new force, the crew of "Sword of Heaven" rushed to finish filming on September 9th. The total shooting time was 15 days and the training time was one month.

(End of this chapter)

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