literary world

Chapter 79 The old horse stumbled

Chapter 79 The old horse stumbled

What Lai Qingshui urged was urgent!
Fang Nan's "Immortal Sword" had just ended, and he was still in Hengdian, so Lai Qingshui called on the left and right.

No way, Fang Nan could only hurry to Zhuozhou Film and Television City.

He was originally going to be at the finale banquet of "Sword of Heaven", but he tricked Liu Ma into letting Liu Qianqian play the role of a high school girl in "The Unknown", but Lai Qingshui couldn't sit down to talk after such a urging.

After this village, if "Tian Long Ba Bu" is released and I want to invite Liu Qianqian, I don't know what the salary will be.

With this regret, Fang Nan hurriedly boarded the passenger plane to BJ.

In 2003, Hebei's civilian airports HD Airport and Beidaihe Airport had not yet started construction, so he had to go to a BJ first and then transfer to a passenger car all the way to Zhuozhou Film and Television City.

Before coming, Cai Yinong threw him a document containing several pages of A4 paper.

Only then did he know that Lai Qingshui had sent the script earlier, and Cai Yinong took it out a moment before he went to the airport in order to let him finish his "Sword" with peace of mind.

The script is very rough, like a manuscript, and the title of the script "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" is a few words.

Fang Nan didn't care either. Lai Qingshui had revealed to him that the drama "The Legend of Heroine Doctor" was just to take advantage of the popularity of "The Legend of Heaven and Slaying the Dragon" to make a quick buck. Most of the money was paid by Lai Qingshui himself. Gao Yuanyuan and Jia Jingwen are all friendly prices.

Of course, he didn't run away either. The price of friendship is 8 yuan, and the position is action guidance.

There are three reasons for asking him.

1: cheap.

2: Lai Qingshui has watched "A Chinese Ghost Story", and the action style in some places in "Medical Ghost" is somewhat similar to "A Chinese Ghost Story".

3: Lai Qingshui designed a move for the actor Zhao Wenzhuo, causing the opposite actor to be kicked in the crotch, and he is still in the hospital.

Fang Nan was a little dumbfounded when he heard Mr. Zhao confiscated his foot and kicked it in the crotch of the actor. Did he confiscate his foot again?

The last time he was kicked and squatted by this guy, the two of them took a photo together afterward, but the photo disappeared somewhere.

All the way to Zhuozhou Film and Television City, it was almost dark, Lai Qingshui was still filming in full swing, the actress Gao Yuanyuan was filming two films at the same time, and she could only stay for three days in one trip, so she had to shoot to death.

In the era when the Internet is popular in the later generations, actor-playing is a full-fledged black spot, and those who are not dedicated to their work can be scolded as Cheng Xiang.

But in this era, it is considered a normal job. The more dramas you participate in, it means that the actor is popular, and you can earn money by working with the crew every day.

Now that the country's economy is on the rise and various industries are booming, making money is what everyone is trying to do again. Unlike later generations, when they have money, they think about traveling, fitness, and chasing spiritual life.

After shaking hands with Fang Nan, Lai Qingshui pointed at Gao Yuanyuan who walked out of the camera and said, "We all know each other, I won't introduce you, you guys talk about it yourself."

Gao Yuanyuan gathered the gauze skirt on her body: "It's pretty fast."

Fang Nan glanced at her, then quickly rolled his eyes up: "There is no way, Director Lai is in a hurry."

He is 178cm tall, and Gao Yuanyuan's veil skirt is designed with a low cut, and he unconsciously glanced at the snow-white gully.

After one person finished speaking one sentence, the two of them lost everything, and it was exactly the same as when they sent text messages to each other.

After BJ's "that bar" met and exchanged cell phone numbers, the two would sometimes text to chat about homework.

But Fang Nan was single and didn't know how to do housework. Every time after four or five messages, he either didn't bother to reply, or fell asleep in a daze.

"Nan Tsai, I'll have someone take you back to the hotel first, you can join the group tomorrow." Lai Qingshui relieved the embarrassment with a voice.

"Hey, okay, I'll put the bag back first."

Taking the crew car to Zhuozhou Town, Fang Nan was shocked to see the hotel where "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" lived. In the public bathrooms, the hot water was turned on by oneself, but the room had a bathroom.

"Except for the director and the three leading actors, everyone else is like this." The driver who brought him back left a sentence and hurried back.

There are all kinds of old facilities and furniture in the room, and the pungent musty smell in the room made Fang Nan have to say again, "These guys from Xiangjiang and Taiwan are so petty, they will die!"

In the hotel room remodeled by the farmer himself, Fang Nan dropped his travel bag, kicked the long yellow cabinet lightly and found that it was still safe, and took out a pen and paper.

When BJ got off the plane, Cai Yinong sent him a message, saying that the handed-out script of "Walking in a Barren Chamber" had an extra investment of 20 yuan, and the capital came from Bona.

This news made him very excited, and he hurriedly continued to draw storyboards to conceive what props he needed.

When it was getting dark, two more storyboard pictures were finished, and a curious voice sounded from the door of the room: "Hey, Director Fang Nan?"

"Zhao Qin? You live with Miss Gao on the set?"

"Yeah, Yuanyuan ran on both sides recently, I was worried, so I just followed."

Zhao Qin said, walked in slowly, glanced at Fang Nan's storyboard, and said curiously: "Is this a movie storyboard? You have worked too hard, you just joined the film crew here, and you are thinking about the movie storyboard again." Mirror map."

When Fang Nan buried his head and continued to write, he sighed and said: "Oh, there is no way, if you don't make this script, maybe someone will cut it off, people are evil!"


Surprised, Zhao Qin took a sneaky look at Fang Nan, and saw that he looked serious, not like boasting, and couldn't help but feel moved.

"The copyright owners of several popular songs on the market, and the director's drama is also popular, and the script to be filmed is being scrambled by the industry?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Qin smiled brightly: "Go ahead, I'll go out and buy some vegetables, and when Yuan Yuan comes back, I'll clean up the dust for you in your room."

Fang Nan shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, just eat with the crew."

"Forget it, tomorrow you will know what the crew is up to."

Zhao Qin left in a hurry, Fang An did not suspect him, Zhao Qin was just a manager, what could she do with two storyboards?
At most, when they are optimistic about his success, they try their best to persuade Gao Yuanyuan to establish a relationship with him, hoping to get involved.

And whether "The Unknown" will be successful, he himself can't say for sure.

The movie-watching tastes of the market and the audience will change at any time, and he can't change these even if he does it all over again.

When it was completely dark, more than 30 people from the crew of "The Legend of Doctor Heroes" came back. Fang Nan and Jia Jingwen went downstairs to eat while talking and laughing, and bumped into Zhao Qin who was going upstairs with big bags.

Then he and Jia Jingwen were persuaded to go back to the room.

"I have two bottles of good wine, wait for me."

After putting a lot of cold and hot dishes on the long cabinet, Zhao Qin went back to the room to bring a bottle of white wine and a bottle of red wine.

"Fang Dao, you have great strength, help uncork the red wine, and I will open the white wine for you."

"Everyone drink less, I see that you all seem to be quite tired." Fang Nan persuaded after pouring a small glass of white wine.

Gao Yuanyuan ignored Fang Nan, raised his glass and said, "Give me something white, drink it and go to sleep."

Fang Nan looked at Zhao Qin, "Give Yuanyuan some less." After Zhao Qin finished speaking, Jia Jingwen also joined in the fun: "Give me some too."

"Jingwen, don't drink it. You just took a big sip of red wine. It's easy to get drunk when you mix the two wines together." Zhao Qin glanced at Jia Jingwen and tried her best to persuade her.

Fang Nan also persuaded: "Indeed, I don't like to drink two kinds of wine either."

"Leave less." Jia Jingwen insisted, so Fang Nan had to give her a little less.

"Yuanyuan, where's your phone?"

Gao Yuanyuan raised his mobile phone: "Here?"

"Play some soothing music for me." Zhao Qin said.

Drinking with three men, reuniting old friends is a thousand cups; drinking with three women, drinking is not called drinking, it is called wine tasting, and you have to have a petty bourgeois sentiment.

Fang Nan sipped at a leisurely pace, occasionally participating in the conversation of the three women.

He waited until Zhao Qin asked for a role.

But he believed too much in his own IQ. Until the end of the wine game, Zhao Qin not only didn't mention the character, he didn't even mention the storyboard. country.

"Call me when you get up early tomorrow." Gao Yuanyuan said to Fang Nan with a flushed face when he left.

"Understood." Fang Nan closed the door.

After washing his body with cold water, he went to bed. The musty smell in the room annoyed him, and he tried to resist sleeping for an unknown amount of time. Fang Nan felt something was wrong all over his body, it was very hot.

With a "beep beep", the air conditioner was lowered to 16 degrees. Standing under the air conditioner, I felt a little cooler when there was a knock on the door.

"You have my mobile phone?" After opening the door, Gao Yuanyuan walked in.

"I don't know, you can find it yourself." Sitting at the end of the bed, Fang Nan wiped the sweat from his brow, and said, "Didn't Zhao Qin take the music listening?"

"She said she forgot to take it away. You turn on the light and I'll look for it."

The incandescent lamp was turned on, and Gao Yuanyuan's slender, white neck was pouted, pulling out the three drawers of the long cabinet one by one, making Fang Nan's mouth parched.

"found it."

After a while, Gao Yuanyuan turned around and exclaimed, the face facing Fang Nan was red and white, Fang Nan felt uncomfortable, "Do you feel something wrong?" Fang Nan asked her.

"Your air conditioner seems to be broken, it's a bit hot in the room!"

Gao Yuanyuan sat down next to Fang Nan, but he didn't realize that he trembled unconsciously.

I don't know who stretched out the hand first, anyway, as soon as the two touched each other, they hugged each other as if they were electrocuted.

After turning off the lights, Fang Nan had a dream.

[2000 words are omitted below, and there will be explanations later]

(End of this chapter)

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