The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 265 One shot breaks all spells

Chapter 265
"Even if I'm a companion, I won't release water during the battle!" Kisame, who has a combative personality, naturally wants to have a good fight when he meets a master.

The shark, which was supposed to be able to swim in the water, was like an arrow flying off the string in the air, turned a corner in the high air, and shot towards Skaha.

The red eyes with wisdom pierced the future, and she "saw" it:
Four huge sharks split into thousands of small shark water bombs in the air, falling down like a torrential rain.


With her left hand outstretched, a crimson spear landed in her hand like a projection, and her five fingers in black gloves were suddenly tightened.


Four large water sharks exploded suddenly in the air, splitting thousands of small shark water bombs, and under the acceleration of the explosion, they rushed away more quickly, covering a large area including Skaha.

The two long spears in Skaha's hand stabbed forward again and again, and countless red spear shadows blocked Skaha's body without any extra stabs. Every forward stab was pointed at a shark water bomb, and the water bomb was shattered , splashed pieces of water, and disappeared on the way of falling.

"Boom boom boom" failed to hit the water bomb near Skaha, and shattered the surrounding rocks, leaving a patch of potholes on the ground.

"It's the first time I've seen such a powerful marksmanship. It reminds me of that precious beast I saw before!" Kisame linked the seal and continued to cast the second ninjutsu. There is no such thing as a turn-based battle, "Water Escape·Explosive Water Shockwave!"

If it is in a place without water, Kisame will spray a large amount of water from its mouth, forming enough water to form a lake to hit the enemy, but now, he is on the shore——

"Boom!" As if a depth bomb had exploded suddenly, the calm sea suddenly spewed and exploded, and huge waves rolled out of the sea one after another, and a huge amount of sea water rushed to the shore. topmost.

"Ah!" The few people who were watching the battle were caught off guard, and the girls who were affected screamed again and again. The cold sea water seeped through the clothes, making the fabric and skin stick together tightly, which was very uncomfortable.

"Hey! These are the clothes I bought specially for Darling, how can you compensate me?!" Mei Jiu yelled at him.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Although he said sorry, Kisame didn't seem to care, at least he still had the usual expression on his face.

Kisame admires the strong more, at least his strength needs to be recognized by him, and those who can't even escape the aftermath of his attack, let alone get his attention.

"Damn it!" With her violet hair dripping wet, Miku stretched out her hand towards the sky angrily, "Shenwei Lingzhuang Jiufan!"

The wet clothes turned into white light, and wrapped the whole body again, forming a gorgeous yellow and white costume. The moon headdress on the head, the white silk gloves on the hands, and the white stockings on the legs gradually appeared, and the sea water all over the body disappeared instantly.

He stomped his feet again, "Pojun Diva!"

A gigantic pipe organ angel emerged from behind Miku, and was emitting a loud, majestic and dull tone, and a row of keyboards of light appeared in front of Miku's hands.

"Oh?" Kisame saw the ability that he had never seen before, and suddenly became interested, "Spiritual summoning? No, there is no flow of chakra, little girl, do you want to fight too?"

"Rondo!" Mijiu waved her white and tender palm, and pressed the keyboard of light with ten fingers, and Pojun Diva made a deafening sound to Kisame!

The originally invisible sound waves are now so powerful that they can be observed by the naked eye. The radial ripples condense into an invisible shock wave, and like a wind cannon, they blast fiercely at the ghost shark!
"Wind escape? No, this is a sound wave?!" Kisame has been fighting ninjas for a long time, and has not yet changed his mind.

The powerful sound waves crushed Guixier's body, the clothes in front of him were tightly attached to his body, the black windbreaker rattled under the sound waves, and was pulled back desperately under the impact.The corners of Kisame's tightly closed lips were broken, and the air entered the corners of his mouth instantly along with the sound waves, and his cheeks rose and fell back and forth in the strong wind.

The huge wave under his feet was also gouged out by the sound wave, and the ghost shark that had lost its leverage point was blown away by the sound wave.The huge wave that broke in the middle collapsed, and a large amount of seawater slowly receded into the sea.
"Oh!" Boerqi and Perona, who were also drenched, waved their hands, "Miss Meijiu did a great job, let's see if he dares to splash us with water!"

It was the first time for the two of them to see Mei Jiu make a move. This young lady not only has good looks, but also has good strength!
"I underestimated you, little girl." The ghost shark who came out of the sea was also drenched, "I didn't expect to be able to blow me away."

"Okay, you wet her clothes, she attacks you once, and it's even." Eric interrupted, "Ghost, your opponent is Skaha, haven't you forgotten?"

"That's right... I'm sorry, little girl." Guixie showed an apologetic smile, and this time it was a real apology.

"Hmph!" Meijiu hugged her shoulders proudly, and Yuanrun looked even more majestic with this movement.

"Okay, let's stay away." Eric turned his head to look at Wendy, whose clothes were a little wet, "Lift this side up, and we'll watch the battle from above."

"Okay." Wendy nodded obediently, and lightly touched the wet ground with her hand.

"boom boom"

The earth was rolling, making a vibrating roar.

"What's wrong?! This ground call..." Guixie asked in surprise, "Is it an earthquake?"

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud. A huge clod of soil is pulled out from the ground, and the soil keeps falling down.

"No, this ground is too big..." Eric had a headache, half of the coast of this place was floating in the sky at the moment.

Wendy apologized embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, Brother Eric, Piao Piao Guo is a bit difficult to control."

"It's okay, just put the ground back later."

The ghost below looked at this scene, was silent for a while, and smiled excitedly, " seems that the battle here will not be too boring."

"Come on, Scarhassan. Water escape Qianshisha!" The ghost shark standing in the water split the sea surface with one hand, and the calm sea surface once again set off waves, and the blue sharks formed by the sea water appeared one by one. Out of the head, the sharp teeth exuded a palpitating cold light.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Ten meters high waves rolled up, and thousands of sharks appeared and disappeared in the huge waves, which made the hearts of patients with dense phobias suffocate.

With unstoppable surging power, the giant wave took heavy shots at Skaha.

"..." The spear in Skaha's left hand disappeared like a shadow, and the spear in his right hand returned to stand upright.

"This move is-- Teacher Eric's move!" Genos immediately recognized the move that Eric used to him at that time, and he still has lingering fears about that move's extremely domineering gunfire.

Scathach, who had mastered it after just a few glances, easily used it:


Unlike the method used by Eric, Scathach doesn't have a forward stab, but sweeps away!

The spear blade exuding a cold light swept forward, mixed domineering and red thunder's slashing, splitting the space, and collided heavily with the huge waves.

The water shark hidden in the waves was smashed to pieces by the fierce gunfire, crushed by the domineering arrogance, and smashed to pieces by the swift red thunder.


The huge wave of more than ten meters was divided into two by the gun air, and the water sharks in the sea were also crushed by the gun air.

No matter how many you have, no matter how strong your moves are, I will break all spells with one shot!

If the blow of the gun reaches the realm of transformation, killing the gods is only a matter of flipping the palm!
The unstoppable gunfire rushed straight at Kisame.

"!" Ghost Shark opened his bloodshot eyes and blocked it with a knife.

"Boom!" The ghost shark was knocked into the air together with the shark muscle.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for your two monthly tickets; thank you for your faint troubles; thank you for your two monthly tickets; thank you for your two monthly tickets; 259 He rejected it for me, I am not vulgar erotic plot... i do

(End of this chapter)

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