Chapter 266

"Hahaha...poof..." His throat was itchy, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. The ghost shark with a mouth full of rust was not afraid at all, nor was he afraid of pain. He supported his knee with his right hand and stood up.

"Kala kala" the shark muscle that was directly hit by the overlord looked even more miserable. The barbs that were originally like fish scales were shattered too much, and they shattered and fell off one after another, like a chicken that has been plucked halfway. Ugly.

"Wow..." Even the shark's muscles spit out blood, the handle of the knife extended, and slammed the ghost's head.

"I'm really sorry, shark muscle..." Throwing the shark muscle back to the shore, Ghost Shark planned to launch an attack by himself, as for merging with the shark muscle, he didn't plan to use this move yet.

Today's competition was nothing more than a competition with a newly recognized companion, but the blood in Guixier's body was also stimulated to boil by the pain on his body.

"Skahassan, the next move is my strongest move, let this move be the decisive blow!"

"Okay." Scathach agreed calmly.

Kisame clasped his hands together and began to refine the remaining chakra on his body.

And Scathach stood upright on the spot, quietly waiting for Kisame's strongest blow.


Clasped fists with both hands, "Water Escape · Big Shark Bullet Technique!"

Far surpassing the size of ordinary sharks just now, a huge blue shark more than ten meters long, with a huge mouth full of sharp fangs, roared and rushed towards Scarha.

The giant shark cleaves the waves in the sea, and its sharp teeth leave white stripes in the current.

"Dayujutsu is not an ordinary ninjutsu. This move itself can absorb the power of the opponent's moves to increase its power. The stronger the opponent's moves, the greater the power of Dashabu!" Guisame kindly introduced the move, reminding the newly-trained Companion Scathach.

(I also changed this move to be able to absorb the energy of the move, otherwise Kisame's most useful knives and moves will be abolished.)
"Really—" Scathach had no expression on his face, and bent his legs to prepare to sprint forward.

"Hey—you don't want to rush in, do you?!" Ghost Shark roared, "You will be torn to pieces by the big shark's bullets!"

"Bang!" The ground under Scathach's feet collapsed, and he galloped away along the storm. The ominous magic gun in his hand emitted a dazzling red light. The light was bright and dazzling, deeply attracting everyone's attention.

"!" Kisame knew very well that the greatest respect for a warrior is to use his full strength.

"Ha!" Ghost Shark roared with his mouth open, and his fisted hands suddenly pushed forward, and his ten fingers seemed to be biting together, urging the big shark to bite towards Skaha.

"I am the gun!" Scathach himself, together with the gun that pierced through the death flight, also turned into a ray of red thunder.

This red thunder is different from Eric's thunder and lightning. It has neither the rolling thunder sound that resounds through the sky, nor the momentum of thunder that changes color. However, under such a strong light, everyone's eyes are fixed on the lightning.

Chi Lei was as dazzling as the first ray of sunshine breaking through the darkness of the world, and Skaha's unparalleled spear skills deeply attracted the hearts of everyone.

The huge water shark opened its mouth wide and roared ferociously. The big mouth with sharp teeth on the upper and lower sides was about to close, threatening to bite Scathach in two.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the momentum of encountering gods and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas, Chi Lei went straight into the shark's mouth, like a meteorite falling into the sea, continued to charge forward with an indomitable momentum, and finally broke through the waves from the giant shark's tail!

The red thunder that shot out quickly broke through the sea water, and even a drop of sea water could not touch her body, and charged towards Gui Sha with invincible power.

"!" The last time Guixier encountered such a majestic attack was the day tiger that Maitkai opened the door.

'No, her shooting is more powerful than the day tiger! Horrified by the momentum of the god-killing blow, Guixier stood there dumbfounded.

The Thunder Strike condensed at one point is naturally more powerful than the Day Tiger, which attacks in a wider range.


The sharp blade of the gun stopped in front of Kisame's forehead, and Kisame, who was a short distance away, even felt the icy cold air emanating from the tip of the gun.

"--It's really powerful marksmanship." Encountering this kind of miraculous marksmanship, Kisame had no choice but to bow down.


The seawater that was broken by Scathach seemed to have just reacted, and a large amount of seawater began to flow, filling the path that Scathach broke through.

"Shadow Warrior."

Scathach in front of Kisame turned into a black shadow.


Seeing that Scathach hates sea water so much, Kisame shrugged and said, "Even such a strong woman hates to be in sea water? I really did something to apologize to you before."

"So, is your injury okay?" Eric looked at the blood-stained Kisame in front of him.

"Well, it's just that the shark muscles need to be repaired..." Guixiong caressed the shark muscles distressedly.

"...That's no need, Kuang San, I'll trouble you."

"Ala, since it's Eriksan's request, then I can only obey..." Kuang San stood upright with his left foot, swung his right leg lightly, and spun around gracefully, revealing part of his spiritual outfit.

"Emperor Keke—Four bullets!" Even the angel showed a part, and the bullet carrying the "IV" ability hit the shark's muscle.


In Kisha's eyes, it was like going back in time, the barbs that had been shattered and dropped just now flew back to Sharkkin's body from a distance.

"Oh—what a powerful ability!" Kisame's eyes widened, "The ability to go back in time..."

[Kikisame's favorability increased, bond level increased from 1 (ordinary friend) to 2 (close friend), and 1 bond point was obtained]

"...Ninjas are really good at intelligence. You can tell immediately after using your ability just once in front of you."

"This is a compulsory course for ninjas..."

"..." Eric thought about Naruto, hehehe...

To be honest, if it weren't for him being the protagonist, with the shining aura of the protagonist, he would have died countless times.

Guixie turned to Kuangsan and thanked Kuangsan: "I really thank this... girl."

Kuang San raised the hem of her skirt with both hands, "Please call me Ms. Tokisaki from now on. Since I'm a companion, it's okay if I don't know the name?"

"I understand, Miss Tokisaki." Kisame chuckled, "This is not a ninja world, so I don't need to hide my last name, that's great."

The sound of "rumbling" and the vibration of the ground attracted Guixier's attention.

The huge clod that Wendy pulled out just now slowly fell back under Wendy's control. Even if it fell back to the original place at a slow speed, it caused the ground to vibrate.

Seeing this scene of Kisame, even if this blue-haired little girl can't fight, just controlling such a huge rock to smash at the enemy will cause the enemy a headache.

"That..." Seeing that Kisame was injured in the battle, Wendy, who had tidied up the ground, immediately rushed to the side.

The pothole that "Paji" was hit by the water bomb was filled with sea water, and Wendy tripped over the uneven ground without paying attention.

"This girl is a little naturally dumb..."

Then Kisame was "healed" by Wendy to heal the wounds all over his body.

Kisame moved his shoulders, "Our team configuration is very comprehensive, this little—"

"Ah, my name is Wendy Mabel, and I'm the ship's doctor on this ship."

"Really, please give me your advice, lovely ship doctor Wendy."

After the battle with Kisame was over, Scathach still stood there, looking at the spear in his hand in silence.

"What's the matter?" Estes, who admired her marksmanship, slowly approached, "Did you learn new marksmanship in the battle?"

"No." Scathach replied indifferently: "I was just thinking about how to cultivate the marksmanship to the extreme and use that god-killing spear."

"If you really cultivate to this level, you must fight me once."

"of course."

 Thank you for a monthly ticket from the King of Emperor Yicheng of the Kingdom of God; thank you for a monthly ticket for the fake house knight; thank you for letting time prove everything; in the first two chapters, there is a mistake in the thank you, it should be Thanks to San Shimu for a monthly pass, which has been marked as a recommended ticket, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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