Chapter 268

His obese figure, whose horizontal width was about the same as his height, made people look like a mountain of meat at first glance, and his white crescent-shaped beard reminded people of the strongest man in the world.

He held a long knife in his hand, and the blood remaining on the tip of the knife was still dripping down. Next to his slender legs, which didn't match his huge figure, a naval recruit lay down on the deck .

Under the perception of Zefa's knowledge, the recruit had already lost his life, and he roared angrily: "Damn pirate!"

"Teacher Zefa!" Zefa's students quickly gathered behind Zefa, and many sailors looked up at the giant six meters away.

A small figure appeared beside him.

The wrinkled Bajin pointed at Zefa with the crutch in his hand, and said in that ugly voice, "Go, my treasure. Go and kill them all and take their goods!"

"Really, Mom?"

Edward Weible, who was turning the long knife with one hand, had a bloodthirsty red light in his eyes.

"Can you kill them all?"

That majestic figure immediately put on a fighting stance.

"Of course, Weible."

Weibull, who had an astonishing size, spewed out a strong killing intent again from his body, making the naval recruits behind Zefa turbulent. They were recruits who had never fought to the death, and it was the first time they encountered such a terrifying opponent. How can you not be afraid?
As a naval instructor, Zefa has only one thought in his heart at this time, that is to protect his students!

The domineering Zefa with his arms wrapped around his arms rushed towards Edward Weibull; while the long knife flashed with a cold light, he slashed at Zefa who dared to shake his fist at him.

They hit each other hard with punches and knives.


A flash of lightning flashed in the distance, and the deafening thunder made the scene at this moment even more desolate.

"Really, the weather on the great route is subject to change, Wendy, just in case, let's lower the ship to the surface of the sea."

"Okay, Brother Eric." Wendy commanded the Dreadnought to descend slowly.

Everyone who has been using Wendy's fluttering fruit to drive on their way felt the power of the sea waves again.

"Captain, I found a naval warship." Chiron, who was observing at the watchtower, reported in time: "But it is different from a normal naval warship, it seems to be a naval training ship."

"Uh, this group of navy recruits probably wouldn't run up to me, yelling to catch pirates..." Eric joked.

"I'm afraid they don't have the spare energy to chase us." Chiron's voice was a bit heavy, "They are fighting a powerful enemy on board, and a dozen naval recruits have already been sacrificed."

Perhaps because Chiron is a teacher himself, he always has an inexplicable feeling for the students.

"Dare to attack the navy alone? This is really..." Eric stopped suddenly, and asked with a serious face: "Is it a person with an unusually huge figure, a white crescent beard, golden hair, and a long knife in his hand?" Pirates?"

"Yes, Captain, you know him?"

"What a coincidence, where are they?"

"At two o'clock, the distance is about [-] kilometers."

"Okay, Ajin, come over!" Eric was very sympathetic to Zefa's experience. The admiral of the "don't kill" was wiped out by pirates who sought revenge; he had hope for the navy and cultivated countless people. An excellent navy, but was betrayed again; disappointed, he wanted to destroy the new world, but was killed by his own students.

"Yes!" Ah Jin quickly turned the rudder in his hand.

"Chiron, you can help those navies now and attack that pirate with your bow and arrow."

"Yes, Captain!"

[Chiron's favorability increases, bond level remains the same]

"Speaking of which, I remember that when the orangutan appeared for the first time, he flew to the Chambord Islands on a cannonball..."

"Karen, fire a cannonball in the direction of the naval training ship, and I'm going to perform a kick missile."


The triple turret in front of "Om" was slowly turning, and a thick barrel was raised.


There was a loud bang, the guns spewed smoke and flames, and a cone-shaped shell flew towards the Navy's training ship with a howling sound.

Eric flashed onto the cannonball.

"I'm stupid, I forgot the smoothbore gun that the yellow monkey stepped on, and the fucking rifled gun on my side!!"


"I seem to have heard the captain's scream just now."

"I think I heard it too."

"It's okay, it's just that the captain hugged the cannonball with both hands, and spun along with the cannonball." Chiron's voice was a little calm, with a hint of trill, as if trying to hold back a laugh.

"Ahem, then..." Chiron stood in the wind and rain, feeling the strength and direction of the wind. He placed the heart-lock bow in his left hand in front of him, hooked the bowstring with his right hand, and pulled it back.

Can't open the bow in rainy weather?No problem for a peerless shooter!

Is there a more famous sharpshooter than Chiron who turned into a Sagittarius?

"whoosh whoosh"

The bowstring trembled, and the right hand that pulled the bowstring back and forth turned into afterimages. In the blink of an eye, Chiron shot dozens of arrows.

Those arrows drew arcs in the air, reaching the target one step ahead of Eric and the shells!
"Clang clang clang!"

The domineering sharp arrow hit Weibull's back as if hitting a hard steel plate, and the sharp arrow only penetrated a centimeter or two.

"Who?!" Weibull, who was injured, turned around and shouted loudly.

A wound that was one or two centimeters deep had no effect on his huge body.

"Huh?" Ba Jin, who was watching the battle in a safe area, also frowned.

Two minutes ago, Zefa's heavy breathing was so harsh, his lungs were like an old bellows, making a "wheezing and wheezing" sound.

In front of him, more than a dozen naval recruits had already fallen, and several recruits were even cut in two by the long knife. The rainwater kept pouring on the deck, but the thick blood stains on the deck could not be washed away.

Zefa's eyes were about to split, and he roared loudly: "Damn pirate!" But he couldn't do anything to Weibull in front of him.

According to General Huang Yuan, Whitebeard II nine years later has the strength of Whitebeard when he was young.

Of course, Kiwi's consistent style is to use exaggerated statements, and it is also debatable whether Kiwi has ever fought the young Whitebeard.

But in history, Edward Weibull, who can cut off the right arm of "Black Wrist" Zefa and become Qi Wuhai, is obviously not a character that can be underestimated.

His strength and speed surprised Zefa, who had once served as a general. Even his armed domineering has been cultivated incomparably thick. knife wound.

His only shortcoming may be that his IQ is very low, and the old woman behind him often gives orders to him.

"If you bypass him and attack that woman, he will most likely kill all my students in an instant..." Zefa's brain turned sharply, thinking about countermeasures.

"Weibull, get rid of them all!"

"Yes, Mom!"

Weibull, who was about to attack, was turned into a hedgehog by an arrow that fell from the sky.

 Thank you for the reward of 1666 points from the King of the Emperor Yi City of the Emperor Yi Kingdom; Sorry, it’s a bit late to add more, and forgive me, the author whose brains have been drained...

(End of this chapter)

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