Chapter 269 Edward Weibull (two in one, please subscribe)

"Ahhh!" The screams came together with the screams of the shells tearing through the air.

"Boom!" The violent explosion shook the warship violently, the wooden ship screamed and screamed, and the sound of wooden boards breaking due to the unbearable weight continued to resound.

The entire ship was shaken by the shell, and the position where the shell hit suddenly sank, and the hull on the other side suddenly lifted up again, and the huge buoyancy of the sea suddenly pushed the sinking hull back to its original position.

This sudden situation caused most of the recruits to fall to the ground, and there were constant collision sounds of human bodies and decks in close contact.

The orange-red flame, which cannot be extinguished by the rain, is burning fiercely, and the crackling sound of burning wood is accompanied by a large amount of thick smoke from the falling bomb.

"Beep beep beep" there was a piercing sound of electric current, and a touch of blue lightning flowed in the flames, gradually condensing into a figure.

"Woo... so dizzy... want to vomit..." Eric's eyes became like mosquito coils, he walked out from the flames and thick smoke, and walked crookedly towards the side of the ship.

"...!" Zefa, who was an instructor in the Navy recruit training camp, recognized who was coming at a glance, "He, he is——!"

"Weibull, save me!" Bajin was blown away by the huge shock wave from the shell explosion, crashed into the cabin beside him, and was crushed by a pile of collapsed logs.

"Mom, are you okay?" Weibull hurried to her side, the heavy wood was as light as nothing in Weibull's hands, and a large piece of broken wood was thrown away by him, and he carefully supported Bajin with his fat palm.

"Damn it, who the hell...!" Bajin gritted his teeth and stared at Eric fiercely.

"My baby, are you okay?" Looking at Weibull whose back was full of arrows, even though Ba Jin was not worried about Weibull's health, he was also worried about whether her weapon would break.

"It's okay, Mom."

Weibull puffed up the muscles on his back, made a sound of "creaking and creaking", and squeezed out the arrows that had been inserted into his body one by one. The small wounds of different depths were blocked by the knotted muscles, and even a drop of blood could No outflow.

Chiron, who was a thousand meters away, saw this scene and frowned, "It seems that rapid fire can't hurt him, and we need to increase the attack intensity to shoot through his body."

"Very good! Go kill that bastard!" The crutch pointed at Eric, and Barkin wanted to tear the guy who caused her injury to pieces.

"Yes, Mom!"

Slender legs stomped on the ground, and a strong body over six meters, like a medium-sized missile, behind him was a scattered explosion storm. He slashed at Eric who was in a stunned state.

"Wait, wait a minute..." Eric stretched out his hand covering his mouth to Weibull.

A bright light flashed in the distance, and an arrow carried a huge force, spanning a distance of thousands of meters in an instant, and nailed heavily on the sharp blade.


The downward-slashing long knife suddenly stopped in the air, and the small arrow collided with the huge long-handled sword, and a strong wind broke out.

"Wow... wow!" The acid water that kept rising reached his throat, and Eric, who couldn't help it, vomited the indescribable vomit onto Weibull in front of him.

"It's dirty, I'll kill you!" Weibull, who was spit all over, was furious. He raised his long-handled machete again, entangled the armed domineering blade, and slashed against Eric's body on the deck of the training ship. .



The first was the sound of a deck breaking, the second the sound of a ship breaking.

Weibull's angry blow split the warship in two, the broken keel roared unwillingly, and the whole warship was completely cut in half.

A large amount of sea water poured in from the broken part of the warship, the deck showed a greater slope angle than last time, and a large amount of cargo in the cabin was swept away by the sea water.

"You idiot son! You cut the warship in half, and the cargo is gone. Isn't our trip in vain?!" Ba Jin cursed angrily, his crutches rattling the deck.

Putting his left hand behind his head, Weibull hurriedly apologized: "Mom, I'm sorry."

"Teacher Zefa, what should we do?" Ain, who had long, wavy hair, clung tightly to his body due to the rain.

"Put down the lifeboat, and you all leave here in the lifeboat, the sooner the better!"

"Teacher Zefa, we will fight this monster together with you." As a recruit, Ain refused to leave the teacher and escape alone.

"That's right, Teacher Zefa, we will never leave you alone!" Binz also disagreed with Zefa's order.

"This is an order!"


The slowly sinking hull suddenly stopped sinking.

A navy recruit suddenly hugged his bare arms tightly, "It's so cold!"

"Look!" A recruit pointed to the side of the ship and shouted: "The big, the sea is f-frozen!"

The endless sea was covered by a thick layer of frost, and the raindrops that were falling from the sky gradually turned into ice particles and snowflakes.

Snowflakes and cold wind howled, covering them all.

"Aokiji, no, it should be Esdes, who is about the same ability as Aokiji—" Even though Zefa retreated to the second line, he has been paying attention to the newly emerging pirate group on the sea. Only the "Queen of Ice" can appear!
The white military uniform that blended with the blizzard appeared before their eyes.

"!" When the figure of Esdes appeared in front of the eyes of the recruits, they had already lost their sense of resistance, and they couldn't even control their body movements.

"You guys are not worth beheading..." Esdeth glanced at them with disgust, losing interest in killing them.

"——!" Ba Jin finally recognized who they were, with white military uniforms, flowing blue hair, and bloodthirsty eyes——Esdes!
"Weibull! Let's go!" At this moment, she only thought about how to escape.

Ba Jin, who had just turned around, stopped, and the real sight from the god of death nailed her in place.

"This guy is barely, enough to be my opponent..." Esdeath walked towards Weibull step by step, but the words were interrupted, and finally, the voice stopped abruptly.

"Who vomited the vomit on his body?" Estes looked at Eric with a look of disgust.

"..." Eric turned his eyes away, not daring to meet her eyes.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Weibull said angrily, raised the long-handled sword in his hand again, and slashed at Eric who was close in front of him.

Eric does not dodge, [Xinwang] perceives the path of the blade, and the middle part of the body is elementalized in advance, forming a straight incision, and Eric's body is neatly divided into two halves.

In the next second, the domineering blade slashed into the deck along the channel on Eric's body. The strong blade energy directly penetrated the entire warship, and plunged into the ice formed by the condensed Esdeth, setting off A sheet of ice and snow.

"Clang!" Eric stepped on the back of the knife and pressed it down hard. At a very close distance, he pointed his index finger at Weibull, "[-] million volts, discharge."

At such a close distance, how could the huge Weibull avoid the swift lightning?
A powerful lightning strike hit Weibull's body, and his sturdy body was immediately wrapped in blue electric current.

"It hurts so much——!"

Weibull let out a loud roar amidst the piercing electrical sound, the electrical current raged through his body, and a smell of burnt meat wafted out.

"——!" The back of the knife under his feet surged with great force, and Eric was thrown away by Weibull.

"Oh... the power is good." After seeing Weibull's power, Estes started to try again, but when he thought of Weibull whose body was half covered in vomit.

'just forget it……'

Although there were wisps of blue smoke all over his body, Weibull, who had no obvious burns on his body, reappeared in front of Eric.

"It hurts—I'm going to kill you!"

"A strong body really resists beatings..." The lightning strike just now was enough to reduce most of the human beings in the world to ashes, but Weibull broke free from the shackles of the lightning and even drew his knife to fly Eric.

Eric carefully looked at the giant man in front of him. His blond hair was a little burnt black, and his muscular body showed no signs of burnt. Legs—the burnt smell came from his legs!
'His weak point is his thin lower body. ' Eric saw his weakness at a glance.

At this time, Bajin was caught in a dilemma. If she was the only one who escaped, she would not be able to gain a foothold on the sea where the strong were like clouds. Only Weibull's strong strength is the capital to settle down on the sea!
"Damn it, Weibull, don't hold back, kill them immediately!" Ba Jin figured it out, and shouted: "What's the 'Four Emperors'? What's the 'Ice Queen'? Let you see how powerful my treasure is!"

"Understood, mother."

The silly Weibull was already irritated by the guy in front of him, he waved the long-handled sword in his hand, and slashed at Eric's head.

Perhaps only the downward chop is the most suitable for attacking enemies whose heights are too far apart.

Eric teleported to the back of Weibull, and Weibull, who had a domineering sense of knowledge, sensed that his life was threatened, and didn't give him a chance to attack. On the deck, he turned around abruptly, turned the direction of the downward-slashing sword, and swept obliquely towards Eric behind him.

"That's okay too?!" Eric changed the target of his fist attack to the blade of a broadsword, and his right fist was surrounded by several blue-black lightning bolts.


The entanglement of the overlord color collided with the thick armed color, and several electric arcs spread between the two, and the resulting air wave passed through everyone present. The wooden deck around the two shattered into sawdust, and was crushed in the air. into powder.

"Bang bang bang" the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded continuously, except for Ain and Binz, the other naval recruits were all stunned by the overlord color.

"Everyone—!" Ain quickly helped up a fallen recruit.

"They're all fine, they just lost consciousness and passed out..."

Zefa stared at the pirates who were fighting fiercely in front of him. In order to protect the students behind him, he dared not do anything to attract the attention of the pirates.

"Kaka!" There was a series of shattering sounds of the deck, and Weibull was knocked back by Eric's punch, and his slender legs plowed two deep marks on the deck.


After the fierce confrontation, there was a crisp sound, and a fine mark was cracked on the blade of the long-handled broadsword.

"This strong body is really strong..." Feeling the numbness from his palm, Eric suddenly thought, "Hei Tong seems to lack a powerful doll..."

Eric shouted loudly: "Black pupil...!"

"Brother-in-law, are you calling me?" As a result, Heitong's voice came from Ba Jin's side.

An air door opened over there, and there was still blood on Bafang's blade, and Ba Jin, who was short in stature, had already fallen to the ground.

And Chi Tong stood beside her younger sister.

"Mom!" Weibull roared, his strong body turned into a heavy shell and rushed towards the two, "What did you do to Mom?!"

A white stream of air flowed out from the tip of the knife, and the sharp blade with a terrifying aura cut through the space and slashed towards the two of them.

However, the blade stopped at a distance of millimeters, and under the blade was Ba Jin who opened his arms and stood in front of the two with red pupils and black pupils.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Ba Jin, who was already dead, was of course speechless, and the wound running through his heart in front of him had already stopped bleeding.

"Death." Akahito said the usual catchphrase, and Murasame, who was a one-hit kill, bypassed the sword and slashed at Weibull who was stunned.

"Chitong, wait!" Eric's voice stopped Chitong in time, and his right foot in black leather boots lightly stepped on the ground, and returned to Heitong's side.

"Mom, are you talking?" Weibull, who had a low IQ, almost hooked his neck with the scythe of death.

"His final blow must be completed by Hei Tong." Eric's words made the two of them immediately understand what he meant.

Black Hitomi's Teigu Hachibo can manipulate people who are killed by this sword through curses, and Black Hitomi only has a few murlocs from the Dragon Pirates in his hands, and they are not even qualified to be released to fight. He also reduced Hei Tong's ability for no reason.

"It's rare to see such a powerful pirate. After I beat him to the point where he can't move, I will let Kuroto complete the final blow."

"Leave it to my brother-in-law~" Hei Tong smiled and jumped away lightly.

And Weibull was still there yelling: "Mom."


The lightning from Erik's hand burns Bajin's body to ashes in front of Weibull.

"Mom!" Weibble let out a wail resounding through the sky.

And Ba Jin, who had already turned into ashes, was completely blown away by his breath.


"She died in my hands, if you want revenge, come here!" Eric turned into a blue light and flew away from the warship.

Eric didn't want to expose Kuroto Teigu's ability prematurely, especially for the navy to see.

Otherwise, his behavior of hunting and killing capable people and hunting strong people will arouse the common hostility of the pirates. In case they jointly form the "Alliance for Discussing Dong", no, "Alliance for Discussing Egypt", Eric does not want more than a dozen People fight against the whole world, and social animals who have been beaten by society for several years will not do things without thinking.


With tears streaming down his face, Weibull's eyes erupted with scarlet vengeance, "I'm going to kill you——!"

Weibull's muscles bulged, like a bull, smashed into the other half of the warship, and chased after Eric.

The three who remained had no idea about this group of naval recruits, and were ready to follow up together. Esdeth glanced at Zefa's injury, "If you don't pay close attention to the treatment, it will affect your future strength."

"Pirate, what are you trying to do?!" Zefa, who hated pirates deeply, asked through gritted teeth.

"Me?" Estes replied after serious thinking: "Marry Eric, fight a powerful opponent, nothing."

Zefa, Ain, Binz: "..."

Esdeth's serious answer made the three marines baffled.

"I don't even have the slightest desire to fight for you now."

"!" Zefa gritted his teeth tightly, and popped out "Pirate——!"


Weibull's sturdy body fell to the ground, shaking the frost and snow on the ice, "I'm going to kill you—!"

"Come on." Eric spread his hands, "Used to hone my will to fight, you are barely qualified."

 Thanks to the readers for the recommendation tickets; thanks to the big guy Dark Ye Jingtao for a monthly ticket; thanks to the big guy for the bad pen newcomers for the two monthly tickets; thanks to the big guy Xiyue for the one monthly ticket; Thank you for a monthly ticket from the big brother Gou Qianhu; thank you for the five monthly tickets from the big brother's cup; thank you for the 20200226104534748 rewards from the big brother's book friend 100;

(End of this chapter)

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