Chapter 285 Nicole Robin

Robin's worry and uneasiness along the way was only transformed into one sentence: "May I ask the famous 'Kuilong' Mr. Darren Eric, what can I do for you?"

"Of course." Eric said with a smile, "I know the truth about the O'Hara incident, and I also know the unreal crimes of 'Son of the Devil' Nicole Robin. They are just a group of innocent archaeologists, but they were forced to Live..."

Nicole Robin's eyes were suddenly filled with fear. The raging fire that happened in O'Hara that day was still burning in her heart, leaving indelible marks.

The fire that turned the entire sky red, the flames that swallowed the entire island, the heat wave that can be felt from far away...

Robin clasped his shoulders tightly with his hands, and took a big breath of fresh air, but it couldn't extinguish the fire in his heart, and couldn't relieve the hoarseness of his throat.

The white fingers tightened suddenly, veins and blood vessels could be seen through the skin, and the black clothes with a hood were scratched by the fingertips, as if only physical pain could ease the grief in the heart. (Robin's skin has always been white, it's an anime mess, so I wrote it as white skin)

Eric didn't expect that just talking about the O'Hara incident would cause Robin to have such a painful reaction. He stopped talking immediately and scratched the back of his head in distress.

Several members of the Dawn Pirates also looked at each other, only Artoria looked at Robin with interest.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to say this and cause you so much harm." Eric saw Robin's expression gradually recovering, and gave Queen Sweetheart a look.

Being trained on the boat... No, Sugar Queen, who was acting as a maid, immediately handed Robin a glass of lemonade.

"Thank you." Robin who took the water glass didn't drink it, but just held it in his hands.

I don't know if it's because I'm not thirsty, or because I'm afraid that there are ingredients in the water. After all, there are many kinds of devil fruits and their abilities are all kinds of strange, so I'm not sure that I will be controlled by their abilities.

Eric looked at those chapped lips and didn't point them.

Cats who have just arrived in a strange place will not eat or drink for a while, curl up their bodies in a corner, stare at the surroundings with wide-eyed frightened eyes, and shake their bodies when there is a slight disturbance...

"You don't have to worry so much." Eric was also a little speechless. Facing Robin who was protecting himself, he could only tell the truth, "Your bounty is not enough in front of me."

"If I covet your bounty, I might as well give Perona to the navy, which is worth [-] million Baileys anyway."

"Hey, why did you hand me over?!" Perona, who was not here at first, entered through the wall with her spirit body.

"Because you spread my rumors everywhere, and all kinds of hot stories came out of your mouth!"

"What are rumors? I saw them all with my own eyes!"

"You jump to conclusions just after seeing a fragment! How can you generalize?! The rest of the plot is just your imagination!"

"How about you give an example, which plot is my imagination?"

"Then tell me who wrote the short stories "One Night with Him" ​​and "What Happened to the Two Men That Day"?! Who wrote them?!"

"Is it Karen or Karna who told you the secret? The little note I wrote is only circulated among girls..."

"What?!" Eric was furious, "You are still passing it among girls?! How do you want to die?!"

"That, that is..." Perona of the spirit body ran through the wall in a hurry.

"Hoo, hoo..." The loud yelling caused Eric's brain to lack blood supply, and he took two heavy breaths.

"...Ha, haha..." Nico Robin, who had been on the run since she was eight years old, saw for the first time that the leader of the organization had an insignificant quarrel with a subordinate.Unable to bear it, he covered his mouth and laughed softly.

Robin, who noticed the gaze of others, also slowly lowered her head, she is now a prisoner.

"I know your dream." Eric provoked the topic that Robin was most interested in, "I have also seen the historical text, look at this—"

Eric took out a part of the historical inscription rubbed on the empty island, "You know this text, this is the evidence that I have seen the historical text."

"Historical text!" Robin put the water glass aside and took it with trembling hands, "Where did you see the historical text?"

"Sky Island."

Robin muttered to himself: "Is there really an empty island..."

"Of course, this world is wonderful, and it's bigger than you can imagine!"

"Although it may sting your nerves." Eric continued: "But I still want to say: The reason why O'Hara died is because the scholars on O'Hara Island studied the world government's strict prohibition on interpretation. 100 years of blank history."

"The second reason is: you don't have the power to protect yourself, but you try to cross the red line of the world government and do things that cannot be done."

Eric's words hit Robin's chest one by one. At the age of 21, she already knew too much, and she would say after seven years, "I just want to know history, but my dream has too many enemies." emotion.

Robin tried to defend loudly: "But, they are just a group of scholars...!"

"Words will become weapons, knowledge will be turned into sharp blades, and that blank history can naturally become an artifact to overthrow the world government! So they will kill those who can threaten them from the root."

"Now you don't understand how powerful the world government's public opinion is, right? It's just words, but it appears in newspapers and arrest warrants become ropes to arrest you and weapons to attack you one by one."

"..." Robin could only remain silent, because everything Eric said was true, and she couldn't refute anything!

"To say something bad." Eric continued: "As long as you continue to interpret history and live, you will bring disaster to the people around you, just like the Pirates, Mafia, or whatever you were in before. other organizations."

"Ha..." Sighing, Robin smiled wryly, "As expected, am I not worthy to live in this world?"

"No, everyone who comes into this world will have his role." Eric denied her words, "It's just that they don't have the strength and ability to protect you."

Robin immediately understood what Eric meant, and with a joking smile, "You mean, Master 'Kuilong' can protect me well under the hostility of the World Government?"

"Of course." Eric nodded, "At this point, killing the Celestial Dragons and trampling on the face of the World Government has made them feel ashamed, and it doesn't matter if they do one or two more things that make them angry. "

"I am the same kind of person as you are, both are the heinous people who will soon be eliminated by the world government, but you are passive, and I am active. Here, I can lead you to find those historical texts, and you can continue to realize Your dream - to know history."

"However, my only request is that you are not allowed to betray your companions."

"It seems that I have no other choice." Robin lowered her head so that Eric could not see her face clearly.

"No, I'll give you a chance to choose." Eric shook his head: "Join us and become one of us; or, if I let you go, I won't do any other bad things to you afterwards."

Robin, who was full of thoughts, drank the lemonade in the water glass next to him in one gulp. It was a little sour, but it quenched his thirst, and there was a hint of sweetness hidden in it.

"I will entrust you to take care of it in the future, Mr. Captain."

 Thank you readers for your recommendation tickets; thank you big brother San Shimu for the four monthly tickets; thank you big brother for the six monthly tickets that I rely on me to read books; thank you big brother for the two monthly tickets of Emperor Yicheng King of the Kingdom of God; thank you for the book A monthly ticket from friend 20200130210514352; thank you for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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