Chapter 286 Green Pheasant (Big Guys, Stop Raising Books)
After listening to Robin's simple and complicated past, Artoria, who was once a king, sneered, "What, destroying an island just because of interpreting the past history, such a world government is not worth it."

"..." A few drops of sweat flowed down Robin's forehead, and he always had the illusion of being on the wrong boat.

Even though Artoria and the holy sword in her hand were corroded by the curse, causing her thoughts to reverse, her fundamental purpose and ideal itself did not change.

It's just that he has changed from a knight king who kept himself clean for his ideals to a tyrant who will implement even tyranny in order to realize his ideals——Alteria [Alter].

"During this short voyage, I have also observed the lives of many civilians..." Artoria paused, and continued: "The residents of many villages and towns are alive with numb faces. Not a trace of anger."

"Master, I have received your wish to overthrow the world government." Artoria said full of fighting spirit: "Lead me to sweep up those miscellaneous soldiers, and take away those high-ranking and useless upper-class nobles and kings." , massacred..."

[Alteria [Alter]'s favorability has increased, but the bond level remains unchanged]

Everyone: "..."

"No, we don't have the strength to confront the world government yet." Eric shook his head, "Also, we will stay here for a few days to verify my conjecture."

'Since there are so many pairs of eyes who saw the red pupils and black pupils taking Robin away, the old father Aokiji should get the news. '

'What would you do?Aokiji...'

The addition of newcomers did not cause much commotion, after all, Captain Eric often brought new members on board.

And Robin did not agree to hold a welcome banquet, which disappointed the duo who were looking forward to feasting at the banquet.

Perona murmured softly: "It's as if you two don't eat too much in normal times..."

"A la la..." A tall man scratched his hair as if he had a headache, and the wide eyepatch on his forehead couldn't hide his expression.

"Troublesome, Nicole Robin actually fell into this guy's hands." A lazy lion came to life in a blink of an eye, his eyebrows were raised, and his eyes burst into two gleams.

Holding the information given to him by his subordinates in one hand, Aokiji murmured softly: "What is your purpose in taking Nicole Robin away? Darren Eric!"

"'Son of the Devil' Nicole Robin can read the text of history, and Eric is a bold pirate, the two of them together... Could it be that he is for ancient weapons?!"

Aokiji couldn't sit still any longer. If possible, he wanted to take another colleague to the West Sea to arrest Eric immediately, but the two generals left the great route to go to the four seas at the same time. This kind of action is definitely unrealistic.

After thinking about it for a while, Aokiji seemed to have finally made up his mind and got up to leave the reclining chair.

A naval warship sailed from the New World, crossed the windless belt, and headed for the West Sea.

"Mr. Captain, how long are we going to stay here?" Robin asked Eric who was standing on the side of the boat.

"Huh?" Eric asked back, "Is there anything urgent you need to attend to?"

"No." Robin shook his head, "Ten days have passed since I was witnessed by the residents of the town, and the Navy Headquarters may have gotten the news. Notice……"

"Don't you understand? I'm just waiting for someone from the Navy headquarters..."

"!" Robin's eyes widened, and the panic was beyond words, and he said excitedly: "The navy headquarters is not so easy to deal with! Do you think it will be like the branch navy fleet these days, be killed by Didara, or Can Weibull solve it alone?!"

"Don't worry, I will protect you. Besides, the meeting with Aokiji was a bit hasty last time. I have something to tell him."

"..." When Robin heard this name suddenly, he was both afraid and grateful.

Aokiji's strength and indifference made her afraid, but because of his lenient nature, she narrowly escaped death.

Robin lowered his shoulders, "Since it's the captain's order, I understand."

Hearing Robin use the honorific, Eric was about to speak...

"Captain, I saw the general Aokiji, riding a bicycle on the sea towards this side!" Chiron Hui reported from the watchtower.

"Is it finally here..." Eric calculated the distance in his mind, "The speed is quite fast, I thought I would have to wait a few more days."

"Let's go, Robin." Eric patted Robin on the shoulder, "At least meet your old friend, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be able to escape the gunfire of the warship."

"..." Robin silently followed behind Eric.


The sea is frozen under the wheels of the bicycle, and a narrow ice road connects here from afar.

"Ah la la..." Aokiji looked at the steel warship protruding from the distance, "Are the members of the Dawn Pirates still here? It always feels like they are waiting for me..."

This is very different from Eric's usual style. As long as Eric is exposed to the navy's sight, he usually only stays in the same place for two to three days before disappearing.

In two to three days, the fleet sent by the Navy Headquarters could not reach the sighting site to arrest Eric, and the strength of the Navy Branch was far from the opponent of Eric's group.High mobility and high concealment are also the reasons why the upper echelon of the navy is such a headache for Eric and his group.

In the past few days, the three fleets jointly dispatched by several nearby naval branches were defeated by "explosion expert" Didara and a huge helmeted man alone.

Therefore, Deidara's wanted warrant was finally updated, and the remodeled Weibull was once again on the wanted warrant because of the large difference from his previous appearance.

"Explosion Artist" Didara, offering a reward of 8000 million Baileys.

"The Man in the Steel Mask" offered a bounty of 1000 million Baileys.

Didara's name was finally changed to Explosion Artist, which made him happy for several days, thinking that someone finally understood his art.

As for the reason why Weibull only has a name, it is because the navy does not know his name, and Heitong has never called Weibull's name in front of the navy.

Aokiji also got news from the nearby naval branch, knowing that the Dawn Pirates had been docked on this island for nearly ten days and there was no sign of leaving, so he decided to come here alone on his bicycle.

'Combined with their ability to snatch devil fruits, is Eric's target originally me? 'Some thoughts flashed in Aokiji's mind, but he still resolutely went to see him.

"However, the relationship between Robin and I was only known to the two of us present..." Aokiji's face was a little puzzled, "Could it be that she told Eric about this?" '

Now, Aokiji doesn't intend to back down, he is an admiral, even if the burning justice in his heart is destroyed by that shell, it still can't change his mission of catching pirates!

The narrow ice road finally connected to the island, and Aokiji's bicycle finally landed on land.

Eric, Kurumi, Scathach and Artoria stood in front of him.And Robin, who was a little girl 13 years ago, stood behind them with a bitter face.

Aokiji scratched the fluffy curly hair on the back of his head, and smiled wryly, "Ah la la, is the target really me?"

Put up the kickstand and park the bicycle aside, "Where's the 'Ice Queen' Esdes? Or, 'Kuilong', do you think four people can finish me?"

"Didn't you take Robin's combat power into account..." Eric smiled and said, "I just want to see you, and I don't mean to fight at all."

"If Esdece finds out, there will definitely be a fight first, and I don't know how it will end."

"Is that so... Did you tell Darren Eric about our relationship? Nicole Robin?"

Robin still had the same expression just now, and didn't say anything.

"No." Eric explained for her, "She didn't say anything, I learned it from other places."

"You?" Aokiji looked at Eric carefully, "According to your age at the time, you were only seven or eight years old at best. In the O'Hara incident, only one Nicole Robin survived, and everyone else..."

Everyone present understood what Aokiji meant.

"Eric's words are all true." Artoria said suddenly, "I swear on the glory of the knight."

"A la la la, it's another lady who is fascinated..." Aokiji suddenly showed a lecherous uncle's expression, "Do you have time tonight?"

Arturia refused with a calm expression: "Sorry, I have become Eric's sword and shield, and I cannot keep the promise."

"Really, what a pity."

"Don't seduce my crew as soon as you come up!"

"Speaking of which," Aokiji scratched his cheek and said, "There are too many female crew members on your ship."

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of the big brother Tyrant Xiu; thank you for the monthly ticket of the salted fish holy light of the big brother's flail paladin;
(End of this chapter)

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