The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 405 Expansion of the Territory: Expedition

Chapter 405 Expansion of the Territory: Expedition

In the end, the fighters who walked into the training ground to test their works were carried out of the training ground by Ajin and Lante sideways.

Da Vinci yelled at Estes: "I told you, don't destroy the robot!"

"Oh~" Estes stretched his waist: "I should go to train the army behind the bell."

"Don't run!"

Chitong handed Da Vinci a lollipop: "Esdes has this character, don't be angry."

"Just one candy to calm me down?" Da Vinci fiercely peeled off the package and bit the lollipop into his mouth: "You need at least two lollipops!"

"No." Chi Tong shook his head slightly: "I can only give you one lollipop, and I want to eat it."

Perona tried her best to complain: "Shouldn't you complain about your temper so cheap in this situation?!"

"It's not easy to eat candy from Chitong's mouth." Eric rubbed Perona's dog's head angrily.

"My hair is messed up!"

"How?" Eric ignored the complaining Perona and asked Da Vinci: "How about the experimental data of the fighter?"

"There are some discrepancies from the theoretical values." Da Vinci looked through the feedback experimental data: "There is still room for improvement, and the energy output has redundant losses; because of the three-meter body, the robot's actions are somewhat uncoordinated."

"Mr. Chiron, do you think the strength of a combatant can match the amount of bounty wanted criminals." Eric turned to consult Chiron.

"8000 million to [-] million Baileys." Chiron came to a conclusion after serious consideration: "It depends on the ability of the wanted criminal. Fighters are more restrained against swordsmen, and they can gain an advantage when facing swordsmen. "

"It's about the same as I expected." Eric nodded and said, "Da Vinci, how much does it cost to make a fighter?"

"About 2000 million." Da Vinci shrugged his shoulders, and his voice was a bit vague due to the sugar in his mouth: "This is just the cost price of materials, without including my labor costs. Alloy, the manufacturing cost..."

"Thank you Da Vinci for your selfless dedication." Eric interrupted: "When will mass production be possible?"

"This fighter is just a trial product, far from perfect." Da Vinci took out the candy with a "boo": "It will take at least two months to improve, test, and perfect, plus the production line of the factory. It will take half a year to design and build fighters before they can be mass-produced."

"I see."

"Also—" Da Vinci shook the lollipop with saliva on it: "Mr. Eric, please buy a large number of slash shells and impact shells on the sky island, I need to equip these special sky island shells on the robot. "

Eric squatted down and carefully observed the combatant's left arm: "Did you put the slash shell in your arm?"

"No~" Da Vinci raised his chin, put his left hand on his hip, and the lollipop in his right hand couldn't hide his complacency at all.

"Using the ability to swallow the fruit, I combined several slash shells with a super fusion, and at the same time increased the upper limit of the power and area of ​​​​absorbing slash."

"Da Vinci's kiss is amazing." Eric clapped desperately under Da Vinci's threatening eyes.

After chatting about the fighter's follow-up improvement plan, Da Vinci called Akin and Rant to send the fighter who lost the ability to move back to the laboratory.

Eric, who watched everyone leave, stayed where he was and thought: The rule of the mainland of Shenzhou is gradually becoming stable, more merchant ships pass by here, and the total amount of tolls collected is gradually increasing. It's time to expand your territory!
The third task of the year: the task of occupying three large islands can only be completed by yourself and your companions.

The sea charts found from Onishima show that the islands around Wano Country were once Kaido's territory. However, Kaido died and the Beast Pirates were destroyed. These islands are occupied by other pirates.

Eric gritted his teeth: "This group of guys should spit out everything they eat!"

"Do you want to go to sea?" Egil on the side said with a smile on his face, "I can't wait~"


The next day, a five-member team consisting of Scathach, Yamato, Didara, Erza, and Egil set off for a large nearby island.

Erza was a little uncertain: "We only have five people, can we take back the island occupied by other pirate groups?"

Scathach replied flatly: "The few of us are enough."

"The Rhodes Pirates, there are three main rewards." Scathach picked up the reward order: "Although they are all worthless guys, let's assign tasks first."

Yamato raised his right hand and said first: "Leave their captain to me to deal with!"

"Okay." Scathach readily agreed.

"So simple?"

"I really can't get motivated to face these guys."

"Eh?" Yamato was stunned.

Scathach continued: "Captain Rhodes, who offers a bounty of 3000 million Baileys, is good at swordsmanship."

"First Mate Haig, with a bounty of [-] million Baileys, is good at using hammers."

"Leave it to me too!" Yamato offered himself again.

"Martin, the navigator, has a bounty of 9000 million Baileys, and he has good marksmanship."

"It's mine too!"

"Excluding these three bounty offenders, the Rhodes Pirates have about a thousand pirates and three pirate ships. It is a large-scale pirate group."

"Leave it all to me!"

"Okay." Everyone unanimously decided to let Yamato deal with the entire Delos pirates alone.


Although Eric's bounty has reached as high as 35 billion, and the rewards of the first echelon of the Dawn Pirates are also around one billion. The bounty of two to three hundred million Baileys seems to be a small role, but the bounty of two to three hundred million is in The new world is already considered a strong player, especially in the first half of the paradise, pirates with a bounty of over [-] million are extremely rare, and after arriving in the Chambord Islands, they will be called supernovas by the world.

Even in the war on the top, the bounty offered for stabbing Whitebeard's maelstrom spider Scuad was only 1000 million Baileys.

If you don't run into a lieutenant general, admiral, or the Four Emperor Pirates of the Navy Headquarters, the guy with a bounty of two to three hundred million can basically walk sideways on the sea.

Of course, pirates with a dream of one piece always have an enterprising heart, trying to get their hands on the supreme secret treasure, and they are even more unwilling to be blocked by a few mountains on their way forward. If it is so simple to accept their fate, they will not set sail , came all the way to the new world.

These not-weak pirates racked their brains to deal with the big pirates. In the cracks of the new world, they tried their best to obtain the nutrients they needed to survive and grow, to develop their own power, and to train their subordinates.

Captain Rhodes is such a pirate. He saw the news of the demise of the Beasts Pirates, took the opportunity to get involved in a territory that he had never dared to think about before, and occupied Kent Island like wild dogs protecting food, using the advantages of numbers and ships , in the previous naval battles, repelled several other pirate groups that were scrambling for food.

Rhodes originally wanted to snatch a batch of weapons and run away, but after dozens of days of patrolling and vigilance, it showed that the Dawn Pirates did not know the existence of Kent Island, so they boldly occupied it and began to oppress the people here work for them.

On the sea tens of miles away from Kent Island, there is a pirate ship wandering nearby.

"Captain Rhodes is really, it's been more than four months, and you still let us do this thankless patrol job." A pirate minion A complained in a low voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's not that the captain didn't pay you a salary." Another minion B is loyal to Rhodes, after all, every pirate group has one or two heartless loyalists.

"That's right, if I give you money, you can go on patrol. There's so much nonsense." C, who belongs to this small group, echoed.

Minion A saw that he was at a disadvantage in numbers, and immediately argued: "I just think this job is completely unnecessary. It's better to stay in the town and watch over those foolish people working."

"We have occupied the territory of the original Hundred Beasts Pirates." C, who has a little brain, said, "If you think about it for a while, you will understand how dangerous this is? What if the Dawn Pirates take the opportunity to attack us?"

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates has already become history." Minion A said with a look of disdain: "Maybe the Dawn Pirates don't even know that there is an island here."

Minion B said: "This is the nearest large island to the Kingdom of Shenzhou, so be careful and you won't make a big mistake."

The three of them were standing on the watchtower of the mast, watching the sea level with binoculars.

"Would you like to go to my house to taste the new good smoke you got after you landed?" Minion A suddenly suggested: "It's a good thing picked up from the corpses of the last wave of pirates. The taste is not to mention how good it is."

"So generous?" Minion C was stunned for a moment, and immediately excitedly said: "This fucking relationship is good, I haven't tasted a good cigarette for a long time."

Minion B secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "I want it."

Minion A said: "Remember to take a shower and change your clothes before coming back, you smell like rotten sea water now."

"Who the hell isn't it?" Minion B said, "One shift takes seven days, and there's no way to take a shower on the boat. Now I'm itching like hell."

The three people were talking, when the sharp wind whistling sound suddenly entered the ear canal, followed by a violent explosion, the flames swept the entire pirate ship along with the storm, and the shock wave threw the three people high into the air.


Although it is a nearby island, Egil also sailed for a long time before approaching the first destination.

"At two o'clock, at a distance of sixteen nautical miles, there is a pirate ship." Egil reported: "It is the target this time, one of the ships in the Rhodes pirate group."

"I'll defeat them!" Yamato raised his mace.

"If Egil appears in their field of vision, these pirates will report to the base camp in advance."


"Egil, shoot and sink that pirate ship!"

Egil smiled sweetly, "Understood~"

A burst of artillery fire roared, thick smoke filled the air, several high-explosive bombs roared and flew towards the pirate ship, and then...

The sea and the air are filled with sawdust and waves flying all over the sky.

A pirate ship was sailing happily one second, and then disappeared instantly, as if it had evaporated.

Yamato looked at the original location of the pirate ship with tears in his eyes, and there were many broken pieces of wood floating there.

"Don't cry." Erza softly comforted Yamato: "The rest of the pirates will be left to you to deal with."

"Really?" Yamato wiped away tears: "You're not lying to me?"

"Yeah." Erza nodded, finally making Yamato smile.


The group soon arrived at Kent Island. The flag of the Beasts Pirates erected in the port was replaced by the flag of the Rhodes Pirates. The port was full of charred traces left by the battle. Obviously, the pirates occupying this place did not Repair carefully.

This winter island was originally guarded by Scotch, and was wounded by the provocative Kisame Kisame. After recovering from his injuries, he returned here to serve as a guard, and was finally killed by the invading Rhodes Pirates.

In the original work, the island was Kaido's weapon manufacturing factory, and Kaido forced the people on the island to work for him.In the next few years, a revolution will break out here, and the supernova "Wet Law" Caribou will wander here. Because of his identical appearance, the revolutionary army mistakenly thinks he is Captain Gafoor.

Although Caribou was despicable and shameless, at the last moment, he finally realized his conscience, protected the old lady, swallowed up the slavery that imprisoned the people, and liberated the enslaved people.As a result ** Drake was defeated and caught working in the Rabbit Bowl Quarry.

At this moment, there are several ships docking at the port, two of which belong to the Rhodes Pirates, and the rest are other pirates who came to buy weapons.

Even if Tezolo controls the underground arms trade now, the world is so big that it is impossible to monopolize the arms trade. Someone will always find other ways to sell or buy weapons.

"That, that's—the Dawn Pirates?!" Someone with sharp eyes accidentally spotted the steel battleship arriving at the port, and the Thunder Dragon Pirate Flag flying on it.

"Run!" The pirates on board quickly manipulated the Range Rover, preparing to control the sails and escape from here. Unfortunately, this kind of multi-masted sailboat needs time and manpower to start. Now there are not many people on board, and it is completely impossible to steer the ship out of the port.
"No waiter Bingya!"

Yamato turned into a human-beast form, white frozen air condensed in Yamato's mouth, and then turned into frosty breath and fell on the sea surface. The sea water was instantly frozen into a hard layer of ice, freezing the pirate ships in place.


The pirates in the port were panicked by the sudden catastrophe, but found that the members of the Dawn Pirates didn't attack him immediately.

Scathach, Erza and Didara jumped onto the ice one by one and walked slowly towards the port.

The huge steel battleship turned into crystal particles and disappeared, gathered around Egil, and turned into two terrifying dragon heads and sharp claws.

Scathach came in front of the pirates, stretched out his hand and unfolded the three arrest warrants, and asked word by word: "Where are these three guys?"

"..." There was no answer, but it was better than an answer. All eyes on the scene were cast on one of the guys with a gloomy face, the first officer of the Rhodes Pirates, Haig.

"There is only one first officer here?" Scathach asked, "Where are the other members of the Rhodes Pirates?"

"If you want to know, just ask me about the hammer in my hand!" Haig let out a resounding battle roar, brandishing the hammer and charging towards Skaha and the others.

"Your opponent is me!" Yamato raised his mace to meet him: "Look at the trick——Thunder gossip!"

"Yamato, don't kill him!" Scatha said, "We still have to extract information from him..."


Zi Lei flashed past, and the man named Haig died on the spot.

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(End of this chapter)

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