The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 406 This is the Pirate

Chapter 406 This is the Pirate

"Only one hit?"

"The man who offered a reward of [-] million is so vulnerable..."

"She is Kaido's daughter—"Oniji" Yamato!"

"Even the daughter of a monster is a monster!"

The pirates in the port were amazed by Yamato's strength, and the originally quiet scene seemed a little chaotic.

"I didn't use much strength..." Yamato scratched the back of his head and walked to Haig's body: "I finally took a little effort."

"..." Many pirates took a step back, trying to get further away from Yamato.

Haig's cervical spine was broken, and his chest was sunken in a large area as if hit by a heavy truck. The broken ribs burst out, and the slightly opened mouth was filled with scarlet liquid, which slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth, blocking the regretful words in three On the other side of the road.

"The broken bone pierced the heart, and it's hopeless." Skaha gave up the rescue after a brief inspection.

A few drops of sweat dripped down Didara's cheeks: "It's not as simple as a bone piercing through the heart, but he died on the spot..."

"There should be members of the Rhodes Pirates here?" Erza raised her head and asked, "Who are the Rhodes Pirates?"

"Da da da--"

The sound of messy footsteps sounded, and the other pirates were horrified by Yamato's thunderous blow, and the escape route was cut off by the Dawn Pirates. The troubles of the Rhodes Pirates, so they stayed away from the members of the Rhodes Pirates, and the members of the Rhodes Pirates who were fighting between the two groups were exposed to the sight of the Dawn Pirates.

"Hmm..." Egil walked over slowly, facing the members of the Rhodes Pirates and said, "You should know whose territory Kent Island belongs to."

"...It's from the original Beast Pirates... ah!" A pirate belonging to the Rhodes Pirates replied cautiously, but was swallowed by the steel dragon head that suddenly appeared behind Egil. Next, leave the unfinished words in the stomach.

Egil smiled and said: "No, from now on, this is the site of the Dawn Pirates."

There was a sound of squeezing or chewing from the pitch-black steel dragon's mouth, and finally spit out a bloody flesh ball with bone residue.

"...!" The pirates around were frightened by Egil's terrifying methods, and gasped.

Egil was like a demon, and said with a smile: "Okay, take us to find your captain."

Showing the gap in strength and using thunderous means, the pirates who have been used to seeing strong winds and waves in the new world for many years can't afford a trace of resistance.

Scathach got some useful information from members of the Rhodes Pirates.

The port is a place for transporting goods. Captain Rhodes is usually not here, but is stationed in the city in the middle of the island.Usually, the first mate Haig leads a hundred pirates to be responsible for the security of the port, and the navigator Martin guards the weapon manufacturing factory and forces the villagers to work.

"Let's go to the station of the Rhodes Pirates." Scathach ordered: "Didara, you stay at the port and watch these pirates."

Didara shrugged: "Understood~"

Except for Didara, the other four followed the members of the Rhodes Pirates on the captive road and took a carriage to the Rhodes Pirates' station.

"This guy is 'Explosion Artist' Didara with a bounty of 8000 million!"

"He is alone now, should we go together and kill him?"

Seeing that there was only one member of the Dawn Pirates left here, the rest of the pirates in the port began to discuss in a low voice, and the thoughts of confrontation were ignited like a spark, and many pirates surrounded Didara with malicious intentions.

Didara showed a mocking smile, spread his hands and said, "Your strength is very weak. To be honest, I don't want to fight with you. Hmm."

"You'd better go to hell and talk big!"

"You only have one person, but we have so many people!"

"As long as you kill him, you will become famous!"

The pirates licking blood stared at Didara with bloodshot eyes. The desire to survive took root in their bodies until it enveloped the whole heart; other ideas.

"Cut——" Didara smacked his lips heavily, sticking out his tongue from the palms of his hands, spewing out countless tiny spider detonating clay. Didara swung his hands freely and threw the detonating clay in front of the pirates rushing towards him in all directions.

Then Didara raised his right hand with two middle fingers and made a seal with one hand: "Drink!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The explosion sounded continuously, and the thick black smoke spread around Didara, and the orange fire hidden in it devoured the life of the nearest pirate.

After several seconds of continuous explosions, the roar of the explosion finally stopped, and the high-heat air wave rushed towards the face, forcing the surrounding pirates to retreat several meters.

Amidst the gunpowder smoke, more than a dozen pirates collapsed powerlessly on the ground, some died on the spot, and some were paralyzed by the blast wave.

The explosion shock wave transmitted to the whole body caused a buzzing sound in the brain of the injured pirate, bright red blood overflowed from the corner of the pirate's mouth, and his breathing became sluggish due to the damaged organs.

Didara clasped his hands together, kneaded briefly for a second or two, and squeezed out a bird sticky doll: "Then I'll play with you."


The clay bird swelled, and Deidara jumped up and landed on the white bird's back: "I still like to play bombing games. Hmm"


Scathach said suddenly: "The battle has already begun at the port."

"Eh?" Yamato was a little worried: "There are so many pirates in the port, is it really okay to leave Deidara alone to deal with them?"

Egil chuckled, and said indifferently: "If Didala loses the battle, then I will have a chance to laugh at him."

"Yamato, don't underestimate Didara, he is very strong." Erza smiled slightly.

"Hmm..." Yamato tilted his head: "It always feels like you left all the troublesome things to me and Didara."

"..." The other three people trembled, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.

"What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing."

Several people were chatting, and when the carriage on the road passed a certain village, Yamato suddenly frowned and asked, "It's noisy there, what's going on?"

"My lord..." The pirate driving the carriage in front turned his head and explained in a low voice: "It should be our pirate group that is recruiting workers."

"Recruiting workers?" Yamato said with a puzzled face: "Why is there a crying sound? Every time the Kingdom of Hua recruits workers, the people cheer with joy."

"Enter the village." Skaha ordered: "Yamato, the vast majority of pirates in this world are not like the Dawn Pirates."

"After seeing this, do you still want to go to sea to be a pirate?"

The carriage slowly drove into the village along the road, and the noisy and chaotic scene came into everyone's eyes.

"Let me go! Do you want to fight against the Rhodes Pirates?!"

A man with a gun pulled an old lady hard, and another pirate slammed the old man's face with the butt of his gun, making a muffled groan.

The strong impact traveled all over the spine along with the skull, and two streams of red liquid flowed out from the old man's nostrils. The pirate's attack just now made the old lady stare, and she couldn't help but let go of her right hand that was holding on to her clothes.

The young man was forcibly dragged away by two other pirates, stretched out his right hand and shouted: "Grandma!"

The old lady lay on the ground and stretched out her weak right hand, but she couldn't reach her grandson's palm.

"What are you guys doing?" Yamato's anger was instantly ignited, and Erza also showed resentment. She was enslaved by the Black Magic Order when she was a child.

Egil sighed: "Forcibly recruiting workers is called forced recruitment, but what about recruiting workers?"

"Damn old woman, we are just recruiting your grandson to work, how can you be so ungrateful!" The pirate raised his flintlock gun and aimed at the old woman: "Do you want to die?!"

"Stop!" Erza's whole body was shrouded in dazzling brilliance: "Flying Armor!"

After increasing her speed, Erza's figure disappeared in the carriage, and appeared out of thin air next to the pirate holding the gun. The sword light flashed away, and the flintlock was split into two.

"Who?!" The pirates who came to the village to forcibly recruit workers immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Erza.

"Wait, wait a minute!" The pirate driving the carriage quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Don't do it!"

"Bert, aren't you and the mate responsible for the security of the port?" A pirate asked suspiciously, "Why did you appear here?"

"..." Bert was tongue-tied, rationality desperately preventing him from telling the truth.

Someone asked Bert suspiciously: "Who are these guys?"

Yamato ignored the tense atmosphere at the scene, helped up the old man lying on the ground, and shouted angrily: "Why are you doing this? She's just an old man!"

"Old man?" the pirate sneered, "Anyone who dares to defy the Rhodes Pirates will be punished! What's more, she's just an old man, and she can't work in a factory. It's just right for her to be an example to others!"

Erza's eyes swept around, and there were other pirates pulling the villagers. The villagers who were unwilling to leave were usually dizzy by the pirate's gun butt, and then forcibly separated. During the period, many pirates laughed and laughed. Mopping young women, causing screams.

And on the other side of the village, dozens of villagers were tied together with a rope and stood there dejectedly.

Yamato stared blankly: "Is this a pirate..."

Scathach nodded and said, "This is a pirate."

"That's right, this is a pirate!" A pirate laughed and pointed at Erza, "Kowtow to me and apologize, or..."

"Hey!" Another pirate tugged at his clothes and reminded in a low voice, "They are the Dawn Pirates...!"

"!!" The pirate with a lewd smile on his face stiffened at this moment.

"Most of the guys who go out to sea to be pirates are villains who do all kinds of evil. Even young people with dreams of treasure hunting will eventually become villains who rob houses because of the cruel reality. This is the so-called reality." Skaha walked to Yamato Side: "Are you still eager to go to sea?"

"...Well." Dahe nodded slowly, and said with a solemn expression: "I want to travel all over the world, so as not to become this group of annoying guys!"

Scathach patted Yamato on the shoulder: "Then do it according to your own ideas."

"Yeah." Yamato nodded heavily: "I want to kill all these villains!"

"——!" The moment Yamato finished speaking, the body of the pirate who was in charge of forcibly enlisting the villagers tensed up. His body, which had been fighting for many years, moved automatically, and the flintlock gun that had already been loaded with ammunition immediately aimed at Yamato.

"Thundering gossip!"

The pitch-black iron rod struck through the air, accompanied by the sound of howling wind, and slammed heavily on the chest of the pirate closest to her.

"Kacha" sound of bone shattering sounded at the first time, the strong man's body was beaten in half, and then turned into a black shadow and flew out.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, there was a mess of gunshots, and the flying lead bullets smashed Yamato's afterimage.

"Clang clang-"

Erza shot at the same time, she pushed her speed to the limit, and the two swords danced with continuous sword light, first cutting off the weapons held by the pirates, and then leaving deep and visible bone wounds on their bodies.

Zi Lei and Bai Guang flowed among the pirates, and Lei Yin and Jian Ming exploded in the crowd.

In a matter of breaths, the corpses of dozens of pirates who came to the village to forcibly recruit workers were strewn across the field, some were smashed to pieces by Yamato, and some were beheaded by Erza with a sword.

Erza came to the bundled villagers and cut the ropes that bound them with her sword.

"Thank you, thank you!" The villagers thanked hurriedly, then changed their faces, and said with a look of fear on their faces: "If you kill the crew of the Rhodes Pirates, their boss will definitely not let you go. We will not let our village go."

"Don't worry." Erza assured: "The Rhodes Pirates will definitely not disturb you."

"That's right!" Yamato patted his chest, "I'll blow that guy away!"

After comforting the villagers, Erza returned to the team.

Only the pirate who was in charge of driving the carriage was shaking like chaff.

"Don't you dislike killing people?" Egil looked at Erza: "Why did you suddenly change your temper?"

"These guys, damn it." Erza seemed to be re-examining her past behavior: "From now on, I will never show mercy to my enemies."

"It seems that Yamato is not the only one who has grown up today."

Although Scathach's face was covered by a black veil, Erza could hear the relief from her mouth.

"Let's go, let's go to the station of the Rhodes Pirates now."

Several people boarded the carriage again, the heavy sound of hooves broke the silence, and the carriage sped towards the station of the Rhodes Pirates.


At the base of the Rhodes Pirates, a man wearing a captain's cloak sitting on a sofa suddenly asked, "Did the crew in charge of patrolling the sea report the situation?"

"No, Captain."

"Where's Haig's phone?"

"Neither, Captain."

"It's not right, it's very wrong." Rhodes shook his head and pointed at his subordinates: "You, contact the maritime patrol team and Haig immediately!"

"Yes!" The crew member under his command immediately dialed the phone. After a busy tone, the crew quickly reported: "Captain, no one answered!"

"Oops!" Rhodes smashed the coffee table in front of him with a fist, his cold facial features twisted, and he said through gritted teeth, "Something went wrong!"

"What, what?" The crew members under his command were at a loss.

Rhodes shouted: "Call all members!"


 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from Big Brother Bloody D Xuanyuan; A monthly pass from Lao Longyue and Xiu; a monthly pass from the big brother book friend 20210721141500103; thanks to the 20180813205856855 reward from the big brother Qixiang;

(End of this chapter)

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