The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 458 I want him to be my new doll

Chapter 458 I want him to be my new doll
"Damn it...!" Estes couldn't catch up, and could only see Garp's iron fist on Liugui's chest.

"Bang!" The iron fist that had been trained to perfection sank into the body of the ancient giants, and the irresistible force exploded on Liu Gui's chest.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye spread from Garp's fist to the whole body, shaking layers of flesh waves on his chubby body, and finally spreading to Liugui's limbs and bones.

With a "bang", the strength of the fist leaked out of the back, and a waterfall-like air wave exploded from the back.

Liu Gui's huge body suddenly folded, and the black pupil standing in his palm swayed violently, almost being thrown off by the ancient giant.

Being attacked by the iron fist, Liu Gui staggered back two steps to stabilize his fallen body, but there was a huge depression on his chest.

Garp raised his left arm, wanting to give Liugui another iron fist, but was stopped by an angry voice from behind:

Estes, who was chasing after him, yelled, wrapped his overlord-colored sword blade, wrapped in icy air, and stabbed Garp's back.

"bang, bang"

Capulian stepped on the moon, adjusted his position in the air, and suddenly punched out his left fist.

Esdesi's figure turned into a white thunder, his anger and fighting spirit intertwined, and he mixed all the cold air, domineering, strength and sword skills into this thrust, condensing into a very dazzling sword light.


The eardrum-stinging sound suppressed the surrounding sounds to silence.

When the two forces collided, the domineering look burst out, and some weak-minded sailors immediately fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

Countless white-red lightning arcs spread out in the air like branches and leaves.

Liu Gui hurriedly raised his other palm, and used the back of his hand to shield Heitong from the coming shock wave, and the thunder arc split scars one after another on the back of Liu Gui's generous hand.

"My first iron fist should have crushed his sternum..." Garp frowned, "Why does this ancient giant feel nothing at all?"

Estes smiled coldly: "Guess?"

The western sword wrapped in extremely cold air swung dense phantoms in the air, slashing, stabbing, chopping, slashing, and swinging dozens of swords towards Karp like a storm.

But within a few breaths, the blade and the iron fist collided dozens of times in a blast of air, knocking out countless scattered sparks.

The two hit the ground from mid-air, their sword blades collided with their fists, continuously bursting out white and red arcs.

"Clang clang clang..."

Garp's punch has been exhausted, and he is about to close his fist. Esdeth leans forward, swings Garp's left fist away with his western sword, and kicks Garp with his right foot in the air.


The sound of ice condensing continued to sound, and an ice thorn made of sharp ice thorns rose from the ground.

Where the ice thorns passed, hoarfrost condensed, freezing the world, and the ice thorns pierced Garp's chest straight.


Garp swung his right fist, the ice spines burst, and the shattered tiny ice crystals formed a crystal clear ice mist.

Esdeth jumped out of the ice fog, and the entrained airflow dispersed the ice fog, and the red-white lightning arc set off a meteor-like sword light, stabbing towards her opponent.

Under the perception of knowledge and domineering, Garp's eyes seemed to have a red glow.

In the face of Esdeth's thunderous blow, Garp's expression was calm, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes, and his mouth cracked to the base of his ears.

The clenched fist suddenly swung out, the majestic and domineering force caused the air to explode, and the gust of wind swirled around the iron fist!


The blade and the fist collided again, and there was a huge roar between the sky and the earth. The violent power turned into a pure shock wave. With the two of them as the center, countless gravels were crushed into fine powder, and the ground with a radius of several meters sank.

Esdeth's eyes seemed to have a real fighting spirit, exuding an extremely terrifying aura around him with his domineering aura.

However, the wrestling only lasted for a moment.

At this moment, the huge body of the five ghosts appeared behind Garp, and the mace in his hand was wrapped in a huge force, and the sharp thrust pierced through the silent space, and hit Garp's sideways directly.

"Lieutenant General Garp! Watch out for your back!"

The sailors in the distance reminded loudly, and the finger that pulled the trigger kept on trying to prevent the five ghosts from continuing to swing their sticks.

Garp gathered all his strength and punched back Esdeth, who was competing with him for strength. There seemed to be eyes behind him, and he turned around and swung his iron fist.


The solid iron rod with a diameter of about seven or eight meters shattered into several pieces of iron of different sizes the moment Garp's iron fist touched it!
These shattered pieces of iron, as expected, smashed into the navy who was sprinting.



Garp, who was about to stop the iron from falling, was entangled again by Esdeath.

"Where do you want to go?" The air seemed to stand still for a moment, there was no wind, no sunshine, only bone-chilling coldness spread between the two of them.

Garp turned around and saw that there were countless sharp ice thorns floating around Esdeth, exuding a sense of extreme cold.

"Bai Ice Shards!"

With an order, countless ice thorns floating in the air shot at Karp like a torrential rain, and the naval hero could only turn around to meet him.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The shattered iron pieces of the giant mace fell on the naval camp, killing dozens of sailors in an instant.

Garp's boxing shadows all over the sky, and the whistling wind of his fists, actually caught all the ice thorns made by Esdeth.

"Che" Hei Tong smacked his lips, his face full of displeasure.

"Hail Furious Leap!"

The sky was suddenly covered by shadows. He looked up, and a huge ice ball fell from the sky and hit Karp who was standing on the ground.

"It's quite capable!"

Garp kicked the ground hard with his legs, and hammered the puck with his invincible iron fist.


The place where the iron fist hit was sunken and broken, and cracks emerged from the ice ball. In a short period of time, the meteor-like ice ball was shattered into countless ice blocks.


The sword light chasing light and electricity came to Karp in an instant, the terrifying sword intent, the energy was compressed to a point, all the falling ice cubes on this straight line were blown away, and the whole space seemed to be covered by this The sword pierces through.


Garp raised his arm and swung his fist to block the shocking sword. The aura from the broken sword pierced Wushuang's iron fist, and the extremely cold air condensed frost on Garp's fist.

"Hei Tong, he is my prey!" Estes shouted: "Go and deal with those sailors!"

"Is there no problem?" Hei Tong asked suspiciously, and then said again: "He broke one of my dolls, and also destroyed the weapon of my other doll!"

"It's okay, let the craftsman customize another weapon for your doll!"

"...Okay." Hei Tong finally gave in, and manipulated the five ghosts and six ghosts to walk towards the sea soldiers.

"By the way——" Garp finally recalled: "These two ancient giants are corpses, and even if they are seriously injured on the verge of death, they will not have any impact on the corpses!"

"Finally realized..."

"The black pupil who manipulated the corpse to fight..." Garp's face was frosty: "Her existence is too great a threat to ordinary sailors."

"Then you have to defeat me before you can stop Hei Tong!"

A ray of sword light bloomed in the palm of Esdesi, and Esdesi's sword merged into one, and with the most determined fighting spirit in his eyes, he rushed towards Karp without hesitation!

Garp lowered his waist slightly, clenched his fists tightly, and folded his five fingers together, covering it with a dark and thick armed domineering look.

Then he punched out, and there was a dull explosion in the air.

Estes, who was united with sword and man, confronted each other tit for tat, with one sword and one punch. The shock wave swept across the entire battlefield in an instant, and even the duel between Eric and the yellow monkey was stopped.

The clouds in the sky suddenly collapsed, and the solid ground cracked and heaved.

The legend of the navy, Garp was slightly better in the confrontation of power after all, and the steady stream of majestic power abruptly shook Esdeath back.

Without changing his face, Esdeth simply left his feet off the ground, allowing Garp's force to push him back, connecting his feet to the ground, releasing the kinetic energy of retreating bit by bit.

"Your strength is stronger than Akakenu and Kizaru..." Esdes frowned and asked, "Why is the rank only lieutenant general?"

"If you want to be free, you don't need such a high status."

After Garp finished speaking, he rushed to Esdeath again.


"There is such a huge monster..."

"Even if there are such monsters blocking the way, we must defeat them!"

"Don't back down, keep going!"

The brave and fearless sea soldiers rushed towards the five ghosts and the six ghosts with weapons in hand.

"Just go ahead and hit his ankle!"

Under the command of a major general, the sea soldiers leaped onto the feet of the five ghosts and the six ghosts one after another, attacking frantically.

The sharp blade stabbed straight, swung the knife and slashed, and bright red blood flowed from the blue skin.

But for the five ghosts and the six ghosts, this kind of injury is almost like an ordinary person's calf being scratched by a utility knife, not to mention that they are a corpse, and they have long since felt no pain.

"It's really troublesome..." Hei Tong curled his lips and said, "Don't destroy my large doll!"

The five ghosts raised one foot, and several sea soldiers on the instep tightly grasped the weapons pierced into the body, and hung on the five ghosts' feet.

The giant's calf drew back to accumulate strength, and then kicked out violently. The strong centrifugal force forced the sea soldier to press on the five ghosts' insteps.

Afterwards, several sailors smashed through the air with their bodies, flew far away, turned into a few black spots, and then disappeared.

"Hahaha!" Standing on Liugui's shoulder, Heitong laughed loudly.

"Damn monster..." A rear admiral stepped on the air, using moon steps continuously, and slashed at the master who controlled the monster.

"Dang" Hei Tong raised his knife horizontally and smiled: "Unfortunately, my strength is not weak."

"'March of the Dead' black pupil..." the major general gritted his teeth and read out the opponent's name.

The black pupils narrowed their eyes slightly, and a murderous intent shot out from the pupils. She stood up and rushed forward, chopping down the eight chambers in her hand, and a bright knife light flashed out.

The major general's eyes were fixed, and he raised his knife to block the falling light of the knife.

The blades collided, sparks burst, and the powerful force was transmitted from the blade to the major general, and the navy's knees softened.


Bafang's blade moved along the direction of the enemy's blade, and the friction between the blades made harsh noises.

With a flick of Hei Tong's wrist, Bafang's blade turned and slashed across at the Rear Admiral in front of him.


Before he finished speaking, a knife flashed in the rear admiral's eyes, and Bafang drew a wound across his chest.

Blood splattered, and the rear admiral staggered back, his footsteps fluttered, his body swayed, and he fell off Liu Gui's shoulders.

In the major general's field of vision are the blood droplets sprayed and scattered in the air, the black pupil's gaze without any emotion, and finally the everlasting blue sky...

The rear admiral crashed to the ground.


"It's really scary~" The yellow ape who paused the battle stared at Esdeth: "The ice queen is getting stronger and stronger. How did you monsters grow?"

Eric smiled and replied, "Aren't you a monster too?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the ancient giant was killing all directions. The yellow ape held up the Tiancongyun sword, and the sharp sword formed by the condensed light was smashed down with all his strength:

"Still inferior to you!"

Eric quickly raised the gun, and the red tip of the gun stabbed upwards.


The tip of the fire-pointed sharpshooter brazenly hit the sword of light, and the impact force concentrated on one point suddenly exploded, and a dazzling light shone from it.

The strong light enveloped Eric's body, and the aftermath of energy swayed around.

Using the strong light to take away Eric's sight, the yellow monkey withdrew from the combat range, and his whole body turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

A dazzling light suddenly lit up in the midair, and the gathered yellow streamer gradually condensed the figure of the yellow ape.

Obviously possessing extremely fast speed, but when the yellow ape gathers human figures, it gives people a sense of slowness.

"It's General Yellow Monkey!"

The sailors cheered loudly.

After condensing into a figure, Huang Yuan crossed his arms, his thumb and forefinger outlined a circle, and a rotating cross shone in it: "Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

In an instant, countless yellow light bullets shot out from the finger circle, and the targets were two huge ancient giants.

"Hey, hey, your opponent is me—!"

Eric dodged behind the yellow monkey, and the yellow monkey was forced to stop the barrage time like a bounty hunter who had been silenced.

The fire-pointed spear swept towards Huang Yuan, and Huang Yuan had no time to turn around, so he could only block his arms and block the sweeping spear.

However, the slightly trembling arm was not as understated as Huang Yuan's superficial block.

Eric suddenly took a step forward and kicked the yellow monkey's back. The yellow monkey's body turned into a streamer and moved several meters to avoid the attack.

"Hmm~ How should the black pupils below defend?" Huang Yuan looked down and looked at the two ancient giants shrouded in light bullets.

"Hei Tong is very strong——!"

Liugui raised his arms and stood in front of Heitong.

Then in the next second, all the light bullets fired by the yellow ape fell on the body of the ancient giant.


The sound of light bullets shooting into the ketone body continued, and because Eric interrupted the release of the "eight-foot Qiong Gouyu" by the yellow ape, the two ancient giants were not smashed into a sieve on the spot.

In less than a second, the light bullet left hundreds of bright yellow spots on the two ancient giants.

Almost at the same time, bloody arrows were ejected from the wound, making the two ancient giants instantly become blood men.

The palms in front of Heitong moved away, Heitong raised his head, and glared viciously at the yellow ape in the air.

Huang Yuan said casually: "What a scary look~"

Eric shouted: "Hei Tong, don't worry, I will help you teach this old monkey a lesson."

"Brother-in-law!" Hei Tong smiled sweetly, "Can you capture Huang Yuan and make it my new doll?"

"I try my best."

"Thank you brother-in-law!"

Huang Yuan trembled all over: "It's scary, this is too scary!"

(End of this chapter)

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