Chapter 459 Naval Morale Collapsed (Addition)
"Now!" Stoloberg held two knives, and a cold light flashed, instantly cutting off the five ghosts' two ankles.

The ancient giant that lost its support quickly fell down under the action of gravity, and the overweight mass slammed into the ground, shaking up a cloud of dust.

"Go up ahhh—!"

"kill him!"

The sailors rushed towards the fallen five ghosts with red eyes. Just now, the number of sailors who died in the hands of the five ghosts and the six ghosts was quite a few, at least hundreds of them.

"chi, chi, chi"

The navy bee pupae with a sharp blade came, and the huge body of the five ghosts was covered with sea soldiers!
"Don't break my doll casually!"

"Successful!" Walters jumped up and came to the back of the black pupil, and suddenly pulled out the long-prepared Juhe Zhan, and the silver sword light, which was close at hand, even reflected on the white face of the black pupil.


An arm suddenly emerged from Liugui's shoulder, blocking Walters' Iai Slash.


Walters looked in amazement at the arm that suddenly appeared. The five fingers at the end of the arm were bent, and the blade he swung was blocked a few inches from the palm of his hand.

Walters took a closer look, and saw that the five fingertips were connected by several silk threads, and the opponent blocked his own slash with just the silk thread!
Walters retreated cautiously, opening the distance between him and Hei Tong.


The wound on Liu Gui's shoulder widened again, a figure tore open Liu Gui's muscles, and came out covered in blood.

Iconic sunglasses, a rebellious smile, wearing a pink feather coat and cropped pants, revealing some messy leg hair, and wearing pointed shoes that can poke people to death.


Walter recognized the veteran Shichibukai at a glance.

"Don't underestimate me——" Hei Tong sneered coldly: "One of my dolls is about to break down, and I just need you to replace it. You are the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, right? You barely meet my strength requirements..."

Walter said with deep hatred: "You devil who plays with corpses...!"

Hei Tong retorted: "It's not as good as the world government using living people for human experiments."

"What did you say!?"

Heitong pointed at Wugui and Liugui with the tip of his knife, and asked, "Who do you think made these two ancient giants?"


"It's a scientific experiment agency set up by your world government, trying to possess the power of the ancient giants, and has been secretly conducting human giant experiments."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Walter retorted coldly: "I only see you wantonly playing with the remains of the dead!"

"That's right..." Heitong shrugged and raised Bafang: "I should also use all my strength."

The black thunder released by the tip of the knife is like the key to open the underworld, allowing the souls of the past to pass through the gate of hell and come to the world again.

The flat ground bulged and cracked, and several figures emerged from the holes in the ground.

"'Steel Mask' Weibull!"

"Foz Fur!"

"Lao G!"

"Who are the other two?"

"I don't know him. Looking at the clothes of one of them, he seems to be a member of CP0!"

The double knives in Stoloberg's hands were crossed in front of his chest, and he swung his arms left and right. The five ghosts' necks snapped, and their huge heads fell to the ground and rolled several times.

"As expected of Lieutenant General Stoloberg!"

"Good job!"

"Finally defeated this monster!"

The sailors breathed a sigh of relief.


Unexpectedly, the ancient giant that lost its head did not lose its ability to move. It raised its huge palm and slapped it hard on the ground, smashing the few sailors who could not avoid it in time into meat paste.

"Even if he loses his head, won't he stop!?" Stoloberg's usual calm expression finally changed at this moment.

The five ghosts, who lost their feet and heads, knelt on their knees, scratching the ground with their hands, and the sailors scattered and fled.

"A monster that won't die...!"

"Why did this happen?" A sailor asked himself with his knees on the ground, holding his head: "How can we defeat it!?"

Some sailors suddenly lost their fighting spirit and fled the battlefield crying loudly. A small group of people led another group of people, and their morale collapsed like a flood.


Attacking each other like a violent storm, Arturia and Gion were engaged in the purest swordsmanship competition.

The violent shock was transmitted from the sword body to the wrist, and spread all the way to the internal organs, making Gion extremely uncomfortable.

Even if Arturia does not release the Noble Phantasm, her own sword skills are among the best in the world.After being polluted by black mud, her strength has been improved again, the only disadvantage is that her agility is low.

Gion's sword skills danced wildly, attacking like a tide, pouring towards Artoria, but this airtight attack still couldn't break through Artoria's defensive sword momentum.

With the fierce confrontation of swords and knives, the sound of Jin Ge continued, and the fierce sword energy overflowed to the surroundings, carving countless sword marks on the surrounding ground.

"I can't go on like this anymore..." Gion noticed that the balance of victory was tilting in the direction of the Dawn Pirates, and ordinary sailors suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the ancient giants.

Karp is entangled by Estes; the yellow ape and Eric are in full swing; Dauberman and Joan of Arc are isolated within the firewall; Xiaohe is in the rear commanding the battle; Toloberg and Walster besieged Black Eye; the Dawn Pirates did not even have all the members on the field, but blocked the joint attack of a general, nine lieutenant generals and [-] sailors.

After the shocking incident where the giant lost its head but would not die, the heavy casualties of the sailors could no longer bear the psychological pressure, and they collapsed immediately.

"Your sword skills have become a little messed up..." Artoria asked aloud, "Is it because of those sailors?"

"..." Gion didn't respond to Artoria's question, and continued to wave Jinpira to step up the offensive.


"Can you still be called a navy!?" Lieutenant General He picked up the phone bug, and the whole army broadcast: "In order to protect those ordinary people, we have our navy! Please raise your weapons!!"

"Those two giants are just corpses, so they can continue to move by cutting off their heads!" Lieutenant General He shouted: "Cut off the giant's spine to stop them from continuing to move!"

Stoloberry shouted, "Lieutenant General Walters!"

Walters responded, "Understood!"

The two had the same mind, and when Stolberg attacked the five ghosts, Walters cut at the six ghosts at the same time.

The two vice-admirals slashed their swords, and a sword aura as wide as [-] meters burst out of the air.This is the super-large sword energy tempered by the great swordsman specifically for the sea kings, and it is a veritable ship-slashing sword skill.

I saw two giant sword qi cut out by Stoloberg, flying to the back of the five ghosts one after the other. The first sword cut through the tough skin and thick fat layer of the five ghosts, and the latter sword cut through the strong skin. Muscles and a rigid spine.

The huge body of the five ghosts shuddered, and slowly fell to the ground, and finally stopped moving.

Liugui was seriously injured by Garp's iron fist, the skin and muscles of his chest became abnormally soft, and the sword energy swung by Walters easily cut Liugui's thoracic vertebrae.

The two giant monsters that were raging on the battlefield finally fell, and the demoralized navy burst into enthusiastic cheers:
"Lieutenant General Stolberg!"

"Lieutenant General Walters!"

"Well..." Hei Tong shrugged: "Anyway, these two dolls have completed their missions, so let's fill in the vacancies of the dolls with you two naval admirals!"

Doflamingo, Weibull and others immediately surrounded him.

 Thank you for a monthly pass from the king of Emperor Yicheng of the Kingdom of God; thank you for a monthly pass from the book friend 20191111094547683;
(End of this chapter)

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