The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 500 Different Responses

Chapter 500 Different Responses
Charlotte Lingling opened her eyes wide and said fiercely, "This bastard...has become a navy!?"

Mondor explained: "Mom, the navy has held conscription in the North Sea in the past month, and I smiled and was successfully promoted to lieutenant general during this conscription event!"

"Of course I know!" Charlotte Lingling said to herself, "Could this be the undercover agent sent by Kuilong kid? He wants to attack the Navy headquarters?"

Perospero suggested: "Mom, should we reveal the news that Xiaoxiao is an undercover agent of the Dawn Pirates?"

"..." Charlotte Lingling thought for a moment and vetoed: "No, since the dawn pirates are targeting the Navy headquarters, we should not act rashly."

"Wait until the Dawn Pirates and the Navy Headquarters are both defeated, and then I will go out and clean up the mess."

"Perospero, have you found all the information you collected before?" Charlotte Lingling turned to look at her eldest son.

"Mom, I found it. Lick it." Perospero's long tongue was still drooping on the outside, and he said, "It was Vegapunk's research team that first discovered the [blood factor]."

"Besides Vegapunk, who else knows this technology!?" Charlotte Lingling suddenly interrupted: "Vegapunk is currently in the hands of the World Government, we can't take Vegapunk away !"

"Vinsmoke Gage, and 'Plague' Quinn." Perospero continued: "The [Blood Factor] discovered by the two of them together with Vegapunk was discovered by the World Government in Vegapunk. After the arrest, Quinn and Vinsmoke Gage fled separately—”

"Quinn was destroyed along with the Beasts Pirates, and now only Vinsmoke Gage is left..."

"Win Smoke?" Charlotte Lingling recalled: "The former overlord of the North Sea? Where is he now?"

"..." Perospero swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and whispered: "Vinsmoke Gage is now in the Kingdom of China."

"...Ah!?" Charlotte Lingling bent down and poked her head out. The surface of the giant spherical body was covered with Perospero's frightened expression: "What did you say?!"

"Before Mom and the navy teamed up to attack the Dawn Pirates, Vinsmoke Gage led Germa 66's large fleet to the Kingdom of China..."

"If Bree stepped into the trap that was intentionally exposed to us last time, he might have seen the technology that the Vinsmoke family is proud of..."

Perospero lowered his head. At that time, he and Cracker were knocked out, and then deduced from a few words and known information that the people of the Vinsmoke family were in ambush there.

"...It's the Kingdom of China again! It's Eric again!" Charlotte Lingling's thick arm was bulging out with veins one after another, and the armrest of the chair was crushed, and she yelled, "This brat— —!!"

"Mom..." Perospero's body seemed to shrank, but he still said the rest of the information: "I also found out the identity of a person, Caesar Courant, who followed Vegapunk to join the World Government Science Ban, you should know the technique of [Blood Factor]..."

"Oh?" Charlotte Lingling was taken aback when she heard the words, and said, "Good job, where are Caesar Courant's people?"

" Punk Hazard." After Perospero finished speaking, the air was silent.

Perospero raised his head tremblingly, and what he saw in his eyes was Charlotte Lingling's devouring expression.

Charlotte Lingling yelled: "Get out!"


Whitebeard spread out the newspaper, saw the smiling man in the cloak of justice in the photo, and said, "Another incredible guy has joined the Navy..."

"That Yixiao who once advanced to the quarterfinals of the Budokai?" Marco, who was Whitebeard's right-hand man, was also watching the news. He rubbed his chin and said, "Indeed, judging by the domineering exuded from this person, he really The strength of an admiral may be comparable to that of an admiral."

Joz folded his arms and said, "It's a pity that there are only three admiral positions, otherwise, we might see the grand scene of having four admirals at the same time."

"Navy Headquarters has also made great changes..." White Beard said: "And it was this brat who caused all of this..."

"The defeat of the Navy headquarters has produced a chain reaction. The strength of the elite navy has decreased, and the deterrence of the navy has declined. Conscription is a good move..."

"However, this has a corresponding side effect."

Sage asked curiously, "What side effects?"

"'Old school' and 'new school'."

"After coming out of the training camp, through the accumulation of military merits, they are promoted all the way to the officers, which is commonly known as the old school. Those who participate in the conscription, pass the competition selection, and directly parachute to the officers are called the new school."

"These two factions have irreconcilable contradictions."

Someone asked, "How?"

"The old school can't understand the newcomers who have not made any contribution but suddenly rise to high positions; the new school can't understand the old people who are inferior to themselves but criticize themselves."

"In short, the navy has gained a lot of powerful combat power, but it has also planted the hidden danger of internal division."

"That's why this time the recruitment will be conducted in the North Sea. While curbing the development of the Dawn Pirates in the North Sea, we will gather the strong ones in the North Sea first."

"What a hero..." Marshall Teach laughed, and said casually: "The next goal of the Dawn Pirates after occupying the North Sea should be the New World, right?"

"..." The companions around fell silent, it was not impossible, the strength shown by the Dawn Pirates before was enough to make them look sideways.

"Gu la la la..." White Beard slammed his wine glass and said, "If that kid Kui Long dares to get our ideas, then let him come!"

"I'm a white beard—!"


"We will never lose to the Dawn Pirates!"

The godsons on the ship immediately burst into laughter and cheered, and the broad deck of the Moby Dick echoed with everyone's cheerful laughter.


Shanks whispered: "The navy has made another big move..."

Ben Beckman, with a cigarette in his mouth, asked, "The Beihai conscription that was rumored before?"

"Yeah..." Shanks turned his eyes and said, "I can't let Eric continue to mess around like this..."

"But, boss—" Lagi Lu, who had been biting the barbecue, said vaguely: "With our current strength alone, we cannot stop the Dawn Pirates."

"..." The air fell into an eerie silence.

"That's right... ahahaha..." Shanks scratched the back of his head with his left hand, laughing at himself.

"If you want to stop the Dawn Pirates, you have to be at least at the same level as them..." Ben Beckman breathed out a puff of smoke and said, "To put it bluntly, our current strength is a little worse than that of the Dawn Pirates." Big cut."

Ben Beckman glanced at Shanks meaningfully: "It is said that Kuilong is in Shenzhou, and he often fights with the people under his command to increase his strength."

"It's not too late, let's practice as soon as possible and increase our strength!" Shanks stood up, but the subordinates around him didn't expect the reaction to be mediocre.

"Boss, do you want to come out again?" The members of the nearby red-haired pirates sighed:

"What about the banquet? We are holding a banquet..."

"Then work harder tomorrow!" Shanks raised his full wine glass with his left hand and shouted loudly: "Today, I will never stop getting drunk—!"

The members of the Red Hair Pirates also raised their glasses and responded loudly: "Oh!"

"..." Ben Beckman was silent for a moment, then sighed deeply: "Oh——"


Eric, who got the latest issue of the newspaper, smiled helplessly and said: "Smile, you still participated in the conscription organized by the Navy Headquarters and became a navy."

"Ah!" Kuang San who was standing behind Eric smiled lightly and said, "Since you can't bear it, Eric, why don't you force Yixiao to stay?"

"I also want to..." Eric looked up at the sky, and said, "It's too bad to give such a powerful combat power to the navy."

"Somewhat insincere~" Kuang San walked around the chair, sat gently on Eric's lap, wrapped his arms around his neck, and stared at Eric with beautiful eyes.

"Do you see it?"

"I've lived with you for four years. What's on your mind, can I not see it?"

"Hmm..." Eric looked away from Kuang San's amazing appearance, and said: "The stronger the strength, the higher the status, the greater the desire for power. I am afraid that I will lose myself on the way forward. You need these people who defy you to remind yourself."

Kuang San pursed his lips: "At that time, I will wake up Eric from the state of losing himself."

"Thank you..." Eric lowered his head, looked at Kuang San calmly, and said, "However, you will pamper me as usual, right? Even if I commit a heinous crime, you will not hesitate support me."

"Oh~" Kuang San stuck out his tongue, pretending to have a cute expression on purpose: "Have you been seen through by Eric?"

"You, you..." Eric shook his head, stood up, and embraced the beauty in his arms.

Kuang San stuck to his ear and asked in a low voice: "Hey... shall we have a baby..."

"In broad daylight..." Eric duplicity, the body walked to the other side of the room.

The phone bug in "Bluburu"'s arms suddenly rang, making Eric's face stiff. After thinking twice, he put down the smiling Kuang San who was covering his mouth and took out the phone bug: "Hello?"

'If it's not important, see if I don't give you...'

"Eric, sister, I caught a group of guys who call themselves treasure hunters!"

"Seven sins? What's the matter with your voice?" Eric frowned and asked, "You've become a big sister again?"

"Oh, I'm fine no matter what!" Nanazui said coquettishly, "Yoshino, Kuina and I caught a group of guys who came to make trouble in Shenzhou!"

"Treasure hunter?" Eric repeated, recalling the other party's information.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from the evil new world; a monthly ticket for the low-key ferryman; three monthly tickets for the book friend 530***926; Two monthly tickets for the God of All Gods; one monthly ticket for changing the name to one hundred; two monthly tickets for Baicheng Baiqi Sheng Beisheng; one monthly ticket for Qinghui Lingmi; one monthly ticket for the large aircraft carrier due to membership fees; Qinghui Lingmi 500 rewards for Dancing with Maple; 500 rewards for Dancing with Maple;

(End of this chapter)

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