The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 501 The New Ability of Crazy 3

Chapter 501 Kuang San's New Ability (Addition)
Treasure maniac, a treasure hunter who will do anything for treasure, has thick dark red hair, three tattoos on the left forehead, wearing sunglasses that cover his eyes, and thick lips that look like sausages around them.

He has two "powerful" subordinates, one is the black Seku P who is emphasizing in a strange rap, the superhuman color fruit ability user, he can spray out different colors to camouflage himself, and make himself transparent by spraying colors , can also make other people and objects transparent.

The other is a female alcoholic who can’t shoot arrows unless she’s drunk—Naomi, with the same style of sausage lips. The arrows she shoots are topped with powerful explosive rocks. Once they hit the target, the glass shatters, and the explosives in the liquid The rock reacts with oxygen to cause a big explosion, and the power of the explosion even makes the yellow ape take the initiative to avoid it.

Eric asked curiously: "What's going on?"

Seven Sins explained: "They seem to want to steal pure gold, and they happened to meet us who were shopping outside, so..."

"Want to catch you and lead the way? But you turned back and killed me?"

"BINGO!" Seven Sins laughed heartily, "Mr. Eric is so smart!"

"Even if you praise me, I won't be happy..."

"It's not frank, do you want my sister to give you a rewarding hug?"

"No need." Eric sighed and asked, "Do you need me to rush back to China immediately?"

"That's right." Seven Sins explained: "The treasure maniac on the opposite side seems to be seriously injured, and may die at any time."

"I see." Eric hung up the microphone, turned to face Kuang San, and said with regret: "It seems that I can only save it until next time."

"Ah, time waits for no one, then——I'll show my hand..." Kuang San straightened his body, raised his right hand high, the casual clothes he was wearing disappeared like particles, and changed into a snow-white military uniform in a blink of an eye.

That's right, what Kuang San wears on his body is no longer the spiritual outfit that exaggerated the color of blood shadows in the past, but a snow-white military uniform. His jet-black hair has turned silvery white, and the golden dial on his left eye is like a lacquered dial. A layer of pale blue.

"This is..." Eric was stunned and asked, "Could it be that your ability has awakened?"

"Yes." Kuangsan lifted the hem of her skirt and bowed: "In short, I can manipulate the space now~ Create a portal connecting the Kingdom of Shenzhou and the City of Generosity."

"...Then you still take the boat with me to the City of Generosity, isn't that a waste of time?"

"How can you say it's a waste of time?" Kuangsan's mouth turned up, outlining a touching smile: "With the one you love, no matter how boring the journey is, it's the best time."

Eric's heart seemed to miss a beat.

"Hee hee" Seeing Eric's expression, Kurumi smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Ahem..." Eric cleared his throat, relieved the embarrassment of his gaffe, and said, "Your outfit may make Esdeth upset."

The snow-white military uniform and the western sword with knuckle guards, this outfit will undoubtedly make Esdesh frown.

"Ah, did I steal her cosplay?" Kuang San raised his eyebrows.

"more or less……"

"Then—the Mad Emperor!"

Kuangsan raised her left hand, the Western sword in her hand formed a straight line with her arm, and then she slashed down forcefully: "Sword of the Golden Bull!"

Tearing, the Western sword slashed straight down, the blade seemed to cut off an existing object, and a hole like a door appeared in front of Kuangsan.

"Let's go."

The two held hands together and walked into the portal together.


Back in time a few hours ago, a ship made of steel, dotted with countless gemstones, and a shark-shaped bow quietly crossed the sea defense line of the Dawn Pirates and arrived at the mainland of China.

Seku·P uses the color spray ability to make the whole ship transparent, only those who have learned the color domineering can detect it.

"Gah la la la... As long as you have the ability of Seku P, you can run wild in the territory of the Four Emperors." (The treasure maniac still doesn't know that knowledge and color can perceive Seku P's invisibility)
Seku P raised his hand to touch his sunglasses, and said, "My Boss, my ability can't cover my voice, so please keep your voice down when you're invisible."

"Ha la la la..." The treasure maniac waved his hand: "Got it."

The transparent sailboat docked at an uninhabited harbor. The treasure maniac stretched out a few chains to serve as boarding ladders. After everyone disembarked, the treasure maniac said:

"Seku P, make everyone invisible."

"Yes, My Boss!" Seku P held the spray paint can in both hands, and sprayed the paint upwards, and the light green smoke fell, enveloping everyone: "Stealth spray paint."

Everyone's figures faded away at this moment.

The treasure madman gave an order: "Go treasure hunting——!"


Hundreds of his subordinates followed the treasure madman and walked towards the capital of flowers.

After several times of stealth painting, the treasure hunter team arrived at the edge of the flower capital.

Seku P suddenly said: "It's hard to imagine, this is a territory controlled by pirates."

"I'm not interested in these things." The treasure madman lacked interest, and said, "I'm a treasure hunter, and I'm only excited and ecstatic when I discover the treasure."

"But...boss." Someone said anxiously: "We are robbing the treasure of the Four Emperors, just in case..."

The treasure maniac replied with blood gushing: "While discovering treasures, you can also rob other people's treasures! This feeling--it's really unprecedented! Ha la la la..."

Naomi drank the last drop of wine in the bottle, and asked drunkenly: "Hi~ Boss, how can I find the pure gold of the Dawn Pirates?"

"This is easy." The treasure madman clenched his fists and said, "Catch a senior cadre of the Dawn Pirates and threaten him to find the storage location of pure gold."

"Coincidentally, the Dawn Pirates have many wanted criminals who are young and have high bounties!"

The treasure maniac set a mission goal, and everyone mixed into the capital of flowers in batches.


Yoshino asked in a low voice: "Miss Seven Sins, why have you become an adult again?"

"Oh~" Qi Zui waved his hands, and said charmingly: "Don't worry about such small things~"

The doll Yoshina waved a pair of short hands and advised, "Seven sins, if you can't get used to facing everyone with your own image, you will never be able to make progress?"

"You see, Yoshino has been making progress, even if she is afraid of communicating with others, she is still working hard..."

"Yoshino!" Yoshino shyly covered the mouth of the rabbit doll, peeked at Nanatsui with her eyes, and whispered, "Miss Nana, don't listen to Yoshino's nonsense."

"Yoshina is so cute!" Nanatsui smiled and said, "If I also have a rabbit doll, maybe it will talk to me when I am the loneliest..."

"Now that you have a companion, you should think about how to talk to us in a normal state." Kuina said unceremoniously.

"Oh?" Seven Sin's beautiful willow eyebrows twitched, and asked: "Guina seems very angry, what happened?"

"Didn't you force me to pull you out..." Kuina murmured to herself with some resentment: "I clearly said that I want to practice swordsmanship..."

"Miss Kuina, long-term exercise is not conducive to physical growth..." Yoshino replied weakly.

"Ha... I see." Guina sighed, and asked, "Wendy, is that female pervert not here yet?"

Erza, who was wearing silver armor, came to them: "Wendy is moving the island, and Miku followed Eric to the City of Generosity."

"Sister Chitong and Kuangsan are also in the City of Generosity."

"It seems that we are the only ones going out to play today..."

Before the words were finished, Hiyori with emerald hair rushed over, panting, and said, "Sorry... ha... getting dressed... it takes time..."

"Hanfu, it does take a lot of time, but this outfit is not suitable for going out..."

"I think you have to dress up nicely when you go out to play..." Rihe was a little embarrassed, and shook his sleeves: "This is my best Hanfu."

"It's okay." Erza stretched her waist: "Let's go, our bodies also need to relax."

"Don't wear armor when you go shopping..." Kuina half-closed her eyes.

"I'm used to it." Erza smiled and replied, "If I don't wear this armor, I will feel a little uneasy."

"How long are we going to talk here? My sister, I'm tired of waiting~"

"lets go!"

Erza took the lead and led several people to the market.

When pedestrians on the road met them, they unconsciously smiled and moved out of the way. Erza and the others also nodded kindly to the pedestrians.

Hiyori thanked from the bottom of his heart: "Thanks to Mr. Eric, the people of Shenzhou Kingdom have so many smiles."

"Sister, my ears are almost callused from what you said."

Kuina said: "In this case, then cherish the present time."


Erza suggested: "Let's go shopping for clothes first!"

"Do you have enough clothes?"

"Are you not interested in beautiful clothes?" Erza looked at Kuina with a smile on her face.

"It's...not that I'm not interested." Kuina looked away.

"Then it's settled!" Erza continued to talk about the next play process: "After shopping for clothes, go to lunch, and then go to the hot spring..."

Hiyori whispered, "Ah..."

"What's the matter?" Erza asked suspiciously, "Is there any dissatisfaction with the itinerary I arranged?"

"Uh..." Rihe blushed and said, "The hot springs here seem to be bathed by men and women..."


"Isn't this a long time ago?" Erza smiled and said, "Eric has already issued a decree that such hot springs that are not conducive to physical and mental health are not allowed to exist."

"So that's how it is..." Hiyori heaved a sigh of relief.

"Huh?" Erza turned her head suddenly, her eyes fixed on an empty place.

"What's the matter..." Kuina didn't finish her sentence, she followed Ersha's movements and turned her head to look at the same place.


"The invisibility has been found out. It seems that Seku P's ability is not effective against the arrogance of knowledge..." A male voice suddenly sounded, hoarse, with a taste of madness.

(End of this chapter)

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