Chapter 509

Eric squinted his eyes, and the two people beside him also quieted down, staring at the phone bug intently.

"Where did you get the news?" Eric asked.

Prince Fosac asked cautiously: "Your Highness Eric, have you heard of CP0?"

"Known as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons?" Eric sneered, his voice full of disdain, and he didn't know whether he was contemptuous of the race of Celestial Dragons or the nickname of CP0.

Prince Fossac is also aware of what the Dawn Pirates have always done to the nobles of the world. He neither dares to offend the nobles of the world, the Celestial Dragons, nor the powerful Dawn Pirates. so as not to offend both parties.

"I received two calls not long ago, from CP0 and the Navy Headquarters, and my identity was confirmed..."

Prince Fosac paused for a while, and vaguely heard the sound of drinking water from the other end. Prince Fosac secretly informed the Dawn Pirates that it was not an easy decision. The fierce confrontation in his mind made his mouth dry Dry tongue.

"The World Government ordered our Fosac Kingdom to send troops to assist the Navy Headquarters, and together they crusade against the Dawn Pirates who invaded the North Sea..."

The expressions of the three of Eric changed almost at the same time. The World Government is a huge organization with more than 170 affiliated countries. Assuming that each country sends 170 troops, the 170 affiliated countries are equivalent to [-] million troops.

With such a huge number of enemies, it would take a long time to kill them even if they stood still.

"Is this going to gather the power of the whole world to crusade against us?" Esdeth showed an excited and bloodthirsty smile: "Now, I can kill it to my heart's content..."

"Ah, I don't know if you killed it with pleasure or not, but I know that the Shenzhou Kingdom is going to be in big trouble." Kuang San replied angrily.

"Very valuable information, thank you Prince Fosac for your advance notice." Eric sighed, the intelligence department is now being formed intensively, and intelligence personnel are also in the process of intensive training, and important overseas information still needs to be provided by the transaction partner.

"This is what I should do..." Prince Fosac was silent for a while as if he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Eric didn't urge him either, just because Prince Fosac risked being discovered by the world government and informed the Dawn Pirates in advance, it was enough for Eric to remember his name and friendship, Fosac Pole Sis II.

"I don't think the world government will call the allied countries from all over the world to join the war. It should only call the allied countries in the North Sea." Boles slowly expressed his guess.

"Why do you think so?" Eric was taken aback.

According to the correct approach, shouldn't all forces be gathered to destroy the obviously hostile Dawn Pirates?
Why only the military forces in the North Sea were called up?

Boles smiled wryly and explained: "Because the franchise countries need to pay a large amount of treasures as heavenly gold to the Tianlong people every year, so as to obtain the protection of the world government, that is, the navy."

"In some countries that lack resources and trade is underdeveloped, it is very difficult to even pay the heavenly gold. For this reason, they have to use other items as property to offset the huge amount of heavenly gold."

"Among them, slaves are included..."

The three raised their eyebrows without interrupting Boles' speech.

"The financial revenues of these countries are in jeopardy. They have no money to recruit troops to maintain the country, and basically rely on the navy to protect their country's security."

"It is obviously unrealistic for them to call up the army."

"And..." Boles said what the other leaders were thinking: "This is the North Sea's own war, and the alliance countries located in other sea areas will definitely have nothing to do with themselves."

"If the world government forcibly summons the army, these alliance countries may send troops reluctantly, but this will undoubtedly make the leaders of these countries dissatisfied."

"Finally, I heard what CP0 said, all the franchise countries in Beihai will join the war..."

Eric muttered in his heart: "The last point is the most important information..."

Kuang San asked aloud: "How many franchise countries are there in Beihai?"

"Including the Kingdom of Fosac, there are 35 member countries and 23 non-member countries."

"It's a lot..." Esther asked with his chin resting: "Does the World Government stipulate the amount of troops you send?"

"Yes," Boris replied. "The World Government ordered our country to summon 5000 people."

"Five thousand multiplied by 35...can't be calculated like this?"

"The population, trade, and economy of the Fosac Kingdom are not bad, so they have enough financial resources to maintain the army. However, [-] troops is the upper limit that our country can squeeze out... The spy agency of the world government must have done an investigation in advance. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to come up with the value."

Boles sighed and continued: "The loss of these five thousand troops..."

"What style is your army's uniform?" Eric asked, "My companions and I will be less aggressive."

"No, no need..." Boles' voice trembled a little, as if he had angina pectoris: "If the war loss ratio is too different from other countries, it may attract the attention of the world government."

Eric was taken aback. This guy has a lot of brains. If the battle loss ratio of soldiers from other countries exceeds [-]%, while the Fosac Kingdom only loses about [-]% of its soldiers, it will undoubtedly make the World Government think that something is tricky.

'This guy knows how to place bets, he's tough on his army, he's a character. ' Estes gave Eric a look.

"That's all I want to say. It's not clear what happened to the other franchise countries."

"Remember the friendship this time." Eric said with a smile: "After the war, I will try my best to compensate for the loss of the Fosac Kingdom."

"You're welcome." Boles thanked, and then handed the phone to Meijiu.

"Darling~" Meijiu said softly, "The world government is here to trouble us again!"

"It's okay, trust me, nothing will happen." Eric comforted.


"How is the preparation of the Fosac Kingdom's concert going?"

Since Miku sang songs in front of the whole world before, Eric has many fans around the world, and Eric is also happy to expand the influence of the Dawn Pirates, so he sent Miku, Wendy, and Polki to other countries Hold a concert.

While earning money, it will subtly influence the audience's cognition, laying the foundation for the future occupation of the entire North Sea, at least let the people of the North Sea not resist the rule of the Dawn Pirates too much.

"Very good, the rehearsal is perfect! Unfortunately, Wendy is not here..." Meijiu felt a little regretful.

"Wendy's task of moving the island is about to be completed, and you two will meet soon."

"Boss!" Boerqi's cheerful voice came from the other end, asking: "Did you miss Polki?"

"Yes, but Estes and Kurumi are right next to me."

"..." Suddenly there was no sound from the other end.

As for being so afraid of them?really...

Eric reminded: "There may be agents of the World Government in the Kingdom of Fosac at present. You should pay attention to your own safety and act carefully."

"Okay." Meijiu obediently agreed: "There are too many stinky men here, I don't want to go anywhere."

Eric warned with some concern: "Don't dislike Genos, he is your bodyguard..."

"I know~"

The two talked about love for a while, and finally, Eric turned off the microphone under the cold eyes of the two.


After a few days, several small fleets flying the flag of the trading company arrived in the city of generosity. Kruk, the envoy of the Kingdom of Stavin who had an audience with Eric last time, disguised himself and mixed into the caravan.

Crook secretly inquired about the location of the Governor's Mansion, and knocked on the door of the Governor's Mansion furtively, avoiding the eyes of everyone.

Eric sat on a chair and watched Crook's movements with a funny face. Standing beside him was Zhuge Liang, who usually received foreign envoys.

Eric was very curious, under the order of the world government's mandatory recruitment, the Kingdom of Stavin dared to send someone to the City of Generosity to contact him.

"Honorable Your Majesty Eric, Lord Zhuge Liang." Crook below saluted.

"What's important for you?" Zhuge Liang asked, and Eric only needed to sit upright on the chair in order to stand out, without any extra movements.

"His Majesty the King of our country has a secret letter that he wants to deliver to His Majesty Eric." Crook said as he took out the letter.

Hand it over to Zhuge Liang via Baby-5, and then Zhuge Liang hands it over to Eric.

"Actually, there is no need to be so troublesome. It takes two people to submit a letter..." Eric curled his lips and thought, "There is no ricin in this world. '

'I think should not be……'

Eric glanced at the sealing wax, then tore open the envelope, pulled out the letter paper inside, and looked at it carefully.

Crook felt that time was passing slowly, as if a year had passed.

Eric suddenly asked, "Do you know what's written on it?"

"I don't know." Crook lowered his head and said, "The king asked me to hand over this letter to His Majesty Eric in its entirety. In order to prevent the leak of information, he did not tell me the contents of the letter."

Eric nodded, turned his attention to the letter again, and said casually: "I have received the letter, please pass it on to King Stavan Glendo, I will definitely remember his kindness."

Crook was obviously relieved. King Glandor handed him the letter, but did not tell him the specific content. He was afraid of making enemies with the Dawn Pirates, even if the last time they met, Eric showed great enthusiasm. bona fide.But everyone knows that Eric is a great pirate, and no one can guarantee that a great pirate will be merciful.

"Do you want to return to Stavin Kingdom immediately?" Eric asked.

Crook shook his head: "No, I arrived in the City of Generosity as a passenger on a merchant fleet, and the team leader counted the number of people before disembarking. I can't stay in the City of Generosity for no reason, otherwise it will arouse suspicion from others. .”

"I have to rush back before I set off. Besides, the City of Generosity is full of people, and I'm afraid of being discovered by the spies of the World Government."

"Okay." Eric then signaled Baby-5 to lead Crook to leave through the back door.

"Look." Eric handed the letter in his hand to Zhuge Liang: "It seems that this war must be fought."

Zhuge Liang took the letter with both hands, looked at it carefully for a moment, and said: "The sinister and malicious intentions of the World Government are clearly revealed. While attacking the Kingdom of Shenzhou, they ordered the countries that joined the North Sea to sever ties with the Kingdom of China."

"A total of 35 of the 28 franchise countries have participated in the trade of China, and the world government has hit these countries hardest."

"These 28 alliance countries, some people will send people, and those who have funds will contribute funds. I have estimated that according to the national strength of these 28 countries, at least [-] to [-] troops can be gathered."

"In addition to the strength of the navy headquarters..." Zhuge Liang's voice stopped.

Eric smiled and asked, "Are you scared?"

"The Kingdom of Shenzhou must win!"

"Why?" Eric asked with a smile: "This time, the enemy army has at least 6 troops, while our army's strength is no more than [-] at best."

"Your servant looks at the 28-nation coalition forces on the opposite side. They are nothing but local chickens and dogs. Wait for the light to make a small plan..."

Eric interjected, "They'll be wiped out!"

Zhuge Liang: "..."

"Sorry, sorry, I can't help it." Eric tried his best to hold back his smile.

Zhuge Liang arched his hands: "Your Majesty really understands Liang."

"Of course!" Eric boasted: "Kong Ming's list of being a teacher is the most extraordinary essay in the ages, and I can memorize it all!"

"Oh?" Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up, and he replied, "Liang is all ears."

"The first emperor broke down in the middle of his business before he started his business. Today, he scored three points..."

Eric scratched his cheek embarrassingly in the middle of the recitation: "Finish, I forgot about the latter..."


Zhuge Liang cleared his throat, changed the subject, and explained: "Back then, the ten princes wanted Dong, but the coalition forces were strong and Dong's bandits were weak, but they still couldn't defeat Dong Zhuo, let alone the loose 28-nation coalition forces on the opposite side?"

"The coalition forces of the 28 countries have their own ulterior motives, have different morale, and do not follow orders. How can they defeat our country?"

"That's right, don't be intimidated by their numbers..." Eric nodded.

"In just a few days, nine franchise countries have shown us their favor and revealed the amount of troops they sent, and we will be invincible."

"Does this count as a twenty-five boy?"

"Twenty-five sons?" Zhuge Liang was stunned, and said with a smile: "Back then, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fought at Guandu. Cao Cao was weak, and there were many people in the camp who secretly informed Yuan Shao. The reason was that Yuan Shao was stronger."

"After Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, he found many letters secretly communicated with Yuan Shao, but Cao Cao burned all the letters..."

"Cao Cao finally occupied the entire north and achieved a great cause."

"Your Majesty, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. You must not punish these countries that secretly show favor to you for this kind of thing."

"I understand, I'm on the profit side." Eric laughed and said, "This kind of behavior is pushing potential allies to the World Government."

"However, if someone dares to eat at my side, I won't be as magnanimous as Cao Cao..."

"Your Majesty will understand."

"Gather all the members, I want to hold a battle meeting!"


 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from Fengya Yan;

(End of this chapter)

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