Chapter 510
"Why, this kind of thing happened as soon as I came here?" In a large conference room, Nangong pressed his forehead like a headache that month.

"It's okay." The others didn't think there was any problem.

"This is not the first time this kind of thing happened, you will get used to it in the future." Ersha comforted Nangong Nayue beside her.

"No, your words are not consolation..."

"Is this a newcomer?" Meijiu's eyes sparkled, "So cute!"

"So, you summoned another young girl?" Estes frowned.

"No." Eric denied it categorically, and asked, "How did you become a young girl in Nangong that month?"

"Don't you like young girls?" Nangong smiled maliciously that month, intending to let Eric completely confirm the fact that he is a lolicon.

"Nanzui!" Eric immediately turned his head to look at Nanao Kagano who was hiding behind Yoshino, and it was clear to him that only Nanao had this transformation ability, and Nanao at this time looked like a child.

Being stared at by Eric, Seven Sins slowly turned his face aside, and said in a low voice, "It was that month who asked me to make her into this appearance, and said, 'I want Eric to die socially. 'What……"

"Ha..." Nangong Nayue sighed, tapped his forehead with a fan, and said helplessly, "Don't say that last sentence..."

"You really have a strong desire for revenge..."

"It's just a joke." Nangong Nayue shrugged.

"That's not right..." Eric expressed doubts, and scrutinized Nangong Nayue twice with his sizing eyes.

She was wearing a dark gothic loli dress at the moment, with ruffles embroidered on the neckline and cuffs, and a belted waist decoration around her waist. The temperature is not hot now, so the black lace fan in her hand has not been unfolded.

That's right, Nangong's outfit that month was exactly the same as when he first appeared in Blood Devouring Attack.

Nangong noticed Eric's gaze that month, and suddenly asked: "How is it, does this look good?"

Eric gave a thumbs up: "Very Good!"

Nangong Nayue showed a little fox-like expression, and lived in Shenzhou Kingdom for a period of time. Nangong Nayue more or less understood the complicated relationship around Eric, and turned himself into the enemy of a young girl, relying on his woman. Report it!

"Ahem" Seeing the topic getting more and more crooked, Estes coughed twice, and stared at Eric with the eyes of "Let's start".

This time the battle meeting, except for Ulquiorra and Kakuzu who are serving as the Shichibukai outside, all the members gathered here.

Eric sat upright and said in a serious tone: "From today onwards, we may often have conflicts with the navy, but please don't worry too much..."

"Great!" Deidara immediately cheered before Eric finished speaking, "I can let those navy bastards see my explosion art. Hmm."

Some of the militants are also in high spirits, but most of the members are not interested in fighting.

"Brother-in-law, I will take care of all those who dare to make trouble!" Heitong replied energetically.

"Thank you, but you have to ensure your own safety." Eric replied with a smile.


Seeing that the members were not intimidated by the menacing world government, Eric finally felt relieved.

"I really hope the navy can have a longer memory." Kurumi sighed, she didn't want to do unnecessary killing, although she was dubbed a nightmare, her nature was very kind.

"Sorry, I made you do something that is not in line with your nature." Eric apologized: "Then this time, you don't want to join the war..."

"No." Kuang San shook his head, and said firmly: "My ability can effectively mobilize troops, and..."

"I said, I want to face the future with Eric."

"Yes, yes." Eric shyly looked away.

"After all, we have touched the fundamentals of the world government, and it is impossible for the top leaders of the world government to remain indifferent." Zhuge Liang rescued Eric: "However, it is a good thing for us that the alliance countries of the North Sea are separated from the world government."

"In this war, the number of enemies may be far greater than the last one, but the quality of the enemy soldiers is definitely not as good as last time, so you don't have to worry about the large difference in strength."

"Kong Ming, tell me your combat deployment."

"Yes." Zhuge Liang nodded, spread out the list and said, "To prevent attacks from both sides, some personnel will guard the mainland of China."

The peace-loving Yoshino, Seven Sins, Nangong Natsuki and others stayed in the mainland. Artoria and Joan of Arc, who had quarreled in the last war, were forced to separate. Artoria stayed in the homeland, and Joan of Arc went to City of generosity.

Da Vinci, Polki, and Kalenkana, who were not good at fighting, and Scathach, who was strong enough to deal with emergencies, stayed in the mainland, and most of the other members became combatants.

After Zhuge Liang finished reading the list of participants, Eric asked, "Da Vinci, how is the progress of the fighter's debugging?"

"Completed." Da Vinci replied and handed Eric the information: "Currently, sixty combatants have been manufactured, and we can produce twenty units per month... Eric, do you want to increase production? "

"No need..." Eric shook his head. Before, the cost of a Combatant was about 2000 million Baileys, which was not a perfect cost.

After a series of modifications and improvements by Da Vinci, the strength of a fighter is now about 5000 million Baileys, and the value of materials consumed is as high as 3000 million. This does not include Da Vinci's ability The price of the manufactured superalloy.

The built-in AI intelligence is transplanted from the lunar robot, which has high intelligence and loyalty, but it cannot use armed domineering, which is a shortcoming of the fighter.Genos, who has a relatively high degree of mechanization, barely learned the armed domineering through long-term training and strong will.

What's more, an important purpose of developing the fighter is to lay the foundation for the development of the smasher. The smasher is Eric's future big killer. The pacifist made by Vegapunk is only the embryonic cultivation period. And the manufacturing cost is far beyond the imagination of others.

Eric said: "A total of [-] fighters will be manufactured to make up for the combat power of the middle and lower levels, and then the production of fighters will be stopped."

Da Vinci nodded and said, "Okay."

"When the enemy faces these fighters, I don't know what kind of expression they will show." Eric smiled.


Naval Headquarters, the office of the Sengoku Admiral.

"Huh?" Sakaski raised his face slightly, revealing the face hidden under the brim of his hat: "The world government wants to attack the Dawn Pirates?"

"That's right." Zhan Guo crossed his hands and said in a low voice, "This time, you will be the coach."

"Heh, those old stubborn people from the World Government finally got their head around it?" Sakaski's voice was full of disdain.

"Red dog!" Sengoku shouted in a serious tone, and then his face eased: "You are not allowed to be rude to the top of the world government."

The corner of Sakaski's mouth twitched a few times. He is still a subordinate of Warring States, and he did not continue to speak out against his superiors.

The ten fingers of the Warring States were crossed, and they swung back and forth three times, saying: "This time, the navy sent about [-] sailors..."

Before Sengoku finished speaking, Sakaski interrupted in a hoarse voice: "Five thousand?! In the last war against the Dawn Pirates, the navy dispatched [-] warships, and there were [-] more. An elite navy!"

Warring States sighed and lowered his voice: "Sakaski, listen to me first!"


"In this crusade, the world government has put pressure on the allied countries of Beihai. The allied countries of Beihai are responsible for sending troops, and their forces account for the majority."

"Allied countries?!" Sakaski sneered, and said coldly: "What use are the troops of those allied countries!? A bunch of idiots!"

Sakaski understands the urgency of the franchise countries. It would be good not to send you some old, weak, sick and disabled. It can not only reduce the number of poor and elderly people in the country, but also reduce the country's financial pressure.

"More than 50 warships, more than 6 soldiers, Sakaski, do you have any questions?"

"These allied countries in the North Sea...will they send elite soldiers?" Sakarski pointed to the core of the problem.

"Don't worry." Warring States comforted: "The five old stars have issued a death order. Who dares to hide their strength, the world government will abolish the name of the country's world government affiliated country in the name of a traitor. Once the status of the affiliated country is lost...Sa Kaski, do you understand what this means?"

Sakaski nodded, and said: "Five thousand navies, the number is too small, the navies may not be able to overwhelm the coalition forces of the allied countries."

"These five thousand sea soldiers are all elite..." Zhan Guo introduced: "Moreover, most of them are your acquaintances."

"My acquaintance?" Sakaski was taken aback.

"Yes, about 3000 people were recruited through Beihai conscription, and I have a sweet love with you..."

The other more than 2000 navy officers were also illegal and disciplined naval officers. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Warring States Period decided to pack them up and send them away together.

"..." After pondering for a moment, Sakaski asked aloud: "Will that one laugh, and will you also fight against the Dawn Pirates?"

"That's right." Zhan Guo nodded and smiled: "With him around, you must be more confident, right?"

Sakaski nodded silently. He briefly fought with Yixiao once, and he immediately understood that the opponent's strength was very strong, and he was fully capable of becoming an admiral.

Although on the way back to the navy headquarters, the two had a big quarrel because of disagreement, but Yixiao's enthusiasm for catching pirates was obvious to all, and he thought Yixiao was a qualified navy.

"I have no objection."

"Very good." Warring States finally reminded: "If things don't go well..."

Sakaski opened his eyes and said, "I will die in battle!"

Warring States sighed and said, "The Navy Headquarters cannot afford to lose an admiral."

"Yixiao is strong enough to serve as an admiral."

"...Yixiao is fighting against the Dawn Pirates with you. If the commander dies in battle, it will become a stain on his life, and he will definitely not be able to be promoted to the rank of admiral."


Warring States continued to vaccinate, persuading: "Sakaski, don't worry about the momentary victory or defeat, the world government will definitely win, all we have to do is to complete our own work."

Sakalski hasn't responded yet.

"I hope you think about it..." Sengoku understood Sakaski's thoughts and said, "It will take about a month for the allied countries in the North Sea to gather soldiers, and the Navy headquarters will also send troops during that period of time. You should do it well first. Prepare."

Sakaski stood up silently, turned and walked towards the door, paused at the door for a moment, did not speak, and the white cloak finally disappeared at the door.

"Alas—" Warring States sighed, if possible, he didn't want to deceive Sakaski either.However, the cancerous tumors and moths inside the navy have to be eliminated. It is better to die in battle than to loot civilians and ruin the reputation of the navy.

As for whether these corrupt navies would think so, the Warring States Period would not consider them.


Time passed day by day, and the navy was about to conquer China again, and Eric broadcasted it to the whole country of China.After the last war, the people of Shenzhou Kingdom were full of confidence in the victory of the Dawn Pirates, which did not affect their normal life in the slightest.

The only people who are worried are the families of soldiers. However, the Kingdom of China is very generous to the families of soldiers who died in battle. The Kingdom of China has accumulated excellent reputation and reputation in this regard. Soldiers no longer worry about whether their elderly parents will come if they die in battle Pension.

Esther Hui, who is the chief instructor of the army, reported: "The morale of the army is good, and the soldiers are eager to make achievements."

"Okay." Eric nodded, and said: "The daily life of the people has not been affected, and the price of food has risen slightly, which is considered a normal reaction of the market."

Estes asked, "Shall I arrest those grain merchants?"

"No need. The increase in food prices caused by people's hoarding of food is a normal adjustment of the market. A truly healthy market does not need government control. Of course, if someone maliciously drives up prices, we must take action to punish them."

"The navy headquarters has already dispatched troops." Eric said: "Starting from Chigang, we are going to cross the windless belt to the North Sea. In about [-] days, we will arrive at the City of Generosity."

"Heh..." Estes raised his eyebrows, hooked the corners of his mouth, showing an excited smile.

"How many ice cavalry have you prepared?"

"More than 200. In 20 days, I can still make [-] ice cavalry."

"Let's go to the city of generosity." Eric said: "Kuang San can open up a permanent portal,"


Akainu stood at the bow of the ship and stood facing the wind, with a white cloak hunting behind him.

Five warships were arranged in a long snake array, and more than 3000 navy officers who had been conscripted into the North Sea, although they were randomly assigned to different warships, some people still remembered many familiar figures.

"Coincidentally, you also want to perform this confidential mission?"

"That's right...Suddenly the superior ordered us to gather and set off, without telling us what the specific task was, how strange..."

"However, with Admiral Akainu here, the task should be easy."

"No, you have to be more careful because of the admiral." Another person shook his head: "Didn't you notice? The navy on this warship is basically officers at the rank of lieutenant."

The man turned his head and looked around, and said: " really said it like that!"

"It may be a very important task..."

"Maybe." The man replied anxiously.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets of Kaikai Kaikai; the one monthly ticket for the tyrant Hugh;

(End of this chapter)

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