Eric was also watching the live broadcast of Ro's interrogation of King Frevans.

"Ala ala" Kuangsan said with a smile: "Luo got Eric's true biography and carried forward the knowledge of live broadcast."

On the other end of the video, Morgans said: "This is a very suitable time to occupy the North Sea!"

Then he stretched his neck, poked his head out, and pressed his face to the camera excitedly: "Your Majesty Eric, this time, are you going to attack Beihai?"

Eric smiled, but didn't answer.

"Ahem..." Morgans finally came to his senses, clenched his fists with his wings, and covered it in front of the bird's beak: "It's really rude."

Eric asked: "Will the truth about the demise of Frevans, who caused the perpetrator's disease, be in tomorrow's papers?"

"Of course!" Morgans promised: "Many people were unable to watch the live broadcast in person because conditions did not permit. However, I will definitely let the newspaper act as a news carrier to spread the truth of the whole thing to every corner of the world! "

Eric nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Morgans."

"No, this is my job." Morgans bowed, and then the picture disappeared and the screen fell silent.

On the other end of the video conference, several gold-medal reporters from the World Economic News Agency gathered beside Morgans.

"It's great! Big events happen one after another."

"It's a shame that so many things happened."

The reporters who surrounded Morgans and watched the whole live broadcast talked a lot.

"Little ones!" Morgans spread his wings, and a few white feathers fell off from them, attracting the attention of many reporters:

"Choose the best title and announce the cause and effect of Frevans' destruction!"

"Leave it to us! President!" The male reporter holding the pen in his hand was about to break the pen in his hand.

A female reporter suggested: "Should we adapt the Frevans case into a novella?"

"Great idea!" Morgans pointed at the woman with his wings: "While earning tears from readers, it can also increase newspaper sales!"

"Remember, you must poke the tears of the readers!"

The female reporter happily agreed, "Okay!"

"President, your expression looks very happy."

"Hahaha—!" Morgans laughed loudly and said, "Did you see it?"

The reporters around joked: "Of course, the excitement is written on the face."

Morgans wrung his fingers and said in a familiar way:

"The war broke out between the coalition forces in the North Sea, the friction between the four emperors, the world government abandoned the North Sea, the princes and nobles of the alliance countries were forced to transfer, and the navy killed the residents of the non-joint countries..."

"It's all thanks to His Majesty Eric that there are so many big events!"

After saying this, Morgans turned his head and glanced at the financial staff, and asked, "Recently, how is the sales of World Economic News?"

The accountant replied with a smile: "President, the sales volume of World Economic News is at least three times that of the past, and the advertising fee has also doubled!"

"Your Majesty Eric is the news man's blessing!" Morgans, the money fanatic, was also generous: "This month's bonus is doubled!"

"Thank you, President!"

"Then—!" Morgans shouted enthusiastically, "Let us witness the replacement of the Lord of the North Sea and the downfall of the World Government!"


Eric asked the think tank on the side: "Kong Ming, Zifang, is it time to take over Beihai?"

Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang looked at each other with a smile, and Zhang Liang cupped his hands and said, "Judging from the situation in various countries, the abandoned citizens have lost their trust in the world government."

"The pirates in the North Sea are spreading everywhere, causing the people of the entire North Sea to fall into dire straits. At this moment, they need a savior to save them!" Zhuge Liang also cupped his hands and said:

"Your Majesty, please send troops to Beihai!"

"Okay!" Eric stood up excitedly, and waved his big hand: "If you don't take it, you will be blamed instead! Since the world government can't control it, then I will be the new master of Beihai!"


"Reiju." When Vinsmoke Gage learned of Eric's military order, his mind immediately drifted away, and his soul seemed to travel through 300 years, returning to the era when Germa 66 suppressed and ruled the North Sea by force.

He was not in the mood to continue doing scientific experiments, and Da Vinci also understood that Gage had a lifelong dream, so he let him out of the laboratory to give him time to sort out his messy thoughts.

When Gage walked out of the laboratory buried deep in the ground, and the warm sunlight shone on his body, he just woke up like a dream, and immediately went to find his daughter Reiju.

At this time, the patriarch of the Vinsmoke clan and the ruler of Germa 66 seemed at a loss.

Reiju looked at her father with a smile on her face, that selfish and cold-blooded father who had no family affection at all, unexpectedly showed such an interesting expression.

"Father, what's the matter?" Reiju held her clothes in her arms. She was about to pack her luggage and follow the army to the long-lost hometown of Beihai.

"Why don't you let the maid do this kind of trivial matter?" Jia Zhi didn't directly throw out the main topic, but instead opened up another topic in a roundabout way.

Reiju smiled, and lightly brushed the clothes in her arms, feeling the silkiness of the fabric: "I want to live a life of ordinary people, changing clothes by myself and cleaning by myself."

"When I was a child, I have been training and learning those killing skills." Reiju lowered her gaze.

"..." Gage opened and closed his lips, but no sound came out.

"Heh, heh..." Lei Jiu covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "I'm not teasing you, father. You actually want to ask about Beihai, right?"

Gaji nodded numbly, with guilt in his eyes.

"You didn't use orders to order me." Reiju chuckled lightly: "Father, you have also undergone some changes."

"..." Jiazhi twisted his neck, looked to the other side, and said, "It's Kuilong's order."

Reiju smiled, did not expose her father's lie, and said directly: "Eric sent troops to the North Sea this time, and he couldn't occupy all the islands in the North Sea."

Gage turned his head back, staring closely at Reiju.

"Father, you also know that the army of Shenzhou Kingdom is insufficient." Reiju raised her head and looked directly into Gage's eyes: "Eric will not lie to us either."

"Hmm." Gage nodded, and then asked cautiously, "Do you need any help from me?"

"No need." Reiju shook her head and replied seriously, "Eric also consulted my opinion before agreeing to let me go with the army."

"Ruling Beihai is a dream my father has carried all his life. As a daughter, I naturally want to be a participant in this matter."

"After all, my three younger brothers have no feelings, nor will they have any feelings."

Gage: "..."

"Father, occupying the entire North Sea did not happen overnight. My identity has not been exposed, so it is not a problem to be offered a reward by the navy."

"However, father, you bear the title of king of the Kingdom of Germa, and you must not let the world government know that the Kingdom of Germa has joined the Kingdom of China."

Jia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "I know."

Then fell into a long silence, and Jiazhi restarted the dialogue: "The temperature in Beihai is low, so wear more clothes."

Gage stared at the clothes in Reiju's arms, with such light and fluffy clothes, it was obviously unable to resist the cold of the North Sea.

"Don't worry." Reiju smiled and said, "I put thick clothes in another suitcase."

Then she paused, and continued: "Besides, with the superhuman physique my father gave me, I won't be afraid of the low temperature in the North Sea."

"...I'm not a competent father, take care of yourself." Gage finished speaking and left Reiju's room.

"..." Reiju stretched out a hand, as if she wanted to call Gage to stop, but she didn't do so, and stood there holding her clothes.

In her heart, she still hasn't forgiven what her father did in the past.

After standing there for a while, he continued to complete the preparation work in hand.


Both Ulquiorra and Kaku are on a pirate ship captured from another pirate group.

When Kakuzu entered Ulquiola's room, Ulquiola just hung up the phone.

"Who?" Jiao Du asked.

"Navy." Ulquiola replied flatly: "Give us a billion Baileys to catch a pirate."

Jiaodu's voice raised inadvertently: "Who!?"

Ulquiola glanced at him: "To capture Trafalgar Law alive, the live broadcast incident a few days ago seems to have greatly annoyed the World Government."

"Hey!" Jiaodu sighed, and found that a golden mountain was far away from him, and suddenly felt an urge to leave the Dawn Pirates...

"Didn't this guy's bounty just go up by 5000 million?" Jiao Du frowned, "Why did you secretly offer such a high reward?"

"I don't know." Ulquiola's tone did not change at all, and he said, "However, the Navy did not offer a reward for the 'magician' Hawkins who committed the big crime with Luo."

"There must be something hidden." Jiaodu decided to report this news to the organization.


"Huh..." After listening to the liaison officer's report, Warring States let out a foul breath. On that day, Wulaoxing gave him an order to contact Shichibukai Ulquiola to arrest Trafalgar Luo.

In his life, the only time Rossindi lied to himself was to save the boy who was suffering from paraben disease.

Trafalgar Law's life is obviously a continuation of Rossindi, and the Warring States Period does not want Trafalgar Law to be captured by the World Government.So it took two days before he ordered his subordinates to do this.

'That's the only thing I can do for you. "Zhan Guo secretly smiled bitterly: "Unexpectedly, I would actually help a pirate delay time. '

'However, if I touch it, I will definitely put you in a cell. 'Warring States made an oath to himself in his heart.

"Little Crane..." Garp turned his body to the side, and whispered to the sturdy Lieutenant General He, "Have you noticed that Zhan Guo has something on his mind."

"Do you think everyone is like you? Looks heartless?" Lieutenant General He gave Karp a blank look.

The whispers of the two friends brought Zhan Guo back to his senses. He coughed and said to Lieutenant General He: "He, the expedition has worked hard."

Lieutenant General He sighed silently, and replied angrily: "Can you not ask me to do the errand of attacking non-member countries?"

Warring States spread his hands and explained helplessly: "There are not many generals capable of commanding large fleets, so I sent them all out."

Lieutenant General He also understood the difficulties of the Warring States Period and did not continue to embarrass him.

"If you ask me, this kind of mission to invade other countries should be rejected directly." Karp held his nose.

Lieutenant General He snorted: "As long as you are in the navy organization, you can't get rid of the orders and shackles issued by the world government."

"You understand this, right? Garp."

"Hmph!" Garp snorted coldly, and said with a curled lip, "That's why I have always refused to become a general."

"How many people in the navy do you think can be like you?" Warring States stared at his old friend: "If it weren't for your outstanding performance and popularity, you would have been wiped out by the world government long ago."

"Also... erase... bah" Garp spat with disdain.

"Warring States." Lieutenant General He ignored Garp's attitude towards the world government, and said: "The world government and the navy are carrying out such a large-scale operation, and the local pirates in the North Sea have also caused many attacks..."

"You want to talk about the Dawn Pirates, right?" Sengoku directly named the topic.

"That's right, the Dawn Pirates, who have already regarded the North Sea as their possession, 'Kuilong' will definitely not sit back and watch the royal families and nobles of the allied countries leave the North Sea with countless belongings."

"..." After a long silence, Zhan Guozhang heaved a sigh of relief and said helplessly, "Then what can I do?"

"Let those nobles of the royal family give up the people's fat and people's ointment they searched for? Impossible."

"Send a lot of navy to escort them? We don't have that many troops today."

"..." Lieutenant General He was also suddenly speechless, and she, who was called the "Great Adviser", couldn't conjure combat power out of thin air.

The number of super battleships in the Demon Slaying Order is limited, half of which are guarded by the Navy Headquarters and Imperton Prison, half of which are in various branches of the Great Route, and the other super battleships are buried in the hands of the Dawn Pirates.

Sakaski is still in the hospital; Polusalino is in Punk Hazard, protecting Vegapunk while paying attention to the movements of the "Four Emperors" in the new world; An eye-opening "paradise" pirate.

The three generals are not free, and the navy has no one to deal with top combat forces such as "Kuilong" and "Ice Queen". Once a few of them make a move, they will cause a large number of casualties of the sea soldiers.

It is impossible for Lieutenant General He to let Garp deal with the enemy alone.In the last war, Karp was no longer Kuilong's opponent, and he was exhausted just by entanglement with Kuilong.

Eric, who is very young, will definitely grow faster than the old Garp. If the "legendary hero" of the navy dies in the hands of pirates...

The reputation of the navy will definitely drop significantly...

"Now there are only a few lieutenant generals who can be mobilized." Warring States relieved: "I have appointed lieutenant general Jonathan to go to the North Sea as the supreme commander of the entire fleet. With his wisdom, it should not be a problem."

"Lieutenant Admiral Jonathan..." Lieutenant General He knew Lieutenant General Jonathan, he was a scheming admiral.

However, there is a strategist hidden in the Dawn Pirates that makes her shudder, see through her own combat intentions, and set traps in advance...

Lieutenant General He's lips moved a few times, his expression kept changing, and he finally said, "Warring States, I want to talk to Lieutenant General Jonathan."

"The enemy has an enemy that has to be noticed, hidden behind the scenes."

"Okay." Warring States did not refuse, and immediately made a call.

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