Jonathan hung up the microphone and murmured, "An enemy with superior intelligence..."

"Commander!" The major in charge of the report knocked on the door and came in, saluting: "King Hilme and all the nobles of the Kingdom of Torrance have arrived at the port."

"Very good." Jonathan nodded and replied, casually flipped through the documents at hand: "Now there are thirteen alliance countries coming together."

"..." The major was silent for a moment, then said carefully, "King Hirmer seems to have something to say to you, and wants to see the commander this time."

"Oh?" Jonathan was stunned for a moment, stroked the raised beard on his lips, and said, "Bring King Hilma over here."

"Yes!" The major saluted and left.

Jonathan shook his head helplessly. He had fully experienced the bad temper of the kings and nobles of the allied countries in the past few days.

What he wanted to say to him, he could guess with his ass, nothing more than complaining that the warship was bumpy, the voyage took too long, the quality of life was declining, and he asked the Navy to provide better services.

Sure enough, when King Hilmer saw the face of Lieutenant General Jonathan, he scolded his head and face, and Jonathan was full of smiles, and blocked the furious King Hilmer back.

The major next to him sighed, "What a disaster..."

"Hehe." Jonathan smiled indifferently: "This kind of thing is very common."

"Anyway, I didn't listen to what he said just now."

"This, it's not good to do this..." The major's forehead was dripping with sweat.

"You have to understand." Jonathan leaned his head back and rested his arms on his arms: "Our mission is to escort the kings and nobles of the franchise countries out of the North Sea, not to provide them with services."

"Besides, they are not my immediate superiors."

"The most important thing right now is that the Dawn Pirates are very likely to follow us."

"Fu, Dawn Pirates!?" The major was taken aback. In recent years, the Navy Headquarters has suffered numerous losses at the hands of the Dawn Pirates.

"Keep your voice down." Jonathan said indifferently: "When we arrive in the North Sea to escort the king and nobles, we should think that we may face the 'Four Emperors' who are in full swing - the Dawn Pirates group."

"But, but..." The major seemed a little uneasy.

"Don't say it." Jonathan warned: "It will affect the morale of the navy and cause the sailors to be uneasy."


"It's fine if the Dawn Pirates don't show up, but if they meet..." Jonathan straightened up, his expression became serious: "Major, go and urge the warship to prepare for sailing now."

"Yes!" The major immediately took the order: "However, half of the members of the alliance countries have not arrived at the port, Commander..."

Jonathan smiled: "I am the commander-in-chief here, and I will bear all the consequences. You should go to the preparations."

"...Yes!" The major saluted solemnly, and then left the commander's office.

Jonathan took out a chess board and placed white and black chess pieces on it.

First place the white pieces belonging to one's own side. There is only one bishop piece, two knight pieces, and several pawn pieces, plus the king piece, which symbolizes great wealth.

The royal families and nobles of these franchise countries have accumulated hundreds of years of wealth, and in recent months they have raided the savings of their own citizens, forming an immeasurable wealth, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of many pirate groups.

The strength of several local pirate groups in Beihai should not be underestimated. Although they will not directly attack the large fleet of the navy, they will most likely attack the small fleet that is separated to meet the royal families and nobles of various countries.

As long as a frigate of a member country is successfully robbed, the assets of the group of nobles for dozens of generations can allow the pirates to gain wealth and freedom for the rest of their lives.

After setting up the navy's camp, Jonathan took out the chess pieces that symbolized pirates. The king, queen, chariot, bishop, knights, and soldiers were arranged densely. The huge difference in strength that could be seen at a glance made Jonathan involuntarily Sighed.

Staring at the situation on the chessboard, Jonathan said to himself: "The support from the Navy Headquarters cannot be considered, and the naval combat power of the Beihai Branch cannot be counted on, and the entourage and guards of various countries do not need to be counted..."

Jonathan lowered his gaze, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes, then he took out his phone bug and called his lovely wife: "Hello? Is it Jessica?"

"Jonathan?" The noise from the kitchen came from Jessica's side. The sounds of knives chopping boards, spatulas stirring, and hot oil made Jonathan's wrinkles relax.

"I'm busy right now..." Jessica yelled at the chef while explaining, "If you have time to chat, why don't you hurry up and cook to provide energy for the sailors fighting on the front line!"

"Hahaha..." Jonathan laughed and said, "You are still just as strict."


Jonathan said with peace of mind: "This way I can rest assured."

"..." The fierce-tempered Jessica softened her expression and asked softly, "The headquarters sent you to the North Sea. The temperature there is lower. I don't know if you can take care of yourself."

"Oh, I'm the commander." Jonathan said with a smile, "I'm sure it's not bad."

"Oh?" Jessica narrowed her eyes and asked forcefully, "Over there, is there a personal maid who takes care of your sleep, food, and living?"

"This, how could this be..." Jonathan's temples were dripping with cold sweat.

"Just kidding!" Jessica smiled and said, "The kings and nobles of the allied countries must have very bad tempers and personalities. You must have suffered a lot."

"Hahaha..." Jonathan was moved by Jessica's understanding, and said, "Those rotten moths, just ignore them."

"That's good." Jessica changed the subject: "Have you eaten all the cauliflower, carrot and other vegetables?"

"Uh..." Jonathan was speechless.

"Put aside those dishes that you don't like?" Jessica sighed, "What's the second rule of Branch Eight?"

Jonathan hurriedly defended: "Today, no carrots and broccoli!"


"Really!" Jonathan said seriously, "I ate all the cabbage and spinach."

"Very well, if you don't eat vegetables, you will get scurvy." Jessica lowered her voice, "Don't worry me."

"I know."

"So, why are you calling me? Just to chat with me?"

"I want to hear my wife's voice."

"It's an old couple..." Jessica curled her lips, and the chef next to her pricked up her ears to eavesdrop, and found that the head chef's voice was full of joy.

"Bang" Jessica raised the spoon in her hand and knocked hard on the head of the eavesdropping chef.

Jessica asked: "Then when will you return to the G8 base?"

"Well——" Jonathan thought carefully for a moment, and said, "After escorting the kings of the allied countries to leave Beihai, my mission will be over."

"..." Jessica closed her lips several times, and said, "The sailors at the G8 base also miss our beloved Commander very much."

Finally, she exhorted: "You must come back, Jonathan."

"Yes." Jonathan replied confidently, "Of course!"

The call between the two was disconnected. Jessica covered her mouth and tried not to cry. After Jonathan went to Beihai, she had too many concerns and longings in her heart.

She is very clear about the situation in the North Sea, and the navies of each branch are also secretive about the Dawn Pirates, so she didn't increase Jonathan's psychological burden on the phone just now.

"Don't worry! Miss Jessica, the commander is so smart, he will definitely complete the task perfectly!" The chefs around comforted the head chef whose shoulders were trembling.

"..." Jessica's shoulders suddenly stopped shaking, she raised her head, and stared at them fiercely.

"Hey!" The chefs screamed in astonishment like a hamster meeting a house cat.

"If you have time to speak, why not work quickly!"

"Yes!" The chefs immediately stepped up their work and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay if you don't work hard..." Jonathan smiled bitterly, stretched his waist, his eyes were full of fighting spirit: "Come on, Dawn Pirates!"


After Eric's pre-war mobilization, the people of Shenzhou Kingdom did not feel any resistance.


The sea breeze was blowing, Eric dispatched a lot of troops this time, and there were also many high-level combat forces accompanying the army. At this moment, he was heading for the North Sea at full speed on a ship.

Eric asked, "How does it feel to revisit old places?"

"The state of mind, age, and...the accompanying people have all changed." Reiju smiled, and pursed her lips, "Why, do you want to conscript me this time?"

"..." Eric didn't expect Reiju to say that, and was startled.

"Hehe..." Reiju chuckled lightly, "You're still so innocent."

"You're not very old, so don't put on an expression that sees through the world." Eric curled his lips.

"Eric, you have completed half of the agreement." Reiju lowered her head: "According to the current practice of the world government, the North Sea has been abandoned by them, and the remaining work is to wipe out all those big and small in the North Sea. Pirates..."

"There are also those non-joint countries." Eric added: "These countries can exist in the North Sea surrounded by powerful enemies, and their military strength must not be weak."

"The large tracts of territory left by the franchise countries will also attract these countries to fight. In the next few years, the North Sea may be like a powder keg... Even if these countries can be wiped out, with our current total strength, we cannot defend them. The entire North Sea."

"It will also lead to the stretching of the battle line, excessive dispersion of combat power, and give the world government a chance to defeat us one by one."

"..." Reiju looked at Eric for a while, and said with a smile: "You are not dazzled by the huge benefits of leading the entire North Sea alone."

"What on earth do you think of me?" Eric rolled his eyes.

Reiju smiled without saying a word.

"Is it better for me to collect a part of the deposit first?" Eric poked his head.

"Huh?" Reiju, who had always been generous, had a blush on her face.

"Bo..." Eric kissed him lightly and quickly, and then commented "bajibaji": "It smells like cigarettes."

"..." Reiju's tongue turned around subconsciously, as if tasting the taste left on her lips.

"Don't smoke anymore."

After staring at Eric for a second or two, Reiju lowered her head and obediently agreed softly: ""

The two continued to chat for a while, seeing the atmosphere eased from the embarrassing situation, Eric decided to bid farewell and leave.

At the corner, a figure grabbed Eric by the collar and dragged him over.


The cold and soft lips were imprinted on the mouth, staying for two or three seconds, and Esdeth moved away immediately: "What's the taste?"

"Peppermint..." Erik stammered back, and since she asked, she was probably there at the time.

Estes immediately clamped Eric's head under his arm and dragged him forcefully back to the room.

"It's still daytime..."

Estes said bluntly, "Your evening has already been booked."



"Darling!" Miku ran towards Eric cheerfully, her gorgeous costume reflected Mijiu's peerless face: "I miss you so much!"

"Meijiu, I miss you too." Eric smiled and opened his arms, catching Meijiu who didn't show any signs of slowing down.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lec" eric, and made a common movement of women all over the world.

The people around turned their heads tacitly, and only a few people continued to look at the two indifferently.

Eric kissed quickly, and Miku opened her eyes, puffing her cheeks in dissatisfaction:

"Really, give me another passionate kiss, Darling—!"

"Let's talk about it when there is no one..." Eric touched his lower back with lingering fear.

"Okay~" Meijiu was quite obedient, and then looked carefully at Eric's face: "Darling, why is your face pale?"

"It's your illusion." Eric changed the subject and asked with concern: "Thank you for your hard work during the tour during this period."

"It's not hard." Meijiu smiled happily: "Is it the best thing to be able to sing favorite songs and help Darling?"

Later, she used a regretful expression: "Unfortunately, there are too many male audiences. It would be great if there were only female audiences..."

"It's impossible."

During this period of time, Mijiu held solo concert tours among the nine franchised countries, using the angel's ability and wonderful singing voice to appease the disturbed people, and quickly accumulated a large number of fans.

Mijiu's companions also include Chitong, Joan of Arc, and Polki. While responsible for Mijiu's safety, they also take into account the ability to escape.

"Thank you for your hard work too." Eric nodded to the three of them.

"It's not hard." Chitong nodded in response, and was quickly pulled away by her younger sister, Heitong. The two of them didn't know what topic they were discussing.

Polki showed a proud expression. Now she can stand alone and even take charge of the retreat route of the four of them.

Joan of Arc shrugged, with a mocking expression on her face, and said, "Brainwashing those stupid people is a unique comedy for me."

Before everyone could respond, Joan continued: "This time, are we going to burn those royal families and nobles to death?"

Eric smiled and said, "You have to catch them..."

"That `s a deal."

Prince Boles, who was in charge of receiving Eric, proposed: "Your Majesty Eric, why don't you stay in our country to rest tonight..."

Eric smiled and declined, "Thank you, no need."

Then he looked down at the time and said, "Those royal families and nobles may flee from Beihai at any time, and we are racing against time."

"When we return from victory, let's enjoy the scenery of the Fosac Kingdom."

Prince Boles bowed his head and said, "I wish His Majesty Eric the best of luck."

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