The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 567 Assault on the Navy Fleet

Chapter 567 Assault on the Navy Fleet
"Are you going to attack the old people and children in the Furry Principality!?" Inulan, who had been silent all this time, reprimanded: "Eric, do you still have humanity?!"

"Humanity?" Eric said with sarcasm in his tone: "The old and young of the fur tribe, aren't they dragged down by the two of you?"


"I know that you fur tribes value friendship and will repay every kindness, but..."

"It's the kindness owed to Mitian by you two, not the kindness owed to Mitian by the entire fur clan! Relying on oneself as the king, it doesn't make any sense to bring your subordinates to make trouble in other countries?"

"What do you know as an outsider!?" Cat Viper shouted, "Did I just say that? Zou's Furry Principality and Wano Country's Kozuki Clan were called brothers a long time ago!"

"Isn't it right to smash your body to pieces for your brother!?"

"...That's right, the wall behind the main text of the history is also engraved with the family crest of the Guangyue clan." Eric recalled.

"When I go back, it will be the death of you rebels, Scathach, take them back."

Denjiro, Mojobashi, Inuarashi and others were escorted back to the prison by the soldiers, Mojobashi continued to struggle, and the hard chains rattled: "Damn it! Let me go!"

The roar of the cat demon gradually moved away until it disappeared, and then Eric said: "Thanks to everyone, the Kingdom of China is safe and sound."

"It's not safe." Scathach glanced around: "Many buildings have been damaged."

Eric had a bad premonition and asked tentatively, "The damage is serious? To what extent?"

"The extent of two neighborhoods that need to be rebuilt."

Eric's heart seemed to miss a beat, he took a deep breath, and said, "...rebuild the lost people according to the original building."

"It might take a lot of money."

"Huh..." Eric's breathing became heavier: "It doesn't matter, we are about to loot the royal family and nobles in Beihai soon."

Yamato next to Scathach showed a hesitant expression, but said nothing.

Eric talked with Xiao He and others about future development and planning, and finally hung up the phone.

"Why wait until we go back to carry out the execution?"

"Denjiro will be tortured by Ling Chi, so he can't become a black pupil doll, but Nekobamushi and Inuarashi are very strong. Once he becomes a black pupil doll, he will have two more powerful combat powers... ..."

Kuang San showed an expression I knew, and then asked, "Eric, do you really want to do something to the Furry Principality?"

"Heart Pirates and Hawkins Pirates both have fur tribes, with the fur tribe's character..."

Kurumi didn't continue talking, and Eric was also having a headache with this problem.For him, destroying the Furry Principality and eliminating the Fur Race is an easy task, but this will make Beppo and Faust under his flag sad.

"Don't let them know..."

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, Eric said, "I thought of a good way."

Kuang San asked: "Oh? What method?"

"Secret, you will know later." Eric made a "shh" gesture.

"How dare you hide it from me." Kuang San deliberately showed a dissatisfied expression, while moving his fingers, he pressed Eric: "You say it, or don't you say it?"

"Hahaha..." Eric, who was tickled by Kuang San, raised his hands: "Stop, pause for a moment... I admit defeat!"

Kurumi stopped, showing a happy expression, raised his right index finger and thumb, as if aiming a gun at Shidou and shooting: "From now on, do you still dare to hide it from me?"

Eric raised his hands in surrender: "Don't dare."

Kuang San asked curiously: "How on earth are you going to deal with the issue of the Furry Principality?"

"This..." Eric moved closer to Kuang San's ear, and whispered in his ear: "—"

"...Will this cause another war?" Kuang San rested his hand on his chin, pondering: "It is true that the ability of this fruit can be used to solve the problem, but this will leave another hidden danger."

"Let's make this decision first, if it really doesn't work..." Eric's eyes became cold: "I can only say sorry to Beppo and Faust."

Kuang San gently embraced Eric's shoulders, rubbed them lightly, and a warm atmosphere rose around him.


After more than ten days of sailing, Jiao Du sat on an empty wooden box and looked through the reward orders in his hand. These were the latest reward orders issued by the Navy Headquarters.

Jiaodu said to himself: "Speaking of which, it seems that the fleets of the allied countries evacuated from the North Sea are nearby..."

Ulquiorra said expressionlessly: "If you attack a member country in broad daylight, you will lose the qualification of Shichibukai."

"I know..." Jiaodu waved the reward order casually, and pointed to the wanted criminals tied up behind him: "However, I didn't expect the bounty of the North Sea pirates to be so high, and every pirate group And so rich."

When Ulquiorra and Koto arrived in the North Sea, it was the most chaotic period in the North Sea, and countless pirate groups were rampant on the sea.

Towns that have lost the protection of the army have become meat and bones in the mouth of vicious dogs, and rich people who have escaped with their entire family property have become fat in the mouths of pirates. The North Sea has become a paradise for pirates to carnival.

The pirates caught by the two were all pirates who had just finished robbing their houses. Before they had time to be extravagant and unrestrained, they were seized by Ulquiorra and his boat, and all the belongings on the boat were laughed at by the horns.

"This guy, the bounty has increased by 2000 million." Kakudo smiled. After catching the pirate, Kakudo didn't report it to the Navy Headquarters, but waited for the Navy Headquarters to issue their latest reward order. After all, they just committed a crime. For a big case, this group of pirates is likely to raise a lot of bounties.

"This has also increased by 1000 million Baileys..."

Compared to Kakudo's joyful expression, the bunched pirates looked gloomy. They never expected to meet King Shichibukai in the North Sea.

The phone bug in Ulquiorra's pocket suddenly rang.

Ulquiola picked up the phone, and there was an anxious distress signal: "We are attacked by the Dawn Pirates, please help!"

Ulquiorra and Kakudo looked at each other, and he asked, "Where are you?"


Prior to this, Chiron's clairvoyance had discovered the huge fleet of the navy in advance, and the four warships of the Shenzhou Kingdom separated, preparing to attack the navy from four directions.

Miku sighed, "What an astonishing amount."

"The number of ships in this fleet alone is enough to scare off most of the pirates." Eric smiled easily:

"Get ready, everyone!"

All the companions beside Eric are ready.

"Boom!" The artillery fired first, and the high-explosive bombs rotating at high speed hit the outermost naval warships. The orange flames, surging air waves, and flying sawdust instantly awakened the entire fleet.

"Is it still here..." As the commander-in-chief, Jonathan sighed and looked at the warship that was emitting flames and thick smoke.

"Report!" A scout ran over in a panic: "Commander, a warship of the Dawn Pirates was found in the south!"

"The only pirate group that dares to attack such a large fleet is the Four Emperors." Jonathan ordered without accident: "Accord with the previous battle plan!"

"Yes!" Several messengers immediately took action, either waving flags or using phone bugs to communicate.

The entire fleet began to change formation in an orderly manner.

"What, what's going on!?" The royal family and nobles who were hiding on the warship trembled when they heard the explosion.

"There are pirates attacking the fleet..." Sailors from the G8 branch replied.

Hillme scolded: "What did Jonathan do!? Let the pirates appear!"

"..." The sea soldier restrained his anger, and defended Jonathan, "Your Commander, you can't control the appearance of pirates..."

"Boom!" Another roar interrupted the conversation between the two. This time the explosion was obviously closer than before.

Hilmer didn't speak this time, and immediately hid in his room.

Without any disturbance from outsiders, the sea soldier rushed to his post immediately.

The sailors on the deck ran quickly, with long knives out of their sheaths and bullets loaded, facing the artillery on the enemy's side, a black hole protruded from the back of the warship's cabin, and the triple-mounted turret at the bow slowly turned to this side .

The artillery of nearly a hundred warships and hundreds of sailing ships together formed an insurmountable artillery wall.


Jonathan gave an order, and the forest-like artillery group suddenly roared.

Countless pitch-black cannonballs passed through the space, making a sharp whistling sound, and fell towards Eric like a storm.

Chiron plucked the bowstring, his clairvoyance saw through the trajectory, and the arrows accurately stopped the shells that would hit their own ships in mid-air.All the remaining shells fell into the sea, causing countless water columns and waves to explode.

"Hmm..." Jonathan saw that the round of salvo did not cause any trouble to the opponent, and said, "There is a very powerful sniper on the other side."

"Keep firing."

The gunners quickly calibrated, loaded shells and propellants, and launched a second round of more ferocious shelling on the incoming battleship.

"Is it over..."

Eric frowned slightly, raised his right arm, a dazzling thunder flashed on his arm, and his entire right arm turned into a terrifying thunderbolt.

Accompanied by the sound of rolling thunder, Eric released a pillar of lightning several meters wide, sweeping across from left to right, and the shells hit by the lightning exploded in mid-air, exploding a gorgeous fireworks.

The shells, whose firepower was equivalent to dozens of times the Demon Slaying Order, were wiped out with Eric's wave of his hand.

Jonathan lowered his gaze. He and Akainu are old friends, so he knows that some monsters can easily destroy an island with just a few gestures.

Although Jonathan is a vice admiral, his personal strength is not strong, not even as strong as some colonels who are good at fighting.His advantage lies in his flexible mind, good at strategy, and his ability to control the overall situation.

Eric belongs to the type of enemy he least wants to meet. His powerful strength can completely ignore his strategy, because he has no means to contain Eric and others.

Even if he had prison bullets inlaid with sea tower stones specially designed to deal with ability users, he didn't believe that the prison bullets could hit the Four Emperors, which was a headache for the world government.

Jonathan said to himself: "Eric's goal is to join the country's treasure..."

"It is also possible that the lives of those royal families and nobles..."

Jonathan thought of Eric's massacre of Tianlong people and nobles of various countries in the Chambord Islands, which shocked the world, and the massacre of the royal family and nobles of the King of Goa in the East China Sea.

"The Dawn Pirates will not dispatch only one battleship..."

"Commander!" A liaison officer ran over: "Both the ships of the Dawn Pirates were found in the front and rear of the fleet!"

"Really..." Jonathan put out the chess pieces and thought, "Kuilong wants to prevent us from fleeing to the Red Earth Continent?"

The firepower distribution of warships is the strongest on both sides, the ship with triple turrets is the first, and the firepower at the stern is the weakest, almost none, thanks to the relationship between the navy and pirates.

The heavy armor and firepower of naval warships are not at the same level as pirate ships. Most navies run after pirates, so there are almost no artillery on the stern of naval warships.

The battleship that Esdeath was on approached the fleet without hindrance.

"It's the 'Queen of Ice'—Esdeth!"

The sailors at the stern were in a mess, and Esdeth killed far more sailors than Eric.

Estes spread out his palms, pressed down falsely, aiming at the turbulent sea: "Freeze for me—Ice Age!"

The freezing air overflowed, and the sea under Esdesh froze in an instant.After the glacier was formed, it was still spreading crazily to the sea where the naval fleet was located at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a few breaths, it turned into a vast glacier that could not be seen.

"...!" Jonathan, like countless sailors, stared at all this in a daze.

Esdeth's ability is on the sea surface, forcibly opening up a polar region, controlling the sky and changing the terrain, which is no less than the green pheasant who eats frozen fruits.

"Oh..." Jonathan smiled wryly, "Everything I thought about seems to be useless under Esdeath's ability."

Jonathan stood up, picked up the loudspeaker, and shouted at a volume that could be heard by the entire fleet: "Everyone, we have reached the moment of life and death!"

"All the kings and nobles of the franchise countries, you should be aware of Kuilong's attitude and methods towards you, right?"

"Dear sailors, you also know that in the last battle, the Dawn Pirates did not spare a single sailor!"

"No matter what your thoughts are, please fight the enemy with one heart at this moment!"

"We are all grasshoppers on the same rope right now..."

"call out"

An arrow came through the air and hit Jonathan's heart precisely. Jonathan was also knocked down by the force of the arrow.



The sound of Jonathan being injured and falling to the ground reached everyone's ears.

"Pfft——" Jonathan spat out a mouthful of blood, staining the beard on his lips red, and the red mark on his chest gradually expanded.

Chiron said in a flat tone: "The mission of the archers, apart from scouting, is to take down the commander on the other side first."

"Lieutenant General Jonathan!" The nearby sailors quickly formed a human wall, blocking Chiron's sight.

"I'm fine..." Jonathan endured the severe pain, suppressing the blood pouring into his throat, and the sailors forming a human wall fell one by one under Chiron's arrows. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "For your own lives! For the sake of thinking, please work together!"

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(End of this chapter)

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