The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 568 Big Mom who took advantage of the fire, the navy in desperate situation

Chapter 568 Big Mom who took advantage of the fire, the navy in desperate situation
The sailors kept falling, and there was a gap in the formed human wall. A sharp arrow passed through the gap and hit Jonathan again.

This time he didn't fall down, the energy carried by the arrow penetrated his body, he didn't take a look at the wound that appeared on his body, and continued to shout loudly: "Navy—"

"call out"

An arrow drew an incredible arc in the air, pierced through Jonathan's skull from top to bottom, and firmly blocked the remaining words of Jonathan in his throat.

The top of Jonathan's head was slightly cold, as if he forgot to wear a winter hat in the middle of winter, and his eyes were filled with red liquid, and his vision was blood red.


Jonathan's lips moved, but no words came out.Not only the mouth, but also the muscles of the whole body went offline one after another, and Jonathan's standing posture collapsed within a few seconds.

The last thing he saw was the blue sky and a woman in a white chef's outfit who didn't exist here:

The base commander of the Navy's G8 branch, the command tower of the navy fleet collapsed in front of the eyes of many sailors.

"Lord Commander!"

The sailors beside him immediately supported Jonathan, who had lost his support, but they were powerless to save the life of the vice admiral.

A sailor in a white cloak quickly arrived at Jonathan's position using the ship as a pedal.

The sea soldier looked sad and said: "Lieutenant General Pittman!"

"Lieutenant General Jonathan—!" Pittman bent down and held Jonathan's weak hand.He knew that Jonathan was not strong, and wanted to stay by his side to protect his safety, but was ordered by Jonathan to protect the king of the allied countries.

"Damn it!" Pittman hammered the deck hard, until he saw the arrow pierced above Jonathan's head, and the anger in his heart was instantly ignited.

Pittman turned around and shouted angrily, "Chiron—!"

Eric chuckled and said, "The other side seems to be very angry, Mr. Chiron."

"Captain, then decide that he is my opponent?"

"You've already dealt with a heavyweight opponent, should you save some soup for others?" Joan of Arc said dissatisfied.

"Looking at the way the other party looks, it seems that they don't intend to let me go." Chiron pointed to Pittman on the opposite side, and then suggested: "All the kings and nobles of the alliance countries will be handed over to you."

"That `s a deal."

Kuang San sighed and said, "Don't make decisions on your own."

"Jeanne, don't go too far, your flames will burn those belongings."

Joan of Arc responded impatiently: "Got it!"

"Don't stop, keep firing!"

The death of Jonathan led to a brief pause in the artillery salvo, and Pittman, as one of the only remaining lieutenant generals, naturally took over the command of the entire fleet.

The muzzle of the black hole aimed at the Dawn Pirates, and the shocking scene of thousands of guns firing was staged again. The firepower almost covered the entire sea area, but was once again intercepted by Eric's Thunder in mid-air. A sea of ​​orange-red flowers bloomed.

Eric turned his head to look at Polchi: "Porky, open the air door and send the army over. Joan of Arc, you take the lead."

"Okay." Polki pressed the air briefly, and an air door opened with a "squeak".

Joan of Arc followed up with Boerqi first, and then the army of Shenzhou Kingdom. Some fighters were mixed in the army. The fighters still need a lot of actual combat data, which can just make up for the gap in strength.

The army of the State of Shenzhou unexpectedly appeared in the hinterland of the navy fleet, the navy was caught off guard, and the army of the State of Shenzhou quickly occupied several warships.

At the tail end of the fleet, hundreds of ice cavalry made by Esdes charged.

At the forefront of the fleet, Hei Tong manipulated Yixiao, Doflamingo, Weibull, Rao G, Asura Doji, Foz Fu, Lyme Jones, and CP0 Moore to charge into battle.

Although Yixiao has lost the fruit of gravity, he still has the strength of a great swordsman. He shows the demeanor of a great swordsman with a single stroke, and he can cut off naval warships with a single stroke.

Vice Admiral Whittaker, who sits at the forefront of the fleet, felt his heart pounding when he saw the eight-man team with the lowest strength of Vice Admiral.


In another sea area, the Big Mom Pirates, which started from Cake Island, finally arrived at the station of the Red Hair Pirates.

"Lick" Perospero said with a hint of excitement: "Finally found the group of mice hiding in the gutter."

Cracker, who was hiding in the biscuit armor, asked in a low voice, "Brother Peros, shall we do it now?"

"Of course, everyone in the red-haired pirates suffered serious injuries, just in time to beat the dog in the water!"

"Be careful." Katakuri, who has been leaning against the wall without speaking, reminded: "Even if the red hair is injured, his strength should not be underestimated. Especially his domineering look, we must guard against it."

"I'll leave it to you, Katakuri, is it all right?"

Katakuri closed his eyes: " problem."

"Okay, let's go!" Perospero raised the candy cane forward: "The army of the Big Mom Pirates!"


Jesus Bu first sensed the enemy's attack and opened his closed left eye.In recent days, he has been getting used to aiming with his left eye.

He quickly climbed up a big tree to investigate, then turned his head and shouted to everyone under the tree:

"The Big Mom Pirates are coming!"

"Sure enough." Ben Beckman sighed silently: "With Big Mom's greedy character, it is naturally impossible for the Big Mom Pirates to give up such a good opportunity to attack."

"Shanks?" Ben Beckman turned to look at the depressed captain: "Should we fight or withdraw?"

"...Let's get out." Shanks looked around at the wounded subordinates: "Correct your wounds first, and then go to the Big Mom Pirates to settle the score."

"Once you retreat, Shanks, your title of Four Emperors will be..."

"The title of Four Emperors is useless to me, the most important thing is the lives of my companions..." Shanks lowered his tone, thinking of Lime Jones.

"I'll cover your retreat." Shanks stood up and walked towards the direction of the enemy's attack with trembling steps.

"Huh" Ben Beckman took a puff of smoke and raised the flintlock with his left hand: "Shanks, I'll go with you."

Shanks gave him a fixed look, nodded and said, "Okay."

"I'm here to support you." Jesus patted the sniper rifle in his arms.

"We also..." Several cadres of the Red Hair Pirates also stood up at this moment.

"No, La Gillu and Gab need your care." Shanks said in a serious tone, "Retreat first, we will catch up soon."

"...We know." Members of the Red Hair Pirates rarely see Shanks with a serious expression.

Perospero, Katakuri, Cracker, and Snug stood in front of the army.

"Shusha" the weeds swayed, and Shanks and Ben Beckman came out of the woods.

"Red hair..." Perospero glanced at Shanks' abdomen, where there were circles of white bandages, and then the face, the beard that had not been groomed for more than ten days was a bit sloppy, and the complexion was visible to the naked eye Pale, obviously bleeding.

"Sure enough, he was seriously injured. This is a great opportunity to deal with the red hair..."

"Only a few of you?" Perospero said with a smile on his face, "You suffered a lot from the Dawn Pirates."

Shanks pulled out Griffin, looked at the boundless enemies, without showing the slightest comfort: "You came to me specially, what's the matter?"

"Is that even a question?"

"Removing your head, redhead, of course!"


A bullet hit through the air, Katakuri narrowed his eyes, and a bullet made of glutinous rice popped out from his clasped thumb, which collided with the bullet fired by Jesus cloth in mid-air, and the excess momentum shattered the two bullets into powder.

"Can't wait anymore?" Perospero raised the candy cane: "Go! Chess player!"

The Chess Soldiers moved upon hearing the news. The Chess Soldiers are soldiers produced by injecting souls from Big Mom, and serve as the basic military force of all nations.

It can be mass-produced on a large scale, and naturally the quality cannot be guaranteed.

Shanks exuded a substantive aura all over his body, and then released the domineering domineering aura!
In an instant, the aura materialized into a black and red arc, and struck at the members of the Big Mom pirate group.

At the same time, the dark circle of light swept across a large number of chess soldiers rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

The chess players rushing forward in neat formation suddenly froze, and the violent impact from the soul made the anthropomorphic chess lose consciousness.


In just a few seconds, thousands of chess players fell to the ground.

The domineering look that can stun others can naturally stun chess soldiers made from the lifespan of ordinary people.

"The homies made by Big Mom are not good..." Ben Beckman looked back at the fallen chess pieces, and sneered, "Think about it too, if Big Mom can manufacture a large number of chess pieces that can resist Shanks' arrogance." Chess player, Big Mom already ruled the ocean."

"..." Perospero was also terrified by the domineering look released by Shanks, but as a chatterbox, Perospero, who claims to be a perfectionist, could not admit it: "Known as Shanks Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirates with his right wrist, lost his right wrist, what an irony."

"..." Ben Beckman paused with his smoking left hand.

"Brother Peros, they are stalling for time." Katakuri interrupted the conversation, his right arm turned into squirming glutinous rice, and a trident was revealed from it, and the recovered arm immediately grabbed it:

"It's coming!"

Although Perospero was dissatisfied that the conversation was interrupted, he was also aware of his talkative problems. He raised his hand to make a sugar bow with syrup, and pulled the bowstring with his right hand. The pink syrup formed an arrow, aiming at it from afar. Jesus cloth.

"Don't think about it!" Ben Beckman raised his rifle and pointed the muzzle at Perospero who was bowing and nodding his arrow.

Several biscuit warriors blocked the trajectory, and the cracker knew that a biscuit warrior could not stop Ben Beckman's bullets, but the quality was not enough to make up the quantity.


The entwined weapon-colored bullets shot out from the barrel, easily piercing through the bodies of several biscuit soldiers.

"Roll · Pretzel!"

The high-speed spinning long sword in Cracker's hand is covered with armed domineering colors, facing the bullets.After a moment of stalemate, the long sword shattered into countless pieces, and the bullet shattered an arm of the biscuit armor, and the flying direction of the bullet changed accordingly, deviating from the original target.

"The rain of the end!" Perospero didn't drag his feet. He drew his bow and shot candy arrows at Jesus cloth.

Jesus cloth manipulated the gun, smashed the powerful candy arrows one by one, and shot bullets at Katakuri and others.

Katakuri urged the domineering look to the extreme, the red light in his eyes flashed, his body turned into glutinous rice, deformed to avoid the bullets shot at him, his right arm was compressed into a glutinous ball and surrounded the weapon trident: "The glutinous ball stabs! "

The high-speed spinning trident was blocked by Shanks, and the overflowing black-red arc spread around.

The cracker ramps up, creating more cookie soldiers to stalk Ben Beckman and Shanks.

Ben Beckman's bullet pierces through the bodies of many biscuit soldiers, but a tiny bullet hole will not affect the biscuit soldiers' actions.

So Ben Beckman changed his combat strategy, and the armed domineering wrapped around the bullet changed to a destructive nature, that is, a bullet smashed an entire biscuit soldier.

Although the biscuit soldiers made by the crackers are quite powerful, Shanks and Ben Beckman can solve these biscuit soldiers with just one sword and one bullet.

But this large number still caused some troubles for the two of them.

Shanks and Ben Beckman counted the time silently, and estimated that all members would retreat immediately after boarding the ship.


A king shouted: "As long as the Dawn Pirates are repelled, I am willing to give half of my property to reward the sailors and guards!"

Lieutenant General Jonathan's words before his death still had some effect. The king, who was once penniless, actually allocated half of it to motivate the navy and his entourage.

The nobles around him couldn't believe it: "King, are you crazy!?"

"I'm not crazy!" The king stared at his blood-red eyes, and the nobles could feel his unwillingness and pain from his expression: "Once the dawn pirates defeat the navy, we will have nothing!"

"Whether it's family property or life!"

"You think I'm willing to pay!? That's my lifeblood!"

Hearing the king's question, the noble beside him recalled the fate of the noble who was captured by the Dawn Pirates, and shouted tremblingly, "I, I am also willing to donate half of my property!"

A king took the lead, and the kings and nobles of the remaining countries also expressed their willingness to donate part of their property as rewards.

The sailors and guards of the entire warship have seen with their own eyes how rich this group of pigs are. Half of their family property, even if it is divided equally by tens of thousands of people, they don't have to worry about it for the rest of their lives!

Gold and silk touch people's hearts, and there is another saying: under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

The kings of these more than 20 franchised countries appointed officials and rewarded them for a while, which made the navy and entourage guards explode with extremely high morale, and brought a little bit of trouble to the army of the Shenzhou Kingdom.

However, the gap in advanced combat power between the two sides was too great, and Esdeth froze the sea again. Due to the angle, the artillery on the side of the ship could not attack the enemy at close range, except for the turret at the bow of the ship, which could rotate.

Although there are a large number of naval artillery, the firepower is not dominant.

While the periphery of the fleet was gradually being encroached upon by the Chinese army, the Navy's liaison officers also desperately asked for support from the outside.

It happened to call the nearest Shichibukai.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket for the Brotherhood World; the 100 reward for the king of Emperor Yicheng in the Kingdom of Emperor Yi;

(End of this chapter)

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