Chapter 594 Reporting Tasks
(Chapter 589 unsealed)

Stuci, who had been sleeping for a day and a half, did not show a trace of fatigue in the early morning of the next day. Instead, her face was rosy and plump, obviously resting (irrigating) very well.

"Lord Eric..." Stussy was wearing pajamas over his shoulders, and his superb figure with big breasts and hips was hidden under the translucent fabric, and his bare white legs were walking catwalks, full of charm.Ordinary people can't do this kind of seductive charm that must not be leaked.

The intelligence and information in his mind made Stussy very satisfied. Although he couldn't get close to Da Vinci who developed these technologies, but... sooner or later, my mother will dig you to the bottom.

She didn't have the slightest doubt about the extra memories in her mind... She believed in the results of her hard work and her body.

"Miss Stucey..." Eric also laughed, and said in a frivolous tone: "Yesterday... was really an unforgettable night..."

"Master Eric!" Stussy said coquettishly, then gently sat in Eric's arms, and drew circles on his chest with his tender fingertips: "You are too powerful..."

"You still want to come again?" Eric raised his eyebrows and lifted his body up.

Stucey was so frightened that his face turned pale, he immediately stood up, covered his mouth and said, "Master Eric, you ate too much, you won't throw me away after just playing around?"

"Of course not." Eric took Stucey's palm and rubbed it carefully.

"Master Eric, you are too brave, I can't stand it..." Stuci moved lightly, walked around Eric's back, put his hands on his shoulders, squeezed Eric's shoulders, and moved his mouth together. To his ear, gently blowing:

"You let me wait for a few days, I will go back to Happy Street to bring some beautiful little sisters, and together..."

Speaking of this, Stuci blushed, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito, " serve you together."

Stussy's expressions, words, and manners are well-chosen. If he didn't know her true identity, Eric would definitely fall into the trap.

'Are you serving? Eric thought to himself: "Your group of good little sisters are definitely agents of the world government." '

It is easy to tamper with one's memory.However, after a group of agents collect information, they will definitely summarize and summarize, which will undoubtedly increase the risk of exposure.

Eric's attitude was firm: "No, all I want is you."

"Lord Eric..." Stussy made a flattered and joyful expression.

"By the way——" Eric said with a serious face, "Although I didn't care about your previous experience, but—"

"From now on, you are not allowed to have intimate contact with other men."

"You understand, Stucey?"

"Yeah." Stussy understands men's possessiveness very well, let alone the emperor who lives in the sea. She nodded slightly and assured, "I will definitely keep a distance from other men."

"There's nothing to say." Eric said with a smirk: "I'll pack something for you. Next time we meet, I'll check it myself."

"Master Eric...!" Seeing Eric's expression, Stussy immediately understood that he had no good intentions. She twisted her body and begged for mercy in a low voice.

In the end, I added some ingredients.


"You seem to be very happy..." Kuangsan's face was unkind, and Hiyori didn't show anything, but his small mouth could hang an oil bottle.

"Cough cough" Eric cleared his throat, and said solemnly, "No."

"The corners of your mouth are still upturned."

"..." Eric stretched out his hand and pressed it, pursed his lips, and hid his smile.

"How?" Kuang San asked: "That woman didn't notice anything unusual, did she?"

Eric smiled and replied: "No, she seems to be very excited all the time."

"Huh?" Kuang San pursed his lips, his lips curved, forming a dangerous arc: "You and her acquaintance, Guan Bao, has evolved into entering the heart?"

"No, no." Eric shook his head again and again, explaining: "My knowledge is domineering, and I can vaguely hear everyone's inner voice at the moment."

Kuang San raised his eyebrows: "Awakened your domineering knowledge?"

"No, but I always feel that I'm close." Eric scratched his head in distress: "Recently, I have been honing my knowledge and domineering, but unfortunately, I can't open the door for promotion at all."

Kuang San comforted: "Cultivation is such a thing, take your time, don't be impatient."


Hiyori still showed concern: "Master Eric, is it really all right for the world government to get this information?"

"It doesn't matter, the information revealed is not important, and there are even a lot of misleading information in it."

"At least, it can dispel the worries of some world governments, and let us continue to develop steadily." Eric turned his head and looked out the window, and the bustling scene of the Flower City came into view.


Stuci got out of the sending carriage and stepped briskly onto his boat.

The two welcoming women bowed and said, "Welcome back, Ms. Stucey."

Stuci raised an arm, handed the lady's leather bag hanging on the arm to the welcome staff, and entered the cabin with twisted waist and hips, and said:
"Set sail and prepare to return to Happy Street."

"Yes." The woman in charge of meeting Stucey bent down to answer, then turned and walked to the captain's cabin, while Stucey went to a secret room on the ship.

"Stucci, look at your expression..." A man wearing a mask, a white suit and a windbreaker said, "The harvest should be good."

Stuci chuckled and said, "Of course, I got the latest news about the Dawn Pirates making clones."

Another CP0 leaned out excitedly: "Really?!"

"Can I still lie to you?" Stussy gave him a blank look, and then sighed.

"Didn't come back for a day, did you... spend the night there?" CP0 asked in a stealthy way.

"Hmph!" Stussy snorted coldly, curled his lips and said, "Needless to say so euphemistically, just as you think."

"Otherwise, how could I get this information?"

"Thank you for your hard work." The CP0 colleagues did not taunt, but comforted: "The world government will not forget your sacrifice."

"Don't use your speaking skills to make a big cake for me." Stussy showed a sarcasm: "I taught you your speaking skills!"

"..." The male CP0 remained silent in embarrassment.

'Besides, I'm not at a disadvantage. 'Stucci blushed, remembering the strength, speed and hardness...

Counting it, I haven't had it for 30 to [-] years...

"Stusey?" The male CP0 interrupted Stussy's recollection.

"Don't call me by my name." Stussy's eyes widened. "Although we are all CP0, there are divisions between superiors and subordinates."

The male CP0 has a correct attitude: "Yes, Mr. Stucey."

Stuci ordered: "Report the situation to Wulaoxing immediately and use the anti-tapping phone bug."

"Yes!" The male CP0 moved swiftly, installed, dialed, and after a few breaths, the phone bug simulated the voice of one of the five old stars:
"Is that Stucey?"

"It's me, Lord Wulaoxing." Stussy said with a serious face: "I got the latest information on cloning technology from the Kingdom of China."

"Well done." The five old star "Churchill" praised, and said: "Speak, we are all listening."

"Yes." Stussy looked serious, and began to talk about the basic data of human cloning observed by his naked eyes, as well as his speculations and conjectures.

"You mean..." the five old star "Gorbachev" pondered: "The clones created by the Dawn Pirates are not to be feared?"

"Yes." Stussy said slowly: "The physical fitness of the clone is not even comparable to that of some ordinary people."

"Moreover, due to the relationship between clones, the lifespan of these clones is only a few years."

"This is good news." Wu Laoxing nodded and replied.

"The lifespan is only a few years, and it is certainly impossible to enhance the individual strength of clones through exercise. Therefore, if the Shenzhou Kingdom manufactures a large number of clones of this type, it will drag down its own finances."

The orphans collected by the world government have to practice hard for more than ten years in order to become an excellent CP9 agent, let alone the top CP0.

Stuci, who has been walking along the way, is convinced that in such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to improve too much strength.

She may not know what cheating is, and she may not be able to predict the future. A newcomer who has been at sea for less than three years has become the Four Emperors...

"Lincoln" said, "However, Da Vinci can copy the ability of the devil fruit together, which has to be treated with caution."

"You don't need to worry about this. The electric shock power released by the clone can only cause paralysis to ordinary people, and it can't even seriously injure ordinary people; the current intensity can't be improved by training."

"Presumably, there is a huge gap between the artificial devil fruit that Ajin ate and the original version, so Da Vinci has not made a second artificial devil fruit so far."

"Hmm." Wu Laoxing tentatively agreed with Stucey's point of view.

"Vegapunk is No.1 in discovering the blood factor. As a latecomer, how could Da Vinci surpass Vegapunk?" Wu Laoxing believed in Vegapunk's knowledge and technology very much.

The long-bearded star "Tuisuke Itagaki" said: "Situxi, since you have established a 'relationship' with Kuilong, you will be in charge of all the spy affairs of the Shenzhou Kingdom."


After Wu Laoxing learned all the information, his mind was settled, and he happily handed over the matter to his subordinates.

"Sir Stuci." The male CP0 asked, "What are we going to do next?"

"I wanted to send a female agent from CP9 to assist me, but Kuilong seemed not interested in those women, so he directly refused." Stussy bit his thumbnail with his teeth.

"Kuilong probably thinks it's dirty..."

"..." Stussy turned her head and stared at him suddenly, which was almost like talking about herself.

The male CP0 waved his hands in front of him repeatedly: "I'm not talking about you!"

The attitude of 300 taels of silver here made Stucey even more angry.

Things got darker and darker, and the male CP0 could only explain in a low voice with his tingling scalp: "Men like chicks."

"I'll find someone for Kuilong who hasn't picked up any guests!"

"There is also the desire to conquer..." The male CP0 continued: "You are one of the emperors of the underground world, so Kuilong is interested in you, right?"

"..." Stuci lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Is that why some men like women with high status?"

"Maybe." The male CP0 replied ambiguously.

"Big Mom is still the Fourth Emperor, why doesn't Kuilong go find her?"

The male CP0's voice was full of tremors, and even the mask couldn't stop the terrified expression on his face: "Big Mom was indeed beautiful 40 years ago, but the way he looks now..."

"Okay." Stussy gave up after thinking about it for a while. After thinking for a while, she said: "You secretly gather all the agents of the Shenzhou Kingdom..."

The male CP0 suddenly interrupted: "That..."

Stucey was a little displeased, and her beautiful eyes turned to him: "What?"

"I have one more thing to report to Chief Stucey."

Stucey raised one leg and put it on the other: "Go ahead."

"Just yesterday, all the agents of Shenzhou Kingdom could not be contacted..."

"What did you say!?"

"I'm afraid they have all been wiped out by the Dawn Pirates."

"..." Stussy leaned back on the backrest again, thinking in his heart: "Yesterday, Kuilong left for a while, he thought he had pulled out all the agents of the world government, so he and I..."

'Before that, Kuilong kept a distance from me. After all, as a daughter, I became the "Queen of Happy Street" in a dark world that cannibalize people without spit out bones. He was very worried that I was supported by some powerful force. the candidate? '

'With the current strength of the Dawn Pirates, Kuilong may only be worried about the World Government and the Navy, not the other Four Emperor Pirates. '

'So, can this group of waste be reused? ’ Stussy imagined why Eric’s attitude changed drastically.

"Mr. Stucey?"

"Cough cough" Stucey cleared his throat and said, "Continue to send some agents to China."

"Uh, yes!" The male CP0 asked with some doubts: "Mr. Stussy, since you have already penetrated into the Dawn Pirates, why do you continue to send agents?"

"These agents are sure to lose their lives and waste World Government resources."

"How did you learn?" Stussy snorted coldly: "Don't you know the principle of making noise?"

"You mean..."

"Besides, I just got the news from Kuilong, and when I turned my head around, the World Government will not send any special agents... Does this mean to tell the Dawn Pirates that I am a spy sent by the World Government?"


Stuci instructed: "From now on, you will be responsible for driving the agents who come to the Kingdom of China. Remember, you can only make one-way contact, and you must never step into the actual control area of ​​the Kingdom of China."

"Yes." The male CP0 nodded in agreement.

"Use these cannon fodder to dispel Kuilong's suspicion of me." Stussy was quite proud of his strategy.

The male CP0 didn't care about the life and death of these cannon fodder agents. Isn't it a compulsory course for every agent to sacrifice his life for the mission of the world government?

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets of the boss Ao Jiaoying; the two monthly tickets of book friend 20200828045747768; the two monthly tickets of Yuezhu V; the two monthly tickets of Xia Yuchen J;
(End of this chapter)

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