Chapter 595
Da Vinci clapped his hands: "Okay."

"Thank you Da Vinci~" Dolly thanked her in a cheerful tone, then got up and looked down at the faded scar in front of her, with a joyful expression on her face: "The color of the scar is getting lighter and lighter."

"Well, this kind of trivial matter can't trouble the Almighty." Da Vinci chuckled.

"This technology for repairing skin cells is even more powerful than Academy City..." Jing Ce said in admiration.

"Da Vinci is a genius among geniuses after all." Eric followed closely.

"Huh?" The four people present turned their heads to look at Eric who had just arrived with puzzled faces.

"Hey!" Dolly immediately turned around, covering her open-fronted hospital gown with both hands.

"Captain brother, it's not a gentleman's practice to open the door without knocking?" Da Vinci was about to knock on Eric.

Eric clasped his hands together and apologized to the slightly flustered Dolly: "I'm very sorry."

"It's okay..." Dolly showed an embarrassed expression instead, and said in a low voice, "I let you see such an ugly side."

"I didn't look at you just now..." Eric scratched his head: "Why don't you show it again, Dolly?"

The police officer looked like a kitten with frizzy fur, and glared at Eric: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, look at the police, your expression looks more energetic."

"What did you say?!"

"Xiao Wang, don't quarrel." Doli came over: "Xiao Ai was joking."

"Xiao Ai?" Eric twitched his eyes.

"That...isn't it okay?"

"...As you like." Eric was a little speechless, then turned his head to look at the police.

"What are you doing?" Jing Ce asked angrily, she didn't hate Eric, on the contrary, she was very grateful to Eric for allowing her to meet Dolly again.

"You can't stay with Dolly all the time, can you?"

"Can't you?" Jing Ce asked back.

"You have been here for more than a month, and you know that with your current ability, you can't protect Taoli and you."

"Isn't there still you?"

"..." Eric was stunned by what the police said, and he smiled wryly, and said, "Why don't you play cards according to the rules?"

"According to the rules?" Jing Ce said with a half-smile: "Please help me improve my strength, and then you take the opportunity to make some unreasonable demands..."

"This is absolutely impossible." Eric's expression changed, and he said seriously: "I'm not interested in little kids who haven't grown up."

"... There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but - it sounds very annoying!" Police Kantuo said through gritted teeth.

"If you don't want to go to the Three Treasures Palace, what's the captain?" Da Vinci Lily came over with a universal backpack.

"I want to ask Da Vinci to build a small submarine that can be operated by a few people."

"Do you want to send a small team of several people to sea?" Da Vinci guessed Eric's plan at once.

"Yes, there are still many powerful devil fruits scattered around the world. I plan to recover these devil fruits before others eat them."

"It's a good idea." Da Vinci nodded and said, "The world is so chaotic, and the devil fruit may be one of the reasons."

"This powerful external force must at least be in your own hands."

Jing Ce curled his lips when he saw it, and said it so grandly, isn't it all for himself?However, she did not say that it is better to have powerful weapons in the hands of the enemy than to fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Who do you want to send?" Leonardo da Vinci asked, "If there is someone capable, I can design and build a submarine according to his ability."

Speaking of this, Da Vinci smiled badly: "For example, the Osprey aircraft I made can rely on your electricity as the driving force for flight..."

Eric also has black lines all over his head, and he doesn't want to experience the experience of charging the plane every once in a while.

"Ajin, Kisame, Lante, Chuya Zhongyuan, the four of them."

"Okay, I got it." Da Vinci nodded to express his understanding, and whispered to himself, "Ah Jin can breathe fire... Zhong Yuanzhong can also manipulate gravity..."

Eric observed a moment of silence for the two members.

After Eric finished explaining the specific needs of the submarine, he left Da Vinci's laboratory with Dolly and Police Officer.

"Xiao Ai!" Doli said excitedly, "I want to go to sea too!"

Hearing the name of a woman who seemed to have taken some kind of shrinking potion, Eric struggled in his heart for a while, and shook his head without forcing Dolly to call him:
"Sorry, Dolly, I can't let you go to sea right now."

Doli was a little anxious, and asked, "Why?"

Eric's expression was serious, and he stared at each other with scorching eyes: "Ghost and the others didn't go out to sea for fun, Dolly."

Dolly didn't expect Eric to show such a serious expression, she immediately retreated, her lips twitched and said, "Hold, I'm sorry..."

Jing Zhe didn't stand on Taoli's side, just the information she usually collected made her full of fear and vigilance towards this sea, which was full of countless dangers.

"Your current strength is not good, and your knowledge of navigation is not good enough. Are you going to sea to hold back your companions?"

"..." Dolly lowered her head and remained silent.

"During this time, apart from going to school, you are just playing around in the Flower City, right? Your younger sisters are all working hard to learn all kinds of knowledge and skills!"

Dolly's shoulders began to shake up and down, as if crying.

"That..." Seeing himself yelling at the little girl, Eric was a little dumbfounded: "Did I say too much?"

"Taoli..." Police watched and stretched out his hand, gently stroking Taoli's back.

With tears in the corners of Taoli's eyes, she said happily: "This is the first time someone has seriously reprimanded me..."

"..." Eric stood there dumbfounded.

"The researchers in the artificial room will only accommodate me for the sake of my experimental data; when I lose my temper, Xiao Wang will follow my petty temper to help me..."

"That..." Police looked a little speechless, and asked in a low voice, "Tao Li, are you a bit crazy?"

"That's not true!" Doli said with her eyes wide open, "Xiao Ai is just like her father!"

"..." Hearing the word father suddenly, Eric was stunned on the spot.

"I am a clone, theoretically without a father and a mother, but I have always longed to have the love of a father and a mother just like everyone else."

"Do the other Misaka-sisters also have this idea?"

"That's right." Taoli nodded: "With a father and a mother, one can be considered a complete ordinary person."

"Okay..." It's not a big deal for Eric to suddenly have more than 1 daughters, so he just treats himself as the version of "White Beard" who has daughters.

"Okay! I have two mothers!" Dolly said happily.

"...May I ask, who are the two mothers you mentioned?"

"Kurami and Hiyori!"

"...Then you have to add two more mothers." Eric then remembered that the new Dolly and the police officer seemed to have never seen Estes and the others who were away on the expedition.

"How many women do you have?" Police watched and rolled his eyes.

"It's amazing!" Dolly exclaimed.

"How is this amazing!? He's obviously a scumbag!" The policeman grabbed Dolly's hand and dragged her away from Eric.

"Although you haven't met the other two, you should have heard of their names, Esdes and Yuxiao Meijiu."

"The Queen of Ice and the Diva!" Doli said excitedly, "The female general who fights so well, and the idol who sings so well is also my mother!"

Police looked at it and complained: "No, no, Taoli, it's so strange that you are happy!"

"You learn the technology first to enhance your own strength." Eric said: "After a few years, you pass the test, and I will let you go to sea."

"We have an appointment!" Dolly stretched out her little finger and hooked Eric's little finger.

On the other side, Kurumi's avatar was teaching some Misakas, and suddenly, these Misakas stood up.

"Ah, do you have any questions?" Kuang San tilted his head.

The Misakas shouted in unison, expressionless: "Mother!"

Crazy three clones: "???"


"Eric!" Yamato broke into Eric's office.

"What are you doing?" Eric trembled all over, fortunately he didn't play any special games.

"I've heard!" Yamato put his hands on the desk, and his [-]-meter-high protruded from the table: "You want to send Kisame and the others out to sea?"

"Yeah." Eric nodded in affirmation.

Yamato clapped his hands on the table: "I want to go to sea too!"

"..." Eric pondered for a while, and said: "Nakahara Chuya and the others are here to complete the task of finding devil fruits. The journey is boring and boring. Are you sure you want to go to sea?"

"Uh..." Yamato was speechless.

"We can also go to the North Sea to help Estes and the others." A mature female voice came from outside the door.

"It's Robin..." Eric put his hand on his forehead and said, "You told Yamato this news?"

"Oh?" Robin pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Have you been seen through by the captain?"

"So, what do you want to do when you go to Beihai?"

"Understand the history." Luo Bing said directly: "The last time I went to Beihai, it was a pity that the red dog interrupted the trip. This time, I want to understand the history of Beihai more comprehensively."

After listening to Robin's request, Eric nodded. He remembered that Robin had managed the Baroque studio in the original work, and said, "You can really help by going to Beihai, but—"

"Your existence has long been known by the world government. Once you leave Shenzhou and my protection, you will be at risk of being arrested by CP0."

"Are you sure you want to go to Beihai?"

Robin smiled slightly: "I believe in Esdeath's strength."

"...Okay." At this point, Eric has no other reason to refuse Robin, and promised: "After you arrive in Beihai, you must obey Zhuge Liang's orders in everything. If you dare to cause any major troubles, you will immediately report to me. Get back."

"Okay!" Yamato raised his arms happily: "You can go to sea!"

Hearing Yamato's cheers, it's like a husky out of the collar...

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for the monthly ticket of Xiaopan and Butterfly Tianxiayi; the monthly ticket of NX Muzi; the two monthly tickets of the years;

(End of this chapter)

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