Chapter 646: Senshou Hashirama Appears
"Leo's smell..." Man Xueli lay in Leo's arms with a face full of intoxication, and everyone else present became the background board.

"Princess, it's a little hot..." Leo muttered in a low voice, "Can you stay away from me?"

"Huh!?" The veins on Man Xueli's forehead popped.

"Isn't it great?" Kuang Sanqiao smiled sweetly and said, "Leo, you can finally be with your favorite princess."

"Hmm..." Leo scratched his head in confusion, "I don't know why, the words of confession popped out of my mouth..."

"However, you like the princess in your heart, right?"

Leo turned around and took a serious look at Man Xueli, nodded and said, ""

Meijiu clapped her hands: "Isn't this great? Everyone is happy!"

"... That's right." Leo continued without looking at the atmosphere: "Although the princess is capricious and easy to lose her temper, I like Princess Manshirley very much."

The first half of the sentence made Man Xueli puff up her cheeks, and the second half made Man Xueli smile again.

Mei Jiu suggested: "It's not too late, let's hold the wedding today!"

Eric complained: "No, your speed is too fast..."

Man Xueli clasped her hands together and looked at Meijiu with joy: "Is it really possible?!"

"No matter what, it's a major event in your life! Go back and discuss it with your father!" Eric complained with all his strength.

"Oh..." Man Xueli lowered her head.

Miku held Manxueli in her arms, and put her cheek on Manxueli's fluffy blond hair: "It's so cute!"

"Master Eric." Dong Tata, who was in charge of cultivating artificial devil fruits, came over and said, "We have already cultivated the fruit you want!"

"Really?" Eric was taken aback, and said happily, "Take us to see."

"Yes!" The hard-working Dong Tata clan led the way to the place where man-made devil fruits were cultivated.

On the surface of the bright red apple, there are some orange and yellow circle patterns.

"This is a man-made devil fruit?" Mei Jiu frowned and whispered, "It doesn't look delicious at all."

"Don't be greedy..." Kuang San warned from the side.

Eric reached out and picked the fruit, and observed it in the palm of his hand.

"Eric, didn't you say that the artificial devil fruit may fail, thus depriving the smile of the person who eats the artificial devil fruit, so that they can only laugh?"

"But, it's not 'human' who eat the man-made devil fruit..."

"You mean..."

"Items with souls can eat animal-type devil fruits. If artificial animal-type devil fruits are successfully cultivated, Yasiera Tepesi, who has become a samurai sword, should be able to eat them. Otherwise, they cannot..."

"Thank you for your hard work, the Dongtata family." Eric thanked them with a smile.

"It's okay, it's our honor to help Lord Eric."

"Go and rest, if you want something, go to Misaka Kaname who is in charge of taking care of you."

"It's just a lot of human beings who look exactly the same!" Weika, wearing a blue top hat, cheered, "I've always wanted to eat desserts made by Xiangling!"

"As long as you eat it once, you will never forget the sweetness of the cream and the softness of the cake..."

A fascinated expression appeared on Weika's face, and even the other Dongtata clan drooled.

"Unfortunately, Xiangling has gone to Beihai." Eric's voice interrupted Weika's dream.

"Eh!?" Wei Ka's eyes widened in surprise, "Then I won't be able to eat the desserts made by Xiang Ling?"

Eric said in relief: "Although you can't eat the desserts made by Xiangling, Xiangling has taught many apprentices, and their dessert making skills are not bad."

"Since Lord Eric said so." Wei Ka nodded, and led the Dong Tata clan to Wanmin Hall.

When the Dong Tata family was gone, Eric smiled and said, "Call Kruru over here, the time to witness the miracle has come."

"Brother!" Krulu, who was petite, rushed over quickly.

"So urgent..."

"Without further ado!"

"Huh?" Eric moved away the man-made devil fruit and said condescendingly, "What kind of tone is this?"

"……I am so sorry."

"You really never get tired of seeing your humiliated expression..."

"Darling, stop teasing Krulu-chan." Miku rubbed her face against Krulu's pink hair.

"It depends on Leonardo Da Vinci, the research on making items eat devil fruits..."

"Waste my feelings!" Krulu said through gritted teeth, as if he was about to pounce on him in the next second.

"The devil fruit resides in the soul of a person, and the fruit is the carrier of the ability to transfer." Da Vinci walked out from behind the experimental table: "Krulu, give me the Ajuro pill."

Krulu hesitated to hand over Ajuro Maru, and Eric also handed the artificial devil fruit to Da Vinci.

"I'll try the easiest way..."

"Pfft" Da Vinci pierced the man-made devil fruit with the Ajura pill, stunned the audience.

"You, what are you doing!"

"What are you worried about?" Eric glanced at Krulu: "As a weapon, how many enemies have been slashed by Ajuramaru, and you are still worried that he will be damaged by a fruit?"

"Uh..." Krulu was speechless.

"Sure enough... can't it?" Da Vinci waved the Ajuro pill in his hand, and the apple stuck on the blade caught people's attention.

Suddenly, the samurai sword in Da Vinci's hand glowed faintly, and within a few seconds, he turned into a boy with purple hair, pointed ears, and bare feet.

"Brother..." Cruru's whole body began to tremble.

"Yo, Kruru." Ajuramaru, no, Yasiera Tepesi greeted Kruru: "It's been a long time, thank you for your hard work."

"Brother!" Krulu threw himself into Yasiira Tepesi's arms.

"Way west, west~" Yasiera stroked the back of Crulu's head, turned her neck, and looked at the other people present: "Thank you all for taking care of my useless sister, she caused a lot of trouble, right? "

"Brother, I didn't cause trouble!" Krulu raised his head abruptly. Although there were still tears in his eyes, Krulu, who had always been in a high position, had quite firm eyes.

From Krulu's eyes, Yasiera, who had read too much information, murmured: "Krulu..."

"Anyway, congratulations on your brother and sister reunion."

"...Thank you." Krulu tilted his head, raised his head and wiped his face.

"I didn't expect that it would be so easy to let the weapon eat the animal fruit." Kuang San said with emotion.

"This is a special case." Da Vinci shook his head and said: "Ashera Tepesi, who was originally a human being, has a strong soul, which is different from the soul generated by the thing he loves, and can even affect the person who holds it. Are you right?"

"Well, what Da Vinci said is absolutely correct." Yasiera nodded in approval.

"If you let inanimate, soulless things eat devil fruits, I'm afraid special techniques will be required."

"You brothers and sisters have been separated for thousands of years, so you must have a lot to talk about?" Eric said, "Let's go back and have a good chat."

"...Well." Cruru looked at Eric with complicated eyes.

[Ding... Krulu's favorability has increased significantly, from bond level 2 (close friend) to 3 (trusted friend), and 2 bond points have been obtained]

"The bond level is finally level 3..." Eric clenched his fists with tears streaming down his face.

"Darling, I always feel that your expression is a bit..." Meijiu hesitated to speak.

"Brother, I have a lot to ask you." Krulu pulled Ashela away.

"How about surreptitiously listening to what they have to say?" Eric suggested.

Kurumi raised his eyelids and gave Eric a sideways glance.

"Just kidding." Eric scratched his head: "Going to recruit a new partner?"

"There hasn't been a newcomer for about a year." Mei Jiu also became interested.

"If you want to go, go quickly." Da Vinci waved his hand as if to repel flies.

"Da Vinci Sauce, what's wrong with her?" Eric leaned into Da Vinci Lily's ear.

"I have encountered some difficulties in research, don't worry, we will overcome them soon." Da Vinci Lily returned a reassuring smile.

Eric couldn't help exhorting: "You have to pay attention to your body."

"A word of concern, don't try to impress me?" Da Vinci Lily joked.

"...It seems that it's really no big deal." Eric rolled his eyes.

"If Elbaf ships a new book, be sure to let us know as soon as possible!"

"Okay, okay." Eric nodded again and again.


Meijiu asked curiously: "Darling, aren't you summoning newcomers in the basement this time?"

"No, I feel like this summoning will bring an incredible guy." Eric lowered his head and glanced at Sen Sen Guo.

Estes grinned and said, "Eric, what you said made my blood boil..."

"..." The other three were collectively silent, Esdeth met on the road, Meijiu slipped the tongue, and then came along.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, because you are such a guy..." Kurumi sighed.

Estes put his hands on his hips and urged: "Eric, let's start!"

Eric gave up the struggle, put the dense fruit in the center of the summoning array, and faced the summoning array with his palm: "Summon you—the incarnation of the forest!"

The pattern of the summoning array lights up, emitting a dazzling white light. Under this light, the dense fruit also glows, blending into the summoning array, a strong storm is generated, and the surrounding trees shake.

"Da da…"

The sound of armor plates colliding came from the summoning array, and a dark red figure walked out from inside.

"Thousands of Hands..." Eric's throat was a little dry, and he slowly pronounced the name.

"Huh? You know me?" Senju Bashirama asked suspiciously.

"That's right." Eric added in his heart, in Naruto anime.

"Where is this place?" Qianshou Zhujian looked around, and found that this place was not a place he was familiar with.

"Shouldn't you be asking, why are you still alive?"

"Ahahaha... That's right!" Senshou Zhuma touched the back of his head and laughed heartily: "I should be dead!"

Mei Jiu muttered softly: "Darling, I feel that this person is very unreliable..."

"No..." Estes looked sharply at Senju Bashirama: "This guy is very strong."

"That woman over there, don't stare at me so murderously..." Senshou Zhuma asked suspiciously, "I don't think I know you."

"After the fight, you will know me."

"Esdes, wait a moment..."

Eric stopped Esdeth who was drawing his sword, turned his head to Senjujurama and said, "This is not the ninja world, you should feel it."

"Hmm..." Senju Zhuma raised his head, he has a fairy mode, he can feel natural energy, and he can feel that the Ninja world is slightly different from the world of One Piece.

"There is neither the Konoha you founded nor your descendants here."

Senshou Zhujian sat cross-legged and said, "I understand."

"So free and easy?" Eric was taken aback.

"Haha..." Senshou Zhujian laughed: "Anyway, I know that peace has come, and the villages can talk to each other frankly, that's enough."

"This is my childhood dream, and it's something I'm willing to fight for all my life. I'm very satisfied now."

Eric didn't have a Boruto biography that couldn't be read, and the plot after the Ninja World War was unclear, so he didn't talk too much.

"Young man." Senshou Bashirama looked at Eric seriously: "I can be resurrected because of your blessing, right? I can feel it."

"Yeah." Eric said nonchalantly.

"Is there anything you want to accomplish, I can try my best to help you." Senshou Zhujian said casually, "Anyway, I have nothing to do."

"However, you have to help me pay for the gambling."

Senshou Zhujian is a big gambler, and even taught his own granddaughter.

Eric smiled: "You may not know, this world may be more chaotic and dark."

"Huh?" Senshou Zhujian frowned and asked, "How do you say?"

Eric briefly explained the situation of Tianlongren, Tianshangjin, and pirates rampant, which made Senjujuma frown.

"Is what you said true?"

"It's impossible for me to tell such a lie that can be seen through at a glance?" Eric shrugged.

"Okay!" Senshou Zhujian compared the extra information in his brain, and stood up with his hands on his legs: "You want to deal with Tianlong people and pirates, right? I will help you."

"No, more than that." Eric shook his head and said, "I want to create a country that unifies the world."

"..." Senju Bashima looked at Eric seriously, without saying a word.

"what happened?"

"Young man, your ambition is a bit big..."

"No, this is a once-and-for-all solution." Eric smiled: "I don't understand, you and Uchiha Madara have such a powerful force, why don't you unify the ninja world?"

"You really know a lot..." Senju Zhuma shook his head: "There are also very strong ninjas in other villages. If you continue to fight, I don't know how many people will die..."

"But in the second Ninja World War after that, and the third and fourth Ninja World Wars that followed, wouldn't the total number of deaths be more?"

"At least in the Fourth Ninja World War, the five villages united to fight against the enemy. The villages finally abandoned their prejudices and united together..."

"That's because the five villages have a common and powerful enemy!" Eric interrupted rudely: "Even if this kind of peace lasts for a whole generation, the next generation that has not experienced a common enemy is still There will be new friction!"

"Young man, do you dare to say that your descendants will govern the country completely according to your ideas?"

"Don't dare, but I have pure gold!"


 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket for the captain of the thirteenth team of the big brother, the former fifth team; thank you for the two tickets of Tianshu Miao, who is a cup of tea; ten tickets for Xia Yuchen J; two tickets for Niu Nao; One of the leaves; one of the leaves reading books bored; four of the ringing sound; one of the wind blowing; one of the eternal dream; three of the book friend 20180520234244605; one not on the 5th road; thank you for being bored 2000 rewards for reading the leaves of the book;

(End of this chapter)

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