Chapter 647
"In this world, there is actually a way to live forever..." Hashirama expressed emotion, and asked a little greedily:

"This pure gold... is very valuable, right?"

"Well, sell it for money, and you won't have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life."

"Is it okay to use it as a lifetime gambling money?!" Hashirama stretched out her head, shaking the hair on both sides of her cheeks back and forth.

"No, no matter how big the family business is, it will go bankrupt because of gambling..." Eric's cheeks twitched, Senju Hashirama, who is known as the god of ninjas, is just a senior gambling dog?
"Cough cough..." Zhu Jian noticed the strange eyes of the other people, coughed and cleared his throat.

"Young man, I feel that your thoughts are very similar to Madara's. If you do this, you will enter into a misunderstanding..."

"There is a big difference, and Madara's predicted future is not wrong."

"..." Senshou Bashira was silent, and there were indeed many problems in Konoha Village, so that the Uchiha clan was brutally wiped out.

"Hashirama, your ideas can't convince me, and my actions can't win your approval." Eric smiled: "Otherwise, if we fight, the loser obeys the winner's orders, what do you think? "

"Gambling..." Senju Hashirama's expression became serious, the sharp eyes made Miku tremble, and Miku quietly grabbed Eric's arm.

"Young man, are you serious?"

"of course."

"You have heard about my deeds, but you still choose to fight with me?"

"My goal is to be the strongest in the world. You in front of me are just a mountain."

"...Hahaha!" Hearing this, Senjujuma burst into laughter. He laughed for a long time, and the laughter gradually stopped. He looked at Eric: "I will accept this bet!"

"Very good!" Estes walked forward a few steps slowly, holding the scabbard with his left hand, and slowly pulled out the western sword with his right hand: "I will be your opponent."

Zhu Jian was stunned, and said with a smile: "Wheel fighting is useless to me."

"It's not such a superficial idea. I want to fight the strong, that's all."

"Hey..." Kuang San behind Esdeth raised his forehead and sighed: "This battle mad."

"I understand, young man." Hashirama closed his eyes, carefully perceived the power contained in Esdeth's body, and then looked at Eric: "You young people can't be regarded as ordinary people, even these few Same..."

"However, it is also the responsibility of the elders to help young people correct their wrong ideas." Senju Bashima raised his arms and assumed a fighting posture.

"I'm on it!" Esdeath rushed towards the column, and the blade wrapped in frozen air left an ice road on the ground it passed.

Hashirama's eyes were fixed, and he leaped high with a kick of his legs, dodging the horizontal sword blade. A sheet of ice crystals condensed in the direction where the blade crossed, instantly covering the original standing position of Hashirama.

"Ice escape? No..." Zhu Jian pulled back the psychic scroll rolled up on his back: "This is probably the ability of the devil fruit..."

He slapped the surface of the scroll with one hand, and with a "bang", a huge samurai sword appeared in Hashirama's hand, catching Esdesh who was chasing after him.

During the fight between the two, Eric aimed at Senjujuma's attributes:
[Name: Senjubashima]

[Physical: Eight and a half stars]

【Physical Technique: Nine Stars】

[Swordsmanship: Nine Stars]

[Chakra: Nine Stars]

[Armed Color Domineering: Eight Stars]

[Information and domineering: eight and a half stars]

[Overlord color domineering: Seven Stars]

[Devil Fruit: Nine Stars]

[Comprehensive Ability: Nine Stars]

[Skills: Wooden escape, healing, immortality]

There is no shortcoming in the attribute, and it is the combat power of a general and emperor when it comes out. If Zhu Jian uses the immortal method, his strength will probably rise by at least half a star.

"Young man, you have great strength." Hashirama held the handle of the knife with one hand and supported the back of the knife with the other. The strength transmitted from the body of the knife gave Hashirama a clearer judgment.

"It's not just strength."


At the place where the two weapons meet, the white freezing air is transferred from the western sword to the samurai sword, and immediately after, snow-white ice crystals begin to condense on the blade.

Hashirama decisively discarded the weapon in his hand, and immediately jumped back, the position where he was standing just now was immediately covered by frost.


Zhu Jian's hands crossed their fingers and clasped together: "Wood escape, the birth of the tree world!"

The ground began to roar, and dozens of vines containing terrifying power burst out of the ground, twisted and grew, and then rolled down, with sharp roots falling towards Esdeth.

With a wave of Esdeth's hand, an ice wall rose from the ground, and the twisted roots were cut off by the ice wall.

Hashirama's hands are still held together, using his own chakra as the source of life, the trees are constantly being spawned, and the intertwined trees grow crazily. In a few seconds, the wilderness with sparse trees becomes an old and Dense forest.

The trees became more and more terrifying as they moved forward, forming a wave of rhizomes, rolling towards the ice wall with an unstoppable posture, and the ice wall formed by the condensation of Esdesh was instantly crushed.

"Let's stay far away." Eric said, and then took the hands of the two of them and moved a distance.

Looking at the huge waves formed by the trees, Esdeth's expression did not show any panic, but was extremely excited at the moment.


Just as the rhizomes of the sea of ​​trees stretched almost in front of Esdeth, she finally moved.

On the surface of the sword blade, which contained extreme freezing air and entwined with domineering aura, a blazing sword light appeared, and she immediately swung the long sword. The blade drew a simple arc in the void, and the blade seemed to draw a blazing white The lightning left a substantial afterimage on everyone's retinas.

In an instant, a white sword energy as clear and vast as a snow field moved towards the sea of ​​trees, almost dyeing the entire blue sky white.


The green of life and the white of silence crashed into each other, and the moment the root of the tree came into contact with the white sword energy, it was covered with a layer of crystal clear frost.

Immediately afterwards, the unstoppable waves of the tree sea stopped at the same place, and the sword energy containing frozen air passed through the gap between the trunks, and continued to flow forward. Wherever it passed, the tree trunks were all frozen.

Hashirama's expression changed, and more tree trunks continued to grow to block the spreading sword energy.

"Bang bang bang!"

Cracks gradually appeared on the frozen tree trunk, as if the ice melted and the snow melted, starting from the front, fine ice chips were cracked inch by inch.

The tree that lost its root support immediately collapsed in half, and the confrontation between the two ended in a draw for the time being.

The aftermath of the battle between the two set off a storm, carrying crystal clear mist and scattering from the center of the battle to the distance.

Estes raised the western sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Zhujian: "Come again!"

Qianshou Zhujian pursed his mouth tightly, but the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked up.

"Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"

A giant wood dragon separated from the trunk and came straight to Esdeth with its teeth and claws.

When Esdeth slapped the ground, a sharp and huge ice thorn rose from the ground. The ice thorn pierced through the wood dragon's mouth, then came out from the back of the head, and stabbed unabated towards the column.

"Wood Dun·Wooden Man Technique!"

A palm stretched out from the thick tree trunk, grabbed the ice thorn, and then separated a huge wooden figure with a rosacea nose from the tree trunk.


Driven by Qianshouzhujian, the wooden man grasped the icicles with both hands, and broke them with force, disintegrating Esdeth's attack.

"go with!"

The wooden dragon hovering over the giant's body came to life and swooped down towards Esdeth.


The wooden dragon hit the empty ground, its head buried in the soil.

Estes jumped onto the mane-like dragon's back covered with sharp wooden thorns, and rushed towards the pillars using the wooden dragon's body as a path.

In the blink of an eye, Esdes rushed over a distance of tens of meters, the tip of the sword shone, and it came straight for Zhu Jian's chest.

Hashirama didn't dare to be careless at all, took out the samurai sword from the scroll on the back, parried Esdesh's straight stab, the freezing air from the tip of the sword fell on the wooden man's left eye, and the yellow eyes immediately become white.


At the moment when he passed by, Esdesi stepped on the void, turned his body back, twisted his waist, and kicked his heels towards Qianshouzhujian.

Caught off guard, Hashirama was kicked in the chest, and the heel pierced the red armor on his body, and also pierced Hashirama's skin.

Hashirama was kicked away by Esdes, and his body flew in the air, about to land on the tree trunk.

As a result, Zhujian jumped in the air and turned around, clasped his hands together, and several soft branches grew from the side, blocking the falling path.

After a successful blow, Esdesi's forefoot exerted force, and before the bloody heel hit the ground, her body shot out, chasing Qianshouzhujian in mid-air.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Zhu Jian clasped his hands together: "Wood escape, wood dragon technique!"

From the surrounding thick trees, a dozen wooden dragons suddenly drilled out, and these wooden dragons went towards the Esdeth bee pupae in the mid-air, and the dragon body with wooden thorns surrounded Esdeth instantly.


More than a dozen sword lights passed through the dragon body wrapped into a ball, and in the next second, the wooden dragon blocking Esdeth broke into dozens of pieces.

"Good swordsmanship!" Hashirama couldn't help boasting.

Esdesi rushed away, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​chasing Hashirama, and fell back to the ground. She frowned and asked, "Your injury...has healed?"

"Ah." Hashirama nodded: "My body is full of vitality, and I can automatically recover from injuries without seals..."

"...What's the matter with your eyes?"

Hearing Hashirama's explanation, Esdeth showed the fanatic gaze of finding the prey, and the joyful expression on his face even made Hashirama timid.

"So, in battle, no matter how many injuries you suffer, you will not die, am I right?"

"... That's what I said, but I feel that your point of view is very problematic." A few drops of sweat flowed down the sides of Hashirama's cheeks.

"Bai Ice Shards!"

Estes rushed forward with both hands, fingers facing each other, and within a breath, hundreds of icy thorns were suspended around his body.

There was red light in Esdeth's eyes, and he waved his hands forward, and the sharp ice thorns flew away, and the ice thorns pierced through the space and made a sharp swishing sound.


Hashirama once again took out a giant shuriken from the large scroll at the back of his waist, grabbed the hollow part of the shuriken with his right hand, and immediately swung it forward vigorously, a layer of blue light appeared on the surface of the shuriken injected with Chakra .

The closed fingers in front of him quickly formed a seal, and the shuriken, which was turned green and black due to the high-speed rotation, densely separated into a bunch of shadow clones, and flew towards the ice spikes that broke through the air.

"bang bang bang"

The ice spikes collided with the shuriken, and the shattered ice chips and broken iron pieces flew in the air, and the long-range attacks of the two canceled each other out.

Estes rushed into the battlefield, relying on the arrogance that can see the future, the ice shards and shurikens scattered in the air can't touch her clothes.

"This young man..." Zhu Jian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly folded his hands together, and two log-colored figures emerged from behind: "Wood Dun·Wooden Clone!"

Two wooden clones emerged from behind, rushing in the direction of Estes.

One avatar used a flying kick, and the other avatar swung its fist, attacking Esdeth from two different directions.

Esdeth raised an arm, and a icicle condensed on the arm, blocking the flying kick of the wooden clone, and slashed at the wooden clone that swung its fist with a sword.

When the slash cut into the body of the wooden clone, the two wooden clones turned back to the color of the log at the same time, and thick branches were formed from the body, entangled to Estes who was one step away.

The corners of Esdeth's mouth, who had seen the next few seconds, turned up, and the condensed ice blocked the bundled tree trunk.

Estes cut off the wooden avatar that turned into a tree with a sword, and faced the wooden dragon with its mouth open. The black dragon's mouth was like a black hole.

Estes rushed straight into the wooden dragon's throat, and the blade pierced the dragon's belly. She continued to rush forward along the direction of the dragon's body in the body, and the blade then opened a huge gap in the dragon's belly.

In the end, she chose to rush out of the dragon's belly at a suitable position, and the dazzling silver sword light flashed like a shooting star.

A huge wooden figure broke through the ground and blocked Esdeth's way forward. The body with only the upper body exposed raised its right fist, and then suddenly fell down.

Estes had no choice but to change his attack target, and the tip of his sword met the giant's fist.


The two forces collided with each other, endless wind pressure erupted, the surrounding tree trunks were overwhelmed, and there was a broken sound of "click, click". The nearby trees where the two confronted, from the inner circle to the outer circle, were gradually blown by the aftermath of the battle. shattered.

The ground where Esdeth's feet stepped on sank suddenly, and the western sword was still touching the wooden man's fist, but the wooden dragon hovering on the wooden man's shoulder suddenly came alive.

The five fingers of Hashirama's right hand spread out, and the five fingers of his left hand poked out from between the fingers of his right hand and clasped them together: "Wood Dun·Wooden Dragon Art!"

The wooden dragon circled and flew around the wooden man's fist and charged from the other side.

Esdeth leaped suddenly, dodging the pincer attack from two directions, the wooden man's fist fell to the ground, but the wooden dragon circled up nimbly, chasing Esdesh.

"Absolute zero!"

The white to pale left palm spread out, and a burst of freezing air suddenly spewed out from the palm.

The ice crystals spread to the whole body of the wooden dragon in an instant, and a huge wooden dragon that looked up to the sky froze in place.

Esdeth kicked the wooden dragon's forehead, and the huge ice sculpture shattered into countless ice blocks, which rustled down behind Esdeth, making the whole picture extremely magnificent.

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(End of this chapter)

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