Chapter 1005
Yue Hengzong.

On the banks of the stream and mountains, two figures, one in white and the other in a light green toga, sat and stood.

Ning Suchen, Mu Yunli.

With the two of them as the center, a thin colorful mask can be vaguely seen a hundred feet away, which seems to have the magical effect of covering up the secrets and blocking detection.

Ning Suchen's sitting body suddenly leaned forward.

Outside of the mask, the supernatural performance inside is completely invisible.

Behind Mu Yanli, there seemed to be a transparent sphere about Zhang Xu's size that appeared just now; more than that, the "two dots" among the long star points in the sphere suddenly flickered, as if some subtle changes had taken place, but Nothing seemed to happen again.

As soon as the formula is collected, the outer mask is also removed simultaneously.Apparently, the shielding effect of the photomask is just designed to demonstrate this method.

Ning Suchen pondered: "Junior Sister Mu wants to..."

Mu Yunli smiled and nodded.

Ning Suchen took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and said in a low voice, "I can't believe it."

"Even...even if this supernatural power was invented by Gui Wugui, it's still unbelievable! It's really a big deal. It seems...Junior Sister Mu still has a long way to go."

Mu Yunli blinked, and smiled indifferently, "It's just a prototype right now."

Ning Suchen was about to say goodbye.

Suddenly a golden arrow galloped towards them, hovered in front of the two of them, and circled three times.

Ning Suchen stretched out his hand to take a picture.

After the two looked at each other one after another, there was a hint of surprise on their faces.

This letter is from the head of Nangong.

It is said that the guest's visit to Ning Suchen has been postponed to Luoshi Peak later.It is up to Ning Suchen to decide whether he is willing to see him or not.

Ning Suchen said in a low voice: "I knew he was's just faster than expected."

Mu Yunli thought for a while, and said, "Let me take a look."

The palm was held empty, and then there seemed to be immeasurable water vapor transpiring, and countless stars falling. The two images condensed two feet above Mu Yunli's palm, turning into a one-foot-sized blue ice ball.

A burst of light and shadow flowed above the sphere, and suddenly a human figure appeared.

Plain gray robes, eyebrows from thick to thin, a long sword hanging across the back, just like the ups and downs of a boat on the rivers and lakes; there is a wonderful sense of proportion between the width and tightness of the weather.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged, sitting upright on an oval boulder.

Mu Minli looked solemn, and said: "His practice of the 'Phantom Sword' has reached the peak, and on this basis, there is an extra vitality that is about to burst out. In a moment, it is like a volcanic thunder. It seems that After the spring rain, a toad gains momentum with his legs and leaps with all his might, just in the blink of an eye."

"It seems that before March, the uproarious battle with the original Lu Zong Mumu seemed to be just a warm-up."

"The challenge with Senior Sister Ning is the real foothold for him to soar into the sky."

Ning Suchen calmly said: "Not seen?"

Mu Yunli nodded, and said seriously: "If it's an ordinary match, it's not that I can't afford to lose. However, Senior Sister Ning will accept the opportunity of taking advantage of the situation, and I'm afraid there will be some obstacles."

Ning Suchen looked far away, and was about to make a decision when suddenly four words flashed in his mind.

When the words came to his lips, he suddenly changed his mouth and said: "No avoidance."

Mu Yunli seemed slightly surprised, but seeing that Ning Suchen had made up his mind, he didn't try to dissuade him.


Jiang Hai suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him was a clear white figure, with jade hanging from his waist and black hair draped over his shoulders, slowly walking over.

Three feet apart, stop.

Ning Suchen's mind moved.

The Fourth Patriarch of Yue Heng, Leng Jingxiao, once left a secret tradition, which was accepted by the predestined people in later generations.This method opens a new chapter in the application of "Psychic Manifestation of True Form", which is a strange way beyond the "Eighteen Correct Methods".

Ning Suchen embarked on this path.

At first Ning Suchen also had doubts in his heart.Because Leng Jingxiao's emotional body is of the same origin as the current original Lu Zonglin.But she herself is not of this kind.Is it really appropriate for me to inherit this lineage?
When Ning Suchen was young, he once asked Zhenjun Ning Zhongliu about this question, but Zhenjun Ning just laughed and didn't answer, saying that Ning Suchen would realize it by himself in the future.

With the gradual increase in merit, Ning Suchen roughly understood the truth.

It turns out that the main point of this mental method passed down by the fourth ancestor of Yueheng is "the ups and downs of the two phases, if they meet the festival".

This mental method itself has a unique undulating rhythm; it needs another rhythm to cooperate with it to form a harmonious environment.

The comparison of this kind of rhythm can be like the change of the emotions of the fourth ancestor of Yueheng, but it is not limited to this-other aspects can also be borrowed.

Ning Suchen's rhythm should also be elsewhere.

People who practice Taoism often pay attention to the persistence of the mind and the steadiness of a rock; but Ning Suchen is not like this.

Sometimes she has a romantic attitude of being drunk and whispering, and sometimes she has a bold and open-minded open-mindedness.

Sometimes the heart is lingering, and sometimes the heart is like iron.

Sometimes his eyes are fascinated by all kinds of colors, and sometimes he is alone, his eyes are cold and bright, and his heart shines brightly.

It seems that the mind is unstable and the heart of the Tao is not firm; in fact, it is broken and continuous, weak and unstoppable, and there is a strong rebound force between one rise and one fall.

This is Ning Suchen's "talent festival".

Feeling frustrated.

The sky is dark and bright, and the land is divided into high and low; Qi contains ups and downs, and the heart has setbacks.

With the setback of the mind, it coincides with the gist of the "rhythm" of the mind method passed down by the fourth patriarch Yue Heng.


There is still a very slight gap between the uninterrupted rhythm of the highest state, the harmony of the zither and the harp.

According to the heart method, if you have reached the extreme state and there is still a slight distance, you must remember the words "no break, no stand".

Only by grasping the peaks of ups and downs, can one grasp the "right position" that fits perfectly, just like calibrating a weighing instrument.

Just now.

Jiang Hai smiled.

He did not expect that Ning Suchen would be "tranced" on such an occasion.

It's a real trance, not a posturing.

Ning Suchen woke up from his contemplation, and said in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist Jiang Hai is in a good mood."

Jiang Haidao: "You can say that."

Ning Suchen said: "Is it because Suchen didn't avoid the battle?"

Jiang Haidao: "Exactly."

On Luoshi Peak, it started to rain suddenly.

Jiang Hai laughed again.Only this time, he laughed out loud and spread it for several miles.

If it is said that the first time I laughed, it was indeed because of surprise; but this time I laughed, but there was something wanton and uninhibited.

How could he fail to see that the drizzle that was about to fall suddenly was actually one of Ning Suchen's magical skills!

It hides the magical effect of changing emotions and sex, and disturbing the mind.


The other eight sects all vaguely knew that after Gui Wugui went to Chenyang Sword Mountain, it seemed to be of great benefit to Chenyang Sword Mountain's Taoism to be more tolerant and advanced.Now Chenyang Sword Mountain's supernatural powers are all-inclusive, and it has faintly surpassed the other eight sects by half a step.

Therefore, if you want to compete with Chenyang Sword Mountain disciples, you usually choose two paths——

First, directly use my strongest divine channel technique;
Second, use supernatural powers as the shell, directly enter the competition of the original strength, and decide the victory with the realm.

Mu Mu's method three months ago coincided with these two items at the same time, and after the second item, the change in profit and loss was hidden.

Competing with divine channeling skills...

In front of Jiang Hai, who practiced the "Phantom Sword", he used magical powers of illusion...

Could it be that he knew he was invincible, so he deliberately didn't use his full strength; even if he lost, there was a reason, so he didn't lose his edge?

But how can this be done?
I am the master of all things;

It's enough for my purpose.

With a flick of Jiang Hai's long sword, he made a decisive move.

Falling Stone Peak is originally an isolated peak, without a water spring; Ning Suchen's method of raining is nothing more than drizzle.But at this moment, with Jiang Hai's long sword waving for half a circle, there is an inexplicable influx of immeasurable tides!
What's even more strange is that after the rainwater in the sky fell into this tide, it seemed to add more luster to the water.

Then the water rolled up, and it gathered Ning Suchen suddenly like refining.

Jiang Hai put his sword back into its sheath, with a calm expression on his face.

All the mind-swaying and mind-moving divine channel techniques, in fact, will be greatly weakened no matter whether they meet the eight-meridian sword technique of Chenyang Sword Mountain.

Among them, there are high and low points.

If you face Miaojian, Killing Sword, and Absolute Sword, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced.If the two people's skills are similar, the loss should be about [-]%; this is already the best result.

If you are facing the Heavenly Sword, the Sky Sword, or the Heart Sword, unless the opponent is stronger than you by one level or more, such methods are completely useless.

The most restrained are the phantom sword and the sword of transformation.Excluding the premise that the opponent is too much stronger than oneself, such supernatural powers are not only useless, but will dissolve the embellishment and become the accumulation of one's own swordsmanship supernatural powers, which can also be applied to others.

Jiang Hai was already confident that he was above Ning Suchen.

With such a fight, there is no suspense.

The tide cleared.

Ning Suchen seemed to be absent-minded and stood still.

Jiang Hai let out a long whistle.

He stretched out his hand to press on his waist, and immediately raised his arm.

The picture scroll of light and shadow unfolded accordingly.

Between Light and Shadow, it wasn't that the eighteenth and nineteenth exchanged positions; it was that the original seventeenth and eighteenth were both retreated one place, and the original nineteenth place occupied the seventeenth place.

Not only surpassed Ning Suchen, but also surpassed Mr. Li.

Jiang Hai let out a long laugh, and drove away on the cloud.

Seen from a distance, his body has a wonderful charm of harmony and flow, which blends with his aura of a swordsman monk, making it more and more unfathomable, almost perfect and unimpeded.

Ning Suchen's eyes were closed tightly, his complexion was blue and white, and sometimes flushed, changing repeatedly.

The eyebrows are sometimes locked tightly and sometimes stretched.

The breathing may be even or short, and the corners of the lips may vibrate.


After seven days.

Ning Suchen's body trembled suddenly, and then he opened his eyes.

The two work together and give back to themselves, so they can naturally create the biggest dream and the biggest fear in their hearts. This is the natural principle of the "Phantom Sword" method.

What I saw in the seven days was the ingenious cutting of the battle between myself and Jiang Hai, and transformed it into a five-hundred-year meeting.

In this meeting, she, Ning Suchen, and Jiang Hai fought fiercely for seven days and seven days in order to compete for the last one of the nine places, but they were finally defeated.

After the match that decided the outcome, her heart was almost broken, and she was inexplicably lost, as if five hundred years of perseverance had vanished.

At the lowest point of this frustration.

Deep in the soul, there seemed to be a sound coming.

The two rhythms, one moving and one still, together and up and down, complement each other, forming a perfect beat.

Look around.

Ten zhang away, the head of Nangong, Ning Zhenjun, and Mu Yunli all stopped to watch, and they had waited for some time.

Ning Zhenjun looked concerned and said, "How?"

Ning Suchen was distracted for a while, thought for a while, and said: "It can't be broken, it can't be built, that's good."

(End of this chapter)

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