Chapter 1006
Five years later.

You Huanzong.

On the small world evolved from "Zhenhan Fulu", one of the nine beads of differentiation, there seem to be six people throwing pots for a feast.

The hexagonal wax stone square table, however, is not a table for six people, but divided into two tables, each table for three people.The hexagonal seats are empty, which can be regarded as sparse.

On the Dongxiang table are Xue Jianchi, the head of Youhuan Sect; Yuan Ying, the head of Yingfa Sect, and Si Xiye, the real king.

The two tables seem to be non-interfering with each other and have topics for each other.

Just listening to Dong Xiang on the table, Master Si Xiye said: "Master Xue must have heard about what happened half a month ago."

Xue Jianchi stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "Si Zhenjun said, but Chenyang Jianshan Jianghai, after more than four years of silence, made another move. Under the witness of the two Zhenjun, he defeated Shuyu of Tibetan Xiangzong in one fell swoop. White?"

Si Xiye nodded repeatedly.

The head of Yingfa Sect, Yuanying, with a face like red sandalwood and a round bun on the top of his head, said, "He was originally the [-]th after Shu Yubai. It's just that his victory not only breaks through the big Guan, but it didn't stop at the ranking reversal. Apart from beating Shu Yubai, he also surpassed Mo Tianqing and Lin Yi in one fell swoop, ranking fourteenth on the list."

Xue Jianchi raised his head slightly, seemed to be in a daze, and immediately said: "It is rumored that the Taoism of Chenyang Sword Mountain has improved really is unstoppable."

What the three said, although similar to exchanging information, gossip is commonplace.But the purpose of today's gathering, although no one pointed out, but it is tacitly understood.

For You Huan Sect and Ying Fa Sect, it was time to make a decision.

Judging from the current situation, both Yuehengzong and Chenyang Jianshan are talented people.Although the Youhuan Sect has newly produced Shen Xiangqin, it fills in the gaps in the thirty-six sub-pictures.However, Yun Qianjue ranked [-]nd and Shen Xiangqin [-]th, the first direct descendant of the two families, neither of them were among the top nine in the current real-time ranking.

It seems that no matter which side these two join, it has nothing to do with the battle for Xuanhun Liulitian.

actually not.

Let's look at the original Lu Zongmu Mu Mu.Considering the pros and cons, instead of chasing the perfect state where the front line is extremely slim and the corresponding means are too late to match, it is better to turn to practicality and increase the upper limit of your threat.

But if you do this way, who can compare with Ying Fazong?
Ying Fa Zong Yun Qianjue, although it is still a short distance from the perfect state.But when he strikes with all his strength, even if the opponent's realm is higher than him, he will almost certainly lose his fighting power.

Perhaps it is possible for Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wugui to defeat Yun Qianjue without paying a large price; it is definitely difficult for others to do so.

Even Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai are just trying to overestimate their realm; when they actually fight, whether they can really do it is also a matter of opinion.

This is a fairly conservative judgment.

As for the second and third successors of Yingfazong, Gu Hanzhang and Ming Xuanlie.

Although the name is not in the thirty-six sub-pictures, there is absolutely no need to doubt that the person who ranks lower on the scroll has achieved a strategic effect close to Yun Qianjue.

Therefore, from the perspective of "Duizi" in actual combat, Shen Xiangqin of the Youhuan sect will be ignored for the time being.Yun Qianjue, Gu Hanzhang, and Ming Xuanlie of Yingfazong have one who is close to the perfect state, and two high-ranking descendants who are at least as close to the perfect state as Mu Mu and Ning Suchen are indeed a force that cannot be underestimated.

As for the Youhuan Sect.

Its value is not in the fighting itself.

Although from the current point of view, everything is within a controllable track; but when the situation is really dark and unclear, or even parting ways, major choices need to be made.The method of Youhuan Sect is one of the best among the nine sects——

This is also a somewhat conservative judgment, considering the reputation of Chenyang Sword Mountain.

If it is based on known methods in reality, it is not impossible to directly say that it is the first of the nine sects.

Therefore, although You Huanzong did not have much say in the dispute over the nine sons becoming enlightened, the side that received the support of You Huanzong had deeper confidence.

On the west table are three young people.

The one who was unrestrained and frequently toasted to drink was Shen Xiangqin, the direct heir of the Youhuan clan.

Smart, clumsy, and unusually harmonious, it is Yuan Fang, the direct descendant of the Lingming ape clan.

As for the last one, with a square face, a yellow linen suit, long hair shawl, but two or three percent of the hair tied into a braid, is Yun Qianjue, the first heir of Yingfazong.

At this time, Shen Xiangqin smiled but did not answer, listening quietly to the debate between Yuan Fang and Yun Qianjue.

Yun Qianjue's breathing was low and his voice was thick:

"Jianghai won three battles and three victories, and his power is extremely strong. I heard about the swordsmanship of Chenyang Sword Mountain. When he entered the Taoist season and asked the sword heart three times, he could clearly understand the foundation and potential of a person's Taoism. It is extremely hard to believe that Jiang Hai's achievements After a long time, Nascent Soul has inspired some unfulfilled potential."

"In addition to some rumors from decades ago. It is not difficult to conclude that the Taoism of Chenyang Sword Mountain is more advanced, I am afraid it is true. Given the state that Chenyang Sword Mountain has reached today, it is indeed unimaginable to say that it can still improve; but the facts So, it’s hard to ignore it.”

"Although the Yueheng Sect and the Misty Sect are outstanding, I am afraid that the center of the Tao is still here at Chenyang Sword Mountain."

His attitude is very clear.

Yuan Fang spat out a fruit core, and said calmly: "May I ask who did Jiang Hai defeat to achieve success?"

Yun Qianjue lowered his eyes and said, "Zang Xiangzong, Shu Yubai."

Yuan Fang clapped his palms and said: "Five years ago, the two great successors of the Zangxiang Sect split. Now, can it be explained that Shu Yubai's power is declining, and Du Niansha's power is winning? Chen has gradually become clear about the difference between the two sides. The improvement of Yangjian Mountain may not necessarily be the blessing of the alliance, but the beginning of its decline."

Shen Xiangqin smiled slightly.

The same thing, cut from different angles, can draw completely different judgments.

Yun Qianjue pondered for a long time, and said, "Fellow Yuan Fang seems to be very optimistic about Yue Hengzong."

Yuan Fang gave a meaningful smile, and said calmly: "This is because Fellow Daoist Yun lives in the southeast, and is unaware of the violent changes in the world of Ziwei."

"Hundreds of years ago, in terms of the region governed by humanity alone, the holy religion was at the peak of its power, eight out of ten in the world. The alliance of hidden sects was only compressed in a very small scope of activities, closed doors and closed doors, keeping a low profile. The word 'hidden' should not be used. But after Guigui Wugui was born, the situation suddenly reversed in hundreds of years, magnificent and magnificent, and extremely wonderful."

Yun Qianjue thought about it for a while, and said, "I know about this matter. In fact, although the Yinzong was the first to win, in fact, it just used all its strength first and caught the Holy Church by surprise. Therefore, it won two consecutive rounds of clear and turbid Xuanxiang. But with the fundamental In terms of strength, especially after teaming up with dragons, phoenixes and other ancient monster races, the Holy Cult still has a better chance of winning."

"However, several big monster clans were so blinded by their interests that they decided to find a chance to recover from Jiu Zong, which made the situation turn so badly that it was out of control."

Shen Xiangqin interjected at the right time: "Although the truth is so, it might not be the fate of imputation."

Yun Qianjue pondered for a moment, then said:
"If my two families join the Chenyang Jianshan side, it will be seven to two... Even if the Tibetan Xiangzong is divided into two, at least six and a half to two and a half. The situation is immediately clear. But if my two families join Yue On Hengzong's side, it's four and a half against four and a half... the outcome is still unclear."

In fact, what Yun Qianjue didn't say was that he was very afraid of the all-encompassing changes in Chenyang Sword Mountain's eight-meridian swordsmanship.

In front of him, Yingfazong is still far away from the end of Daoism, and he always has a faint worry in his heart.It is my own divine channel technique, against the direct lineage of Chenyang Sword Mountain, it seems that the effect is not as good as against the Yueheng Sect and Misty Sect.But this idea is suspected of bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, so it will not be announced.

Yuan Fang said with a smile: "It's better to add flowers to the cake than to give charcoal in the snow. This is a truth that even foolish men and women in the world can understand."

Yun Qianjue let out a "hey".

The same thing, the direct descendant of the ape family can always interpret it from the opposite angle.

Yuan Fang rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "From what Fellow Daoist Yun said earlier, it seems that everything is considered from the perspective of winning or losing, and the size of the actual profit. Daoist Yun is more willing to support you if you dare to ask and appeal to the Dao heart." Which side?"

Yun Qianjue was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and said: "If you think about it from the heart of Tao... I'm afraid it would be better to unite with the Yueheng Sect and the Misty Sect."

Chenyang Sword Mountain's Taoism has gone to the extreme, and the purpose of returning to oneness and supremacy can be vaguely seen, which is well known to everyone.

It's just that Chenyang Jianshan and the original Luzong two Wandao sects are united, and the strength of the power is clear, which makes Yun Qianjue have to think about the problem from a pragmatic point of view.

Shen Xiangqin suddenly smiled.

He said calmly: "It's not necessarily contradictory whether to 'follow the Dao heart' or 'follow the situation'."

Yun Qianjue said solemnly: "I respect you for your high opinion."

Shen Xiangqin said: "The three battles between the clear and turbid mysterious elephants are mysterious and mysterious, and the outcome is very unpredictable. Besides, since this matter is a big contest of luck and karma, you and I will all end up. Last time, Yinzong won Yueheng , Miaomiao two direct lineages helped, so they won. This time, most of the Chenyang Jianshan families are the League of Friends of the Holy Cult. The result of the outcome should be regarded as a 'divination'."

Yun Qianjue asked in astonishment, "Youmeng?"

Immediately realized.

The four great demon clans joined forces to attack the southeast, and the two sides had already formed a bridge.Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to repair the alliance and so on.

But if it really wins the championship with five victories, there is a procedure to move the shape of the inspiration to a fixed position.

There are three choices:

One, ignore it.

Second, move the Xuanxiang essence to the Yinzong side.It is said that this time Yinzong Fang chose to inherit the monster clan is the Tianma clan.

The third is to transfer the mysterious essence of the elephant to the side of the monster clan, the Phoenix clan.

After pondering over and over again, although they have formed a grudge with the Phoenix clan, with the destruction of the Qilin and Xuanwu clans, the Yao clan no longer poses a threat to the Nine Sects;

On the contrary, the internal strife among the nine sects became more and more intense.

Therefore, if the descendant of the Chenyang Sword Mountain lineage participates in the three battles of the pure and turbid Xuanxiang, it is really very possible to be a favor and donate the obtained essence to the Phoenix family.

In other words, invisibly, it became an "ally" of the Holy Cult.

Yun Qianjue's eyes lit up, and he said: "This discussion is very good. If under such conditions, Yue Heng's side can still win. It means that no matter from the heart of Dao, or from the situation, the two are originally one. If Chenyang Sword If the mountain side wins, it proves that it still has the ability to determine the general situation."

Yuanying Zhenjun laughed, and said: "Since the conclusion has been reached, it's time to say goodbye."

Shen Xiangqin, Yuan Fang, and Yun Qianjue were all stunned.

The three True Monarchs have never gotten to the point. It turned out that the strategy of the sect was determined based on the attitudes of the three descendants.

(End of this chapter)

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