Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1008 A Journey to the Wasteland

Chapter 1008 A Journey to the Wasteland
Suddenly, thirteen years have passed.

Gui Wugui traveled wildly, and the process was much smoother than expected.

Roughly sorting out the goals of this trip, those who can reach the entry level of a hermit sect will be included in the list that must be resolved, a total of twenty-three.Among them, there are as many as eleven families who have reached the middle level of Yinzong.

In the past thirteen years, eight of the twenty-three have gone.

If a casual cultivator with a low level of cultivation, or a small sect with a sparse family and a declining lineage, can hide in the deep mountains and completely ignore world affairs.

But this is not the case for those who have reached this level, as if they are sailing on the sea, they have to pay attention to the news of the hurricane and the tide.Since there is hope for a lineage, one cannot remain indifferent.

Although these sects settled in remote places, the Tianxuan Shangzhen among the sects is born along the shortcut channel that they have explored for a long time about every hundred years. "Wandering disciples" contacted to investigate whether today's general trend has any impact on the rise and fall of our sect.

Therefore, although it is hidden deep in the void, the prestige of the Holy Cult, the Yinzong, and even the name of blameless have already been counted.

Therefore, once they came to look for it, they knew that they could not avoid it, so they quickly made a choice, signed a contract, and promised to comprehend the grand event.

Finding a problem is equivalent to solving it.

In the whole process, apart from Gui Wujiu who personally came forward for one family, Kong Ling stepped forward to call the door for the rest, relying on the reputation of the Peacock clan, they were able to solve it cleanly.

However, Gui Wugui knew it in his heart.So smooth, since it can not end from one.

Some twists and turns are inevitable.

For example, the two families in front of you——Gui Wujiu vaguely guessed that they should be here.

All the target forces of the twenty-three families are scattered across the north and south.Gui Wugui has already arranged the best walking route based on the Earth Vein Teleportation Array and other various moving methods.

But the two are not too far apart.

Purely in terms of strength, these two families ranked second or seventh among the twenty-three target forces.

Right now, the one who is about to visit Gui Wugui is the one ranked seventh.

Gui Wugui and Kong Ling stood on top of the three-headed snake, seeing the scene in front of them, among the lofty mountains, repeated for a quarter of an hour, they couldn't help being surprised.

Because these three black snakes are not ordinary flying treasures.Even if it is a huge mountain range or group of mountains that stretches for an unknown number of thousands of miles, one of them will pass by in a trance; the mountains of dozens of breaths are endless, and those who are below the near-dao state, no matter how curious they are, will never be able to cross this gap up.

Even if it is near the Dao Realm, it is necessary to carefully weigh whether it is cost-effective to operate in that remote place.

Until the range gradually overlapped with the "yellow dot" in his mind, Gui Wujiu collected the three magic snakes, sat on the back of Kong Ling's peacock real body, and passed through the "fourfold gate" space changes, the strength and weakness of the aura. To feel the difference, look for the specific location of that sect.Not long after, a towering giant mountain was locked.

Although the mountain is majestic, it is not so strange at all.It's just that the mountainside seems to have been cut by manpower.Originally, its shape was similar to that of a cone. Although it was very steep, it may not be impossible to climb; but after cutting, the mountainside was interrupted at a height of about [-] feet, but it was completely straight and became a thick column.

From this operation, we will no longer be disturbed by the common people.

Kong Ling fights with his wings, colorful and flowing.After turning the three gates around the top of the peak, Qing shouted: "In a world of great changes, there are great opportunities and great luck. Those who are ambitious should fly with wings. But how can we cut ourselves off from the wild and draw the ground as a prison?"

This is called the move of the door, and it has been done by Kong Ling since the first force.

At the beginning, Kong Ling felt that he had a great responsibility, and he didn't want Gui Wugui to underestimate him, so he carefully prepared a long speech.

But later realized that the so-called "hidden sect" was not ignorant of the big world, and every negotiation went smoothly without exception, so the words were gradually deleted and became very simple.

Kong Ling's voice was about to fall, but there was a rumbling voice echoing on the top of the mountain:
"Immortals who live in the ninth level, do they pay attention to the changes of dynasties in the secular world? Do the fishermen pay attention to the fish and shrimp in the water when they lie on the head of the boat? Do the Kunpeng flutter their wings beyond the extreme sky, do they pay attention to the dust rising ten feet high and the mayflies competing?" by?"

As the voice sounded more and more, no door opened anywhere on the top of the mountain.It seemed that it was just a breath of fresh air, and an extra person came to welcome the door.

Anyone with a slightly longer face is often ridiculed as a "donkey face".But the person who appeared in front of him had a long face, but his facial features seemed to be in the right position, and he was also very upright.In addition, there is a red two-inch vertical line drawn between the eyebrows.So looking around, it doesn't make people feel that it is against harmony.

This person is about thirty years old, and he is wearing a green robe, which is not too different from the usual style of Yinzong.It's just that there are two extra holes the size of copper coins at the cuffs and neckline.Inlaid with black border, it is obviously its unique style.

Seeing that his whole body is full of vigor and meticulousness, he has actually reached a very high level.

The man with vertical stripes said coldly: "I should have said that I can't take three moves from me, don't ask for it. But you are from the demon clan, so you are not included. Since you rely on your innate advantages, then let's fight fairly and decide the winner."

At this time, Gui Wujiu is hiding in the clouds and mist, even if Tianxuan is true, it is absolutely difficult to find out.

Hearing this person's words, Gui Wujiu felt a little surprised.

At this level of sect, even if it has been hidden for tens of thousands of years, it is impossible not to know the reputation of the peacock clan among the monster clan.In the past, no matter how close they were when they met, they were always somewhat polite.The attitude of the person in front of him is the first one.

The result is some changes.

This man with vertical stripes is not someone who just talks but doesn't practice, and he shot directly without waiting for Kong Ling's reply.

With a touch of the palm of the hand, there is a mass of energy between yellow and green on the index finger, which suddenly shoots over.

Kong Ling's expression straightened.

She has sharp eyesight, so she can naturally see that the energy of the man with vertical stripes is meticulous, thick, and refined, which is almost as good as the five-light magical powers of the Peacock Clan's "Dan Xuguang".Immediately daring not to be negligent, he spread his wings, and ten rays of brilliance bloomed, either forming a line or forming a circle, attacking and defending, certain and transforming, and counterattacked in one breath.

Qi and machine intersect, and it really is evenly divided.

But the divine channeling technique of this man with vertical stripes is indeed very strange.

Ordinary mana manifests the supernatural power of sword energy, or it shoots like electricity; or it swims like a fish; or it looks like a sword-shaped entity with increased length.

But not this person.His yellow-green aura is like a wooden stick whose length and thickness change at any time, and one end of the stick is tightly connected with the index finger.The index finger itself does not move, the "wooden stick" sometimes extends the top stab, sometimes turns into a wheel, all kinds of changes, it seems like sword intent, but it blocks the opponent's complicated changes invisibly.

Ordinary people can't help being confused when they see it.It seems that I have been practicing for a long time to change the subtlety of reality, and all kinds of magical effects, but I can't break through such a simple method.

The secret is that this "wooden stick" has a special purpose of holding the root, even if the attacking force is equal to its level, it will be thrown far away by him in one breath.

In other words, the essence of this method is actually similar to magical powers such as air shields and body protection; but it is a wooden stick when it is displayed outside, which is extremely misleading.

If the person fighting with him can't quickly penetrate the mystery and waste a lot of magic power, even if his original skill is similar to him, he will definitely be defeated.

In the blink of an eye, Kong Ling had fought against this person for more than a hundred breaths.

Even though Kong Ling used several kinds of divine lights repeatedly, he still couldn't gain the upper hand.

Gui Wugui nodded secretly.

Kong Ling has high qualifications and extraordinary opportunities.Regardless of Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin's advice from time to time, the former sage's residence given by the head of the Misty Sect Dongfang is very suitable for cultivation.Her current foundation is so strong that she is no longer under the first-class direct lineage of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Peacock Clan.

Bearing the huge difference in the original strength of a layer of monsters, he was tied with Kong Ling with a human body; if his life expectancy is less than five hundred years old, he is not a character among the thirty-six sons, and it is definitely difficult to do so.

Of course, the person in front of me obviously has a lifespan of more than five hundred, and his Nascent Soul cultivation base has already reached the point where the water overflows and he is half-step into a god, so the evaluation must be slightly lowered.

But even so, it is also very surprising.

After fighting for a while, Kong Ling seemed to have realized that if he just followed the complicated path, he would actually be wasting himself on the enemy.So he gradually simplified the complexity and chose to fight head-on.

It is clear to see no blame.

Although Kong Ling has realized the key, but the previous consumption has been greater than that of the other party.In the end, even if he wins, his vitality will be greatly lost.He said, "Back."

When Kong Ling heard the order, the magical power of the "Fourfold Gate" flashed, and he was already hundreds of miles away in an instant.

The man with vertical stripes raised his head and looked anxiously, not wanting that there was another person around him.

He originally thought that the person was tens of miles away, and he had just escaped his own spiritual perception.But when he took a closer look, he saw a figure suddenly appeared ten feet away, when the water vapor condensed.

Gui Wugui said: "Your Excellency has accumulated a solid path, which is enough to hit the top fifty among the people in the world before the close path. It is a pity to stay on the barren hills."

The man with vertical stripes was taken aback.

Hit the top fifty?
He squinted his eyes, and his voice was erratic: "According to your honor, below the shortcut, Tan is not in the top [-] right now?"

Gui Wujiu thought about it carefully, and said with a smile, "It's indeed a little worse."

The man with the vertical stripes originally came from Taoism, and every step he took was extremely thorough and solid, unparalleled in the world.Hearing Gui Wugui's words, they are nothing more than the ravings of a madman.

It stands to reason that he should have yelled at him a long time ago, but Gui Wujiu seemed to have an unpredictable and subtle aura, so he didn't know what to do for a while.

Gui Wugui said: "Look at it."

With a flick of the index finger, a yellow and green air machine shot out, which completely copied the divine channel technique of the man with vertical stripes.

But the castration was not fast, obviously giving him a chance to react.

The man with vertical stripes was startled, and greeted him with the same supernatural power.

Then, see clearly.The aura at the fingertips of the man with vertical stripes disintegrated as quickly as sawdust, and suddenly the aura that was not to blame was close to his fingertips.

At the moment of contact, a slight elastic force appeared, "pushing" the man with vertical stripes several feet away.

The face of the man with vertical stripes was ashen.

 Transitional Chapters 1-2.

(End of this chapter)

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