Chapter 1009
Although he lived in the deep mountains for a long time, but after his foundation became thicker and his cultivation level gradually improved, the man with vertical stripes was not completely uninformed.

The moment Gui Wugui pointed out his finger, although he felt terrified in his heart, he only knew that he had met a formidable enemy who was equal to him.As for the appearance of supernatural powers that are completely similar to yourself, don't worry about it.

Because the world is full of miraculous supernatural powers that change the appearance of descriptions, it should not be dazzled by seeing, hearing and hearing.

Although it seems that the supernatural powers are similar, it is actually the evolution of the other party's supernatural powers that he is good at. This is not uncommon.

When it came to the contest between the two supernatural powers, the opponent was obviously superior to himself, and the man with vertical stripes was already three points horrified.But I feel very lucky in my heart, although on the surface the opponent's magic power is equivalent to my own, but it may not be impossible that his cultivation level is much higher than his own, and he has a means of strengthening that cannot be mastered by the Nascent Soul.

What really eclipsed him was the last "bomb".

The supernatural power he uses is called "One Line Royal".It seems to be a method like Qi Sword, but it is actually a pivotal defensive magical power. The more complicated the opponent's response, the greater the consumption.

Since deception is the winning method, then this method must have enough confidence in the depth of its own concealment.

Even if it is Tianxuan Shangzhen, if it is not a personal fight, it is not easy to detect the mystery, let alone copy it immediately.

After Gui Wugui exhausted his magic power, what remained was not wounding power, stabbing power, fire power, thunder power and all kinds of changes in nature, but a kind of "elasticity". .

At this moment, two clear lights flashed.

The man with vertical stripes appeared on the left and on the right, and suddenly two figures appeared.

The robes of the two men are darker in color than those of the man with vertical stripes, but the styles are roughly the same, except that there are two more holes the size of copper coins.

The one on the left has a long beard and beard, has a fairy-like face, and has a crystal clear complexion; the one on the right has a very short beard and hair, and the color is still dark, but there are more wrinkles on the face than the white-haired one.

At a glance, it is not always easy to tell who is older.

These two people are both in the near-dao realm, and they are not weak in the Tianxuan Shangzheng.

The two stared at Gui Wujiu for a long time, their expressions seemed to be uncertain.

After more than ten breaths, the white-haired and white-bearded Qing shouted: "Why did fellow Taoist demean himself and tease the younger generation of this sect?"

Gui Wugui shook his head.

Immediately flicked his fingers.It was still the yellow and green aura, shooting at the monk surnamed Tan who had vertical lines on his forehead.

It's just that this time the qi mechanism is not connected to Gui Wujiu's index finger, it disconnects after about a foot away from the body, it looks like a slightly longer chopstick.

After performing the method, Gui Wugui stood with his hands behind his back.

He didn't want to explain that he was a Nascent Soul cultivator, or a Short Dao cultivator.I don't know how much time it takes to sort out these things that are beyond the knowledge of others.If this monk surnamed Tan is really a person with high self-esteem, he will naturally understand what he means.

Cultivator surnamed Tan was startled, and immediately pulled himself together to attack again.

The situation of the battle was the same, it was still his fingertips facing the enemy's green energy that was quickly dissipated.

However, due to the lack of blame, the attack slowed down a lot, and he did not replenish his strength.Therefore, the "chopsticks" with a length of about one foot are gradually shortening.

After about a hundred breaths, this "chopstick" was completely melted.

The two Tianxuan Shangzhen looked at each other, their expressions were extremely astonished.

Because it can be clearly discerned that if Gui Wugui's one-foot-long air mechanism is removed, monk surnamed Tan has consumed at least six times the length here.

The two were in a trance for a while, and suddenly they bowed together and said: "This... fellow Taoist... has supernatural powers that I can't match."

Sure enough, he no longer entangled in the matter of returning to the blameless cultivation base.

It turned out that the strength of Gui Wugui's attack was still controlled at the level of the Nascent Soul Realm, but it was changed to come out of the body, and cut off the connection with this Qi machine, which taught a few people to see clearly. What a method to secretly bless mana.

If so, it doesn't matter how Gui Wugui's true cultivation is.

Just like Gui Wujiu's first entry into the Yinzong, in order to test his superiority, several Tianxuan Shangzhen used their Nascent Soul avatars to confront him.

For ordinary people, the real Nascent Soul avatar of Tianxuan Shang is almost an invincible perfect existence. It would be unfair if Tianxuan Shang really pretended to be a Nascent Soul cultivator to fight; Considering this method as a test that is not too difficult, it proves that he has reached a level that Tianxuan Shangzhen has never been able to reach.

And the two of them immediately realized that Gui Wujiu didn't seem to want to get entangled in his own cultivation.

It is enough for him to prove that the realm attained by the monk surnamed Tan is far from the limit, and that there is still a vast space beyond.

Cultivator surnamed Tan seems to be emotionally unstable, with intertwined emotions.

Finally, he took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Such a cultivation level as yours, must be a famous figure in the world. Today Tan Chi is beginning to know the vastness of the world. He was just a frog at the bottom of the well before, and he is really ashamed."

After a pause, Tan Chi said again: "It stands to reason that someone like Zunjia invites you personally, and I will obey you. It's just..."

At this time, the white-bearded Tianxuan Shangzhen said: "You don't know something. Our sect is called Zongjingmen, and the inheritance of the short-hand way is still alive. It's just that [-] years ago, our sect had a stronger foundation than the other sect. The Zongmen signed a contract... It is considered to be attached to its wings. After that, ignore the world affairs. It will be convenient if fellow Taoists can persuade them..."

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said: "What you two said, is going to the southwest and flying away for sixty days?"

The white-haired old man asked in surprise, "Sixty days?"

Gui Wujiu changed his mind and said: "According to everyone's mind, it is about sixteen years."

The two were really surprised when they heard this.

The deeply wrinkled black-haired old man couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist, do you know... the history of this family?"

Thinking about it, it was even more shocking.

Because of the silent calculation in my heart, with my own escape speed, if I don't use other means, I will get there by flying escape, exactly [-] years.

The cultivation level of the person in front of him is truly unfathomable.

Gui Wujiu nodded and said: "It's good if you don't understand the mistake. I won't force others to make things difficult for me. But after receiving the message, please ask your faction not to break the contract."

Seeing that Gui Wujiu turned around and was about to leave, the white-haired old man repeatedly said: "The location of this family's mountain gate is extremely secretive. Usually, every thirty years, he takes the initiative to contact the sect. If it is not within the time limit, I am afraid it will be rare." Get the door to enter. Even the old man and others, there is no way."

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly, and simply asked: "When was the last time I contacted you?"

The white-haired old man immediately said: "Three years ago."

That is, there are still twenty-seven years left.

If it is three to five months, just wait for a while; for twenty-seven years, it is absolutely impossible to follow the old method.

Gui Wugui's figure flashed and was already on Kong Ling's back.

With the double wings flashing, it disappeared in an instant.

The white-haired old man was stunned for a while, and said: "If he really convinces..., is it true that our sect is really going to go through ups and downs in the big world?"

The black-haired old man shook his head, and said decisively: "Unless you are a person of that level, you can really knock on the mountain gate."

As for Tan Chi, his pupils seemed to be condensed, and his thoughts seemed to gather and disperse.


After two months.

A depression surrounded by low mountains.

Gui Wugui secretly praised it in his heart.What Zong Jingmen and Shangzhen said is not an excuse.

He observed carefully for a long time, and after more than two hours, he found out the mystery.

In fact, there are two small realms standing here, both of which are no more than a hundred miles away.

One of the small realms communicates with the outside world through a mountain spring. It seems that there are tens of thousands of living beings in it, but they are all ordinary people without cultivation.After being found, it was regarded as a paradise.

As for the other small world, it is a whole without any portal.

This level of secrecy cannot be concealed from people at the true level of Tianxuan.

But if you think that there is a cave hidden in that closed small world, you are completely wrong.If a real envoy of Tianxuan breaks into it with great power, he will surely find that this place is just a desolate place, not to mention people, not even a single plant or tree can be found.

But the real mystery does not lie in this.

In fact, these two small realms do not exist independently, but have an overlapping part.In other words, this small world should be interconnected.

However, the overlapping parts of the two small realms were sealed by secret methods, forming a third independent small realm.

This is where the sect ranked second among the hidden sects.

According to common sense, the stability of a small world is slightly worse than that of a large world, especially the smaller the small world, the worse the stability.

It is conceivable how the situation of such "small worlds in small worlds" is like this.

But the strange thing is that the hidden small world here seems to be more stable than the two small worlds on the bright side, and it seems to be supported by a strange force.

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and escaped into the small world connected with the outside world.

Because this internal and external exit does not seem like a natural achievement, it is probably equivalent to an "external door".

If the third small world only leaves a portal with the outside world, then it should be in this small world.

First come to this small world from the public small world hidden deep in the void; then go out through the water spring gate here.

After escaping in, Kong Ling manifested a human form, looking around with Gui Wujiu one after the other.

However, in the small world, except for one tenth of the land that has been managed into paddy fields and villages, the rest is wasteland.

After looking around for a while, Kong Ling's eyes lit up.

It turned out that I saw a three or four year old boy, with braids in the sky, wearing a small apron and open crotch pants, holding a thin willow whip, riding on the back of a green bull, walking slowly over.

Kong Ling fell into a trance.

Although the little boy looked at it with wide eyes, he seemed very curious, but he was not too surprised.

Kong Ling smiled and said, "Little baby, where is your home? Why did you run out alone? What should you do if you get lost?"

This place is far away from the mountain that seems to have a village.

The little boy stretched out his pink fingers, pointed to the big green cow under his crotch, and said in a childlike voice: "The time has come, Tie Niu will return to the village by himself, and will not get lost."

Articulation is also very clear.

Kong Ling rested his chin in thought, then smiled and said, "You saw my sister flying in the sky, why didn't you cry in fright?"

The little boy blinked his eyes and said, "I was a little scared when I saw you for the first time last month. Later, the fairy gave me sugar pills, so I am not afraid anymore. Sister, you are also a fairy, and you can give me sugar, too. wrong?"

Kong Ling's eyes lit up, and he said, "Little baby, do you know where the immortal is going? If you can tell, I'll give you candy."

The boy's chubby hands danced wildly, and shouted: "The immortal didn't say where he was going, he only said that he would forge a sword with heavenly fire."

Hearing this, Kong Ling touched his sleeves with both hands, and quickly took out an octagonal jade tablet, a round wooden stick the thickness of a wheat straw, and intersected the two, pointing to draw a picture.

After a while, Kong Ling showed joy, and said: "Southeast direction, [-]-day journey. There is a flaming mountain that stretches for [-] miles. The temperature of the flames is so high that it is above the ordinary celestial fire furnace. The so-called sky fire sword is here."

(End of this chapter)

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