Chapter 1012
When Kong Ling heard this, he couldn't help opening his mouth slightly.

Gui Wugui is also a move in my heart.

Although it is still early for the two of them to reach the Dao Realm, they have heard about many of the truths.

If it is said which realm has the highest requirements for one's own perfection, it must be the final ascension mark.As long as there is a gap, the two points of heaven and man cannot be balanced, and there is no way to talk about ascension.

If it is really irreversible damage, it is still only one step away from breaking the realm and ascending in the end...

After this foundation, it is even higher than imagined!
I'm afraid that this one in front of him, while intact, has reached the point where Xian Dao and Ying Yuan can break through at any time with their will.

With a flash of thought, Gui Wugui suddenly thought of something.

The strange stone he holds can be called the topmost existence among the shadow stones, even surpassing the ordinary "Tianluo Stone".Its photography has a wonderful effect, that is, the characters in the image are almost out of the category of "dead objects", and there is a slight connection with the image itself.

That is to say, what is shown in today's image is actually stronger than the real battle in the clear and turbid mysterious image; because if the characters in this world are advancing in Taoism, the phantom in the stone may be able to sense the same Qi.

Therefore, the dozen or so people mentioned by this person are better than him, and seven or eight people are similar to him; in fact, the weight is higher than imagined.

After the shock, Kong Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this means that the person in front of him seems to be friend rather than enemy.

At the same time, I also admire Gui Wugui's "foresight".

Sure enough, the light and shadow let out a long laugh, and said: "It's not as expected. Those who can break through the secrets of the three-ring small world and come to the door are either enemies or friends. In short, they should be deeply related to the inheritance of my Liupan sect of Taoism." , it is absolutely impossible to have unrelated people.”

"It seems that we are friends."

When these words were uttered, the sound of light and shadow changed, becoming rhythmic, emotional, and rhythmic, as if the previous "shell" that could not be seen was dissolved.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Not bad."

In fact, strictly speaking, an enemy's enemy may not necessarily be a friend; but in this situation where the stars and Han are separated and the two are positioned, the answer is extremely positive.

After a short while, on the void water image where the two stood, suddenly there were two thumb-sized rolls of clear light, condensed into two stone benches.

It is not too difficult to shape the five elements and control things.

However, the appearance of the two seemingly ordinary stools did not see the use of any other objects, but they were born out of nothing, which is equivalent to the method that Gui Wugui saw in Mana Island.

Gui Wujiu secretly nodded in his heart, and his evaluation of the person in front of him was even higher.

Obviously, after the failure of ascension, he didn't just have a ray of remnants.

The former Taoist means can also be used a little.

After the two sat down, the atmosphere suddenly changed and became much more relaxed.

The glint in Gui Wujiu's eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "If my predictions are correct, Zunjia has also reached a realm similar to Xiandao and Yingyuan's Taoism and deeds back then, and even when he ascends, he can be free. Be sure. Even if it goes back to the ancient era in the immortal way, it is an astonishing achievement. People of such a state can't separate themselves, but still conflict with the Taoist priest, obviously there is a reason to fight."

If it is said that it is a person with slightly inferior skills, there may be a possibility of misjudgment. Once they fight, it will be hard to recover.

But such a situation will not happen at the peak of Dao Realm. As long as the person in front of him and Xiandao get close to each other to a certain extent, or show a divine channeling technique, they will naturally be able to understand the reality of both parties.

The Yaozu Yaozu has a higher tolerance for faults, and may act more aggressively.

Or the existence that is not the top among Dao Zun Renjie, and there is no hope of breaking through, may also do it arbitrarily.

Only those who are expected to break through in the human world must be extremely cautious in their actions.

Although Yuan Daozun participated in the attack on the southeast in the previous response.But every step is carefully planned, and the most important thing is to keep yourself safe. This is the reason.

The light and shadow said leisurely: "You are right."

"Xian Dao and Dao Zun are indeed natural opponents, and no one can back down."

"After the Dao Realm, if the potential is not exhausted, you can still continue to refine your skills, or have other uses. There are various training methods. Among them, there is a large series, which is the most widely used in ancient and modern times. It is called the 'Great Wish Method'. Issued A great ambition, setting a certain extremely difficult goal, is often related to living beings and Taoism."

"The original source of the Shinto inheritance laid down by Taoist Xiandao seems to have come from the magic way, but the subsequent cultivation and development seems to be entrusted to the 'wish law'. The track of the realization of this law also has many branches, such as the wide area, There are many people, and the level of cultivation is different. You can use one of them, or you can combine them together. And one of the "powers of vows" he holds is to set up as many gods as possible within the limit of the region. Heaven."

Gui Wugui thought for a moment, and said: "Is your honor a similar method of cultivation?"

Guangying smiled and said, "Not bad."

Kong Ling frowned and moved his lips.

Guangying knew what it meant, and said: "You want to say, the world of Ziwei is so vast, it is not necessary to fight for one place, is it?"

Kong Ling nodded repeatedly.

Light and shadow shook his head and said: "Making a wish based on the region is not unlimited. Reflecting the mind and mind, there are good and bad, good and bad. If you hold on to a good place, you will get twice the result with half the effort; if you do it hastily, there will be little effect."

Gui Wujiu thought in his heart, it matches what he saw.

The reason why the Shengjiao and the Red Meizu are difficult to relax is because the Shengjiao never forgets the area south of the Red Mei and north of the Shengjiao.Presumably this is the "Land of Goodness" in the inheritance of Shinto.

However, although the Red Meizu didn't practice any "Wish Power Method", they were more direct.It seems that the five-fifth domain under its jurisdiction is directly bound to the luck of the family, and there is no way to back down.

Just listening to the light and shadow said again: "The law I have established must be spread in a wide area, and eighty-one sects have been established. Of course, compared with the appetite of the holy religion, it is still a little smaller. With The Heavenly Plan of the Divine Dao Realm is roughly equivalent to the size of nine Heavenly Heavens of the Divine Dao Realm."

Gui Wugui said in his heart that your appetite is not too small. One person and one sect will hold a quarter of the holy religion's more than [-]-year operation.

"The best place among them just conflicts with the jurisdiction of the Shinto, and there is no room for retreat."

"I originally planned to infiltrate secretly first, and then wait until the business has a little influence, and then wait for the effect. But I didn't expect that the attitude of showing Dao was extremely tough. It was a deadline of half a year, and I moved all the sect's Daoist. So this battle, It is inevitable."

"Originally this battle was indistinguishable. It's just that Daoist Ying Yuan was fighting by the side. Although he didn't make a move, the threat he made was the same as the actual move. Because of this nuance, the battle was defeated. After that, I moved the sect here."

Gui Wugui said thoughtfully, "So that's how it is."

Guangying said: "My story is finished. Please also tell me your story. Although you are young, your foundation is strong but it is the best at that time. However, when I saw it, I immediately realized that you must be from the southeast nine families. The characters are relieved."

Gui Wugui said: "That's right."

Guangying sighed and said: "At the moment when I left the world of Ziwei, I saw the nine stars in the southeast for the first time. The shock in my heart was unprecedented since I entered the Taoist path. Until the ascension failed, I calmed down and thought about it afterwards. There are no more than two situations. Ancient inheritance, mastering the means of long-term existence across epochs, has passed through many epochs, and the inheritance has not faded. It is only today that this achievement has been achieved; the second is that it is not the inheritance of my crape myrtle world."

At this moment, Kong Ling suddenly smiled, and the sound was as clear as a silver bell.

Gui Wujiu turned his head to look, Kong Ling's face was slightly flushed, he pleaded guilty softly, and then pointed timidly.

Gui Wugui glanced at him, and couldn't help laughing, he waved his hands and said, "I don't blame you."

It turned out that at this time the child had drifted to the edge of light and shadow.

It was only seven or eight points similar just now; at this moment, the child's feet and hands are completely curled up, which perfectly reproduces the posture in the mother's womb. At the same time, his small face has become round and red, and he can't stop spitting out a bunch of walnuts from his mouth. The size of the bubbles is very interesting to look at.

But at this moment, the mark concealed by the seal on Xiaotong's body seemed to be completely removed.

Gui Wugui took a closer look, and was a little lost in thought.

After more than ten breaths, Gui Wugui recounted his own story.

Because of the previous Shadow Stone as an introduction, the situation of friends and foes in the big world is already clear to the opponent.So it is very convenient to tell.

Immediately Gui Wugui took the diversion of Xinghan as the lead, and roughly narrated the clues of the formation of the Yinzong, the rivalry between the two families, and the catastrophe of the Yaozu.There are no more than two main pens, one is the event, and the other is the character.In addition to the main events, the existence of the Dao realm and the first-class direct inheritance of the major forces have also been explained in detail.

When it comes to the demon clan's ascension demon ancestor will attack the southeast, the person in front of him sighed again and again with his eyesight and experience.

After talking about the background, it is natural to appeal.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to tell the truth, only slightly adjusting the details.

Cutting the mystery of the distinction between the two in the continent of Mona to the distribution of Xinghan, it is only said that only the forces with a large scale will end up.

In fact, this statement is not wrong.

Gui Wugui said: "What I'm asking for is just to hold the covenant and enter the game in person. As for the measure, your faction can handle it by itself. If your faction doesn't want to get involved in the torrent, you can also send a few shortcuts to the real , Participate in our sects such as grinding Taoism and refining medicine and equipment, which can be regarded as 'participation'. What can be guaranteed next is that the income will be based on the effort."

"Of course, if your faction is willing to go all out, I will certainly wish for it."

After speaking, Gui Wugui waited quietly.

Believe that the other party will make the right choice.

Sure enough, the light and shadow did not hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Just as your Excellency said, the contract can be signed later."

Gui Wugui must be sure.

But he said again: "It's just that there is one more thing that I need to discuss with Your Excellency."

(End of this chapter)

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