Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1013 Reappearance of the Entrusted Person

Chapter 1013 Reappearance of the Entrusted Person
Gui Wujiu's heart moved, he had already expected it.

Sure enough, Guangying let out a long laugh, and said: "Although Your Excellency's theory of diverting the Xinghan from Han is ingenious, it also coincides with the general trend. But to be honest, if I didn't have a very speculative demand here, I might not be willing to follow it."

"It's been a long journey, with a lot of achievements, and the last step is a failure. It's a small regret for one person, but it's a pity that this Taoist inheritance has been gradually explored and brought together with hundreds of schools. Fortunately, by coincidence, God taught me to find a A Taoist with extremely high talent and secretly compatible with my Taoism."

"It's up to him to complete my unfinished business."

Gui Wugui and Kong Ling cast their eyes on the sleeping boy.

At this time, Kong Ling had also guessed that the task entrusted by this person was this boy.

Sure enough, Guangying continued: "After reconsidering the pros and cons of each step, I condensed it into one bead. After the child's spiritual root is opened and the root bone grows, I will refine the first breath of innate vitality , and then transform into the sea of ​​consciousness. It fits with its spirit and spirit, and implants the root. This method is much better than ordinary methods such as empowerment."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

The person in front of him is already the most peak figure in the Dao Realm. If there is no battle with Xian Dao, then he can break through the realm and ascend very calmly.Now, as someone who has experienced it, he has reorganized the previous Taoism and practice steps, and merged them into a heart seal direct transmission.It is conceivable that the level is so high.

If this child's aptitude is really no less than this person's back then, then it is very likely that he will reach an extremely high level.

Because there is no natural restriction such as Xuanhun Liulitian, even if it is the first-rate Taoist species of the Nine Sects, it will be shaken between the Nine Sects' true teachings and this vein of Taoism.

Just listen to the light and shadow continued: "On Taoism, skills, supernatural powers, after I have optimized this formula, it is better than before, this is the first; this little boy's talent is no less than mine, this is the second. It stands to reason that it is not difficult to penetrate the channel and achieve the karma of ascension."

"The only thing to worry about is... the world I lived in back then, although it was not as good as your generation's 'Star-Han Separation' world, but it also had its own turbulent story. The road to enlightenment was full of hardships. There are indeed quite a few powerful enemies killed. If he is intimidated by the power of the holy religion and keeps him trapped in a corner, working behind closed doors, I'm afraid it will become a short board."

Gui Wugui nodded silently.

There is no need to say much about the impact of the external environment and the evolution of the general trend on the level of a person's achievements.

The light and shadow said with a smile: "So when you come today, it can be said that you hit it off with a certain person. To put it in a more vulgar way, Wait Ruo has found a backer for my successor, so that he can come out of the world with peace of mind."

Gui Wugui said: "I will try my best to protect it."

Guangying seemed to be in high spirits, and it was obvious that Guanghua was three points strong. He said happily, "Of course I won't teach Your Excellency to work hard for nothing."

"Just now you said that the Yinzong now has the idea of ​​establishing more Taoism and inheriting it forever. This is very good. But according to your Excellency, the Yinzong Taoism is mixed and varied. But it seems like a backbone is missing.”

"I'm not boasting. Although your Yinzong is very powerful, there are four people who rob Daozun to sit in the town. But no matter the inheritance of the hundred veins, or their respective merits, they are slightly inferior to me. It's like the immortal way finally cultivates the divine way. , the reason why he was able to achieve success is because of the key point, which is his own consideration."

"Isn't my method of 'painting the ground and holding a wish' perfectly compatible with the Yinzong? Your Yinzong itself is already very powerful, and even the disadvantages of the initial development difficulties have been omitted. And this kind of supernatural power, there is absolutely no difficulty in unifying it. Said, if you have the method of increasing the seedlings of Taoism."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "If this is the deal, it's still a big profit for us."

"However, in my opinion, besides having one thought, Your Excellency seems to have extraordinary supernatural powers. In fact, as long as you act cautiously and keep a low profile, with Your Excellency's support, it is not too difficult to enter the world."

The light and shadow shook his head, and said with great regret: "My remnant soul will last for at most twenty years before it will dissipate. Right now, this child's energy is not enough, and it will take about a few years before it can grow normally. Then it will grow another twelve years. At the age of [-], when he refines his first breath of innate qi, it is almost time for his spirituality to dissipate. Therefore, I can't protect him anymore."

Gui Wugui was a little surprised, and said, "Twenty years?"

Immediately, his expression seemed to change slightly.

After thinking for a while, Gui Wugui said: "Dare to ask... Is the lack of energy that you said is caused by premature birth?"

The light and shadow were startled, and after a while, they said: "It's not too far away. In fact, before this child was born, I had already used secret calculations to bring a predestined soul fetus with extraordinary aptitude into the world. So I secretly guarded it early. It's just that he conceived His woman was pregnant for three years, but she never gave birth. Until one day, two groups of idle cultivators fought each other, perhaps due to the induction of Qi, the baby was born."

"It's strange to say that this baby was born just after being pregnant for three years, but there is a hint of signs of decline. When I brought him, I had to use my own remaining energy to nourish him, so that he could be nourished."

Guangying said again: "In fact, this is also a very difficult thing. Don't say that it is the realm of Nascent Soul, Transformation God, and Buxu. Even if Tianxuan Shangzhen takes over, after he grows up in the future, his root aptitude will also be reduced by a level. .Only with the great power of the Dao realm, mastering the subtleties of heaven and man, and the principles of birth and death of all things, can be able to withstand the natural growth in the mother's womb. If conditions permit, those who can see through the distinction between heaven and man and can break through the realm at any time The best results will be achieved by cultivating people at the peak of the Dao Realm."

"Of course, because the great power of the Taoist realm has already judged the division of yin and yang, and this little boy was born in advance to understand the natural aura. Therefore, there is no need to maintain it constantly, half out of nature, half out of manpower, and accumulate six hours a day, then you can to its full effect.”

At this time, Gui Wugui's brows were gradually wrinkled.

After more than ten breaths, Gui Wugui said: "Your Excellency said that on the day the child was born, there were two groups of unrelated cultivators fighting... If my prediction is correct, is it because some treasure was born?"

The light and shadow were obviously paused, and his face was vague, showing that he was very surprised.

It was just said that the middle-aged and middle-aged child seemed to be born prematurely, and it could also be said that the person in front of him had a deep sense of humanity, was born in the southeast, and was very talented in art.By identifying the qi mechanism, perhaps the clues can be seen.

But it is very bizarre that these things that have nothing to do with me can be inferred.

Guangying said: "Not bad."

It seemed that the intensity of the surrounding light changed for a moment, and there was something extra in front of Gui Wujiu and Kong Ling.

Fist-sized, black and wrinkled, like the roots of old trees that have been cut off.

Look no further, no doubts.

The light and shadow said: "How do you know it, Your Excellency?"

Gui Wugui did not answer, and asked again: "How can you judge that this 'lack of vitality' disease can be completely repaired in a few years?"

Guangying said: "Indeed. This 'lack of vitality' is very strange, and I can't judge how long it will take to warm up. But I use the 'natural destiny method' to predict, and the result is based on my great wish enshrined in Taoism. It must be successful. Obviously, at least before the end of my life, the matter of transmuting the 'Dao Rosary' will definitely be accomplished."

Gui Wugui didn't say a word, he said after a long time: "If I'm not mistaken, this kid's actual age is slightly older than he looks."

Guangying was obviously not surprised that Gui Wugui's judgment was accurate, and immediately said: "Exactly."

"In fact, when Xiaoshi was born, it was just the opposite. He looked older than babies of the same age. He was about the same size as a two- or three-year-old child after he was born. But then it gradually turned upside down. Now his real age It is already eight years old, but its appearance has not changed much."

Gui Wujiu shook his head, and said: "If I'm right, this little guy needs another eighty-nine years of cultivation before he can enter the path of cultivation."

This is clearly another unicorn born after Huang Xiyin.

The light and shadow suddenly trembled several times, obviously the mood fluctuated.

Gui Wugui knew that this little boy was the last sustenance of this person, so it was normal to have such a reaction.

He intended to offer some words of comfort.In the Liupan sect, the peasants we saw earlier were the best in the near-dao realm.He is the one who nourishes this little boy, although he is slightly inferior to Dao Realm, but his aptitude is only slightly degraded, and he is still a first-rate existence in the world.

As for the sustenance method, although it is too late, the efficiency of inheriting a whole body of exercises and supernatural powers in writing is not irreparable after all.What's more, the vast majority of cultivators obtain the Fa in this way.

After more than a hundred interest.

The light and shadow suddenly stopped drinking and said: "Yes!"

"It was my expectation."

"The auspiciousness of divination means that the wish I entrusted with Taoism will definitely succeed. But it is not necessarily that I will complete it myself before my life is over. If I refine the heart-sealed orb in advance, the truth will not be damaged for a hundred years. It's easy. At that time, with the help of a fellow Daoist, it will still not be difficult to complete."

"Your Excellency appeared here at the right time, wouldn't it just happen to be in my previous calculation?"

Kong Ling's wonderful eyes widened, and he couldn't help but said: "Then this child still has eighty-nine years of cultivation, so what should I do?"

"Don't make up your minds. Although my lord's aura is subtle and sublime, beyond the ordinary realm of shortcuts, it obviously has not reached the level of the dao realm that you said of 'the insignificance of heaven and man, the birth and death of all things'."

The light and shadow said: "It's not difficult!"

"I cut off half of the body, and I can protect this little baby for three years. Your Excellency can find the deepest place in this big world at a young age, and there is obviously an extraordinary way to escape. Don't you have four Taoists in your door?" Does it exist? If you trouble a fellow Taoist to take over and protect him, wouldn’t this problem be resolved?”

Without waiting for Gui Wugui to reply, the light and shadow said again: "That's not right. Your southeast nine sects also have great powers in the Taoist realm, and your meritorious deeds must be far above the traditional immortal sects. If possible, please troublesome one to support and nurture you. "

Gui Wugui was in a daze.

The existence of the Dao realm seems to have a long lifespan, and the actions are profound, so you don't have to do it yourself.But every word and deed is in harmony with one's own Taoism and mind, which is really very wonderful.

Six hours a day, eighty-one years of care, this is a great cause and effect.

Light and shadow flickered, sighed.

He also came to his senses, his request seemed a little too much.

(End of this chapter)

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