Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1027 Step by step 49 enlightenment

Chapter 1027
Above Qingyi, after seeing the result of this battle in time, Ning Zhenjun and Xue Jianchi were in charge and couldn't help admiring.

With the strength of Wei Qingqi who has just broken through the realm, it is not realistic to want to defeat Li Yunlong. The key is whether this battle can be proved, won, and not hurt oneself.In fact, such instances have already happened, but outsiders don’t know about it——

In the magic way, Mo Tianqing won in one fell swoop and broke through the realm successfully; but when he was full of ambition, he became a ladder for Shentu Longshu to make progress.

Fortunately, this scene did not repeat itself, and now that Wei Qingqi broke through the battle, the battle was evenly divided.

Xue Jianchi said solemnly: "The two families of Yue Heng and Miu Miao are descended from the lineage, they have a lot of luck, and they really have a solid name."

The head of Dongfang was also not humble, and nodded with a smile.

Xue Jianchi continued: "To tell the truth. Our school and Yingfa Zongsu have a long-standing relationship with Yuan Lu. If we followed the trend, we would have been able to make a decision long ago. Now that we have not moved, our central intention is to come to Dongfang to hold the palm of our hand." The sect and Ning Zhenjun can also judge the two or three. Especially the direct descendant of this sect, the position is clearer than that of several colleagues in the sect."

"If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be worthy of your sincere invitation several times."

Ning Zhenjun nodded and said: "This statement is very true."

Xue Jianchi said: "It's just that Xue has to ask... After the establishment of the new covenant, from your standpoint, what kind of regulations is the door to the shortcut?"

The head of the East nodded slightly.

Xue Jianchi went straight to the point, and raised the core issue as if he hadn't reached the right time, and he was suspected of acting too hastily; but this also just showed the sincerity of the other party.Because if you want to truly unite, you can't get around the core link of benefit distribution.

As far as the nine cases are concerned, it is the number of posts and the distribution regulations of the Tiangang Law Deed.

Whether it is a sect force or an individual, the ultimate basis for making a choice is nothing more than two:

One is the position and philosophy;
The second is actual profit.

As far as the former is concerned, there is no doubt that Yueheng Misty has more advantages than Chenyang Jianshan, who has a hidden and domineering heart; but the original Luzong and Zangxiangzong still leaned decisively, just to seize the opportunity , With the help of the time node when the strength of this sect has the upper hand, seek higher benefits.

After a few breaths, Dongfang Wanqing said calmly: "Our position is very simple - it's just the word 'equality'."

Xue Jianchi showed surprise, and said, "Equality?"

My thoughts changed quickly. If the so-called equality means equal distribution, each sect has a fixed quota of five to seven... This method is fair and absolutely fair, but it is too rigid.The good and the bad of various sects are mixed, those who deserve the opportunity cannot get it, and those with a lesser state can get it by chance. These disadvantages cannot be ignored.

More importantly, Chenyang Jianshan and Yuan Luzong would definitely not agree to such a charter.

In fact, as far as his heart is concerned, Xue Jianchi does not reject the fact that Chen Yang, Yuan Lu and other sects currently have more Taoists; because they are one step ahead of Taoism, they should have this benefit.What he is afraid of is the arbitrary ambition of the two sects, especially Chenyang Jianshan, trying to maintain the existing advantages through the rules.

Ning Zhenjun seemed to see through Xue Jianchi's intentions, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid the head of Xue is thinking about it."

"The so-called equality refers to the fairness of entry qualifications, not the equal distribution of places."

"Now is the prosperous age of Taoism. Not only are there three unprecedented figures Xuanyuan Huai, Gui Wujiu, and Wei Qingqi, but there are also three or five people who are known as the 'predecessors of the Dao realm'. , not less than ten figures. So many Tianjiao figures are actually an excellent material, which is enough to extract an inexhaustible and extremely effective method of judging, and the unwritten "seven steps and eight grades" put it into practical use.”

Xue Jianchi's eyebrows moved slightly, and he said in a very unexpected way: "Ning Zhenjun turn the 'battle' of the Five Hundred Years Meeting into an 'assessment', as long as you reach a certain fixed threshold, you will naturally be able to obtain Qualifications to enter Xuanhun Liulitian."

Zhenjun Ning smiled and said, "Exactly."

Xue Jianchi bowed his head and remained silent.

In this way, the biggest advantage is "fairness".

It should be known that for [-] years, the winner of the [-]-year meeting, the strongest is naturally the power to complete the state and achieve the Dao state. In the year of his victory, the other sects may also have the same talent , was defeated by it, so regretfully missed.

However, in some "young years", people with only six or seven steps in merit can get a chance to get a shortcut.

If this plan is followed, such a situation will not happen.

Similarly, Chenyang Jianshan and Yuan Luzong still maintain their current competitive advantages; and the sects with lower strength are not in a hurry, so it can be regarded as a solution acceptable to both parties from this point of view.

But the move is not without its drawbacks.

Because talents are born, there are ups and downs like waves, ups and downs.In extreme cases, it may be possible for one sect to have fifteen, six or even twenty or more true monarchs, and another sect to have only one or two, or even cut off the closest path.

However, the current rules, because of the fixed nine-number limit, have achieved a balance to the greatest extent.

Ning Zhenjun continued: "The current measure of one person for five hundred years is actually very conservative, and the consumption of too much energy is far less than the growth rate. Even if the scale is slightly relaxed, it will not hinder Xuanhun Liulitian at all. Cultivate and nourish. The head of the East believes that it is limited to four steps. It is the most suitable."

Xue Jianchi pondered for a while, and said: "In this way, the scale of shortcuts has roughly doubled. It's just that the strong get stronger, and how to resolve the various hidden dangers caused by the disparity in numbers?"

The bottom line of achieving the shortcut is the talent of seven steps.

Now the limit of four steps seems to be a compromise, but it is not.

Because only those with five steps, six steps, and seven steps can be regarded as young years, and at most one achievement every five hundred years, it is considered an "exception"; It is actually not uncommon to defeat characters of higher levels, and there may be several figures in one session.

Roughly counting the number of people, according to this rule, the number of surviving true monarchs of the Nine Schools of Short Ways will reach more than a hundred.

Zhenjun Ning did not answer at this moment, but instead asked: "Dare to ask Master Xue. Apart from the hidden dangers of uneven numbers and disparity in strength, what do you think of this regulation?"

Head Xue said decisively: "Except for this shortcoming, the rules mentioned by the true monarch are indeed very fair; completely abandoning the consideration of the current strength of the major sects, it is even more courageous. According to the truth, if it were not for the nine sects There is an inheritance of orthodoxy, and there is a relationship of competitive checks and balances. Within a single case, such a constitution can almost be described as perfect."

With a thought, Xue Jianchi said: "Is it possible... the total number limit of the old law is still retained; it's just that the standard is greatly relaxed, from a maximum of nine people to twelve, fifteen, or even eighteen?"

Zhenjun Ning raised his head to look at the head of Dongfang, and suddenly laughed loudly, saying: "Actually, Ning has not finished speaking. Although the so-called theory of seven steps and eight grades was first created by a monster clan that has a long history with your sect , but I don’t have to collect all of my nine cases, do I?”

"One person's opinion is that in addition to these seven steps, two more steps are added to make it nine steps. Those who are within nine steps of the extreme state of physical and mental Taoism have the predestined relationship to enlightenment. Such a method is known as the 'four steps'. Jiucheng Dao'. Talents under seven steps can be achieved by the best in every life, so naturally there is no need to worry about severance."

The previous conversations were all calm.

But as soon as he said this, Xue Jianchi raised his head abruptly, his face turned red, as if he couldn't believe it.

Obviously, in what Zhenjun Ning said just now, he still had considerations for the consumption of excess energy in the Xuanhun Liulitian, so what he said about [-]% to [-]% is by no means a simple and rude way to expand the scale, but the first four ranks. Through the qi of too much quality to become enlightened, and the last five ranks to achieve enlightenment through another method.

After a long time, Xue Jianchi said: "The most difficult roads explored by the Sanhe Sect and the Jiuhe Sect have finally...passed?"

Ning Zhenjun said solemnly: "Not bad."

Xue Jianchi said: "Being able to take this step shows that your philosophy is completely opposite to Chenyang Jianshan and others. I have no reason to refuse to join forces with you. I think the same is true for Laiying Fazong."

Master Dongfang and Zhenjun Ning nodded with a smile.

Today's strategy is the strategy left behind by Gui Wugui when he sent the flying escape magic weapon.

After careful consideration, Gui Wujiu thinks that it is a good thing to open up another school and expand the path of enlightenment, and there is no conflict of interest with the elite-controlled nine sects, but this matter can actually be done more positively .

Otherwise, there will be those who are happy to see their success, and those who have nothing to do with themselves. I am afraid that there are not many people who are not used to the behavior of blaming the wool, even if you include them, they are not qualified to participate in the five hundred years. The characters of the meeting.

Thinking about it carefully, it is certainly good to be able to enter the Ten Thousand Law Sect's court, but it is also not impossible to borrow guests to enlighten others and give convenience to others.Taking retreat as progress, maintaining the balance of the inheritance of the nine sects, turning the "[-]-year dispute" into a "[-]-year choice", and making up for the shortcomings of the "Equality Law".If the number of people in the sect is saturated and the competition is fierce, and if the water is full, it will overflow, and the extra people will naturally choose the Wanfa sect.

The focus has shifted from absorbing seedlings to helping people become enlightened, which can give Yue Heng Miu a very important trump card.

When the time is right, fight it out, fight for the two sects of Youhuan and Yingfa, and you will surely make meritorious deeds.

After talking for a while, Xue Jianchi opened his sleeve, and something suddenly jumped out, with a golden light shining.

It turned out that he actually carried the great seal of the sect with him.

Ning Zhenjun stroked his chin and said: "It is very good to form an alliance today."

(End of this chapter)

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