Chapter 1028
The covenant had just been formed, and there was nothing else to do, so Zhenjun Ningzhongliu simply took out the thirty-six sub-images and watched them change.

Even Shengjiao has lowered its expectations for the outcome of the victory and defeat, and is in a relatively detached attitude, let alone Jiuzong.

However, after the initial thunderbolt, the subsequent changes seemed to be calm, except for Xun Shen and Xi Zhenzi, there were no major changes, making it impossible to deduce the evolution of the battle situation.

However, the ranking has not changed, which does not mean that the order is orderly, and the suspense of the outcome is lost.For example, in the battle between Wei Qingqi and Li Yunlong, Wei Qingqi still ranked eighth after the battle, and Li Yunlong ranked seventh.However, the thrilling twists and turns and the great gains are not enough for outsiders.

Xue Jianchi said with a smile: "Does the head of Dongfang think that there will be drastic changes in this battle?"

Dongfang Wanqing thought for a while, glanced at Zhenjun Ning, and said calmly: "There are still some slight changes."

Before the words fell, two changes appeared in the picture scroll manifested by Qingguang in front of him——

It can also be said to be three places.

One of them is the adjustment of the bottom position.

The order just now is thirty-three Wu Xuanxi, thirty-four Yin Jiuchou, thirty-five Wu Xinling, thirty-six Kong Xuan.

But at the moment the list, from thirty-three to thirty-six, has been quietly adjusted to Kong Xuan, Lu Chengwen, Wu Xuanxi, and Yin Jiuchou.

When the list was changed more than ten years ago, apart from the demonic monk who was suspected to be missing, Lu Chengwen was the only one who had not yet suffered a defeat, but was squeezed out of the list.

After more than ten years, he finally returned, and he was no longer attached to the tail of the thirty-six people.

One thing is worth noting.

That is, the changes of these thirty-six sub-pictures are actually extremely stubborn, and they must be named after "evidence".Therefore, this adjustment was not brought about by Lu Chengwen's victory alone, but Kong Xuan and Lu Chengwen defeated Wu Xuanxi and Yin Jiuchou at the same time.

However, Wu Xinling of Zhentanzong and Lu Chengwen changed their identities and became the one who failed the ranking.

The other change was more drastic. Before Mo Tianqing, there was a person who jumped ahead. It was Zu Gaocen, the second descendant of witchcraft who was originally ranked [-]th.

The head of Dongfang lightly nodded and said: "That's enough."

Master Xue asked suspiciously: "What is a sufficient number? Master Dongfang seems to have expected the victory of these people."

Ning Zhenjun answered, "I got the news here from Gui Wugui."

"Kong Xuan's cultivation is a method that the Peacock Clan has been operating for tens of thousands of years. It is used in a world of great controversy to lay the foundation for the clan."

"Originally, even though this method is very clever, it is not weaker than the inheritance of the dragon and phoenix clans; but in this world, it has the reputation of a prosperous age, how can the other family's inheritance be weak? This method helps it maintain its current position, or it may rank slightly lower. Improvement is enough. If you want to improve more, or even advance to perfection in one fell swoop, the possibility is very slim."

"It's just that Jing Gui Wu Jiu used the thirty-six sub-pictures as a guide to find the 'only' in the world of Ziwei. This fate method is not trivial, and it has just brought the potential of this method to the extreme. With the foundation of the peacock clan, if It is indeed possible to achieve this step by reaching the extreme state.”

Master Xue nodded slowly, but the doubt in his eyes did not dissipate.

Because Ning Zhenjun's words only explained the reason for Kong Xuan and Lu Chengwen's strong potential and their victory, but did not explain the meaning of the word "full number".

Ning Zhenjun stretched out his hand and said, "Master Xue, please take a look. How many characters on the scroll have reached such a flawless state?"

Xue Jianchi hurriedly looked up.

Since Wei Qingqi and Shentu Longshu stepped into the highest realm in one fell swoop, there are nine people at this level.

After the nine, there were Mu Yunli, Lin Shuangshuang, Du Niansha, Yu Jiaolong, Jiang Hai, Zu Gaocen, Mo Tianqing, Xun Shen, Xi Zhenzi, Ma Yuan, Shu Yubai, Lin Yi and others.If you add Kong Xuan and Lu Chengwen who just explained that Zhenjun Ning thinks consummation is hopeful, there will be twenty-three in total.

Xue Jian hesitated and said, "Twenty-three?"

Ning Zhenjun said slowly: "Although our sect Ning Suchen was defeated by Jiang Hai more than ten years ago, her battle was very different from the battle between Mu Mu and Jiang Hai. Get a little sprout in your heart. After retreating, you will definitely gain something."

Xue Jianchi pondered and said: "I heard that Ning Suchen did not participate in the three battles of the clear and turbid mysterious elephant, and this is the reason."

What Ning Zhenjun said naturally refers to the realm of consummation.

The several changes just happened are all beneficial to Yue Heng, which shows its momentum.


Xue Jianchi thought for a while before saying, "The rest of the numbers are really slim."

Except for the income brought by Kong Xuan and Lu Chengwen's innocence, and the chance of the four of them being favored by the good luck of the mainland, almost every major power has a good grasp of the rest of the top lineage of cultivation.

Not among the list of twenty-four people, the closest ones are Mu Mu and Lord Li; but both of them are definitely lost.

If a ruler were set within the Nine Sects, Jiang Hai, Mu Mu, and Ning Suchen were originally on the same line.Afterwards, Yun Qianjue, Fu Ningjin, Bai Xinchan and others obviously had a visible gap.In the end, even though Mu Jianxian personally gave advice, Mu Mu felt hopeless and gave up this step; while Jiang Hai and Ning Suchen were lucky enough to get through because of a great opportunity.

If Yun Qianjue and others, who were inferior to Mu Mu, wanted to squeeze in, it was indeed so slim that it was almost impossible.

Seeing that Xue Jianchi didn't seem to understand, the head of Dongfang smiled and said, "Little Tu Qingqi thinks that upper, middle, and lower should be divided into thirds; just like the thirty-six sub-pictures are called upper, middle, and lower volumes. Head Xue thinks how?"

Xue Jianchi sighed in admiration, "It makes sense."

Twelve above the perfect, twelve perfect, and twelve near perfect, it is indeed a harmonious ranking.

At the same time, his thoughts turned, and the head of Dongfang mentioned this, obviously not talking about it.

If the general situation is against the backdrop, and if they really want to be among the top twelve, then Lin Shuangshuang and Mu Yunli will almost lock two places, and the remaining one should be between Yu Jiaolong and Du Niansha.It seems that the head of the East is extremely confident in his own camp.


After Wei Qingqi left the formation, after recovering with Taoist Wuhu in the Yinzong formation, she jumped up and left.

Next, she will return to the Misty Sect with the head of Dongfang, and spend ten to twenty years to observe the truth of the Misty Sect's scriptures again.

Unexpectedly, after escaping for half an hour, he suddenly collided with a person in front of him, the person who came to describe him seemed to be very surprised.

Wei Qingqi smiled inwardly.

Because at the moment of leaving the country, she seemed to have an inexplicable hallucination in her heart, as if the fight with Li Yunlong just now was not the fifth round, but the fourth round.In this battle of clear and turbid Xuanxiang, I seem to have a feeling that my intentions are still unfinished, and my fighting skills are not complete——

Although, the battle with Li Yunlong was extremely rewarding.

Wei Qingqi originally thought that this was a running-in process after she broke through the realm of consummation, and she felt three deviations, and she had not yet achieved harmony.But at this moment, he knew that his front edge induction was not wrong, and this time it was indeed as expected.

The person who bumped into him suddenly was none other than Yu Gucheng.

Wei Qingqi felt a strange feeling in her heart.At this moment, Yugucheng does not seem to have the thick and oppressive force of the past, nor the stagnation after the new defeat. Instead, there is a hint of idle clouds and wild cranes.

Just now when Wei Qingqi fought Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong's attitude was very reserved, and he didn't talk much after meeting.

But at this moment, Yu Gucheng was more concise than Li Yunlong. He looked at each other as a greeting, and immediately said: "Look at the sword."

The one-style sword intent, as bright as water bubbles and as bright as a shooting star, flashed across the sky. It seemed that the speed was not fast, but it had the taste of cutting through the waves.

This is the way of the Xuxin sword, which is extremely pure, without any shadow of reality swordsmanship. At the same time, it can be used freely, and it is not restricted by the naming of one sword and two swords.

This blow is not as good as Li Yunlong's giant dragon image in terms of weather, but the subtlety of the darkness is better than it.

Wei Qingqi stepped forward.

Move from the "center" to the "circle" extremely quickly.

Respond with one click!
The principle of the Xuxin Sword is subtle and unpredictable, and ordinary supernatural powers can't even grasp the context of it, let alone repel it.But Wei Qingqi's counterattack power of the highest level caused the blue sky to oscillate, but was able to completely disintegrate the attacking sword intent.

Yu Gucheng didn't show any surprise on his face, the second sword, the third sword... one after another like a cloud and flowing water.

And Wei Qingqi danced lightly on the circle, facing tit for tat, able to respond to every blow, and it was an even fight.

After three hundred and fifty-eight swords.

Wei Qingqi's heart was suddenly empty, and she could no longer find the "singularity" above the circle, and she suddenly realized it in her heart.

It turns out that I have a great destiny, and instantly turning a circle into three hundred and sixty equal parts is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there is still a mystery hidden in it.

Because of the buff that captures the singularity, every time it is used, this "point" will temporarily dissipate.The total number of times is exactly three hundred and sixty.It will take a day to recover.The principle is the same as that of the Day and Night Classics of Yingfazong.

After comprehending this point, Wei Qingqi finally comprehended the eight characters of "returning to the center, and being in the circle".Inexplicably, there was a kind of confidence in his heart, if he was right with Li Yunlong again, he could hold on to the end and compete with each other.

At this moment, Yu Gucheng also stopped at the right time, and said softly: "You should still be able to continue."

Wei Qingqi said truthfully: "Originally, I could still resist the second form more. It's just a battle with Li Yunlong, breaking his cage supernatural power, and using it twice."

Yu Gucheng showed a rare smile, and said: "The real skill of swordsmanship is a way to tell the winner with one blow. Fighting techniques like mine just now consume a lot of energy, and it is also the benefit of shamanism. Coincidentally, a certain one can only unleash three more swords."

Wei Qingqi felt keenly in her heart that Yu Gucheng, who used to compete with Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin and others, and Yu Gucheng who was fighting with her now, have almost become two completely different people.

Wei Qingqi said: "As one of the six people who are expected to compete for the first place in the world, it is only natural that they should be a line higher than Qingqi."

Yu Gucheng shook his head and said: "This battle is not important to Yu, but it is a little bit of a hindrance to Wei Daoyou. The person you are fighting with also bears a great opportunity that is no small thing, and you will win one step behind you. Passed Xi Lerong. If he had met me first, the situation would have been roughly the same. In this way, his ranking may be overtaken."

"Looks like luck is on your side."

(End of this chapter)

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