Chapter 1029
Jiang Minyi was wearing a narrow-sleeved gray robe. After walking around the three gates in place, she quietly watched the surrounding sprouts gradually nourish and grow. Then she looked up at the sky and watched the small black dot gradually enlarge, revealing a complete silhouette of a human figure.

That person seemed to be coming at a gallop, but after several experience of joining the world, she already knew that in fact, the movement and movement from the other party's perspective were just the opposite, and it seemed that she greeted him.

The boundary is stable, and the two sides are far away.

On Jiang Minyi's face, there was an undisguised surprise and three-point shock.

Visitors described it as graceful and upright, unfathomable yet slightly mysterious and meticulous, and the most gigantic aura was refined into a jade-like divine flower, light and calm.

Jade ion.

Yu Zi's phoenix eyes were fixed, and she was obviously surprised, but the surprise was only fleeting, and it became clear after she restrained herself.

Yu Ion said indifferently: "Return to no blame, Xuanyuan Huai will not participate in the three battles of clear and turbid Xuanxiang. It stands to reason that my opponent is only Qin Menglin; Your position. But now it seems that Jiang Daoyou never thought that he would fight me."

"If this is the case, this battle will not be very meaningful."

She said "no point", not "no suspense".

Because there is no suspense in itself.

Jiang Minyi was not completely dazed by a little accident, her mind quickly diverged, thinking about the reason for this "meeting".

In her mind, her opponent must be Xi Lerong.

This is not because of the careless "predestination" theory, because he and Xi Lerong are involved in the martial arts orthodox dispute, so these two people must be mixed together; on the contrary, there is a real reason for this.

Since Jiang Minyi pried open a gap on the perfection more than a hundred years ago, she has practiced hard for hundreds of years, and there is no shortage of people who can learn from her and give advice. Coupled with the luck and luck of the white tiger seal, her current situation has already Perfectly ripe.

But it is difficult and difficult to go further.

The realm of true flow further upwards cannot be broken through by extraordinary methods.

Xuanyuan Huai's Eight Swords of Chenyang are one, and the Kongyun Nianjian of Wugui is the foundation of all Taoism; Take this method as the key to breaking through the limit of combat power and plant a seed.In the end, Xuanyuan Huai was inspired to comprehend this subtle realm.

The achievement of Huang Xiyin is the beginning of the road, and it comes from the inner circle and the outer circle of the "Diagram of the Evolution of Nianjian", and it is verified by the Tao.

Qin Menglin is the most convincing example.

She and Gui Wujiu Youxu Dan are in harmony, and they have almost reached the point of mutual understanding; but Gui Wujiu's mastery of swordsmanship, she can't easily get started.On the contrary, in the end, through the battle with Xuanyuan Huai, he got a glimpse of the doorway from the Dao of Realism and Reason.


Because of the spirit eyes and the way of clear mind and clear mind that she has learned in Yin Yang Taoism, it was originally coincident with the deduction of Dao.

It can be seen from this that even if you are talented, you can also be taught by a famous teacher.But if you don't plant the heart buds early, and then inspire and inspire at the right time, this "True Way of Flow" is water without a source.

Jiang Minyi's way of fighting, mixing all favorable factors for his own use, and using the heart lamp as a unity, is a very special way of fighting, and it can't even be compared with Li Yunlong's "natural origin" .

So, the answer is pretty obvious.

Jiang Minyi measured her own combat power today, and she might be able to beat Xi Lerong on the smallest scale; if she was to fight against the few people ahead, she would obviously be inferior.

What's more, if it's against Yugucheng, it's fine.Yu Ion is obviously a line higher than Yu Gucheng and the current Huang Xiyin, and is even very likely to slightly beat Qin Menglin, enough to compete for the third person in today's world.

Could it be that he underestimated a lot, and his "self-knowledge" is not as accurate as Ruo Yuion, an outsider?

Thinking about it like this, it feels absurd.

Jiang Minyi was straightforward by nature, and had doubts, so she asked questions directly, and didn't think that she lost her momentum: "Dare to ask fellow Taoist Yu Ion, you said that you had expected for a moment that you might be able to fight me, what is the basis for it?"

Yu Ion said indifferently: "Sex is unified, it is destined."

Jiang Minyi frowned slightly.

If Yu Ion only said the last four words, she must have thought that the other party was playing tricks on her to deceive herself; but with the addition of the four words "sex and relationship", it seems that this is not the case.

Yu Ion did not wait for Jiang Minyi to ask further questions, and said lightly: "The so-called word 'fate', some people believe it, and some people reject it. If you believe in it, and if all the efforts of the day after tomorrow are in vain, everything has already been determined. This is naturally a way to forge ahead People are absolutely unwilling to admit it. But if they refuse, they can see irrefutably that there are many encounters, chances, divisions of camps, trends of friends and enemies in the dark, and the cause and effect of the road ahead. Gao, this coincidence is even more obvious. It is completely coincidental, and it is also very far-fetched."

Jiang Minyi's heart moved, and she said, "What's your opinion?"

Yu Ion said: "It's very simple. Sexual phases belong to each other and have their own aggregation. The past is not predestined; but under the different sexual phases of each person, the 'possibility' held by them is as narrow as expected. If Dao Xin It is not wrong to say that it is "destined" to cut out the possibility of many obvious mistakes."

Jiang Minyi pondered: "In the mind of fellow Taoist Yuion, what is my personality?"

Yu Ion said calmly: "The reason why these three battles between the clear and the turbid mysterious elephants have attracted the world's heroes is that there are rumors that there are certain numbers in which the most suitable two people can fight. In the minds of most people, the so-called most suitable , naturally refers to a well-matched opponent."

"Only when the teams are evenly matched, and the fighting methods become more intense, one's own potential and knowledge will be fully stimulated and manifested."

"But obviously, that's not the case for everyone."

Jiang Minyi bowed her head and remained silent.

Yu Ion continued: "My heart is thinking, but if there is an enemy coming, I will just break it with one force. I don't care about the strength of the opponent, whether it will inspire my Taoism. Practice is practice, and fighting is fighting. Will win The actual combat process of human bullying, as a method of practicing and proving the fact, it is not to my liking."

"On the other hand, Fellow Daoist Jiang Minyi is just the opposite. There are people who are good at winning, and there are people who are good at losing. The so-called "good at losing" means that you are naturally willing to meet opponents stronger than yourself, and only in adversity and desperation can you inspire yourself to be stronger high potential."

Jiang Minyi just listened quietly and did not speak out to refute.

But Yu Ion's complexion suddenly became a little strange, and said: "But in the end... I still guessed wrong. The opponent may have a thought of fellow Taoist Jiang Minyi, and I quickly denied it after it surfaced."

Jiang Minyi was already very pleased with some theory, but when Yu ion changed the topic, it seemed like a foot of water was stirring up waves.

Jiang Minyi said calmly: "Why?"

After some conversation, Yu Ion firmly grasped the dominance.

But Jiang Minyi has always followed the trend and did not deliberately fight for it.

Yu Ion said: "Because...the gap between you and me is too great! Not to mention my fighting methods and the means to completely restrain you. Failure is not terrible; what is terrible is fragile defeat. If not only fail, but also If there is no 'certification', then what is the point of this battle?"

Jiang Minyi was silent when she heard the words.

Although there are many examples of failures due to mistakes in anticipating the enemy or being too conceited, Jiang Minyi knows that Yuion has not made such mistakes.

Even, she herself agrees with Yu Ion's opinion.

Jiang Minyi's fighting methods are the fusion of immortals and martial arts, bringing her flexible and durable advantages to the extreme, coupled with the protection method of Baihuyin.Now her Taoism is much more refined than it was a hundred years ago, but the general way has not changed.

When Xi Lerong fought against Xi Lerong in the second battle of turbidity and mystery, Jiang Minyi once commented that if Xi Lerong insisted on the original method of "Tian Yue" and carefully figured it out, instead of ingeniously turning away from the control and crushing "Heng·Tian" If the method of "axe" is used, then she will be the one who loses.

Because Jiang Minyi is not afraid of any grinding skills, but she is only afraid of an explosion that exceeds her defense limit.

And the one in front of him is almost the number one in the world at this point.

Of course Jiang Minyi knew how scary Yuion was.

There is no doubt that even if Xi Lerong's "Tianyue" evolves along the path of origin, no matter how powerful it improves, it will definitely not be able to catch up with Yuzi's Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens.

Jiang Minyi knew that Li Yunlong, Yu Gucheng, Xi Lerong and others had at best paid a little attention to Qin Menglin's preparations for the three turbid Xuanxiang battles since he learned that Xuanyuanhuai was not participating in the battle, and focused on Yu ion body.

And in the deduction with Yu ion as the imaginary enemy, most of the energy is how to resolve Yu ion's fierce method of changing the color of the world, and gradually transition to the track where the avenue of deduction can be played.It can be seen that in the face of Feng Wu's nine-day blow, Qin Menglin also put himself in the position of the challenger, seeking to crack the way.

In the battle on the river that year, Xuanyuanhuai was able to take over the supernatural powers of Xi Lerong, Li Yunlong, and Yu Gucheng with ease, but facing the overwhelming blow of Yu Ion, he had to use one of his two fundamental methods to resolve it.

There is no chance of winning and no proof.

No luck, not even luck.

Yu Ion gave a rare smile, and said: "Three times of clear and turbid Xuan Xiang only discuss fate, regardless of friends and enemies. After thinking about it at that time, I thought that if you really want to challenge someone who is obviously stronger than yourself, then Qin Menglin, who can be called your good teacher and helpful friend, maybe It's a better choice. After all, you two have a special relationship, and it's also one of the ways of fate; her supernatural powers are also known for being dense, so you can fight as long as you want."

"That's it. Since I have said so much, I am not stingy to give you another ten breaths of time."

"Within these ten breaths, if you want to understand what you can gain from today's battle, it's not in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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