Chapter 1041
Within the deep valley, there is no cave.

An extremely wide water waterfall falls from the only relatively steep place in the northwest direction, converging into a first-class.Then relying on the situation, after traveling for more than a hundred miles, it was divided into two, highlighting one sandbar.

The west side of this sandbar is full of sand and gravel, with different descriptions; while the south end is an extremely flat ashram, and the water veins and tributaries shuttle through it, adding a three-point "live" charm.

At this time, although there were not many people in the dojo, it was extremely lively.

Because people are more expensive than many, there are only two guests, and those who accompany the attendees all have a natural appearance, filling the sky surface, and inverting the host and guest with the image of the sun and the moon.

There are as many as seven such characters.

The leader, wearing a high crown and plain robe, has a straight nose, and his eyes are full of brilliance amidst the turbidity. After drinking a cup, he calmly said: "The most important thing in everything is decision. How about signing a contract?"

Gui Wujiu nodded happily, drinking and feasting freely.

Kong Ling looked at the array of rare wines, exotic flowers and herbs in front of him, and suddenly felt unreal.

Over the past few decades, she has also experienced it.

Among the more than ten sects who have traveled and persuaded before, except for the slightly special one of Mota Daoist, the rest of the experiences can be extracted from the same law.

That is, after reporting their names, although they are intimidated by Gui Wujiu's reputation, they also know that the power of one sect cannot compete with the alliance of Yinzong and Yaozu, and offend others for no reason, so there is no exception on the surface. Polite.

But on the inside, no matter every sect is cautious, they have to wait for Gui Wugui to fully explain the conditions before they can settle down.

Until the moment when the pros and cons of the matter are examined in detail, one will not lightly conclude a contract.

But this viewing mirror door is more enthusiastic than expected.

Gui Wugui hadn't stated the details of the conditions after the solicitation, so he took the initiative to talk about the signing of the contract.

Is it because his family has a great career, so although he can't hide it, he actually has a very detailed grasp of the truth and reality of the big world, and he understands the weight of blamelessness more than ordinary hermit sects?
Or is it because of his unique merits in the method of divination that he has already determined that such a choice is beneficial and not harmful?

After about an hour, the banquet came to an end.

The old man with the high crown took out a scroll and a seal.

Kong Ling looked closely.

That seal is undoubtedly the Great Seal of Guanjing Sect; but the yellow scroll that seems to be very old is also extraordinary, no less than the contract used by Yinzong and Shengjiao to make several contracts.

With a light wave of the old man's hand, more than three hundred words fell on it.

He immediately said with a smile: "Whether it is appropriate, please return to the Taoist axe."

Gui Wujiu glanced at it, flicked his sleeves slightly, and said, "Master Han is too polite."

The head of the Seven Truths in front of him is the head of the Guanjing Sect, whose surname is Han and whose name is Qianluo.

The contract written by Guan Jing, apart from the oath of forming an alliance, only emphasizes many terms and conditions for Guan Jingmen to cooperate with Yinzong; mentioned.

Han Qianluo withdrew his smile, and said: "I have heard that the leaders of the Yinzong League are generous and magnanimous, so I guess they will live up to me."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly, noncommittal.

Han Qianluo said regretfully: "Accordingly, for such a big event, Uncle Wuzhi should have come to sign the contract. It's just a coincidence that Uncle Wuzhi closed the door for creating a formula three years ago. When we leave the customs, we will visit the four seniors of the Yinzong sect in person."

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "It's easy to say."

Kong Ling felt relieved.

The Guanjingmen ranks first among the hidden sects in Gui Wugui's heart-print scroll, and it is obviously unreasonable not to have a surviving Taoist power in charge.The head of Han in front of him didn't shy away from this in the end, and it can be regarded as part of the honesty between each other.

Han Qianluo said again: "Can fellow Daoists stay in this sect for a few days? If so, it will be the honor of this sect. Everyone in the entire sect will be honored."

Gui Wujiu showed a very regretful expression: "It's a pity that Gui has an urgent matter to return to Guizong."

Turning the subject, he said again: "The road is long, and there will be a chance in the end."

Han Qianluo didn't force her to stay, and nodded slowly.

After the two parties each recorded a part of the contract, they left at dusk.


After seven days and nights, the unparalleled flying escape treasure "Black Snake" suddenly freezes in the air, moving and stilling, turning around extremely quickly, but light and calm, reaching an unimaginable state.

With one finger of Gui Wugui's sword art, a clone suddenly emerged.

Afterwards, behind the "Return to No Blame", a mighty twists and turns of space emerged.Swipe back, the clone shrinks rapidly, and then becomes invisible.

Kong Ling was startled, and said, "This is..."

Gui Wujiu only used this method of self-image between real and illusion once when he was carrying Shi Mo to find the head of Dongfang.

But at this moment, the avatar didn't carry anything, so it just fled back through this passage?
Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, held his palm together, and suddenly a piece of light blue ice emerged, but the sharpness in it was deep and dense, infinitely changing, but it was impossible to stare at!

What kind of "ice cubes" are these? They are the methods similar to the sealing technique manifested by the entity of Kongyun Nianjian.

The ice was slightly yellow, and Kong Ling took a closer look. It wasn't a contract of alliance between the two parties, but what was it?

Gui Wugui made a casual throw, and threw all these objects into the tunnel between reality and illusion.

Looking at Kong Ling's puzzled expression, Gui Wujiu simply explained: "Before coming to the mirror gate, the 'dot' representing the mirror gate in Dajie's mind map has completely turned yellow."

This means that since then, the Guanjing Sect is no longer the Hidden World Sect.

It is absolutely impossible for other people in this camp to do it for them; because the upper echelons of the various forces have already known what they will do without blame; even if they do it, the escape speed will not be faster than the "Black Snake".In addition, Gui Wujiu had deliberately asked, if there was an advance contact, how could the masters of the Jingjingmen pretend not to know.

Therefore, this family has invested in the opposite camp.

Kong Ling immediately realized that this was the reason why Gui Wujiu came to the door but left and returned.

So he immediately asked: "Which family is it?"

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "The Demon Sect."

In fact, although Gui Wugui's state is deep and profound, it has not reached the upper state after all.If the top Dao Realm is capable of making a move, and does not go against the principle of fate and harmony in the world, it may not be impossible to temporarily deceive the innocent Dao Xin Dao Yuan induction.

But if Gui Wujiu already knew the answer in his heart, and then compared and checked, then there is absolutely no way in the world to deceive him.

On the premise of having a bottom in mind, observe the auras of the truths in the mirror door, and gather together the clues, then there will be nothing to hide from the beginning and the end of this matter.

Kong Ling thought about it again and again, and said, "The young master didn't expose it, but just pretended to be a snake. I think I will gain a lot from it."

Gui Wugui said: "The subtlety is on the scroll."

For a character at Gui Wugui's level, the defense cards are so inconceivably brilliant, it would be as difficult as reaching the sky to expect to achieve something directly;

When Gui Wujiu made the contract, there was a thread of relationship with the alliance letter.

From now on, no matter where he is, the letter of alliance can give birth to an induction.

Establishing Gui Wugui's position is small, but the problem is to accumulate it for a long time. Together with the deduction of the opponent's camp, it is really an extremely rich resource.

It's a pity that Gui Wujiu has already seen through the mystery, and when he used the seal, he secretly replaced it with his own clone.Therefore, what was calculated in the deed was only the position of Gui Wu Jiu's avatar, not the position of his body.

Knowing the reason, Kong Ling's eyes lit up.

The intention of making the avatar return is self-evident.

Gui Wugui calmly said: "Going back to travel, looking for luck. Although the income is not cheap, the return time is about a hundred years earlier than I expected. Thinking about it recently, it will be the last thing before I break the border. It takes more time than imagined."

"At first, I had some doubts. If it was delayed for a long time, and the forces of all parties were aware of it, there might be unexpected waves. But when the door of viewing mirrors came to the door, it became a ladder to make plans."

Kong Ling's face suddenly showed brilliance, as if yearning very much.

According to the route planned by Gui Wugui, the last stop to complete the matter of "dividing power into two" is not far from the place of enlightenment of the two great celestial beings.

Of course, this is based on the escape speed of the "Black Snake".

(End of this chapter)

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