Chapter 1042
In a place with beautiful scenery, Gui Wujiu and his wife circled around three times, went back and forth, and stood on the branch of an ancient tree more than a hundred feet high.

Gui Wujiu's expression was flat, but Kong Ling's expression was confused.

It turned out that this place was supposed to be the place where the third and fifth Taoist priests proved their way.But he wandered around on the black snake, but he didn't see anything.

Gui Wugui secretly thought in his heart, it really is so.

The distance between this place and the viewing mirror door is extremely far for low-level monks or even Tianxuan Shangzhen; but it may not be for the entire Ziwei Great World, or for the great powers of the Dao Realm.Although it takes a little time, it may not be impossible to find clues.

Roughly considered, it is equivalent to the distance between the two closer ones among the nine sects in the southeast.

If the Wu Zhi Dao Zun in the Mirror Gate had a long lifespan and traveled around for years or even dozens of years, he might not be able to find this place.

However, the fact that the remains of the two Taoist priests can be hidden until now clearly hides a very secret.

In fact, blame is not completely clueless.

I don't feel it when I fly away with my own body, but when I use the black snake to travel at an extremely fast speed, I can feel it clearly. No matter how the direction of the flying treasure is adjusted, it will form a strange feeling. Deviate.

This is beyond human control——

One point to the left will escape to the left, and one point to the right will escape to the right. In the end, there is no difference beyond thousands of miles.Even if it is measured with the smallest precision, it is either on the left or on the right, as if the "correct solution" in the center has been completely hidden.

In fact, the mind has sensed this step, which can be said to be shocking.Even if the Dao Realm exists, one must first have the idea of ​​"hidden secrets here" in one's mind, in order to be able to sense this step, just like Gui Wujiu's detection of the trick of the Mirror Gate.

Seeing the subtlety, but not being able to get started, is actually more disturbing than simply being at a loss.

Gui Wugui thought silently.

If there is a key, where is the key?
As soon as I thought about it, four words rushed to my face from my heart——

Kong Yun reads the sword!

Gui Wugui drew his sword without hesitation.

When the sword moves, it vibrates the mountains and forests; its shapes are billions and different.

All vegetation, earth, rocks and dust, once encountered this sword, immediately lost their inspiration and fell silent on the ground.

For monks in the Yuanying realm, if they want to maintain the lethality against opponents of the same realm, their attack range will be between a thousand feet and ten miles at most.But Gui Wugui's mana is unparalleled, and Kongyun Nianjian is incomparably miraculous, and it can suddenly increase tenfold, reaching a radius of a hundred miles.

Gui Wugui's hundreds of millions of sword intents are not aimed at opponents of the same level as imaginary enemies. As long as they encounter a trace of mana, or Dao Ze Weixuan who can resonate with themselves, this sword intent will naturally disappear ; Only the initial five elements and the mortal body in the cut can be gradually pried along with the sword master's mind to make it disintegrate naturally.

In layman's terms, the unique usage of kendo in front of him is the wonderful form formed after Gui Wujiu "diluted" the Yuanshi Kongyun Nian sword tens of thousands of times.

The lethality is so small that it can be ignored, and it is only used for perception.

But as compensation, its range of action is extremely wide, and the reach of the sword can reach hundreds of thousands of miles.This is already the realm of the Nine Sects of True Monarchs, which is beyond the reach of the native Tianxuan Shangzhen.

In fact, Gui Wujiu firmly believed that the doorway to the place where the two Taoists became enlightened must be within a thousand miles of him, so this sword left a huge margin.

Although the scenery here is unique, it is deserted and uninhabited, even birds and animals are extremely rare.

A handful of dozens of beasts collapsed like a long embankment after being rolled by the sword light, and then died without pain in an instant.

At this time, the sky was more than two hundred feet high, but there was a wild goose, which just trembled, flapped its wings after shaking its wings, and continued to fly from south to north.

Gui Wujiu looked intently, and immediately remembered that this wild goose flew past overhead in the same direction half an hour ago.

Staring for a long time, Gui Wugui let out a long laugh.

He pulled himself up and bumped into the "wild goose"!
Kong Ling followed closely behind.

Judging by eyesight, this wild goose is only half a circle larger than domestic chickens and ducks.But when this body is trying to get closer, it can feel the rapid growth of the "bird-shaped" silhouette.

First like a human body; then like a roof, then into a mountain, and finally evolved into the majesty of the Huanghuang Realm...


After the seven colors of the sky and the earth changed, Gui Wujiu took a closer look.

The place is empty, only two huge peaks, one with blue stone and one with snow, standing side by side.

Taking a rough look, the two peaks are not considered steep, and the bottom circumference is faintly higher than the height, and they can be climbed by manpower.But towering and majestic, with a thick bottom and solid belly, it also has a different kind of grandeur.

No blame, Kong Ling slowly fell to the top of the peak.

After standing still, Gui Wujiu looked around and couldn't help but secretly wonder.

In Gui Wugui's imagination, the places where the third and fifth Taoists can prove their way are either upright and majestic, with precious treasures; or they are chaotic and disorderly, unpredictable.What we see today, however, does not belong to either of the two.

The weather in front of me seems to contain this rich emotion in every trace of energy; every inch of space contains subtle changes.And to form a whole, it is regular and grand and better than mountains and seas, as if the image of a mountain and a world is a complete great supernatural power, without any disharmony.

This feeling……

Rather, it seems that after Xuanyuan Huai or Du Niansha had attained the Dao Realm, they deduced the magic scene of ever-changing supernatural powers by deducing the Eight Swords of Chenyang or the law of two-phase biochemistry.

It is hardly a remnant of the ancestors, but a magical entity that is precisely controlled.

The inference of blame is not without reason, because even if the strength of the third and fifth Daoist priests is overestimated, these two people have already ascended and left.Then get out of the master's control, and if you don't enter the orderly reality, you will enter the chaos of disorder, which should not be the scene in front of you.

At this moment, a soft moan came from beside him.

Gui Wugui turned around and looked, Kong Ling's complexion was blue and red, and he seemed very uncomfortable.

Feeling slightly surprised, Gui Wujiu took a closer look, but saw in his heart, a small sword pointing down, slowly turning with a unique rhythm.

Without actively manipulating and controlling it by oneself, Kong Yun reads the sword and sword heart, and naturally moves from silence.

Gui Wugui made a little deduction, and I have already realized it.

At this moment, if this "Sword Heart" is removed, even he himself will feel a little bit of pressure and disharmony.

Such a state is already the result of the unique blessing endowed by the ancient and modern realm of "above consummation".Those who waited a little longer, without exception, would feel the extraordinary coercion—it seemed to surpass the nature and state that the Taoist priest should have in the place where he proved the Tao.

This is obviously related to the unique "vitality" here.

Only Gui Wugui's Kongyun Nianjian, Taoism and the two Taoist masters are connected, but they are better than blue.Only by protecting the body with the heart of the sword can we be completely safe.

At this time, Kong Ling could not speak, but just blinked to convey his heart.

The opportunity is rare.

If he tried to get out of bounds, he would be really unwilling.

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and a sword intent emerged from his fingertips, which was lightly imprinted on the center of Kong Ling's eyebrows, and said: "Sit cross-legged, but observe it with your eyes, so you don't need to bother to deduce it."

Kong Ling felt his body lighten, and immediately sat down as he said.

At this moment, the ubiquitous pure energy in the mountains suddenly condensed and gathered into one.

The gathered images turned into a human form.

About thirty years old, with unusually harmonious facial features, wearing a tall crown of more than a foot, long robe with wide sleeves, and holding a long sword with one side blue and one side red.

His eyes were full of energy, revealing [-] points of surprise, staring closely at the blameless.

Gui Wugui was also very surprised.

This is clearly the appearance of the Fifth Dao Zun seen in the phantom deduction back then.


Remnant soul?

Or a method like the Second Nascent Soul?

Before he had time to think about it, the fifth Taoist priest suddenly said: "Look at the sword."

The swords are full of intentions, and they are handed out in a row, showing the movement of one yin and one yang; the yin side is like a bright moon, and the yang side is like a dragon.The eight characters of "hardness and softness, movement and stillness" are perfectly displayed.

Gui Wujiu was slightly taken aback, a trace of joy and emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.

This move was not because of his superb swordsmanship.

Although the swordsmanship in front of him can be called the pinnacle of local Taoism, the realm still does not exceed the level of the Nascent Soul Realm, and the method is still in the list of reality swordsmanship, and has not entered the true stream.Among all the swords that Gui Wujiu has read, not only is it inferior to Chenyang Sword Mountain's swordsmanship, but also inferior to Huang Xiyin's and Yu Gucheng's alone Yingwu's Xinjian Zhenliu.

Even in the reality swordsmanship, this sword has not tended to the extreme of "one sword breaks all spells", at most it is between the brothers of the former ancient sword sects such as the "Forty-Nine Swords Formation of Daomen".

It stands to reason that one of the few Daoist priests who have descended to the top in the past and present in the local world, using this magical power, can't be too innocent, and it is not arrogant to say "disappointed".

Where does "moving" come from?

Because since the Hundred Schools of the Hidden School, the Ancestral Court of the Holy Religion, the Four Classics of Demonic Dao, the Entrance of Martial Arts, the Secret of Yin and Yang, the Stealth of Wudao, and the Nine Schools of Taoism, it is nothing to blame for the self-conceited one-world practice to see everything.

(End of this chapter)

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