Chapter 1045
On the opposite side of the neighboring mountain, the belly is not as strong as that of the Fifth Daoist, but the height seems to be slightly higher than the first line.

The Fifth Dao Venerable took Gui Wugui with his clear light and soared into the sky, and after a short while passed through a layer of forbidden formation, which was vaguely visible, and landed on the top of the opposite mountain.

There is already someone waiting here.

This person has a handsome face and teaches the fifth Taoist priest to be three points younger, except for the faint redness between his brows, he has the appearance of a pretty lady.

This is obviously the third Taoist.

I don't know if it's because of his deep knowledge, enough to sense the movement of the mountains next door, or if the two have a special method of communication.The third Daoist was not surprised at the arrival of the unexpected guest Gui Wujiu, he just nodded slightly as a greeting, and then his eyes were shining brightly, all of them fell on the fifth Daoist.

Obviously, in the minds of the two of them, this one-hundred-year meeting holds extremely high weight.

The Fifth Dao Zundang said first:
"I have something to say first. After you and I have proved it through the test, you will use your means to fight him. I use my own basic means to meet him, and he can easily resolve it. It is expected that it will be difficult for you to be surprised."

Hearing this, the third Taoist priest showed a strange look on his face, stared at Gui Wugui carefully, and said indifferently: "Okay."

The Fifth Daoist said: "Then let's start."

Gui Wugui originally thought that the so-called "beginning" meant to start a fight; but seeing the two of them taking a few steps forward at the same time and then sitting on the ground, he suddenly understood.

The so-called contest is not just a struggle, but also a battle of principles and ideas.

Before the official attack, there must be some verbal confrontation.

Just listen to the fifth Taoist priest who said first: "One Qi and three branches divide Yin and Yang, permeating Liuhe. I take the forbidden method as one way, the killing method as one way, and the imperial law as one way; the other three ways hide the space changes that reverse the universe, hidden in the right way Middle. With this two or three changes, you can break your 'small scattered array', what do you think?"

The third Daoist shook his head again and again, and said: "My killing method can not only kill Yang, but also Yin; it can not only kill the real, but also kill the virtual. I found the pivot of the change of Liuhe, and the sword power responded to it." , will not work as expected.”

The Fifth Daoist retorted: "How can my hub be easily found by you?"

It's nothing to blame.

Seeing the posture of the two, he had already guessed at the first time that these two were going to have a debate first, and then fight.

But the content of the debate between the two was completely beyond Gui Wugui's expectations.

In the inference of imputation, the debate between these two people should be a big ideological dispute, a debate between Bocai Reality and Ten Thousand Laws and Jianxin only one; The strategy of battle, the way of offense and defense.

Although Bei is very clever, just the formation method of "the change of virtual reality and Liuhe" mentioned in the opening chapter is no less than Lu Chengwen's original fundamental Taoism, the Yunding Golden Pillar formation method.

Gui Wugui couldn't help but have a question in his mind:
When Kongyun recites the sword, it cuts when it encounters objects. Does it also need to disassemble the fighting formation carefully?

After discussing for a while, neither the third nor the fifth Daoist could convince the other, so they had to verify it in actual combat.

The two stood in the air, using their methods one after another.

The Fifth Dao Zun took the lead.

The three sword qi floated in front of him and slowly spread out.

Among them, one is the most profound and mellow, and Gui Wugui is also the most familiar. It is the method of "one sword breaks all methods" that has reached its peak.The two sword auras beside the body, though a little less deep than the sword aura in the middle, have a mellow and changeable taste, one on the left and one on the right, revealing a sense of self-contradictory déjà vu.

Presumably this is the "killing method" and "imperial method" he mentioned.

The use of "killing method" is undoubtedly the main attack and killing, but this "imperial method" is not defense, but a unique mysterious magic power hidden, which makes killing method and forbidden method reverse each other quietly.

If it's just facing head-on, under the same mana power, the power of the third Daoist's Kongyun Nianjian is much inferior to that of Gui Wugui's swordsmanship, and the fifth Daoist's sealing method is enough to stop it; The mind is small, and the thought changes instantly, and the sharpness of the turning point is higher than that of the fifth Taoist.

Therefore, it is completely useless to use a sword to break ten thousand spells directly, and the profit and loss must be changed.

Gui Wugui watched intently, how the third Daoist confronted the enemy.

With a pinch of the third Taoist Sword Jue, there are words in his mouth, reflecting the most primitive flavor of "from magic".

A mysterious and unpredictable sword qi shot out from the two fingers of the third venerable food, and then quickly became invisible. After hiding in the void, it decomposed into one thousand and twenty-four round beads the size of rice grains.

The five hundred and twelve round beads among them would never be seen by those who did not know the sword deeply. After they were suddenly magnified dozens of times, they were like "bubbles" hidden deep in the void, slowly swimming in the air.

Of course, if the speed of its swimming is too fast, the signs of spatial fluctuations can also be detected by the opponent with the "introspection method".

Therefore, it can't take the initiative to meet the enemy, but wanders freely in the sky, waiting for the opponent to hit it, waiting for it to be hit by a tiny Kongyun Nianjian.

But the other five hundred and twelve beads are attached to the five hundred and twelve flying swords newly manifested by the third Taoist, manipulating Wukong.

It seems that the Kongyun Nianjian is attached to the supernatural powers and weapons like the forbidden law of thunder.

Five hundred and twelve water bubbles are in the void, and five hundred and twelve flying swords are on the ground, walking along a special trajectory, forming a large and formidable formation.Only one sword hit, although it does not have the divine power of killing people with a single sword, but its effect is also comparable to ordinary supernatural powers.

There was a shock in Gui Wugui's mind.

That's it!

It is not the power of this method that shakes without blame.Under the same realm, Guiwuwu's new Kongyun Nianjian is far superior to the past, and can directly overwhelm the method of breaking all magic with one sword, and there is no need to change to win.

Dividing it with equal amounts of a sword intent is not a great method.

Among other things, Gui Wugui's sword intent radiated, and finally found the image of the flying bird, which is the phantom doorway for the third and fifth Taoists to become enlightened.

What really shocked Gui Wujiu was that each of the thousand and twenty-four branches had subtle differences, and they were well-organized and self-contained; the swords and swords formed a unique connection.

Gui Wugui was keenly aware of one thing immediately.

And many doubts in my chest were completely resolved.

As the Kongyun Nianjian inherited from the Huanghai Xingyuemen, it is a complete sword shape in one step; the broken sword meets the enemy, and each sword has the power to kill the same level.Afterwards, with the deepening of the skills, the swordsmanship will be progressive, but the more times you can use within a certain period of time, that's all.

After Gui Wujiu inherited this method, this characteristic of the improved Kongyun Nianjian deduced from the evolution diagram of Nianjian Sword has not changed.

But the third Daoist in front of him is not like this.

Due to the instinctive feeling of no blame, it is very likely that the third Daoist master learned the thousand and twenty-four swords in sequence, and finally connected them into one, and then merged into the "Kongyun Nianjian" body.

This is the real "trunk" and "flesh" of the Kongyun Nianjian, or it can be said to be the "physical" approach in the Supreme Sword Dao, which can be taught to future scholars.

After the fierce battle between the third and fifth Taoist priests, what fell into the barren sea was only the tip of a sword.

The tip of the sword is its most essential and core part, but its branches and roots are gone.

Gui Wugui takes this "sword tip" as the foundation and absorbs all kinds of methods to temper the new Kongyun Nianjian, which is superior to the original Kongyun Nianjian of the third Daoist in terms of accuracy, depth, and purity; only the thickness and integrity Sex is not as good.

Gui Wujiu thought to himself, then, can his Kongyun Nianjian deduce a thousand and twenty-four "concrete" methods, and then condense them into one?
Gui Wujiu secretly activates the "Nianjian Evolution Map", trying to absorb it.

However, the essence of the third Daoist's swordsmanship obtained from waiting and watching did not manifest a single word in his mind, but some thoughts emerged in his mind.

Gui Wujiu was startled for a moment, then realized immediately.

"Nianjian Evolution Diagram" has reached the pinnacle of power, and gradually tends to perfection; and because of this, its method is naturally presented in the ultimate form.For example, if you provide the seed, soil, and fertilizer for a seedling, it will automatically give you the ripe fruit.

If you want to see what the half-green leaves and branches look like, he can't do it.

This step must be done by yourself.

Others are digging through the mountains and digging dangers, gradually opening up the way forward; Gui Wugui is riding a bird to the top, and at this moment must open up a way down the mountain.

Fortunately, Gui Wujiu's practice is connected with the third way of Zun Taoism, and he only has to wait and see for half an hour, and he has gained a lot.The new questions that arose after the previous battle with the Fifth Daoist also had answers naturally.

If every true style of kendo goes to the extreme, it is "one divided into two", then my "Kongyun Nianjian" is not only a kind of supernatural power, but like the Chenyang Bashi sword, it divides the world's kendo into one. For the naming method of Er, then there is a problem.

The Eight Swords of Chenyang is an open supernatural power system with countless disciples; while the current Kongyun Nianjian seems to be mastered by only one person, Gui Wujiu.

Even if it is Qin Menglin and Gui Wujiu who share the emptiness and understanding, after watching the original version of the true art of swordsmanship, they only feel that they are self-contradictory if they continue to practice, and they are determined not to reach the end.It must be known that Kongyun reads the sword and the sword dictionary, but it is not like the nine sects of Taoism that turn the kung fu formula into a magic weapon and the entity as a lock key.

At this time, like the third Daoist, disassemble the Kongyun Nianjian into scattered "physical" parts?
At this moment, the fierce battle between the third Daoist and the fifth Daoist has reached the point of criss-crossing. Although the situation is fierce, it is still roughly divided.

Gui Wugui had a brainstorm and came up with an idea.

He simply practiced silently with a "beginner" attitude, deducing the effect of "practicing" the first version of the Kongyun Nianjian of the third Taoist priest.

After three hours.

Gui Wugui was surprised to find that no matter which independent "unit" he used as a starting point, although it went smoothly at first, it gradually became suffocated as the number increased; the final limit number did not exceed [-] kind.

One thousand and twenty-four... one hundred and twenty-eight.

Exactly one eighth.

Chenyang Sword Mountain Sword Dao, except for Xuanyuan Huai, everyone can only choose one to practice under the three questions, and take one of the eight arteries?

This must not be a coincidence.

Yesterday's problem has also been answered.

There are sixteen kinds of kendo, and Chenyang Sword Mountain's sixteen ways of "illusioning the sky and killing the mind" of Chenyang Sword Mountain are just a division method. This sixteen ways are not the other sixteen ways.

Start with one and look at sixteen;
Reaching the pinnacle, take eight out of sixteen;
Inheritance of postgraduates, take one out of eight.

This seems to be a theorem that secretly coincides with the Taoism of the upper realm.

(End of this chapter)

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