Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1064 The Beginning of the Transmutation and Turning War

Chapter 1064 The Beginning of the Transmutation and Turning War
The nine people stepped into the little Liuli Tianhuan center where "Little Zhou Tianlun" and "Mianqu Roushui" have been together for a long time.

It seemed that the nine people were divided into two groups, Gui Wujiu, Wei Qingqi, Mu Yunli, Du Niansha, and Ning Suchen were only about five or six feet away from each other, and the distance between these five people and Xuanyuan Huai and other four people was about five or six feet.

But if a tenth person enters the arena and approaches one of the nine, then these two people will naturally lead a realm, as if they are in a small realm with a radius of thousands of miles, and they can use their supernatural powers to their full potential.

After hearing that the two True Monarchs complained about the original volume, the unusually quiet Yuntou guests finally had a whispered conversation.

Such as Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng, Jiang Minyi, Xun Shen, Li Daren, etc., regardless of friends or foes, each expresses his own views.

More than a hundred years ago, after the monster clan attacked the southeast, the secret of the nine sects becoming enlightened through this extreme secret realm has spread like wildfire.It is only now that everyone knows how harsh it is to become a Taoist through this "absolute path", which can be called a "one-in-a-thousand" path.

The depth of the potential of Taoism, every time a level is widened, the number of people will not only increase several times.

Yu Ion and others have already noticed that the Nine Schools of short-term great powers, at least four or five steps away from perfection, can have a greater certainty of achievement; when talents are not popular, they can extend to seven steps at most.However, Gui Wujiu established a new law and expanded its method to nine steps, and the depth of its influence is self-evident.

People like Yu Gucheng, who understand the situation in Ziwei Great World, immediately thought of it.The nine sects of Taoism are exquisite, far above the local fairy sect and demon clan.The reason why they are concealed and not revealed is that although their level is high, their scale is not obvious.

If its scale expands, it will have the conditions to implement a more active WTO accession strategy.

The chess game of Ziwei Great World has changed ever since.

But at this moment, there are two more people with completely different thoughts from others.

Mo Dao Shentu Dragon Tree, Mo Tianqing.

On the two adjacent blue clouds, Mo Tianqing said slowly: "Senior brother Shentu. Today's meeting, the weather was unexpected. I don't know what senior opinion is?"

Shentu Longshu nodded slightly, and said calmly: "There is indeed a difference. Let me think about it."

The tone of the two's answers did not feel at all that there was an open and secret struggle back then.

Ge Yinshen, Tu Longshu and Mo Tianqing were different from the rest of the spectators.

Among the people watching the battle here, the one who is most familiar with the Nine Sects is Qin Menglin, because she and Gui Wujiu have a predestined relationship with Xudan, and everyone who Gui Wujiu knows it, Qin Menglin also knows it.But even if I blame myself, I don't know what the previous generation's five-hundred-year meeting will be like.

If Gui Wugui is willing to explore, it is actually not difficult to find the answer from the true kings or the masters of the East.But the [-]-year meeting in this life is unprecedented in [-] years, and its prosperity far surpasses that of the previous generation. Naturally, there is no need to pay attention to things that are far beyond reach.

However, Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing had seen several generations of "five-hundred-year meetings" in the secret tome of the magic way.

Comparing with today's situation, there is a little enlightenment.

In the past [-] years, if you describe the weather, half of them are solemn and profound, which are beyond the reach of ordinary gatherings and sect competitions. They are worthy of the grand ceremony of enlightenment; Lai Li constitutes a magnificent image.

Although the number of people is even smaller than today, six instruments are used one after another, drums and music are played, shadows are displayed, and there are some programs in sequence.

But today, all of them have been cancelled.

The atmosphere is unified, and it is all silent and chilling.

Even the half of the splendor and splendor has completely disappeared.

If it weren't for Gui Wujiu's four or nine Dao karma that shocked people's hearts and stirred up waves slightly, this place would be like a piece of sluggish glue, enveloping all phenomena, sticking to silence.

In the minds of Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng, and the rest of the guests, it is natural for today's battle in Jitian to be so spectacular; but for the experienced Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing, they found a different micro mysterious.

After thinking for a long time, Shentu Longshu said: "Perhaps, this is the phenomenon of 'transformation'. Today's meeting is not only the battle of the nine sects, but also the starting point of the new transformation of the Ziwei Great World."

At this time, the leader of the Nine Sects, the True Monarch, has no time to think about it, but devotes all his attention to the "battlefield" divided into nine.

Let's see who each side will play.

All the detailed contracts were made three years ago.

The competition is not carried out one by one, nor is it that eight or nine people accept the challenge at the same time and fight together.At the same time, there are two matches for the number of matches.Undoubtedly, this is the rule for the two camps to send one person each to end at the same time.

Any one of the nine direct successors, if they win five games in a row, can guarantee a "Nine Sons".

However, as the challenger, there are no restrictions. Even if you lose the battle, as long as you think you still have strength, you can continue to fight.

On the surface, this rule seems to be too slanted for the challenger side, but it is not the case in practice.Because the challenger camp is the weaker side compared to the nine "seeds", it is extremely difficult to retain spare power in a full battle.Although Yun Yun promised to fight again, in fact, he was powerless.

It is not difficult to imagine that the general strategy can be divided into two types.

One of them is the five people with the strongest concentration, who choose Gui Wugui or Xuanyuan Huai to attack.It is absolutely impossible to kick him off the ring; but as long as he can hurt him even a little, it will be a great success.

Because this will affect the outcome of the first and second battles.There is a [-]% gap between the top two, it can be said that the victory or defeat depends on this.

But such a strategy is also very risky, because for those who have not reached the perfection, even if you have painstakingly planned some shocking means, it is very slim to have a slight influence on the two people who are at the peak of perfection.

Another strategy is to find the weaker ones to break through. Under the exhaustion of five people working together, they try to defeat Ning Suchen or Shu Yubai in one fell swoop, and finally Mu Mu, Fu Ningjin, or Yun Qianjue will replace them. Negative, the gap is only [-]%, but it involves the future power of the two camps.

If two of them are defeated in a fight, and the camp occupies the third and fourth positions, it may not be possible to win without losing the first place.

It depends on the choice of both parties.

Du Minglun and Shen Siping had eagle eyes like lightning, but the heads of Nangong and Xue were relatively calm.

Youhuan Zong Shen Wenhong fled away towards Shu Yubai.

Zhen Tanzong originally followed the wind, but went straight to Ning Suchen.

Du Minglun, Pu Fangyu and Er Shangzhen exchanged glances; the head of Yuanying and Zhenjun Shi Fengnan nodded their heads, and immediately looked as usual.

For a while, both sides had similar intentions——

The opponent's plan is also big.

From the perspective of the opponent, the matchup was both expected and unexpected.

The relatively weaker members of the enemy camp will be picked on.Both sides thought of this.Sure enough, the opponents in the first battle were Ning Suchen and Shu Yubai.

However, if the two camps maintain the attitude of "fighting to defeat one person and take a little three points" and then be satisfied, then the elite can join forces. Mu Mu, Bai Xinchan, Fu Ningjin, Yin Jiuchou and others will deal with Ning Suchen, Han Taikang, You Caixin, Yun Qianjue, Shen Xiangqin and the others had no low hopes of success against Shu Yubai.

But now both sides send out people who intend to practice, and hide the elite behind, it seems that their ambitions are not small.

Yuan Suifeng came ten feet before Ning Suchen, and bowed calmly.

Although the figure of this person is not as tall and straight as ordinary cultivators, but it is quite attractive after watching for a long time, as if there is a natural "smoothness" in it.

Yuan Suifeng pondered for a while, and said very sincerely: "Yuan has only eight words in his heart: 'fight as hard as you can, no regrets or regrets'."

"These eight characters, if seen by those with a high vision, seem to be frank, but in fact they lack confidence and are suspected of being timid before fighting; they are more like an excuse to show weakness. If you are really determined, you should think about winning. But Used here, someone Yuan is frank and frank, with a clear conscience."

"Because of Senior Sister Ning's morality and destiny, the possibility of losing the first battle is almost zero. Even if we try our best to use our means, I'm afraid we will have to wait until the fifth senior brother who is the finale to win and lose. possibility."

Ning Suchen smiled slightly, and said: "Junior Brother Yuan is a frank person."

"Of course you can't win."

"But apart from winning or losing, the meritorious service you intend to make for the sect is obviously not trivial. Let me see your means, Junior Brother Yuan."

Yuan Suifeng's complexion changed slightly.

What he just said was indeed from the bottom of his heart, not a word of falsehood.But its real intention and "change" are not in the words, but outside the words.

He was indeed holding the attitude of fighting with all his strength, without the slightest extravagant hope of winning.

But if it is taken for granted that Yuan Suifeng has no utilitarianism, and has an attitude of enjoying himself and fighting Ning Suchen, it is a big mistake.If Ning Suchen had this thought in his heart, he would have gone astray.

Fortunately, Ning Suchen was aware of the details and did not fall into the trap.

Yuan Suifeng flicked his three fingers, middle and nameless three fingers, and three orange flames, about an inch in length, appeared indistinctly.



Just when Yuan Suifeng was about to make a move, there was a shout from the other end.

Ning Suchen and Yuan Suifeng turned around and looked around, feeling slightly stunned.

Just as Yuan Suifeng was speaking, the battle between Shu Yubai and Shen Wenhong, which was supposed to be carried out "simultaneously", had already been decided.

Shen Wenhong is worthy of being a rising star of the Youhuan Sect. He has already practiced the Youhuan Zhengfa to the most perfect level in the "Nine Changes", and then went further.

But Shu Yubai's Taoism is more than one step better. The first move is to integrate "Jingchen Tu" and "Huoliu Shu" to draw each other, hiding infinite mysteries.Using changes to change, and changes to control changes, completely crushed Shen Wenhong's magical means.

The scene shown outside seems to be that Shen Wenhong has condensed into a white disc with a length and width of more than a hundred feet, which has both the auspiciousness of clouds and the strength of gold and iron. Shu Yubai's three-foot clear light cuts lightly from blue to green, and the spirit suddenly disappears.

It was as if the lid of a steamer steamed in clouds was suddenly lifted, and the water vapor stored in it suddenly gushed away, completely disintegrated and invisible.

Although the disk was scattered, the light was still there, and it hit Shen Wenhong's chest suddenly, causing him to fly backwards.

When Pu Fangyu, Du Minglun and others saw it, they were not happy, but rather puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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