Chapter 1065
Pu Fangyu, Du Minglun, and Shen Siping concentrated their minds and watched Shu Yubai's aura changes repeatedly.

The identification was correct, and there was indeed no back-up. The first battle was indeed over with such ease.

The eyes met and the flow of thoughts became more and more difficult to understand.

From the perspective of the opponent, there is also a powerful Daoist in charge; from the perspective of the disciples who entered the competition, there is also no blame to lead.If it is said that the Chenyang Sword Mountain side has deeper strategic planning and more abundant means, then all the true monarchs will believe it; but this is the meaning of "reciprocity between the superior and the inferior", not the current situation——

The opponent didn't seem to have arranged any means at all.

In an instant, Shen Wenhong had returned to the formation.

Although he is a rising star of the Nine Sects, with the fierce rivalry between the two camps, as long as he reaches a certain level, he will not be missed.

What is his xinxing, what is the method of practice, and how long is the supernatural power, all of which are vivid in his heart.

Du Minglun and others had already had a draft in mind.

Shen Wenhong, the Youhuan sect, hides the atmosphere of being a scholar. It seems that his temperament is not lofty, but in fact he is accessible, broad-minded and calm.

But at this time, Shen Wenhong's joy was beyond words, which was very different from the rumored atmosphere.

Xue Jianchi, the head of the sect, seemed to be very interested in him, and immediately took a step forward, his lips moved, as if he was giving instructions through sound transmission.Shen Wenhong listened intently, Shaoqing suddenly leaned back slightly, and then flicked forward, like a tumbler being gently moved.

Then it was clearly visible that there seemed to be one to nine air mechanisms above his body, rolling gently.At first, it looks exactly like a rainbow, and then it looks like a cloud of clouds and rain.

The head of the four imperial gates Shen kept it in his eyes, wondered secretly, and said through voice transmission: "Is this a branch other than the Nine Changes? If it is entering the 'Extreme Change' state, it will be very different from the rumored weather. After all, Shen Xiangqin and Zhuyu are in the front, which can make a sharp comparison; secondly, Shen Wenhong's aptitude is high, but the 'extreme change' state is not at the level of thirty-six sons, so he can't see it. With his foundation, he is not far behind."

Xin Ya'an shook her head slightly, and immediately said via voice transmission: "However, we can get a glimpse of its strategy. It has to be said that it is very bold."

Du Minglun answered calmly: "If it can be done, it will be considered bold; if it can't be done, it will be just a laughing stock."

Although I don't understand the details, it can already be seen that Shen Wenhong's joy is due to his improvement in Taoism.

In the battle here, Chenyang Jianshan's side, foresight and good intentions, are all the strengths of this battle. How can they exert more pressure on the target of the impact, so that one or two of the opponent's reserve seeds will be kicked off the stage.

On the other hand, the Yue Heng Sect regards the first stage of fighting as a stage to train their disciples.

It is not difficult to think that this is an implicit reason for self-reliance and victory.

Zhentanzong Mei Xueting has a handsome appearance but not sharp, with a long beard reaching to the chest, showing grace and elegance.Originally, he was quiet and had the air of "sitting alone on the balcony".At this moment, the sound transmission suddenly said: "If I expected it to be correct. Yueheng's camp, the disciples of Youhuan Sect, Xiao Tianshi and Zhang Hongbian will still appear next. The chosen opponent is still Shu Yubai."

Before the words were finished, the exchange between Headmaster Xue and Shen Fanghong had not stopped, and Xiao Tianshi had already leisurely entered the battle.

Du Minglun froze, he dared not underestimate Zhen Tanzong's ability to know the micro-knowledge.Immediately asked via voice transmission: "But the other party's meaning of experience is a cover, in fact, hidden fighting methods, brother Mei has already seen through?"

Mei Xueting shook her head and said, "No."

"After Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wujiu discovered the way more than [-] years ago, after completing the Tao, we will go a step further. It is the way of self-ancestral all phenomena, and one law encompasses all laws. This way is said to be something that every family can do after completing the Tao. In fact, there is a difference between difficulty and difficulty.”

"The way of Misty and Yingfa is too simple, and the way of Yueheng is too complicated and specific. The original Luzong is one person, and the strengths are not here; the four imperial gates and my Zhentanzong are unique, let alone. The style is the most suitable In addition to the Chenyang Jianshan and Zangxiang sects that have already come to the front, it should be the "Xuanyuan Root Great Precept Sutra" of the Youhuan sect. From one transformation to nine transformations, as for extreme transformations, the vastness and subtlety are all prepared, but it is Get a good frame."

"If my predictions are correct, this is a preparatory method for the direct lineage of the sect to gradually explore. Although his talent is not enough to see the door in one fell swoop, but being able to pick a ladle is a great harvest for both the sect and himself."

Pu Fangyu, Du Minglun and others thought about it for a while, and immediately understood.

This is the mystery of watching the "evolution" with Shu Yubai's method as the background.

Choosing the battle of Liulitian as the battlefield can be said to be more effective with less effort.

First, in such a grand event, the mental state of both parties will be adjusted to the best, which is far from being comparable to ordinary invitations to fight.

Second, in ordinary fighting techniques, if Shu Yubai sees through your intentions, he may not be able to fulfill your wish.Due to the obvious difference in strength between the two sides, even if he conceals the true meaning of his own Taoism, he can win the enemy with only a side door.

And in this battle of Liulitian, since at least five people had to face the challenge, and Shu Yubai himself was the weakest link among the four on Chenyang's side, it was very likely that he could serve as a breakthrough.Then when fighting, the more concise the better, the less effort the better.

If you have reservations, it's really not beautiful if you get entangled in several tricks.And the method of "derivation confrontation, change to control change" is the best choice for fighting tactics for monks who completely restrain the "Nine Changes" of Youhuan Sect.

But in this way, the plan of the Youhuan Sect was established.

At the same time, the battle between Ning Suchen and Yuan Suifeng has come to an end.

Ning Suchen stirred up the wind and cloud, each blow was solid and extremely sharp, it looked like a huge sword with a rounded tip.The sharpness of rising and falling is far beyond what Yuan Suifeng's current state can resist.

Even if this battle is not easy and Shen's battle is fast, it shouldn't be much worse; but Yuan Suifeng resisted more than a hundred moves.

Even what method Yuan Suifeng relied on to resist the enemy is not very clear.In a trance, I just felt that when Ning Suchen hit a hit, Yuan Suifeng's body seemed to shrink suddenly, turning into a dwarf whose size was reduced by half.And as the number of fights increases, this illusion becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes elusive.

Yuan Suifeng's complexion also gradually turned bad.

After another twelve strokes, Yuan Suifeng staggered suddenly, jumped out of the formation, cupped his hands and said: "Senior Sister Ning is clever, Yuan must admit defeat."

Ning Suchen didn't answer the words, his eyes were slightly closed, his body seemed to be swaying slightly in the air.

Yuan Suifeng returned to the formation, Mei Xueting immediately sent a voice transmission: "Is it done?"

Just now when the two of them were fighting, Mei Xueting did not lose his calm demeanor, and he did not pay any attention to the fight between his disciples, as if he had full confidence.But at this moment, he asked a question with a little urgency, and finally revealed his intentions slightly.

Yuan Suifeng said calmly: "This is the only way to go. If you continue to improve, your spirit will weaken, and you may die from the induction, and this method will also be lost."

Mei Xueting breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It will be good if it is done."

Shen Siping, the fourth imperial gate, answered, "The mission of the original nephew has been completed. No matter what the final outcome is, this gate will guarantee you a short-cut opportunity."

Yuan Suifeng's energy was a little sluggish at first, but now he just tried his best to support him, but he suddenly cheered up when he heard the words, a blush flashed on his face, and he quickly thanked him solemnly.

The strange technique practiced by Yuan Suifeng is called "Half Chi Tian Chui".

However, people who practice this method are very rare, and it is far from comparable to the method of "Depending on Origin and Breaking the Heavenly Heart".

The name of Fajue comes from a saying "A one-foot stick, take half of it every day, and it will last forever."

After completing this Taoism, no matter how strong the opponent is, they will not be able to defeat you with one blow, and it will always leave half of your strength.For example, given the huge gap between Ning Suchen and Yuan Suifeng, they can still hold on to hundreds of moves.

The magical effect of this method does not lie in persisting for a while.Due to the unique characteristics of this technique, unless the person practicing the method is completely killed by the opponent, within twelve hours after the battle, the opponent will have a sense of "unfinished business", as if because of failing to kill the opponent Completely defeated, if there is something lost in my heart.

It should be noted that this is not an illusion of the mind, but a reflection of reality, so practicing the method of mind is completely useless to it.

This is like a nail piercing into Ning Suchen's heart, destroying the perfection of his Taoist state of mind.

The disadvantage of this method is also obvious, it only drags people into the water, but has no effect on defeating the enemy.Especially in a fight against an opponent with similar skills to his own, it is almost tantamount to being in vain.The disciples of the nine sects have always been arrogant and arrogant people, and they are always based on me, and they absolutely despise the "Half Chi Tianchui" method that drags people into the water.

If you practice this technique, you will obviously admit that you are a head shorter than others.

But this is not the case in the present generation. In a world full of talents, if one or two people who are famous enough to be famous through the ages can be dragged into the water, it is also a great achievement.

Not far away, Lu Qiu Yanshang of the Fourth Imperial Gate suddenly turned around, and said calmly: "Nephew Yuan has already made meritorious deeds, whether it can be consolidated in the future depends on the three of you."

The three people behind him, the three in blue shirts, nodded lightly at the same time.

The one with the youngest face among them clasped his fists in a salute very quickly, and said: "This disciple is confident in the cooperation with the original senior brother. Please wait for the good news, uncle."

After speaking, he jumped into the formation, which was quite neat.

Four people from the four imperial gates came out, except Yin Jiuchou, the first heir of the Quemen sect, who was wearing black robes, the other three, Meng Xia, Li Si, and Zhang Chengjun, who had just joined the battle, were all dressed in light blue robes.

According to Lu Qiuyan's words, it seems that Zhang Chengjun, Meng Xia, and Li Si will appear on the stage in turn, and the method they hold is actually ingeniously coordinated with Zhentanzong's "Half Chi Tianzhu", so as to achieve the effect of echoing from beginning to end .

This is unprecedented in the history of the Five Hundred Years Conference.

After the first four people entered the battle, the last one to hold the battle must be very strong, intending to make a general attack and win Ning Suchen's spot.

It can be seen that Chenyang's side has made every detail and preparation in specific tactics.

(End of this chapter)

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