Chapter 1066
Shu Yubai concentrated on fighting.

At this time, his opponent was not Xiao Tianshi, who had already been defeated by him again with his quick and fast evolution method, the speed he used was no less than when he faced Shen Wenhong in the first round.

In other words, this battle is already the third for him; the opponent is Zhang Hongbian.

Shu Yubai went against the old practice, and around his body, there were three "Qi Chakras" that looked like tattoo hubs, repelling the opponent's attack far away.

This is a small supernatural power created by the "Flying Sutra" and "Northern Ming Sutra" in conjunction with the "Three Qi-step Xulun". As long as the opponent does not attack violently, just maintaining this technique will hardly consume a trace of mana.

Shu Yubai tilted his head slightly, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, as if he was thinking.

Ordinarily speaking, Zhang Hongbian Daoxing and Xiao Tianshi were brothers, and there was a big gap between Shu Yubai and Shu Yubai.Shu Yubai can defeat Xiao Tianshi with one blow, so naturally he can also defeat Zhang Hongbian with one blow.

In the current situation, it must be impossible, but Shu Yubai is thinking about whether to do this.

After winning the two in a row, although the situation was good, Shu Yubai gradually caught a glimpse of Youhuanzong's strategy.

The "Xuanyuan Fundamental Sutra" has changed from one to nine changes, all-inclusive, precise and precise, which originally hides the potential of all phenomena in the cage.The opponent responded with extreme means of nine changes, but he clearly understood the subtleties of the two-two biochemical and mutual cooperation in the seven classics of Tibetan Xiangzong, and used changes to counteract changes, imitating the images first but surpassing them , Shu can receive the miraculous effect of Paoding Jieniu.

However, the opponent can get a glimpse of the subtlety of this way from his own "solution".

Just like the methods I used to learn Jiaoxuan and Guiheli back then, I just changed my position, and the scale is far smaller.

After thinking for a while, Shu Yubai's eyes turned cold.

In fact, from the perspective of the Xuanhun Liulitian struggle, he should welcome this kind of fighting method very much.Because of the number of nine seeds, the nine candidates can pass the test against at most five people, and although he is selected as an opponent, Shen Wenhong, Xiao Tianshi, and Zhang Hongbian will fight three times, waiting for nothing.

There are only two real challenges.

It's just that the ascetics are born between the heaven and the earth, and they should have the purpose of going smoothly.

In terms of his heart, he really didn't want the other party to succeed; so even if he won, he didn't win completely.

What's more, with the huge gap in strength between the two sides, even if the most restrained method is not used, there may not be much loss.

But Shu Yubai suddenly clasped his palms together.

The two palms are hanging in the air, the palms are about half a foot apart from each other, a small winding wave in the center is getting bigger and bigger, and it is condensed into an ice crystal feather arrow in an instant, and the chilling smell hidden in it seems to be more powerful than Gui Wu Yu Kong's thoughts Methods such as sword and Chenyang killing sword are not far behind.

Zhang Hongbian's body froze, obviously feeling the pressure.

But then he smiled and returned to his relaxed and calm state.

The nine layers of qi that surround the body and vibrate and change are also condensed and unified, and are captured in the dantian.

For a while, it actually taught people to have hallucinations, it seemed that Zhang Hongbian's dantian did not have the harmonious nature of Jindan and Yuanying's house, but instead placed a rugged and sharp stone with no rules.

Shu Yubai's ice crystal feather arrow was about to shoot, but it stopped suddenly.

This move was born out of the great supernatural powers of "Huoliu Shu" and "Extreme Gold Chapter", Zhang Hongjian has absolutely no possibility of following it.

But the other party really prepared the means.

The combination of nine changes does not return to perfection, but to the image of ruggedness.

If you use force, there is no suspense to defeat Zhang Hongbian, but this "rough image" seems to be extremely difficult to dispel within one or two hours, at least [-]% of your mana will be restrained, and it will be difficult to recover within six hours.

This is a wonderful method that is similar to the truth of Zhentanzong's "Half Chitian Chui"; it may not be as subtle as it is, but it seems to be more specific and practical.

If there is a strong score, the "rough image" will act as a reaction force, which is almost inevitable.

But if we go back to the path of "controlling change with change" and completely dissolve the reality of the opponent's supernatural powers, then future troubles can be avoided.

This is forcing you to make a choice.

The hole card that Zhang Hongbian revealed also explained one thing——

If it is the same as the Chenyang camp, it is not lacking in means to attack the result of victory.But the other party voluntarily gave up this choice, and even used this method as a bargaining chip and a deterrent, forcing you to follow the path they arranged.

Yueheng...does he have such confidence in winning the battle?
After hesitating for a long time, Shu Yubai shook his head slightly, and finally made a choice.

The ice crystal feather arrow shape quietly melted away.

The atmosphere of Shu Yubai is transformed into a cloud of purple air and a cloud of green air again, and the light and heavy are reversed, creating infinite ways of change.

With only three blows lightly, Zhang Hongbian's seemingly rock-solid protective aura collapsed in an instant, like boiling soup adding ice and snow.

Zhang Hongbian himself said lightly: "Good means." Then he calmly retreated, without any look of frustration on his face; but when Sect Master Xue saw him in the distance, he smiled slightly.

Shu Yubai made a wise choice.

After this delay, the battlefield that was going on at the same time suddenly reversed.

At this time, it was not the flamboyant Zhang Chengjun who was fighting Ning Suchen.

Seeing from a distance, under the protection of Zhenjun Luqiuyan from the Four Imperial Gates, two people were sitting cross-legged, their faces were pale gold, obviously they had suffered serious injuries.

Not only Zhang Chengjun, but even Li Si, the third successor, was defeated.

At this time, Ning Suchen had already met his fourth opponent - Meng Xia, the second direct descendant of the Four Imperial Clans.

Meng Xia looked at him from a distance when he was quiet, and he felt that the person in him was not tall, but his demeanor was calm and graceful.In fact, this is because his head and face are slightly larger than ordinary people, so he formed an illusion.Only when you really come in front of you and make a close comparison, you will realize that this person is very tall, and he can be counted as burly.

The level of Taoism has reached Ning Suchen's level, ordinary opponents can be defeated with a single move, even ordinary divine channeling skills can exert great power in his hands.From another point of view, its real means of suppressing the bottom of the box will not be easily revealed.

The supernatural power that Ning Suchen usually uses is the seventh of her eighteen supernatural powers. It is called "Shuiyun Yixian", which is a technique that she has condensed in her heart after watching the endless tides and the intersection of water and sky. Supernatural powers.

However, the name of this supernatural power is only "following its meaning", and the real reality is not limited to the images of water and clouds, but is varied and inconsistent.If it wasn't for her extremely sharp eyesight, it would be difficult to detect that what she used was actually a supernatural power.

At this time, what appears in the occupation, the water vapor floats, the clouds diffuse like fine and broken tiles, and the two merge to form an invisible murderous intent, which is the true nature of this supernatural power.

At least against opponents of this level, Ning Suchen was going all out.

But what Meng Xia relied on was a golden claw with seven hooks attached to his right arm.Facing Ning Suchen's ubiquitous attacks, although he was at a disadvantage, he relied on this treasure to tenaciously defeat the mana entities that invaded nearby at every critical moment.

In the previous World War II, Zhang Chengjun and Li Si used a five-story golden pagoda, and the other wielded a twelve-section copper whip, both of which were similar tactics.

This is the unique advantage of the four imperial gates.

No matter how high-quality the natal magic weapon of the monks of the Nine Sects is, unless you have absolute confidence in its indestructibility like the Quanzhu without blame, you will rarely take it out to meet the enemy.Its hidden magical functions have already been integrated into every magical power actively used by Bao.

Although the second true treasure of the Four Imperial Gates is limited to the "Seven Refinings", it can be used as a weapon without any scruples.However, as a "heretical treasure", it has a connection with my own divine channeling technique, which is far better than other external treasures of other monks except for the magic weapon of life.

Ning Suchen looked solemn.

But seeing her gazing intently, he suddenly yelled softly: "Go!"

The image of pervasive water and clouds suddenly condensed into one, turning into a light green smoke, directly hitting the center of Meng Xia's eyebrows.

There was a flash of light in Meng Xia's eyes, and he slapped the air with his dancing golden claws, successfully stopping him.

But after being in a trance, it seemed that he was still a step behind.

Meng Xia staggered, the smoke was already on his body, and the winner was decided in an instant.

Meng Xia was slightly distracted, then shook her head and returned to the main formation.

The seemingly unremarkable, accident-free battle is over again.

However, the four Heavenly Venerates who sit in the Sifang of the Liulitian, seem to have disappeared since the beginning of the battle; at this time, there is a slight change in their faces.

Among the spectators, Qin Menglin, Yu Ion, Huang Xiyin, Yu Gucheng and a few others nodded their heads slightly.

The two masters of Zhentan and Siyu Sect are secretly communicating with each other through spiritual consciousness.

Shen Siping said via voice transmission: "Unexpectedly, she would resolve it with this method."

Mei Xueting replied: "She has also reached her limit. It can be regarded as that both sides have used their own methods, and it was a tie."

Shen Siping said: "For the final battle, we will rely on the disciples of your sect."

Mei Xueting said: "She just tried her best to overcome it, but she couldn't turn a blind eye. With this first-line help, Xinling has a great chance of winning."

At this time, in Liulitian, the geniuses of the current generation gathered.

A total of fifty or sixty people participated in and watched the battle. Such a scale is unprecedented in ancient and modern times.

But those who really understand the battle between Ning Suchen and Meng Xia just now are probably no more than one in seven or eight.

Ning Suchen's "water cloud line" is a common practice, but with the opportunity to achieve perfection, his status has been greatly improved.Especially the final combination of water and cloud, condensed killing intent into invisible means, might be a little less powerful, but the ability to kill suddenly is not inferior to Mu Yunli's "Starfall Qiankun Seal".

Although the Second True Treasure of the Four Imperial Gates is connected with the heart, blood and qi, how can it really resist it?

And Meng Xia's method seems to be hard-wired with a magic weapon, but in fact it is a self-centered Taoism, and it has an internal and external echo effect with the "half-foot Tianzhu" of the Zhentan Sect in the first battle, multiplying its power , and so on, if he summons the "spy" hidden in Ning Suchen's magic power machine, it will destroy the perfection of his supernatural powers.

Not only Meng Xia, Zhang Chengjun and Li Si all used this method before.

Even Zhang Chengjun, Li Si, and Meng Xia all had formation rules that echoed back and forth.Yuan Suifeng set up a nail, and the three members of the four imperial gates increased their momentum one by one, forming three sides at one point, which is enough to increase the dissonant force of "Half Chi Tianzhu" by more than ten times.

Optimistically, there is no need for a fifth person to make a move. The cooperation of these four people alone can defeat Ning Suchen.

But they still lost.

The reason is that——

Ordinary people who are in the perfect state are naturally in a precise and stable state, so they can get what they want; unless they break through to perfection, they can break this restriction.As long as this "precise stability" is destroyed and cannot be maintained, its own combat power will be greatly disturbed.

But Ning Suchen is a bit special. His wonderful purpose of "folding and continuous, weak and continuous, two-phase ups and downs, if it fits the festival" not only increases its potential for change, but also greatly improves its own fault tolerance , It is completely different from the "static and precise" state maintained by others all the time; "sick" combat is far less affected than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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