Chapter 1069
Although it is said to be "consummated", the two supernatural powers collide head-on, revealing an undeniable "quality" gap.

After Du Niansha's comprehensive interpretation of the scriptures, she gained overall results.Although it has never jumped out of the number of hundreds of millions of changes derived from the forty-two books, but at a high altitude, there is no need to control it——

This is the edge of her seemingly martial arts atmosphere.Only with the help of luck and the strength of the body can it be refined.

But the specific supernatural powers will turn into various types of weapons, just like the black strange sword he is holding now.

With the book as the hub and the supernatural power as the implement, the two are unified, reaching beyond the boundaries of the usual "supernatural power limit".

Black and wooden swords intersect.

The wooden sword was clearly blessed and protected by neat and perfect supernatural powers, but with a "chi" sound, the wooden sword broke immediately.

As soon as the sword was folded, the image of Bai Xinchan's condensed to pure and flawless supernatural power immediately disintegrated, and was swallowed by Du Niansha's ink sword at an extremely fast speed.After only a moment of effort, her spirit dissipated, but Du Niansha's ink sword was simplified a lot, turning into a black fine thorn about a foot long.

Lightning and flint, passing through the chest.

Bai Xinchan staggered, backed away from Lixu, his face turned red.

On Du Niansha's jade face, there seemed to be a faint golden light, which disappeared in a flash.

This is the "lixu" in the unique battle field of the two, but in the eyes of bystanders, it is only more than ten feet away.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Although he has not yet entered the arena, he is like an "idleman" walking on the sidelines, independent of the battle situation; but so far, all personnel and affairs inside and outside Liulitian are under observation without any fault or omission.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Du Niansha's choice is not surprising.Because hesitantly waits and sees in the muddy water, if he fails to do what he wants, it will inevitably dampen his spirit.It may not be the best policy not to be greedy for the possibility of perfect perfection, but to welcome it with the method of killing and making decisions.

In fact, it is difficult for others to know that Du Niansha does have a better solution.

The change of birth and restraint has been deduced to the extreme, not only the mutual restraint between supernatural powers can be solved, but also the growth and decline, elimination and disinfecting, birth and death of qi mechanism can be solved.This is also the ultimate embodiment of the principle of Taoism.

In other words, what other people imagined, "Even if the divine channel technique is completely restrained, and the mana of the opponent in the perfection state is completely dispelled and refined, it will still consume a lot" is actually not entirely correct; Off, how much is consumed, there is still room for scrutiny.

Now Du Niansha has mastered all the supernatural powers of the Tibetan Elephant Sect, and the optimal solution for each special method can be deduced for at least half an hour before the answer can be calculated.

On Liulitian's battlefield, half an hour is not too much.

But in the end, she chose to consume more than double the mana and use the most violent method to solve the problem.

This is not only a manifestation of her character, but also a trace of understanding and kindness——

Because, this should be Bai Xinchan's wish.

At this moment, unexpected changes suddenly appeared.

Bai Xin's aura dissipated, his face turned red, and after he withdrew from Li Xu, he had returned to normal.But at this moment, his face suddenly turned pale, his eyes protruded slightly, his long hair completely lost its luster, and he slowly sat down on the ground.

"Brother Bai—"

"Brother Bai—"

"New Zen—"

Du Niansha, Yu Dezhen, Du Minglun, He Shouzhen and others spoke out together.

In the entire Liulitian, dozens of eyes cast over at the same time.

Bai Xinchan glanced at Du Niansha with a concerned face, smiled slightly and said:

"Finally, I have grasped that realm... Everything is perfect, everything is in harmony, what is more is the realm of the best... It's just that there is a sky beyond the sky, after all, it is not your opponent."

"I thought it would be like a long-blind person suddenly seeing five colors; a long-deaf person suddenly hearing the thunder of Wa Ke, even if it is only a day, it is worth a lifetime of loneliness in exchange; I am delighted, but not as satisfied as I imagined.”

"Perhaps some people think that people's hearts are like this, and they will never forget it when they don't get it, but they will be indifferent once they get it; but I know that's not the case."

"Perhaps, my choice was indeed wrong. I thought that the persistence of the Dao heart was nothing more than a trace of obsession. In cultivating the Dao, the person comes first and the Dao comes after. ; Now, for the sake of cultivating the realm of the Tao, you have to abandon your original mind, isn’t it just a repayment of the pearl?”

Du Niansha whispered: "Brother Bai..."

A trace of unbearableness rose in my heart for no reason.

She figured out what was going on.

If Bai Xinchan had no regrets in making a choice, was overjoyed when he saw the way, and died as he wished, that would be nothing; now Bai Xinchan's words seem to be a change of course, narrowing the distance between him and Du Niansha, but But even more sad.

Bai Xinchan smiled and said, "Junior Sister, don't be sad."

"That being said, after experiencing this state, it is like a shooting star passing by and returning to silence. There is no fun in the end. Practicing this tactic, the Taoist realm is hopeless. Even if you barely achieve the shortcut and enjoy tens of thousands of years of life, and What's the use. If you don't let this life end at the highest point, it can be regarded as a picture scroll that can be passed on to future generations."

Bai Xinchan's voice became lower and lower.

The last word "picture scroll" is almost just the sound of gnats.

Bai Xinchan cheered up again, turned around reluctantly, and said to Du Minglun word by word: "This is my own choice, and it has nothing to do with others."

Du Minglun was speechless.

After finishing these words, Bai Xinchan slowly closed his eyes, and he was exhausted.

Disciples of the Tibetan Elephant Sect have a discussion, and there is a way to make the treasure of body protection sleep and not come out.

This method was used when Du Niansha and Shu Yubai came to a conclusion.

But today's battle of Xuanhun Liulitian is no small matter, and since Bai Xinchan had already planned to face Du Niansha, of course he would not miss this point.Before leaving, Du Minglun reminded him again, don't forget to activate the treasure of protection.

But Bai Xinchan didn't open the treasure of body protection.

Although there was one person in the Demonic Dao who failed the list for no reason, his life and death was unknown, and he was extremely mysterious. Except for the inside of the Demonic Dao, no one from the Nine Sects, Yaozu, or Xianmen seemed to know this person.

Therefore, Bai Xinchan in front of him was the first person to fall in the thirty-six pictures that everyone saw with their own eyes.

Among the people watching the battle, Lin Yi and the others clearly sensed that Bai Xinchan's aura had died, but they couldn't believe it in their hearts.Thinking of Bai Xinchan's identity, he suddenly had an idea.

Including Lin Yi, two or three people took out an object one after another, manifested the scroll, and wanted to confirm it by this method.

The scroll opened, and on the third scroll, Bai Xin Zen Fruit was no longer on the list.

Zhentan Zongwu Xinling, who had been squeezed out of the thirty-six sons, returned to the bottom seat at this moment.

Du Niansha Yurong returned to calm.

Rolling up his sleeves, he put away Bai Xinchan's slough, and slowly returned to the formation.

On the Yueheng side, the people who will go out will be determined early.

Misty sect Lu Xuan.

According to the order in which the first two battles ended, Lu Xuan's final match should have been at the same time as Du Niansha and Bai Xinchan's.

It wasn't until this moment that he patted his sleeves and walked into the formation.

Shu Yubai was refreshed.

According to the information collected by the Tibetan Elephant Sect, Lu Xuan's aptitude and potential are faintly ranked first among the five juniors.But after all, the gap between him and himself is too big.If he played in the fourth team, there would be only the last one left. Neither Yun Qianjue nor Shen Xiangqin could pose a threat to him without sufficient foreshadowing.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan came beyond the limit of the boundary, smiled and nodded at Shu Yubai, and passed by.

Then, walk slowly.

The one he chooses...

It's Xuanyuanhuai!

A rare smile appeared on Xuanyuan Huai's face.

It stands to reason that Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wujiu are the focus of attention in Liuli Tian at this time.But from the beginning to the end, the spectators are paying attention to the real-time battle situation, and it is rare to discuss the prediction of the outcome of Gui and Xuan.

Because these two breaths are erratic, all the attention, scrutiny, and interest seem to be invisible, and they are blown away inadvertently, as if they are not people in this world, but a photo of someone who hides the past or the future shape.

With a glance, he unconsciously shifted his attention elsewhere.

Even those with lesser meritorious deeds didn't notice the influence at all, and only thought that they ignored the existence of the two of them.

But when Lu Xuan was approaching, Xuanyuanhuai's atmosphere immediately changed, from an indescribable and indescribable form to the appearance of a country boy.The smile on his face was not at all unpredictable and chaotic, but unexpectedly kind.

Xuanyuan Huai said calmly, "Why did you choose to challenge me?"

Lu Xuan's chin moved slightly, and he said very simply: "Come if you want."

Lu Xuan was shocked.

But before he had time to activate any supernatural powers, there was a slight thunder in the air, and the breeze blew past.

Lu Xuan couldn't help it immediately.

The wind-shaped sword intent rolled, and he was thrown out of the formation lightly.

During the whole process, Xuanyuan Huai did not move a finger.

The rabbit rises and the falcon falls, it is over before it starts.

Not only the direct heirs of the nine sects who entered the battle, but also the generations of Gao Ming such as Yu Zi, Yu Gu Cheng, Li Yun Long, etc., also feel confused.

The purpose of a fight is nothing more than two.

One is to strive for refinement while winning; the other is to gain something despite defeat.

In the three battles between the clear and turbid mysterious images, Jiang Minyi provided a third answer: failure itself is also a kind of merit.

However, Lu Xuan's temperament is completely different from Jiang Minyi's, and does not belong to any of these three situations; and the strength gap between the two parties is more than ten times greater than that of Jiang Minyi and Yu Ion.

Really "come when you want?"

It's not just Lu Xuan; Xuanyuan Huai's behavior is also very strange.

Facing an opponent whose cultivation level is far from his own, what everyone thought was that Xuanyuan Huai should order him to use all his strength and then defeat him.But I didn't expect Xuanyuan Huai not to give Lu Xuan a chance to make a move.

If it were someone else, it might be guessed that Xuanyuanhuai was dissatisfied with Lu Xuan's challenge to his authority; but with the unfathomable depth of Xuanyuanhuai's mind, he would definitely not be so superficial.

What's more, the smile on Xuanyuan Huai's face just now was extremely innocent and kind, and it doesn't seem to be harboring such thoughts.

Lu Xuan turned over and stood up, but a smile appeared on his face.

However, this shocking gap dilutes the brutality of Bai Xinchan's battle.

(End of this chapter)

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