Chapter 1070
Lu Xuan hadn't returned to the formation yet, and there was one person under Misty Sect's banner who seemed to be impatient.

Standing up to escape the light, he saw a green shadow flashing, and immediately shouted loudly: "I can't wait to appreciate Lin Junior Sister's brilliant skills."

"Just a merciless request, Junior Sister Lin, don't follow the example of Senior Brother Xuanyuan just now, and allow me to use my means."

When Pu Fangyu and others saw it, they were surprised.

Shen Siping sneered secretly.The battle above Liulitian is of great importance, especially the defender has to face five opponents.When confronting the enemy on the spot, it is natural to do what you can to save effort.Such a request is unreasonable.

The people who entered the battle had bright green skirts, graceful looks, and sparkling eyes, reflecting a different kind of liveliness.

Misty sect travels to pick the heart.

If these words were applied to ordinary people, it would be a bit weird; even if they were passed down from the Nine Sects, they would be a little unbelievable.But with Lu Xuan "beads and jades in front", it doesn't make people feel abrupt at this time.

The Liulitian meeting is not only for the exhibitors who attend the meeting to adjust themselves to the best state.Even the true kings of the sects, those who quietly observe the situation, their minds are far sharper than usual at this time.

Within the Nine Sects, especially in the field of view of the Chenyang and Zangxiang camps, You Caixin is not in the most noteworthy sequence due to the exhaustion of Yueheng's talents.

But at this time, with the most intrusive way of observing and discerning, one can feel——

This person's aura is similar to that of Lu Xuan.

Of course, because of the age difference between the two, it should be said in reverse that it is Lu Xuan's growth, and it may be that they have learned by analogy, evolved in the same direction and benefited from You Caixin.

Lu Xuan's mind, following one's will, "come as soon as you want", is clearly inherited from this, but his nature is ethereal, not as colorful as You Caixin's, and his heart is full of flowers.

Lin Shuangshuang responded with a smile, and said softly, "Okay."

When she smiled, it was Yueheng's turn that Nangong, Xue, Yuanying, Shi Zhenjun and others were surprised.

Lin Shuangshuang and Du Niansha, the sexual traits passed down from the nine sects, are the signs of "innocence and interest".

It's just that Du Niansha's innocence hides a trace of stubbornness.Especially after a long period of tempering, the diseased tree is reborn and completely reborn, which is even more detrimental to the old weather.Only Lin Shuangshuang possesses this image purely, with innocence and interest, as wonderful as nature itself.

Since entering the battle, Lin Shuangshuang has been as cold and solemn as a fairy, quiet and profound.Others didn't care about it, they only said that it was because the Liulitian dispute was of great importance, and her attitude was solemn, which made her look so impressive.

But seeing her smile at this moment, I realized the big mistake.

In Yingying's smile, the innocence of the past can certainly be seen; but more is the demeanor of holding wisdom and standing on the fence.Seriously speaking, Yiyue is more similar to Qin Menglin and Wei Qingqi, completely reversed, becoming more intelligent than facial.

After decades of not seeing each other, they are like two different people, and the world is spinning.

Since Lin Shuangshuang allowed You Caixin to use his methods to his heart's content, he would not attack first.

But the strange thing is that You Caixin didn't rush to make a move, but supported his chin with his right thumb and index finger, as if he was thinking about something.

After a quarter of an hour, when some of the direct successors seemed a little impatient, You Caixin finally made a move.

Put your palms together as your chest, and the two circles roll and transform, surrounding the center of the circle.The diameter ranges from more than ten feet to two or three miles, and it moves when it shrinks or shrinks.

The inner ring is pure white with a hint of light blue; the outer ring is red as delicate as a silk thread.

It is clearly the ethereal law of defense from the inside and attack from the outside.

Although it can't achieve an absolute balance of offense and defense, it is obvious that it has learned a lot from Wei Qingqi's completion of Taoism, which has greatly repaired the original atmosphere of this method.


As soon as this method came out, not only Lin Shuangshuang was slightly taken aback, but the faces of the rest, whether heirs of the Nine Sects or onlookers, became strange.

It turns out that the supernatural image that You Caixin uses is not just a simple two "rings".

There is a gap about two or three feet wide between the two "rings" inside and outside, in which magical powers and auras are used to evolve various wonderful images, there are about dozens of them, and they are equally divided into the rings.

Behold the image—

There are vigorous and agile civet cats;

There are galloping horses;

There are also cubs of beasts such as copper-eating beasts, nine-section wolves, and blue-eyed minks. They are all very good-looking little beasts that look like babies.

Babbling and cute.

Among the guests.

Even though Xun Shen's voice was silent and stern, he couldn't help but smile.

Including Xun Shen, the first reaction of everyone seeing this image must be that there is some kind of Taoist mystery hidden in it.

But after careful identification, You Caixin's magical channeling technique is clean and clear, with clear logic, completely hidden in the two rings of "one attack and one defense"; it seems that these strange animal cubs are really just one of You Caixin's personal preferences Lifting, consuming mana in vain, without any practical use.

On the occasion of the war, facing an opponent like Lin Shuangshuang, especially not going all out, this can no longer be said to be willful, but willful.

Just as he was thinking this way, Xun Shen inadvertently looked up.

Among the nine people, Wei Qingqi seemed to exchange a glance with You Caixin, and the corner of her mouth moved slightly; it was clearly a sign of relief.

Xun Shen's heart shuddered.

Wei Qingqi's heart is vast, and she is better than many people in the fortified city.It is no small matter to make her show a little emotional expression.

My thoughts turned quickly, and I went to look at You Caixin again, and finally saw some mystery.

It turns out that if you reason from the front, those images of birds and beasts are of course completely useless, very cumbersome, and a gimmick that wastes mana; Two rings, so the magical power used by You Caixin has not increased; it has shrunk slightly, and is not full.

It even resulted in an absurd idea——

Wei Qingqi is certainly far superior to You Caixin in terms of Taoism; but that's because her cultivation is far superior.If the two are at the same level of cultivation, You Caixin's combat power may be even higher with this method.

As the person who established the Tao, Wei Qingqi should be the most pure one in the book of Taoism of the Misty Sect, which cannot be surpassed by the latecomers; Xun Shen didn't know why he had such an idea.

Not far from Xun Shen's side, Huang Xiyin suddenly tilted his head and said, "I know."

Xun Shen said in surprise, "Dare to ask the truth."

Huang Xiyin said: "After the three battles between the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, Master Caixin suddenly came to look for Master Qingqi. She said that Master Qingqi has always been the person she admires the most; but because there is not only a difference in talent between each other , personality is also completely different. If you want to learn how to act close to Master Qingqi, you always feel powerless and farther and farther away."

Xun Shen nodded slowly.

An extraordinary person born in the world, admired by many people, is also due.Just use it as an example to try to catch up, but it seems easy, but it is difficult, and the further you pursue it, the further you go.

Huang Xiyin continued: "I could tell at the time that Senior Uncle Caixin was just saying something emotional; but when Senior Uncle Qingqi heard it, his complexion suddenly changed and he remained silent. I expected at that time that it seemed that Senior Uncle Qingqi Being touched by this unintentional words, perhaps this is a special fate."

"Sure enough, Master Qingqi closed the door for three days. After three days, he answered Master Caixin with eight words."

Xun Shen said: "Which eight characters?"

Huang Xiyin said: "Looking but not learning, wanting but not seeking."

Above the glazed sky.

Jiang Chenglu said: "Wei Qingqi is the image of one yuan, Zhizhu silently moves, and becomes faint; You Caixin is the image of duality, brilliant in heart, calm and straightforward; Lu Xuan is the 'one combination' after pros and cons, carefree and omniscient. , but it also coincides with the original purpose of "Piaomiao". The connotation of "Piaomiao" has been doubled unintentionally; that's how it is."

Ji Cangsheng's eyes were deep, and he said after a long time: "Unexpectedly, besides the great cause of completing Taoism, fellow Taoist Dongfang has also put in effort in this one."

This is the first sentence spoken by the sword master Chenyang Jianshan sitting in Liulitian.

Of course, at this time, several people are communicating with each other, and they are not in the ears of others.

There was also a hint of complexity in Zhu Yongchen's eyes.

With the progress of Misty Sect, it is already shocking to be able to approach the completion of Taoism in this generation.Unexpectedly, Dongfang Wanqing was still not satisfied, and even made great efforts in this way, and made extraordinary gains.

As we all know, the Misty Sect has special requirements on the sense of chance when it draws materials, and it follows a path of strict entry and strict exit.The most suitable role model for recruiting disciples is Wei Qingqi.

But from Wei Qingqi to You Caixin, from You Caixin to Lu Xuan, the Ethereal Portal has been clearly and visibly widened a lot.

In other words, the category of "misty" has been expanded.

The description of birds and beasts evolved by You Caixin is clearly a lower-level substitute for Wei Qingqi's long-term Taoism, but it is only a concrete implementation of the application, because You Caixin's level is still low, and it is not clear.The battle in front of her has become a good opportunity for her to test her skills.

First, the Youhuan Sect used the hands of Shu Yubai to deliberate on the way of evolution, and then there were two disciples of the Misty Sect who were very different.

This time the opponent's camp acted like a powerful and unconstrained style.

Dongfang Wanqing shook her head and said: "The completion of the great cause of Taoism is indeed due to long-term preparations and the people I met. The right time, place and people are harmonious, and only when they are brought together can they blossom and bear fruit. As for the matter in front of me... it is clear The way that Qi's family cares about has nothing to do with me."

In the battle situation, when You Caixin raised his energy accumulation to the peak, formed a formation, and advanced slowly, Lin Shuangshuang finally made a move.

However, she saw her body rise suddenly and turned into a golden jade elephant with a height of [-] zhang.

Then he used his palm as a blade, and slashed on the double rings of You Caixin.

The clear light was dazzling, and even the color of the glazed sky was completely covered; all the strong aura that surged clearly told everyone that this frightening scene was not just for show!
So far in the competition, Shu Yubai's and Ning Suchen's supernatural powers, and even Xuanyuanhuai's small sword test, are not as oppressive as Lin Shuangshuang's style.

With one touch, the double rings can be broken!

You Cai's mind and body are like willow leaves, and he retreats gently.

This is the inevitable end.

At the guest table, Mo Tianqing, Lin Yi and others even showed a look of disapproval.Because although You Caixin's style is strange, it has not reached the perfect state after all, but Lin Shuangshuang is a character who has climbed to the extreme state. Even if it is a lion fighting a rabbit, it is too much. Wouldn't it be a waste of mana to strike so hard?
Only Zhenjun Lu Zongxin Ya'an, Chen Yang, one of the nine members in the formation, who was directly descended from Jiang Hai, showed surprise by coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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