Chapter 1071
In the previous match where Bai Xinchan challenged Du Niansha, Lu Xuan was supposed to fight on Yueheng's side, but he had other distractions, so that the pace of the two simultaneous matches was broken.

Now, the situation seems to be reversed.

You Caixin challenged Lin Shuangshuang. Although it was only a single blow to decide the outcome, she had been planning for a long time before making the move.At the same time, the other half of the battlefield was long overdue.

In fact, there was no movement at all; it was clearly discernible that at this moment, between Mei Xueting, the head of the Zhentan Sect, and Fu Xiaoshan, the Zhenjun, there was a person walking at a leisurely pace, with his feet piercing through flowers in two circles, forming a unique trajectory.It seems to be warming up for the next step, and it seems to be accepting the guidance of the two true kings.

In the previous few battles, each battle was played freely by the end players, and there was no warning before entering the battle.

This shows how special this scene is.

After the battle was over, the first focus of the battle between the two sides was completely decided.

After walking for a long time, the man in fine clothes suddenly stopped and sighed: "Fellow Daoist Bai has his heart on the other side, but from the beginning to the end, he had to be used by our camp. This time he left, he also It’s a worthy death.”

After speaking, he tied his loose long hair together, tied two round knots, and walked slowly into the battlefield.

As Wu Xinling entered the arena, Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly moved, like ripples.

Gui Wujiu originally had great confidence in Ning Suchen, and he believed that it would be no problem for him to stand firm as the Nine Sons.

Half of this confidence comes from deduction, and half comes from Jianxin induction.And until the Xuanhun Liulitian Great Contest started, the nine sons were placed one after another, and the competition was carried out in an orderly manner, and there was no slight change.

But at this moment, the moment Wu Xinling stepped out of the battle, Gui Wugui's "confirmation" suddenly surged.


Chaos is uncertain, and it is unclear.

Ning Suchen's success or failure has become a five-to-five number.

Among the Nine Ancestors, Ning Suchen seems to be graceful, romantic, soft and elegant, but when it comes to the strength of resilience, he deserves to be number one.So the limit she can bear is far deeper than others imagined.The "Half-Chi Tianchui" method that Suifeng and the other four had deployed step by step before seemed to be precise, rigorous and tyrannical, but in Gui Wugui's vision, it was not enough to shake the outcome.

If it was a method arranged by the other party in advance, then Gui Wujiu should correct his judgment when he entered Liulitian.

It wasn't until the opponent came out that he didn't make a move. Of course, it may be that the opponent's ability to conceal the secret is excellent; but Gui Wugui thinks that the greater possibility is——

This is not in Chenyang Jianshan's plan, but what Wu Xinling has gained.

Temporary gain.

Wu Xinling entered the battle and stood still.

Ning Suchen looked solemn.

Although she didn't have the sword heart induction ability of Gui Wugui, success or failure is at stake, but she also felt the abnormality of the next battle.

Because just now, about the moment when Lin Shuangshuang defeated You Caixin, Ning Suchen felt that at this time, through the joint efforts of the four of them, the lack of heart of the "half-foot sky" has just reached its peak. The pressure on oneself is also at its peak.

Breaking through this inflection point, Ning Suchen's Dao heart revived, just like the sun piercing through the cloud package, and it will not take long to suppress the negative influence.

Ning Suchen was ready; but at that moment, no one came up.

Until now—delayed for about a hundred breaths.

The interference power of the "half-foot Tianzhu" has dropped by [-]%.

Ning Suchen naturally didn't think it was the other party's low-level mistake.With the strength of the two sects, the blocking means that the four people finally paved the way, if they can't even grasp the effectiveness of it, and finally make a mistake, it will be ridiculous.

Excluding the possibility of mistakes, there is only one answer——

The other party temporarily got a greater "opportunity", or "harvest", which far outweighed the loss of "half-foot sky-cutter" missing the best time period!
Even the secret hand, who has been in dismal business for so many years, is able to give in when the opportunity arises, and what the other party gets must be nothing small!

Wu Xinling is not a talkative person, so he just said lightly: "Please." Then he spread his arms left and right, and used his means.

The left arm is slightly bent, and an indigo banjo actually emerges.

Back then at the Hongyun Xiaohui, Fu Ningjin's weapon was a horse-headed qin. It seems that although the Zhentan Sect has magical and ever-changing Taoism, this generation of descendants prefers musical instruments.

With a slight flick of the finger, the five tones are condensed.

It is different from Fu Ningjin's pseudonym for musical instruments, but the method of drawing silk into blades.Wu Xinling used the right way of musical instruments, the method of sound imitation, not just its name.

As the strings fluctuated, a gleam of luster between gray and black rose out of thin air, and then condensed into an armored entity, about four feet tall, holding a six-foot long dagger, and rushed towards Ning Suchen step by step.

At this time, after You Caixin, Han Taikang was about to end, seeing this, he felt certain.

However, it is extremely difficult to break through the barriers when the following is against the top.Especially the great threshold between the perfect state and the non-perfect state is even more difficult to cross.People who are in a disadvantaged position should be extremely varied, and the more biased the means, the better, and the more strange the better.The step-by-step method used by Yuan Suifeng and the other four followed this line of thought.

But Wu Xinling's way of playing the piano sound is clearly transformed into a physical supernatural power.The armor transformed by that voice has extremely thick and solid magic power, and it is impossible to deceive anyone.Although such methods are precise and detailed, the probability of success in challenging opponents of higher levels is by no means high.

Especially Ning Suchen's supernatural powers are known for being erratic and unpredictable.

It seems that she is the first to lock the name.

Thinking of this, Han Taikang also felt a little emotional.

Back then, the two were direct disciples cultivated by the sect, and their potential seemed to be evenly matched.But today, Ning Suchen is more than one step ahead of him.

But Han Taikang has not yet joined the battle, and the situation in the next moment is beyond everyone's expectations!
Ning Suchen rolled up his sleeves, resisting with a graceful and meandering "water cloud line".

But the armored soldiers transformed by that voice were so unnaturally tyrannical, the blades in their hands cut through the waves and turned away from them, and their aura could not be avoided, like piercing through rotten wood.At first glance, it seems that Wu Xinling is the one with higher merit and richer background; although Ning Suchen's supernatural powers are graceful and beautiful, they have turned out to be sophisticated, thick and somewhat inferior.

Wu Xinling was especially dissatisfied, and suddenly shouted!
As his five commanders spread faster, three more identical armored soldiers emerged, and the four of them formed a formation, forming a siege.

Ning Suchen pointed to a spot like a flower, suddenly a heavy rain fell in the sky, and then turned into a colorful and blurred fantasy realm, like infinite starlight, hiding in the raindrops.

Upon closer inspection, it is not difficult to find that this "rain column" is almost as thick as a thumb, and it is not solid. It is really like a bamboo joint that has been opened, and it is hollow inside; walk downstream.

The power of this supernatural power does not lie in the rain, but in the power of induction caused by the floating up and down of the stars in the rain, and the entanglement of everything.

Sure enough, cracks gradually appeared on the bodies of the four soldiers, and they seemed to be pushed, pulled, torn, and smashed into pieces by invisible and powerful forces, positive or negative.

Zhenjun Nangong and Zhenjun Ningzhongliu looked at each other, but there was worry in their eyes.

Although Ning Suchen successfully responded, the method she used was "Sensing Heaven and Responding People", which ranked first among her eighteen magical powers.In this supernatural power, every star point between two rain pillars has a power of induction, and this power of induction changes with the fluctuation of the star point; the scale of its variables is really appalling.

If it is tempered, it is almost the first-class method under the "True Flow" Dao.

The open-minded swordsmanship and the way of deduction that are above the real flow can only be mastered by those who are perfect; Ning Suchen can do this step, which is almost the acme of human power.The difficulty in the process is no less than mastering the "Breaking the Body and Breaking Limits Method" held by Yu Gucheng, Xi Lerong and others with a perfect body, but the number of ways is very different.

But when such a trump card was used, it did not tear up the opponent's condensed four clones in an instant, but a gradual decay process, obviously the opponent's resistance was very strong.

It's incredible!

Gui Wugui watched the battle quietly, recalled the battle with Fu Ningjin back then, and realized something.

Relying on similar means, Wu Xinling smoothed out the gap of one realm with Ning Suchen.

In terms of age, Wu Xinling is nearly a hundred years older than Ning Suchen, and he did not attend the Hongyun Xiaohui once.It was just a coincidence, because of a deal negotiated between the two sects, at that time Wu Xinling, who was in the fourth level of Golden Core Realm, met Ning Suchen who was about to break through the Golden Core Realm.

Since then, it has achieved the foreshadowing of using the way of "depending on origin and breaking the heart of heaven".

But even so, it is not enough to change the outcome of the two.This important factor is attributed to Wugui. Although he doesn't know the magic of the Zhentan sect's skills, he has already calculated it in the dark.

But at this time, Wu Xinling's power increase was stronger than Fu Ningjin's by more than a notch.

Recalling every detail before and after the battle, Gui Wujiu slightly shook his head.

It should be here.

It depends on whether Ning Suchen can understand it.

In the battle situation, Wu Xinling's momentum was not discouraged.

When the strings of the zither were plucked, four soldiers, two huge lizards, and two centipedes immediately manifested, all iron-colored and stern.Although the appearance is similar to the third- and fourth-class supernatural powers that are not popular, the tyrannical mana and vitality condensed to the point of being like a real entity cannot be faked at all.

Ning Suchen activated his mana, although the rain was not bigger, but the floating stars in the water droplets accelerated by three points.

Victory and defeat seemed to be in the blink of an eye.

From the current battle situation, no matter what kind of secret methods the people who entered the battle have used, both Qin Menglin and Yu Zi can see the truth.Therefore, except for a very small number of mavericks, six or seven out of ten of the guests came to listen.

But now, even the two of them were thinking quietly, frowning in silence.

Wu Xinling's combat strength has really exceeded expectations, and it is very different from the "should be the realm" that the two of them saw through at a glance!
Qin Menglin turned his head and saw a jade in Lin Yi's hand.The scroll in front of him floated, but it did not dissipate.Suddenly he realized something in his heart, and said, "So that's how it is."

Yu Ion narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "What's the solution?"

Qin Menglin said quietly: "That's why people get off the list first and then get on the list again."

(End of this chapter)

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