Chapter 1072
I didn't feel it at the beginning, but after watching the battle for a long time, Gui Wugui felt many exquisite realms that were unattainable in the past; I felt a little surprised in my heart.

This is the result of his own development, but he has not reached this state for a long time, so it takes a long time to experience this phenomenon, just like drinking a glass of sake, and gradually understand its taste.The "primary meaning" of seeing things is still the same as usual, starting from the phenomenon of supernatural powers.

After the physical and mental experience, Gui Wugui only realized how much gains the Youhuan Sect and Misty Sect had gained in the previous battles; even the people who planned the layout may not be able to fully realize it, it can only be said that it "coincides with God's will".

The harvest of the Youhuan Sect lies in the induction and manifestation of one method to push all the methods, just like the achievements of Chenyang Sword Mountain and Zangxiang Sect.But in Gui Wujiu's view, Chenyang Jianshan's implementation of this move is a one-of-a-kind, self-satisfying pleasure; but those who have not yet completed the Tao will have more outstanding gains from this place——

This means that for this sect, the road to completion will become easier.

It seems that completion of the Tao is the core essence, and the rest are side branches.But if the side branches are straightened out, the main trunk will naturally stand out.

This matter is very strange, because the four Heavenly Venerables, Chenyang Jianshan and Yuan Luzong have already completed their Taoism; Misty Sect has almost succeeded.Originally, if the four Heavenly Venerates came from a sect far away from the Perfect Dao, it would not be difficult to deduce the subtleties of it after long-term brewing; Derivation method" relationship.

What the Misty Sect gained was even more astonishing.

Through the profound principle of one branch and eight branches of swordsmanship, and one of the eight branches, Gui Wugui confirmed other schools, and what he saw naturally improved to a higher level.

For Misty Sect Taoism, it is no exception.

The method of Misty Sect has always emphasized the clarity of the Taoist mind, the precise sense of fate, and the ability to know beforehand.Someone like Wei Qingqi is the most benevolent.

But this matching of qualifications does not originate from some mysterious and mysterious principles of chaos, but is very practical - it is precisely because this technique has been cultivated to the extreme, and it is just a magical effect of "feeling a little bit".

As for Wei Qingqi's gains from the three clear and turbid mystical images, Danxia and Xuanzhu had a conversation, and it was clear that there was nothing to blame.

Therefore, this so-called "compatibility" is actually only the first meaning of "practicable way", not "the only meaning".

For example, if there is a pile of boulders, if you want to move them away, the first consideration is to look for the strongman; this method is indeed unmistakable, and those with infinite strength can certainly take up this task.But that doesn't mean it's his job.For example, some people with emaciated bodies but pure thoughts can do better.

The onlookers, the True Monarch of the Nine Sects, thought that the two battles between Lu Xuan and You Caixin were just flirting.

Even the four Daoist priests saw the harvest of the Misty Sect's expansion of the method, but they only focused on the "realistic" use of this method, and failed to appreciate the subtle meaning of the whole and the beginning and the end.

In short, in the future, if there is someone who has a personality similar to You Cai's heart, and possesses a talent beyond perfection.Then, after his Taoism has reached the extreme level, he may be like today's You Caixin, giving birth to seemingly redundant "images".It's just that the number is not twenty or thirty, but three hundred and sixty.

When it came time to use the real method, the "interest" of this person on the scene secretly coincided with Wei Qingqi's "pre-knowledge" skill, helping him to exhaust the three hundred and sixty methods.

This is the meaning of "fundamentally expanding the ethereal path".

Although You Caixin Daoji has not yet reached that point, as the person who originated this method, she has gained a lot.

Blameless is in such a wonderful "fault" state.

He has mastered the four classics of the magic way, and his own mental state and perception are comparable to those of the near way, while his comprehension in the dao realm is a little weaker; but after he has made pioneering achievements, many profound principles above the dao realm and spanning the ancient and modern eras are somewhat picked. Enlightenment.

If one breaks through the near-dao realm and connects it back and forth, it will be an incredible harvest.


Although the situation is good, it cannot withstand the immediate defeat.

If the Yuehengzong side wins, you can say that you have gained a lot from the battle, and the significance even exceeds the Liulitian battle; pragmatic.

Now that Ning Suchen has lost this battle, although he cannot decide the outcome of the entire battle of Liulitian, the confidence of Chenyang's side is bound to be revived.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

Wu Xinling urged the magic formula again and again, and the body of the giant armored soldier seemed to be covered with a steaming mist about an inch high.

Regardless of offense or defense, it seems that this method has limited uses.But the fact is not the case. As soon as the mist came out, the force of washing and pulling in the rain suddenly shrank by [-]%.

At this time, even people with second- and third-rate eyesight can see that with the running momentum of these armored soldiers, when they are in front of Ning Suchen, they must still have more strength.

In the Zhentan sect camp.

Mei Xueting and Fu Xiaoshan saw the changes in the battle situation, first there was a trace of confusion in their eyes, and then their smiles couldn't stop rippling out, and they couldn't see the tens of thousands of years of heart.

Sect Leader Mei twisted his beard and said: "This battle should be worry-free."

After Yuan Suifeng recovered his skills, he looked up and was also startled.It seems that the supernatural powers used by Wu Xinling are very strange.

Fu Zhenjun pointed out: "This is a chance, the changes in the on-site deduction are not the law of the sect."

Fu Ningjin said: "From the spirit of simulacrum to the supernatural power of simulacrum, it can be said to be a big step forward. However, this way is completely different from the method of dismantling and induction of the Zangxiang Sect of Chenyang Jianshan. It is from the top. After imitating it, it seems that the meaning of "returning to the sect" is hidden. If this road comes to an end, it means that "depending on origin and breaking the heart of heaven" will return to the true law of the sect, and the stems and branches will merge. The road to completion of the Tao has also traveled a third of the way. .”

With Fu Ningjin's eyesight, she can naturally see it.The one-inch "fog" formed by Wu Xinling's catalyzed armored soldiers is neither offensive nor defensive.Instead, they form a connection and induction with each other, which can be regarded as copying Ning Suchen's wonderful idea of ​​"sensing the sky and responding to people", and partially disintegrating the starlight force field in the opponent's supernatural power.

"Fate origin breaks the heart of heaven", the essence falls in the word "fate".

In fact, this "fate" and the "fate method" observed by the person who created the thirty-six sub-figures, and the "fate method" of the "circle heart" in the Ziwei Great World, originally lead to the same goal by different routes.

It's just that this formula was created before the Nine Schools came to the world of Ziwei, and the people who made the law did not know the special features in the world of Ziwei, so there are many expressions for one true meaning.Now in the big world of Ziwei, it is necessary to change a "expression method" in order to be able to communicate and break the stifle.

It just so happens that the intuition of the "Thirty-Six Subgraphs" assumes this purpose.

This is subtle, except for Zhen Tanzong himself, it is absolutely difficult for onlookers to comprehend.

Even if Qin Menglin discussed with Yu Ion and others and figured out the reason why Wu Xinling was on the list, it could only be said to be an exercise in his mind, because the intention of "recovering what was lost" made his merits go to a higher level.

In fact, this is not the case, because of the concrete presentation of the "Thirty-Six Sub-pictures", Wu Xinling, in an instant, closely connects the subtle words and righteousness of the law of dependent origin and breaking the heart of the sky, and the real power of luck in the world of Ziwei Great World, reaching a level. A brand new situation.

Whether the position of thirty-six sons is on the list depends on great cause and effect.

Wu Xinling is the biggest beneficiary of Bai Xinchan's departure.

Just like in the past, Lu Chengwen and Gui Wujiu had a chance encounter. At the moment when success or failure was at stake, and when going astray shook his confidence, Gui Wujiu helped him make the right decision and consolidated his position on the list in one fell swoop.

But different from Lu Chengwen, due to his skills, Wu Xinling can materialize this unpredictable ups and downs of fate, which directly promotes the growth of his actual combat power.

All the true monarchs of the Chenyang camp, including Pu Fangyu, Mei Xueting, and Shen Siping, were extremely excited at first, and they were full of praise for Wu Xinling's performance.

But after more than ten breaths, the voice of Qiwai gradually became smaller.

The decisive moment is approaching.

At this time, six of Wu Xinling's four armored and four beasts had been broken, but there were still two more armored soldiers, one in front and one behind, and they came to the position "within reach" of Ning Suchen, whose body was clearly still [-]% intact .

But Ning Suchen seemed unable to move, because the method of "Sensing Heaven and Responding to People" is as precise and grand as a giant magic circle. If he moves himself, the sensing relationship of all the star points in the "Rain Pillar" will be disrupted. The complexity of the speed has increased more than several times.

Ning Suchen's eyes were closed tightly, his expression was calm, as if he had no strength to resist.

It seems that the first victory in the grand occasion was accepted by Chenyang Jianshan.

All the true monarchs are all looking forward to it, waiting for the moment of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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