Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1073 His Chance, My Chance

Chapter 1073 His Chance, My Chance
As for the direct heirs of the two parties, especially those in the Perfect Realm, except Shu Yubai who seems to have a heart with the Siyumen and the Zhentan Sect and the true emperors, and eagerly hopes for Ning Suchen's defeat, the rest, regardless of enemy or friend, Including Lin Shuangshuang, Jiang Hai and others, there was a trace of regret in their eyes.

Although the means under the real flow are not in the eyes of Gui Wugui and Xuanyuan Huai.But in all fairness, the height that Ning Suchen has reached at this time is almost unimaginable.

The subtlety of "sensing the sky and responding to people" is completely a means of perfection; even if you are just entering the realm of perfection, you may not be able to condense such a wonderful supernatural power.Wei Qingqi, Lin Shuangshuang and others secretly commented that Ning Suchen's supernatural power had reached the level of Li Yunlong during the three battles of the turbid and clear elephant, which can almost be called the limit of manpower.

The only difference is that if the method of "sensing the sky and responding to people" is used by Li Yunlong, he may be able to move around without hindrance, and add a layer of calculation with the Taoist heart above perfection, instead of having to do it like Ning Suchen. Stand where you are.

The beauty is here -

Feeling the sky and responding to people is spread evenly, forming a circle.Anyone who enters this realm, regardless of the distance, whether walking in a straight line or an arc, the pressure suffered by the opponent is generally the same.In other words, the price Ning Suchen paid had nothing to do with combat.Therefore, this method seems to take the path of change, but in fact it fully absorbs the "law of damaging the body and breaking the limit".

If this "weakness" cannot be exploited urgently, Ning Suchen will almost have combat power above perfection.

It's a pity that good fortune tricks people, Lin Shuangshuang, Jiang Hai and others have been thinking for a long time and can't find a borrowing, but they are undoubtedly exposed in the wheel battle.

Although Ning Suchen's resistance to the "half-foot Tianzhu" is stronger than others, it is because of his use of other supernatural powers; , the brilliant potential to go straight to perfection was suppressed immediately.

In other words, although the method of the half-foot sky-stick failed to restrain Ning Suchen's "normal performance", it restricted her trump card of "extraordinary performance".

not only that.Due to the damage to the ultimate combat power, once it falls from a high position, the flaw of the method itself that cannot move will be exposed without a doubt.If it is a usual fighting method, Ning Suchen can swim and fight, and if the effect of the half-chi Tianzhu dissipates, he will surely win the game.

But being unable to move at this moment has become a tug-of-war contest, whoever is stronger will win, and there is no room for turning around.

Lu Qiuyan of the Fourth Imperial Gate took two steps towards Zhentanzong.

He intended to congratulate in advance, but he didn't want Mei Xueting, Fu Xiaoshan and even Fu Ningjin to look very serious, so he couldn't help but smiled and said: "You are really too cautious. The victory is set, there are no variables."

Mei Xueting smiled to himself, and said: "This is not the noble faction's battle, so naturally my mind is limited."

Lu Qiuyan's lips moved slightly, and said, "I know a little bit about your sect's method. Nephew Wu Xinling's method clearly reaches the level of simulating the reality of supernatural powers, which is already the highest state of the method of 'depending on origin and breaking the heart of heaven'. If my prediction is correct, nephew Wu Xinling has reached the pinnacle of perfection. As long as the side effects of Ning Suchen's "half-chi Tianchui" have not dissipated, he is not the enemy of nephew Wu. Let him have supernatural powers, and if he wants to kill the three of us It will take at least a quarter of an hour for the strengthened 'half-foot Tianzhu' to be suppressed to the point of negligibility. But in the current battle situation, it is clear that the winner will be decided within fifty breaths."

These words were uttered by the method of sound transmission.

Mei Xueting shook her head and said, "It's not safe after all."

While the two were talking, apart from Fu Ningjin who was slightly distracted, Fu Zhenjun, Ji Zhongxing, Yuan Suifeng and others were still watching the battle situation without any distraction.

Lu Qiuyan said in a low voice: "This battle is also very exhausting for the nephew of the martial arts master. It is necessary to prevent the opponent from killing a carbine. Han Taikang has already entered the battle, and Yun Qianjue's threat is only for one battle... Therefore, if you want to make a profit for a while, your faction Nephew Fu's order of appearance should preferably be after Shen Xiangqin of the Youhuan Sect. This is the only person who can pose a threat."

Mei Xueting shuddered in her heart, and immediately said: "Brother Lu mentioned something."

After this conversation, the situation of the battle has really reached the last moment.

Of the two remaining melee armored soldiers, although the one behind was smashed by the force of tearing, the one in front of him was powerless anyway.At this time, the armour, which is still six points intact, stretched out its palm, and it was already one foot above Ning Suchen's right shoulder.

Then, fall heavily!
Even if this blow does not have the slightest magic power, as long as there is a sliver of external force applied to Ning Suchen, causing Ning Suchen to shake slightly, the magic of "sensing the sky and responding to people" like an enchantment will be broken immediately.

Unless Ning Suchen is in the state of consummation; or if he refines the true treasure golden pill like Wugui and Qin Menglin, the alchemy can be outside the body without moving.

Even Zhenjun Luqiuyan couldn't help but keep silent.




Several True Monarchs spoke together.

It's just that Ning Zhenjun, Shi Zhenjun, Hai Zhenjun, Si Xiye and others exclaimed in shock, while Mei Xueting, Fu Xiaoshan and others were surprised and delighted.

Originally, they only hoped that this blow would cause Ning Suchen to shake slightly, breaking the precise induction of the method of sensing nature and man.Unexpectedly, Ning Suchen leaned back and lay down straight, as if he would fall if touched.

Listening carefully, she seemed to hear the sound of her right shoulder bone cracking slightly.

It makes sense when you think about it.For a person who has just entered the perfection realm, to be able to cultivate to a supernatural power realm that is no less than perfection, then the price he pays, or the "buried" weakness, must be deeper than imagined.

It's just a little strange that such injuries are already very serious, and for some reason, Ning Suchen's body protection treasure has not been activated.

A gleam flashed in Wu Xinling's eyes.

But he especially refused to slack off, when the strings sounded, two armored soldiers appeared again.At this time, there is no restriction of the law of "feeling heaven and responding to people", and the movements of these two armored soldiers are particularly agile. Standing in the middle of the two, they can attack and defend, and they are in an invincible position.

If it proves that Ning Suchen is no longer capable of fighting, the battle will officially end.

But at this moment, Ning Suchen suddenly straightened his body, sat up straight again, his eyes were bright and round, like half-moon brilliance.

The air suddenly froze.

It seems that strong magma appeared out of thin air, enveloping a circle of boundaries.

It is scorching hot, but also condensed like a solid body; every direction contains extremely strong tearing power.

It is still the supernatural power of "sensing the sky and responding to people", but it is much stronger than before!

With the rough sound of leather rubbing against each other, the two newly appeared armored soldiers, like rags, shattered into pieces, then disintegrated into mist, and disappeared with the wind.

Wu Xinling's body also trembled suddenly, and then floated into the air involuntarily.The eyeballs protrude, and the meridians and blood vessels on the arms and torso are faintly protruding. It seems that the next step is to shatter the meridians, qi and blood overflow, and then explode to death.

At this critical moment, a jade jade hidden next to Wu Xinling's body suddenly lit up, and immediately turned into a huge "eggshell", wrapping Wu Xinling in it.

With sudden changes, the expressions of joy on the faces of Mei Xueting, Fu Xiaoshan, Lu Qiuyan, and even Pu Fangyu and Du Minglun came to an abrupt end.

Wu Xinling himself in the battlefield seemed to have been hit by a blow, and he didn't know where he was.It wasn't until the treasure of his body protection was triggered that he came back to his senses in a daze.Looking at Ning Suchen, he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Ning Suchen's face was pale without a trace of blood, but his eyes were bloodshot.He whispered: "Your chance came from the death of Senior Brother Bai Xinchan. It's just that the chances are positive and negative. If you can get it, so can I."

Although these two sentences were only two or three words, Ning Suchen's voice was intermittent, and he spoke for half an hour.

After speaking, he spit out seven mouthfuls of blood in a row, and then slowly fell limp again.

Ning Zhenjun eagerly took out the jade tablet and looked at it, his face was half happy and half worried.

The happy thing is that Ning Suchen's life is safe and Dao Ji was not hurt; the sad thing is that she was seriously injured, and within a few months, it is difficult to make a move.

All the True Monarchs looked at each other, not knowing how to win or lose.

On Liulitian, Dongfang's head said: "According to the usual rules and regulations. Although Ning Suchen has no strength to fight again; but at the moment when Wu Xinling's body protection treasure was activated, he declared his defeat. The three of you would have no objection."

Zhu Yongchen was silent for a long time before saying: "It should be so."

Head Nangong, Head Xue and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, after the previous understatement, the two battles between Bai Xinchan and Ning Suchen were so tragic.

Although Ning Suchen doesn't have the slightest fighting power now, even a three-year-old boy can defeat her, but after five battles, no one can challenge his Nine Sons.

Gui Wugui nodded secretly.

Ning Suchen was able to comprehend this step, which was slightly beyond his expectation.I thought it would be very difficult to break through the long-standing mindset and habits.Although he promised himself a five-to-five number, it may not be that there is no element of leniency towards the alliance.

It should be known that the luck of a world is not a dead thing, or a treasure that is divided up. If you get one point, I will lose one point.

If one person is destined, the person who opposes him may be thrown into the abyss, or rise with the trend.

Bai Xinchan's accidental fall and Wu Xinling's return to the throne are of course a great opportunity; but there is also an inspiration for Ning Suchen.

That is Bai Xinchan's move to close the magic weapon of protection.

The treasure of body protection has some obstacles to the deduction of Taoism by Zang Xiangzong, in fact, it is not the same for Ning Suchen's Taoism.Her method of rising and falling, rising and falling, opening and closing with setbacks and rebounding at the bottom, has the treasure of protection in the back, which can certainly maintain safety and security, but it is also a heavy constraint on her ability to exert the ultimate state of combat power.

This method cannot be suggested by outsiders, and it cannot be prepared in advance. It can only be triggered when one has a clear understanding of the Tao and is in a real desperate situation.

Under normal circumstances, Ning Suchen had to get close to the Dao Realm to realize this point.

But under heavy pressure, she finally did it.

The blow that bottomed out at the end completely broke the shackles of the mind, completely washed away the influence of the "half-foot Tianzhu" in advance, and restored the original combat power of Gantian Yingren.

(End of this chapter)

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