Chapter 1074
Wu Xinling sighed softly, and abruptly returned to the formation.

Mei Xueting was the suzerain after all, and said softly: "Don't regret it, you have done a great job."

Shen Siping also said: "Through today's chance, after Master Wu's achievement with the secret method, he should be the first-class figure below Consummation, enough to keep pace with Mu Mu, Yun Qianjue and others. It's a pity that Ning Suchen's background is so deep, Unexpected."

As for Luqiuyan's several True Monarchs, they still looked regretful, unable to fully let go of their defeat in this battle.

Wu Xinling was stunned for a few breaths, then suddenly smiled, and said: "Although I lost this battle, I have clearly seen the way of integration between 'Fate-Origin and Broken Heaven's Heart' and "Tu Tu Jing Zong"."

"Yutu Jingzong" is the name of the fundamental method of Zhentanzong.

Mei Xueting and Fu Ningjin were surprised when they heard this.

Just now, in the competition, Wu Xinling has advanced the "depending on origin and breaking the heart of heaven" from the spirit of simulacrum to the supernatural power of simulacrum, which can be said to be a big step forward.But in the eyes of the two, at most they just found a way to close the door; after all, it is still too early to achieve real success.

But Wu Xinling made it clear that he had found the "way of integration", not a hint of insight or clues.

This was far beyond expectations.

Lu Qiuyan was stunned, the gloomy look on his face was empty, and he said: "Then congratulations to the noble school. You have completed the great cause of Taoism, and completed one-third of it in one fell swoop."

According to common sense, the weight of completing the road, at least the perfect state can participate in it.But the Taoism of the Zhentan Sect is special, and the Taoism is not integrated into one body, but divided into three.Incorporating the three methods of this sect into the "Yu Tu Jing Zong" is the time to complete the Dao.It is completely different from the overall view of Biezong who does not know his success or failure until the last moment.

The threshold for getting started has also been slightly lowered. Today, Wu Xinling, with the help of Tian Shi, has completed the "Determined Origin Breaking the Heart of Heaven" among the three secret methods, which has the most practitioners and the most amazing effect.

During the battle, Han Taikang breathed a sigh of relief and entered the battle leisurely.

Just now Ning Suchen's battle situation changed suddenly, he simply imitated Lu Xuan and others, and stopped halfway to watch the battle.

Until then, he just stepped into the formation.

Since he entered the battle, he has a lot of followers.

However, Pu Fangyu, Du Minglun and other True Monarchs from the Chenyang camp also vaguely guessed that the opponent Han Taikang chose would probably not be Shu Yubai.

Because Shu Yubai's opponents in the first three battles were not interested in winning.So at this moment, his state is actually intact.With Han Taikang's realm, it seems that he has not yet been able to pose a threat to his flawless and perfect realm.If this battle can't be effective, even if Yun Qianjue takes action in the final battle, it will be useless.

If Yueheng's side covets Shu Yubai's position, it would be the most threatening strategy to have two monks of the Yingfa sect in succession.

Han Taikang entered the battle without hesitation.

Sure enough, the opponent he chose was not Shu Yubai, but Chenyang Jianshan and Jiang Hai.

Jiang Hai was in a daze, and immediately smiled and said, "Just now, the three members of the Youhuan sect made the move, intending to inquire into the wonderful principles of induction and biochemistry; the two, Lu Xuan and You Caixin of the Misty sect, intended to expand the widening of the door. I don't know what to do when fellow Daoist Han makes the move. ?”

Han Taikang shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not up to me to make the decision."

Those who watched the battle were startled when they heard this.

This clearly means that the battle strategy is determined by the division commanders of the various factions, the head of the East, or Gui Wujiu who is in the position of Nine Sons.

Although this statement is not bad, it seems to have weakened the momentum for no reason, and it has fallen to the bottom.

Jiang Hai frowned and remained silent.

Han Taikang himself didn't seem to care, he just said lightly: "Come on."

With a shake of his shoulders, the supernatural powers suddenly appeared.As the sky sinks, the pearl rises from the land, floating and erratic.

As soon as this method came out, whether it was the true kings or the guests watching the battle, their expressions were all kinds of weird and strange, and their expressions were no less than the moment when Lin Shuangshuang and Ning Suchen each used their strongest supernatural powers!
Take a closer look at Han Taikang's supernatural powers.

There are eighty-one translucent pearls about the size of a fist, scattered within three hundred feet around the body, floating and swimming in an inexplicable order.Its magical functions of attack, defense, stability, and control do not lie in the pearl itself, but in the subtle force field connection between the pearls, which change with the change of orientation——

It is similar to Ning Suchen's "Sensing Heaven and Responding to People".

It's just that the number is greatly reduced, and there are more than ten million raindrops and stars; when it comes to Han Taikang, they are ruled by nine or nine.

If it was just a concise version of Ning Suchen's magical power of "sensing the sky and responding to people", it would not be so surprising.

What is really astonishing is that in the middle of Han Taikang's torso, there are hidden three doors.

These three portals are in the shape of a "human", and the angles are equally divided. The central axis is Han Taikang's torso, which is slowly turning with a very leisurely and freehand attitude.

The images of the three portals vaguely show pattern changes, either complex or dense.

In the middle of the portal, there are three floating characters of "heaven", "earth" and "human".

It is not difficult to find that the meritorious deeds have reached a level close to perfection——

These three portals are not magical hubs with hidden mysteries; their true meaning lies in the flaws of Han Taikang's magical power!
Others practice divine channeling techniques with the aim of being precise and flawless; if it is because of "manpower is sometimes poor" or because of the pursuit of power above one's own level, there must be a flaw in the divine channeling technique, and one must always It cultivates to a place that is difficult for others to touch.

Even if it is the advanced "damage the truth and break the limit method" above perfection, it is no exception.

Another example is Ning Suchen's "feeling the sky and responding to people" just now, at the cost of not moving himself.If it wasn't because of the interference of the "half-foot Tianzhu" that he fell from the most perfect state, this "price" would be extremely difficult for the opponent to borrow.

But Han Taikang, not only did not hide it, but condensed the flaws in his supernatural powers into a very clear entity.Even the profound meaning of the supernatural power itself is undoubtedly manifested in the pattern on the portal.

Han Taikang once made a move in the second clear and turbid mysterious image, but today's method is completely different from his previous method, and there is almost no trace of the old method, which shows that he has made great progress in the past two hundred years.

Jiang Hai took a closer look.

Han Taikang's eighty-one water droplets form an array, which is extremely pure and agile. Han Taikang himself can also use the power of one of the water droplets to move extremely quickly and flexibly, just like the best escape technique.If you want to attack by force, if you want to advance, he will retreat, just like reaching out to catch catkins floating in the air.

Of course, he himself is in the state of perfection, after all, his Taoism is higher.If one is determined to pursue the speed with speed, it is not impossible to force all the eighty-one water drops to the point of no escape and disinfect them one by one.When the last drop of water collapsed, the escapism boost that Han Taikang was relying on would be invalidated, and the victory would be decided.

However, such a method of combat is precisely falling into the "strongest resistance" state of Han Taikang's supernatural power, which consumes an astonishing amount of mana.As far as the actual effect is concerned, it is almost the same as Zhentanzong's "half-foot Tianzhu" and Youhuanzong's "holding the handicap". It is bound to put a certain amount of pressure on Jiang Hai's follow-up operations.

To break the law in this way, start from the word "person".

Another method of breaking the formation is to break the formation like a shadow.Condensing one's own mana into eighty-one branches with special rules.In this way, the eighty-one water droplets condensed by Han Taikang not only did not flee, but attracted each other, like two large formations mixed together.

Although Jiang Hai will win in the end with these tactics, Han Taikang's supernatural powers have been immersed for a long time after all, and the combinations of eighty-one beads are endlessly varied. Feeling the victory or defeat, there are more than tens of thousands of changes in the formation base.

From another perspective, waiting for Ruo Jianghai to be Han Taikang's partner training for free, which is of great benefit to the correction and tempering of Han Taikang's supernatural power.

To break the law in this way, enter from the word "di".

The last way to break is not to break the formation first, but to make up your mind to use your own swordsmanship and higher realm to forcefully enter the middle palace and directly attack Han Taikang himself.If this method cannot be achieved, there are actually great risks.Because there is only a thin line between success and failure; if you can't hit it with one blow, you will be at the end of your battle and will be backlashed by Han Taikang's big formation.

But Jiang Hai knew that with his own way, he would be able to do it.

But Han Taikang also knew that Jiang Hai could do it.

Therefore, if this tyrannical method is adopted, the eighty-one water drops will not block them, but will be divided into two columns, turning into eighty-one water mirrors, hiding the unique power of induction, and viewing Jiang Hai from different angles. The strongest sword is stored and reflected.

In this way, although Jiang Hai is still sure to win, the price he paid was for Han Taikang to glimpse the essence of Chenyang's swordsmanship, and the gain was as great as walking in "The Picture of Observing the Law".

This breaking method is entered from the word "Heaven" in the triple gate.

Among today's first-rate successors, Xun Shen is the best at giving multiple-choice questions.

But Xun Shen's changes in reality and fiction will inevitably lead you to fall into the trap in the end, setting traps in slightly unpredictable places.However, Han Taikang's method today is to be innocent, to show others clearly, to be frank about the pros and cons, and to let you choose.

It is too much for an ordinary person to hide one flaw, let alone three.But this also means that apart from these three gates, there is no way to crack it.

At the same time, everyone understood what Han Taikang said.

The so-called "decision-making power does not belong to me" does not mean accepting the order of the teacher; it means letting the opponent make the choice.You can follow the path of actual combat, or you can follow the path of Youhuan and Misty Sect.

It can be seen that the Yueheng camp can advance and retreat freely and with ease.

Inside and outside the battle situation, those who participated in the battle and watched the battle asked themselves, the most unacceptable way to break the law of "people" is to accept all the words and digest the big formation; it is wise to pay some price to pass the test.Whether to help Han Taikang temper his supernatural powers, or reveal the secrets of his sect's kendo, it is really difficult to decide.

Jiang Hai kneaded his fingers into a sword formula, and wanted to make a move.

But at the last moment, he seemed to have paused, frowned, and then smiled in relief.

The sword is like a clear spring, finely broken and dense but ringing endlessly, condensed into a verdant green, impressively piercing into the gap from the "person" door!

Everyone was stunned.

This Jiang Hai... is so confident?

The force of the water drop is like stars and lightning, and it is swift; but the speed of Jiang Hai's sword light is faster.After the chasing battle of Baishi Hurricane, all the eighty-one beads were caught up by Jian Guang and smashed one by one.

However, Jiang Hai's aura had been visibly weakened by the naked eye.

Gui Wujiu turned his head silently and glanced at Xuanyuanhuai.

(End of this chapter)

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