Chapter 1089
Yun Qianjue was astonished in his heart.

In the moment before the fight, he actually had a faint doubt in his heart.That is, the Taoism of Yingfa Sect is completely different from other schools, and the outcome is just a final decision.The subtle changes in the battle between the two may not be able to explain as thoroughly as Zhentanzong and Siyumen.

But he was overthinking.

The moment after the shot, he did indeed enter a state of extreme decline and physical exhaustion; but this sluggishness only lasted for a moment, and he was immediately thrown away from Yun Qianjue violently. I don't know if it was the accelerated evolution of supernatural powers, or the passage of time. accelerate.

Yun Qianjue himself immediately returned to a state where his energy and mana were all perfect.

As for that blow, it was completely indiscriminate.

Yun Qianjue was pleasantly surprised by the wonderful meaning conveyed, and also felt that it was beyond prediction and unpredictable.

What was pleasantly surprised was that Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, fought against Xuanyuan Huai, and Yun Qianjue suddenly opened up a new world. Change, can't wait to use it.

Contrary to the forecaster, when watching the battle, he thought it was Xuanyuan Huai's changes in the gains and losses of the magical powers of Zhentan and Siyu, which inspired Fu and Yin; but after personal experience, he realized that this was not the case——Xuanyuan Huai The magical channel technique used seems to be significantly different from his own, but the subtle movement of the inner spirit and mana is completely the same.

However, the method that seems to be head-to-head and unchanged, once you fight against each other, it inexplicably inspires people, and you don't know where it came from; if you try to explain it, you can even say that your Dao Xin aptitude has improved a lot in an instant?

But the balance of the two phases, the idea of ​​excitement still overwhelmed the doubts.

Because Taoism has reached a very high level, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to move forward.Now that there is an opportunity in front of him, it is natural not to miss it easily.

In the next hundred breaths, Yun Qianjue and Xuanyuan Huai fought fiercely for more than ten blows.

Yun Qianjue's face flushed red.

The two sutras of the day and night of the Ying Fazong are too powerful, so they can only be limited to one blow per day.This kind of restriction has a profound impact on the temperament, fighting strategy, and even the external behavior style of the monks of Yingfa sect.

As before, Yun Qianjue had never experienced the power of the two classics of day and night to use it more than ten times in a short period of time.For a moment, my mind was light, and a thought came to me in a trance, as if I had jumped to the top direct descendants of the world, and could keep pace with those who were in the realm of perfection...

After more than ten breaths, Yun Qianjue was shocked.

After the thirteenth fight, he suddenly realized that this time it was no longer evenly divided. The square "Second Classic of Day and Night" engraved by the opposite "Xuanyuan Huai" seems to be slightly more powerful than his own use.

Although Yun Qianjue had strong concentration, he couldn't help but feel at a loss for a while.

Xuanyuan Huai's strength is naturally beyond Yun Qianjue's reach; even if his avatar's strength is not as good as his main body's, his extreme combat power is still above perfection.Fighting against such an opponent is not about winning, but being able to "get something" is enough.

This is a normal Taoist thought.

Measured by the standard, Yun Qianjue has successfully completed his goal; not only should he not be at a loss, but he should be full of joy.Just now, the richness gained from fighting the thirteen styles of supernatural powers, even if you retreat for a thousand years, it is difficult to catch up to one-tenth of it.


This is not the "fight" that Yun Qianjue expected.

If it is said that Xuanyuan Huai Taoism is really superior to him, even if it is a simulation of Yingfa sect's Taoism to defeat him, it will be a great inspiration to him, then Yun Qianjue will naturally accept it-this is also the path in his imagination.

But even if it was the thirteenth form, Xuanyuan Huai's supernatural power was still in the state of "exactly the same core" as his own supernatural power, and the magic power he used was exactly the same.But in such a fight, there is a difference between the superior and the inferior.

What is unbelievable is that the appearance of the supernatural powers displayed by the two is obviously different; but after experiencing the most intimate collision and induction, Yun Qianjue can't answer "Where does the opponent win?" yourself" is the simplest question.

As for the gain of Dao Xin's enlightenment, there is no reason at all, it seems to be the body of a ghost.

Yun Qianjue suddenly looked up.

It was only then that the appearance of "Xuanyuan Huai" had quietly changed.

When it first ended, this avatar was half similar to Yun Qianjue, half unpredictable; but now it has more than eight points of resemblance to Yun Qianjue!

Yun Qianjue frowned, and turned around to refer to Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou's World War II.

But at a glance, although the image of "Xuanyuanhuai" who fought against Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou has also changed, its appearance is only six or seven points similar, and the progress is actually lagging behind in this battle.

Looking at the other five battlefields, except for Shen Xiangqin who had just left the field, the other four formations were still standing still.

It turned out that although Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou started the battle for more than a hundred breaths earlier, and continued to fight; but due to the particularity of Yingfa Sect's Taoism, it was Yun Qianjue who was leading the progress here.

Among the guests watching the battle.

Xun Shen suddenly said, "It's not imitation."

Mo Tianqing continued: "Exactly. If you want to imitate the Taoism of the other eight sects, with Xuanyuan Huai's method, you can simulate it seamlessly without a single flaw. It will not appear in such a specious form. .”

Shentu Longshu said: "But it's not about surpassing and deciphering. The two phases are in harmony, and they both return to silence. There is no specific method. It's just that it's really hard to figure out where the victory lies."

Yu ion also said: "It doesn't seem to exist within the scope of Taoism."

These words floated far away, and the one who was most touched was not among the guests of the same family, but the Nine Sects True Monarch.

No matter Du Minglun, Mei Xueting, Shen Siping, or this one Ning Zhongliu, Xue Jianchi and others were all thoughtful.

Even the Chenyang Youmeng side didn't know the root cause of Xuanyuanhuai's methods.

Just now, the two true masters agreed that it was Chenyang Jianshan who disassembled the Tao of Change to the extreme, to the level where he could simulate all nine Taoisms; Xuanyuanhuai became the best by imitating the other eight Taoisms.In the end, it converges into a unique experience.In a sense, it is also a unique ritual of "gathering momentum".

But if this is the case, even Yu Ion should not find it difficult to understand.

At this time in the battle situation.

Yun Qianjue was already thinking of quitting.

But until this moment, he suddenly realized that the "Xuanyuan Huai", who was just like looking at a mirror, suddenly took the initiative at this moment, and when he put his hands together, his supernatural powers had come out.

Yun Qianjue had no choice but to accept it.

The speed of this attack was particularly fast, each attack was stuck at the moment when Yun Qianjue Qi machine recovered, and the second attack came like a flood.

Between lightning and flint, it was another seven-strike reckless fight.

At the moment when the [-]th move was made, Xuanyuan Huai's appearance was no different from Yun Qian's.

In the subsequent six blows, although the gap between the naked eyes was getting bigger and bigger, the two sides were still of the same level; but after Xuanyuan Huai's face changed completely, Yun Qianjue suddenly had a thought in his heart - this blow no matter how he changed , are not what I can block.

Afterwards, magical powers struck each other.

Yun Qianjue retreated violently and jumped out of the battlefield, his expression was so suffocated that he didn't recover immediately.

One of the eight battles has already come to an end.

Xuanyuan Huai, who had already turned into the appearance of "Yun Qianjue", flew back and disappeared without a trace when he came to his real body.

Afterwards, some inexplicable changes seemed to have taken place in Xuanyuan Huai's aura of righteousness; but if it was a pure strengthening, it was not the case.

Qin Menglin suddenly said: "This is called 'freezing frame'."

Yu Ion was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "What is 'fixed frame'?"

So far, she and Qin Menglin have discussed the battle situation a lot, and the two sides are roughly evenly divided, each admiring each other.But at this time Qin Menglin proposed a concept that she had never heard of before.

Qin Menglin smiled happily and said, "This is a phrase I invented."

Yu Zi raised her phoenix eyes and said slowly: "Although clouds are created, there are always reasons and explanations."

Those around you should pay attention and listen carefully.

Qin Menglin said: "Try to make a metaphor."

"The two armies confront each other, each leading ten thousand people. Let's call them black and white teams. They fight hundreds of times. The black team may win fifty-five or six, and the white team may win forty-four or five. Even if there is a difference, it may not be able to prove that it is true. The Black Team is stronger—despite the rumours.”

"The reason is also obvious. There are too many variables that determine the outcome. The quality of the generals on both sides, whether the command is appropriate; whether the formation is appropriate; whether the right time and place are available, all can determine the outcome of a battle."

"However, if you look for an open area, both sides will line up the ten thousand people in command, one against the other to fight. Then the number of victories and losses will most intuitively reflect the basic combat power of the soldiers on both sides. It is clear and obvious, and the positioning is not clear suspect."

"So, it's called 'Freeze Frame'."

People who hear the words, ponder it over.

Xun Shen said: "The number of soldiers is equal, which means that the two methods have the same level of power... Qin Daoyou means that Xuanyuan Huai did not deliberately show off the fighting method of 'using the other's way and returning it to the other', but just looking at the mirror and annihilating it. Regardless of all variables, only rely on the basic combat power of soldiers to win?"

Mo Tianqing asked doubtfully: "Does the so-called combat power of soldiers refer to the gap in the level of Taoism? The difference between the so-called 'complete Tao' and 'unfinished Tao' in the Nine Schools? Can Wei Qingqi, the true Daoist, still win?"

Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng and the others frowned and remained silent.

If the strength of troops refers to the gap in the level of Taoism, they should be able to see it.

Yu Ion said decisively: "No. In Qin Daoyou's metaphor, the number of troops on both sides symbolizes the equal level of mana power; the same formation on both sides already means the same magic power. As for the most basic combat power of the soldiers, It seems that there is something else, it is another strange existence.”

Everyone listened intently.Not only Yun Qianjue himself couldn't figure out the subtlety of the battle just now, but even everyone above Consummation was confused. This is the key.

Qin Menglin said: "Not bad."

"This is because Chen Yang's sect purely practiced swordsmanship."

"The 'grid' that is fixed is the 'sword grid'."

Xuanyuan Huai seemed to hear this from afar, and when he raised his head, there was a half-surprised yet meaningful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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