Chapter 1090
Xuanyuan Huai looked back suddenly, glanced at Gui Wujiu, and said: "As expected, it's not bad. Fellow Daoist Qin Menglin's knowledge about 'Sword Style' was obtained from Fellow Daoist Gui Gui."

"The depth of the opportunity you have obtained is beyond the boundaries of a world."

Gui Wujiu shook his head slightly, and said softly: "The first meaning of this 'sword style' is excellent. It can only be manifested at a higher level. Even if it is a great power in the Dao realm, the sword holder may not win many. More Not to mention those who are inferior, all kinds of causes and effects are mixed, the variables are infinitely broad, and there is no trace of the ups and downs of the mortal luck. It is only one or two wonderful methods to be able to implement this advantage into the Nascent Soul Realm; Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, it is also difficult for others to do it."

Xuanyuan Huai just smiled without saying a word.

But Gui Wujiu changed the subject and said, "However, if you only rely on the 'Sword Gauge' to overwhelm the other eight sects, the structure is a bit small after all, and it's not the work of Taoist Xuanyuan. It's just your raft."

Xuanyuan Huai did not blink, but suddenly became serious, and said, "What did you see?"

Gui Wujiu said very casually: "The essence of swordsmanship exercised by Taoist Xuanyuan. At the beginning, the eight swords were mixed, but the way was different. But after encountering it, it became more and more unified. If I read correctly , until the last blow, whose appearance is exactly the same as Yun Qianjue, it is already the purest 'killing sword' lineage, regular and unique."

People inside and outside Liulitian felt inconceivable when they heard this statement.

Because Xuanyuan Huai hadn't used any sword powers just now.Before making a move, it was just a ball of pure energy in the palm of the hand; the moment the move was formed, it had already imitated the method of the two classics of day and night of Ying Fazong.It would be inconceivable to see which of the eight meridians belonged to the chaotic mass of "undeveloped energy" in Xuanyuan Huai's palm.

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyuan Huai immediately fell silent.

After a long time, he said: "Since you understand clearly, you should know what it means for me to finish the battle with eight people. Are you really not going to intervene in advance?"

Gui Wugui leisurely said: "No hurry. It's not the time yet."


These short words come from Yun Qianjue.

"Don't fight it!"

It turned out that Yun Qianjue regained his vitality a little bit, saw that Wei Qingqi, Mu Yunli, and Du Niansha were still in a confrontation with Xuanyuan Huai's three clones, so he hurriedly reminded the three of them.

At this moment, Yun Qianjue's mood was filled with joy and sorrow, which was beyond words.

Fortunately, after leaving the battle, he suddenly found that his perception on the battlefield seemed to be affected by the strange distorted time and space, and his induction was not accurate.

His income is actually higher than expected, more than ten times higher!
Not to mention the current him, even if he is a Daoist, without tens of thousands of years of achievements, he would never be able to deduce all the gains from the nineteen battles between him and Xuanyuan Huai.

But the bigger the income, the more desperate it is.

Because after taking such a long distance, she is still under Xuanyuan Huai's control.The original situation of you chasing each other and surpassing repeatedly, was suddenly stretched by this battle just now, and weaved into a big net that Yingfazong could not surpass in a very long time.

That is an absolute suppression after all changes are annihilated!
Yun Qianjue was deeply afraid that Wei Qingqi and the others would be dazzled by temporary benefits, and thus make a wrong choice.

Wei Qingqi and Du Niansha shook their heads slightly.

Mu Yunli said in a low voice, "It's too late."

Yan Bi took a step forward resolutely, and the mana turned into a white halo, overflowing the edge of his palm.

The moment Mu Yunli joined the battle, Naxiang's fight with Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou finally climbed to the top, ushering in a splendid curtain call.

Fu Ningjin's sword qi is like silk with thirty-six lines, which has reached the point of being unpredictable, almost three points similar to Du Niansha's final form of eighteen dragon portraits; Although Lei Fa's power remains unchanged, his own flexibility has suddenly risen to a new level.

Like Yun Qianjue, the realm is not perfect, but the supernatural power is the perfect atmosphere.

But "Xuanyuan Huai"'s countermeasure is to float a ball of energy, evolve into silk thread, and evolve into thunder.Although the supernatural powers have changed with Fu and Yin, the original state of "air mechanism born in the palm" has not changed, which shows that it is not obsessed with Fu and Yin's insistence on consistency.

After one blow, Fu and Yin returned Shi Shiran.

Different from Yun Qianjue's bright mix of joy and sorrow, Fu and Yin looked very happy, as if they were extremely satisfied.

After returning to the formation, Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou came in front of Mei Xueting and Shen Siping, they seemed to be whispering, but others couldn't hear them, they actually used the method of sound transmission to enter secrets.

Mei Xueting and Shen Siping Erzhenjun felt relieved after hearing the words.

Xin Ya'an hesitated for a moment, and said: "But Taoist Xuanyuan explained the origin, flow, and effect of his Taoism to Nephew Fu during the battle?"

Mei Xueting's eyes moved slightly, and said indifferently: "That's not true. It's just that Ning Jin gained a lot in the first battle, so she just reported it immediately. I think it's the same with Nephew Yin of the Siyumen."

Shen Siping answered immediately, "Not bad."

Du Minglun's eyes wandered, only looking at Fu and Yin.

However, the two of them didn't seem to notice Du Minglun's gaze, and their eyes closed slightly.Looking at the nose with the eyes and the heart with the nose, it seems that he is seriously appreciating the gains of the battle just now.

Xin Ya'an and Du Minglun exchanged glances.

Although the alliance of five sects is dominated by Chenyang Sword Mountain, in essence, in terms of strength and scale, Yuanlu and Zangxiang are also very important.Although Zhentan and Siyu each have magical methods, they are only auxiliary in the end.

But looking at it now, there seems to be a deep secret between Chenyang, Zhentan, and Siyu, and it seems that the original Luzong and Zangxiangzong are more like outsiders.

Zhenjun Xin Ya'an gazed at the glazed sky from afar.

After all, our sect has a powerful Taoist realm, and I only hope that Mu Jianxian can figure out the whole story as soon as possible and calm people's minds.

And after these two battles, two "Xuanyuan Huai" clones were incorporated into the main body.

The change this time is ten times more obvious than the first time.Xuanyuan Huai's aura suddenly changed thousands of times between misty and concrete.Even at a certain moment, the spirit shines brightly, showing a strange aura.

Even if it's just for a moment.But this feeling is palpitating, like a huge monster spanning the universe from ancient to modern times, revealing the tip of the iceberg.

Even if it is a short-cut power, at that moment, the disillusionment of "I don't know where I am" was born.

Xue Jianchi, head of the sect, looked serious, and said to Ning Zhenjun: "Those who achieve great things don't care about small things. Whether..."

Xuanyuanhuai's challenge to the eight people was originally outside the established rules; Gui Wugui could make a move at any time, which was justifiable.If you stick to the verbal promise and order Xuanyuan Huai to take in the eight clones, the consequences are unimaginable.

Ning Zhongliu hesitated for a while, then looked up, seeing Gui Wugui still calm, said deeply: "He is training in this world, so don't be confused by name and reality. Ning believes in his choice."

Head Xue nodded and said no more.

in battle.

At this time, Du Niansha had also joined the battle, and the clone of "Xuanyuan Huai" fought against Mu Yunli, Du Niansha, and Shen Xiangqin at the same time, and only Wei Qingqi and Lin Shuangshuang were standing still.

However, apart from Shen Xiangqin's use of the most profound "Xuanyuan Fundamental Method", the supernatural powers used by Mu and Du are a little unexpected.

The method Mu Yunli casts, the air is on the edge of the palm, and when he taps it lightly, a solid sword shape will come out from the finger.

But this image is not "thorn", but "press".People feel that this method is harmonious, and only when a green finger touches the opponent's eyebrows or chest is the end, it finally evolves into a seemingly ordinary stab of sword energy, but it is very strange.

As long as there is a slight hesitation in dealing with it, the opportunity will be lost.

But the supernatural power Du Niansha used was a streak of green energy that turned into a short, thick thorn shape with a length of one foot and a thickness of a child's arm. It was so fast and powerful that it belonged to an extremely rare heavy hand.What's even better is that there seem to be two extremely short wings on both sides of the stubby green thorn, which adds a touch of mysterious space fluctuation to the thunder thorn that is already approaching the extreme.

These two actions surprised Xun Shen, Mo Tianqing, Shen Tu Longshu and the group who were watching.

Because although the two supernatural powers used by the two are extremely mysterious, they are obviously more suitable for dealing with people who are weaker than themselves.If you seize the opportunity first, you will be invincible.But this is obviously not the supernatural power of the two. Compared with the well-known "other people and me", Du Niansha's "Eighteen Dragon Portraits" and other methods that have just been perfected, it is inferior in terms of scale and depth. .

Mo Tianqing looked at Qin Menglin expectantly, as if waiting for an explanation.

Qin Menglin smiled slightly, and said: "Xuanyuanhuai's method is to abandon all the disturbances of the present world, to radiate the brilliance of the 'sword grid', and fix it in one statue. In this process, the most complicated variable is the method of each school's magical powers. Change, he neutralizes this variable by observing in the mirror and completely simulating."

"Actually, in this Tao, dealing with those who have completed the Tao is actually more concise than dealing with those who have completed the Tao."

When Mo Tianqing, Xun Shen and others heard the words, they seemed to realize something.

Before the completion of the Tao, although the Taoism cannot be called perfect, there are infinite changes; after the completion of the Tao, the "rectification" is obtained, but it seems simple.

Taking the Yue Heng sect as an example, from ancient times to the present, although the power of the [-] methods practiced by Yue Heng's descendants is not the highest, there are many wonderful changes in it; It's just these eighteen methods.

Therefore, it is easier for Xuanyuan Huai to deal with the characters after the consummation.

Once the Fa-rectification comes out, the outcome will be determined, and there is no room for maneuver.

Xun Shen suddenly said: "So the four of them are all above perfection. At this time, only Du and Mu are in the battle, but Wei Qingqi and Lin Shuangshuang are attracted but not released. This is the reason."

Mo Tianqing was stunned, then realized immediately, admiring him.

Mu and Du have grown up step by step, and the sect has not yet completed the steps to complete the Tao, so there are many divine channel techniques hidden in the early years, and the completed methods and unfinished methods are mixed with each other. Test the waters with second-rate supernatural powers.

However, the original Lu Zong had already completed the Dao and did not mention it; although Wei Qingqi was also a latecomer, she held the reality of the Dao, and the Misty Sect's method was also refined and unique.As soon as he makes a move, it is the strongest method like a theorem.

It is also a matter of an instant to decide the winner.

Therefore, the two are thinking about it.

ps: Thank you fellow Taoist Ralse-lovell for your tip.

(End of this chapter)

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