Chapter 1091

About half an hour later, Shen Xiangqin's battle finally came to an end.

As soon as Shen Xiangqin's aura rose, the image of Qingyun behind him turned into a vast and dense white light wheel, just like the sunrise in the east.

This is a sign that Xuanyuan's roots are fully blooming.

Compared with the three wars that have already ended, Shen Xiangqin's improvement is the most intuitive-you can see the clue from the size of the image of Qingyun.

It is hardly a lie to make a further step forward.

And the response given by "Xuanyuan Huai" is also innovative.

There is also a rising cloud behind him, but the description is vague, and the scale seems to be much smaller at first glance.

Careful observation reveals that the cloud is actually relatively dense in the center and thinner towards the edge, giving people the illusion that the scale is slightly smaller.It seems that catkins are clustered, light and ethereal.

This huge difference in perception between "virtual" and "real" is even bigger than the difference in radius when fighting Yun Qianjue.

This also proves one thing very profoundly——

That is the essence of Xuanyuanhuai's method, as Qin Menglin said, it lies in neutralizing external variables, rather than blindly emphasizing imitation.

A pair of supernatural powers, superior or inferior judgment.

However, unlike Yingfazong's limit-breaking blow with no power left, although Shen Xiangqin was defeated, he was not injured.

After returning to the throne, Shen Xiangqin looked complicated.

Although it's not like Yun Qianjue's burning with ice and fire, the unspeakable meaning is still beyond words.

Head Xue asked with concern: "How?"

Shen Xiangqin didn't answer, but shook her head slightly.

It's different from Yingfazong's way of fighting head-to-head.You Huanzong's tenet of nine transformations and extreme transformations is more suitable for opposing moves with Xuanyuan Huai.Every change of footwork, every movement of the breathing machine of the two sides is actually in response to each other, and the difference can be regarded as part of the fight.

Therefore, he waited and watched the huge changes and gained a lot, especially better than Yun Qianjue.

When fighting Jiang Hai, he had adjusted to the extreme in pre-battle preparation, supernatural power restraint, and fighting status, which made the gap between the two sides seem insignificant.In fact, Shen Xiangqin knows that his true background is still a little bit behind Mu Mu, Ning Suchen before the breakthrough, or Master Li from the local Taoism.

However, after this battle just now, he has truly reached his limit, the realm that the third volume of Thirty-Six Subgraphs should have.

But compared to the price paid...

The heavy heart is hard to let go after all.

Xuanyuan Huai's fourth clone returns in due course.At the moment when he met his body, the shocking throbbing, and the majestic shape of the leopard in the tube, really reappeared as promised.

Zhenjun Liezong was all in a daze.

The people present, no matter who they are, have extremely sophisticated mental strategies.After the end of World War II, just now and Fu Ningjin, everyone will keep in mind the power of that glimpse.It's just that it passed by in a flash, and I didn't see it clearly.

But each one has an idea, waiting for it to reappear.

Therefore, the moment Xuanyuanhuai's fourth avatar merged with the main body, everyone concentrated and captured it with divine intent.

But the result has no effect at all, except for the movement of the mind, it is difficult to see the truth after all.

At this moment, the battle of clones ushered in the most intense moment.

Du Niansha and Mu Yunli delivered the decisive blow at the same time!
After a tentative fight, Mu Yunli concluded that, even if he gained a lot from the changes in supernatural powers other than the eighteen orthodox dharmas, he still could not surpass the authentic "eighteen dharmas".It must be the same for Du Niansha in that case, the supernatural means in her early years could hardly surpass the boundary of the Forty-two Fa-rectification.

Du Niansha's magical powers were scattered, and the flying dragon danced in the sky, combining them with endless water waves.There are also flying cranes dancing in the sky, long swords rolling around, and large and small water bubbles floating around; they are mixed together and cannot be distinguished from each other.But if you look carefully, it doesn't make people feel cumbersome, but it is orderly.

These are the [-] methods such as "the clear wave is not exhausted" and "the dark mirror floats and sinks" among the eighteen dragon-walking methods and the forty-two orthodox methods.

After using this method, Du Niansha's aura increased by three points visible to the naked eye, as if she had received an inexplicable boost.

This is the method of turning reality into emptiness and forming one's own momentum.

Zang Xiangzong is very close to the perfect way. There are forty-two orthodox dharmas in the sect, and the thirty dharmas that have nothing to do with the "Northern Ming Zuoyu Sutra", if used alone, it is no different from perfection.What is lacking is the pros and cons of "Bei Ming Zao Yu Jing" and the other six classics.

And the twelve methods that Du Niansha used are exactly the twelve magical powers that are interrelated with the "North Ming Zao Yu Jing".

But at this moment, it is already in the most perfect state.

This is the first time after the repair of the originally defective Twelve Dharma, it shows Du Niansha's identity as a person who has perfected Taoism in Tibetan Elephant Sect, and increases her power.

Mu Yunli's supernatural power is washed away, as if it is fixed, and everything is under her control. This is clearly her strongest supernatural power "beyond others and me".

At the same time, a bright yellow sphere suddenly appeared in her palm.

The diameter is three to five inches long, and the palm is slightly insufficient to hold it, so slowly push it forward.

This bead is extremely powerful at a glance, but if used alone, the speed is a bit slow.But it is a perfect match with the "other than me" Qi Shi.Because every movement of the opponent's body is a disturbance to the surrounding energy, which is fed back to the ball through "other than others", but it can make it suddenly accelerate.

The speed gained is so high that it is above the opponent's movement speed.

This technique is called "Hanhai Qingyi", and it was originally only ranked eleventh among the eighteen techniques Mu Yunli practiced.However, after the fine-tuning of breaking the realm and consummation, it has absorbed the long charm of looking at the past and the future, but it has been promoted to the crown of the inner nine methods in one fell swoop, and can keep pace with "other than others".

The combination of the two types of supernatural powers is Mu Yunli's strongest method.

Mu Yunli and Du Niansha looked at each other from a distance, and they seemed to act at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

As Qin Menglin said, the process of fighting against those who are close to completing the Tao, or those who have already completed the Tao, is actually more concise.There is no way out, and there is no way out.

But this is by no means to say that it is easier to deal with people with higher merit, which obviously does not conform to the principles of Taoism.

"Concise" and "easy" should not be confused.

The key here is that imitating, or "neutralizing" the magical powers of Fa-rectification such as "beyond others and me", means more difficulty for Xuanyuan Huai.

And no matter how advanced Xuanyuan Huai's skills are, if the next-level mana avatar can condense the eight independent paths, and each of them can be at a level similar to or even higher than that of Wei Qingqi and Lin Shuangshuang, Mu Yunli will never believe it.

In fact, Mu Yunli has already vaguely felt that the various avatars are like water flowing together, and the urgency is connected.At the same time, it may make it impossible to take care of it.

Now that the two had made their moves, everyone was eagerly awaiting Xuanyuan Huai's response.

Xuanyuan Huai's response shocked the world.

There are quite a few people who have magical powers and the weather is not very beautiful, longing for longing, and even bored and want to vomit; but Xuanyuanhuai's trick is used, even if there are not a few top guests who are above perfection, eight out of ten of them Jiu, couldn't help turning sideways slightly, squinting his eyes.

The blue sky curtain behind him suddenly saw countless holes, densely packed, unfathomable, piercing between the bones of the heart, and when he looked up halfway, he felt sour in his throat.To put it more pleasantly, it is like a sudden gust of wind blowing up in a lush forest, knocking down endless dead leaves.

This method is in stark contrast to Du Niansha's supernatural powers that are meticulous, orderly, complicated but not chaotic.

However, the pair of two vast supernatural powers are closely connected, each of them melts like ice and snow, falling like stardust in the sky.

Such a wonderful scene can't help but teach people to admire it.

The confrontation with Fu Ningjin and Yin Jiuchou is fundamentally different, and their supernatural powers are similar;

In the confrontation with Yun Qianjue and Shen Xiangqin, the external supernatural powers showed fundamental differences, and demonstrated the truth of "neutralization rather than imitation". There is a symmetrical association.

But the blow against Du Niansha was truly "not at all irrelevant".

Seemingly irrelevant, but at the same time looking in the mirror, and Du Niansha's supernatural powers one branch to one branch, one leaf to one leaf, the same amount of ablation, without teaching any supernatural powers to change and have room to play.

Mo Tianqing opened his eyes wide and let out a low voice.

He wanted to say something to praise, but suddenly found that Xuanyuan Huai's gesture seemed to be a tie with Du Niansha.

Could it be that something went wrong because the change was so drastic?
Together with Gui Wujiu, Xuanyuan Huaizheng, who was standing idly by the side, immediately noticed the abnormality.He glanced at Gui Wugui thoughtfully, then turned around.

It seems that there is an inexplicable thing thrown into the avatar.

There was a hint of understanding in everyone's heart.

Xuanyuanhuai's "neutralization" power is actually the same; but Du Niansha seems to be hiding a wonderful existence other than supernatural powers, resisting Xuanyuanhuai's "sword grid" power.Then Xuanyuan Huai used means to neutralize Du Niansha's wonderful power again.

The image of silence immediately took over, and Du Niansha's supernatural powers gradually retreated until they were completely swallowed up.

Another battlefield.

Tiny snowflakes the size of rice grains suddenly fell, and the whole space immediately became soft, virtually dissolving Mu Yunli's "other than me".

Then, from some corner, a cyan bullet was born, looking for Mu Yunli's "Hanhai Qingyi" bright yellow ball, and confronted it tit for tat.

Obviously, this is bound to become a way of neutralization, two by two.

But when they were about to collide, they realized that there was a three-inch difference between the two beads. Seeing that the two were about to pass by each other, they became their own ways of attacking each other.

What this means is self-evident.

Even Li Yunlong, Xi Lerong and the others, although they have different enemies and friends, at this time they also expressed their appreciation to Mu Yunli.

Xuanyuan Huai frowned.

I saw the cyan bullet quickly turn around to pursue it, and finally caught up with him at a distance of three feet away from him, and they met each other.

Neutralization is exhausted.

There was a slight blush on Mu Yanli's face, as if being pushed by someone, he took a step back.

Residual Qi machine is also absorbed into the body.

Mu and Du looked at each other, shook their heads, closed their eyes and adjusted their breath.

The two clones of Xuanyuan Huai took the opportunity to return to the source and merge with each other.

At this moment, there are already six clones, returning to the main body.

The world seemed to be inexplicably still for a moment.

Glass sky.

The sword master Ji Cangsheng looked up without warning.

Zhu Yongchen and Jiang Chenglu leaned forward slightly.

Dongfang Wanqing raised her right hand slightly, and immediately put it down again.

The four of them looked at each other in surprise.

It turned out that at that moment just now, the four of them inexplicably felt a sign that the glass sky was about to shatter, and they all wanted to protect it by coincidence.

After a trance, I realized it was just an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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